After the ascent failed

Chapter 197 Teleportation

Chapter 197 Teleportation

The next day, when the news of the activation of the teleportation formation in Kunlun Ruins came out, there was a commotion in Beiyun City as expected.

As soon as it was daylight, the outside of the tower was immediately full of people.

Among them are monks from major families, or disciples of the six sects, and some casual cultivators.

No matter what kind of power they came from, the Kunlun Xu's exceptional conditions for recruiting disciples were extremely attractive to them.

Of course, many people remain rational.

Although the conditions offered by Kunlun Ruins were irresistible, but the other party did not hesitate to recruit people from Zhongzhou, which showed the danger of that fairy trail. For the sake of their lives, most people still chose to stay away from it.

"Once the teleportation array is activated, it will send you directly to the vicinity of the fairy trail, where someone will take care of you, but before that, I still need to clarify some things with you."

"For the ancient immortal relics that appeared in Zhongzhou this time, only monks in the Taoist realm can enter the previous restriction, so we came here to recruit people. Anyone who has reached this realm can go there. Those who help us successfully break the restriction, my Kunlun Ruins I will fulfill my promise and will be accepted unconditionally.”

"But if we fail to break the ban, we will not lend a helping hand. Life and death will be in peace."

"Have you all heard clearly?"

On the top floor of the tower, the old man who had completed the spiritual transformation looked at the group of monks who came here admiringly, and said slowly.

Even though there had been speculation about this, and the old man said it himself, everyone couldn't help being uproarious, and many people also hesitated.

After the old man finished speaking, he waved to the woman behind him.

The woman understood, and immediately made a formula with both hands, several spiritual lights shot out from her fingertips, and merged into several formation flags beside the altar.

Immediately, the spiritual light in the altar rose sharply, and runes lingered out one after another. With the altar as the center, the void within a radius of several feet twisted and trembled.

"The array has been activated, if you go back on your word, there is still time to leave now."

The old man said lightly.

In the audience, everyone whispered, but no one left.

Seeing this, the old man didn't say anything more. As soon as he raised his hand, the person in front entered the teleportation array first.

A few silver lights flashed, and the figure disappeared immediately.

Those who made up their minds and wanted to give it a go, saw this scene, and stepped into the formation one after another.

The light flickered one after another. There were originally more than 300 people in the tower, but nearly half of them were transmitted quickly, and they disappeared completely after a short while.

Seeing this, the old man nodded with a chuckle, "This teleportation array can last for three days, so many people have come here on the first day, it seems that there is a great chance to break the ban this time."

The woman and several other Kunlun Xu monks also smiled.

In the following time, there was an endless stream of monks coming and going to Beiyun City. According to statistics, nearly [-] Dao-based monks went to Zhongzhou. satisfy.

At noon on the second day, a woman in her early twenties walked up to the tower. She was dressed in green clothes, with a white jade hairpin on her head, and she looked as if she was dusty.

"The junior Cangyuan Sect, Nie Xin, is willing to go to Zhongzhou."

When she came to the top floor of the tower, the woman saluted slightly.

The old man didn't look much, and waved his hand to let him enter the teleportation array after making a brief registration on the scroll.

This woman is Nie Xin.

Walking to the side of the teleportation line, she turned her head and looked behind, with determination gradually showing in her eyes.

Taking the last step, his figure disappeared into the formation.

Time passed quickly, and on the third day, the aura in the teleportation array gradually weakened, and the number of people who came began to decrease.

"At present, there are hundreds of Northern Territory monks who have been teleported to the past. After today, we should return to Zhongzhou."

Seeing that the spiritual power in the teleportation array was fading away, the old man's eyes were deep.

This time I came to the Northern Territory to recruit people, and the results far exceeded expectations.

"With so many Daoist monks in the Northern Territory, as long as the restriction is broken, the treasures in the fairy trail will be like a bag for us." The woman giggled.

"Speaking of which, in ancient times, there were many great sects in the Northern Territory that were not inferior to our Kunlun Ruins. It's a pity that tens of thousands of years ago, in the battle of Tianxuan Mountain, all the sects in the Northern Territory were destroyed one after another. Now there are only some second-rate sects left."

The old man had his hands behind his back and his eyes were deep.

"If those great sects hadn't been destroyed, today's Northern Territory would be able to compete with Zhongzhou, and even the Piaomiao Palace and those ancient families on the coast of the South China Sea would be afraid of it, but now they can only bow their heads to our Kunlun Ruins."

"Senior brother is right. The former Northern Territory was indeed the largest domain of the human race. There have been countless amazing and brilliant people. It is indeed a pity to be reduced to Si. Now in this Northern Territory, except for those who sit in the sect I am afraid that there are no other top-notch monks of the Jindan cultivator?" The woman sighed.

"Not necessarily."

The old man shook his head and looked back at the woman, "Isn't there a soul cultivator known as No. 1 in the Northern Territory recently?"

The woman was slightly taken aback, "Brother is talking about the man who fought Wan Xiuzhu on the top of Linshan a few months ago?"


The old man nodded, showing a rare dignified expression, "It is said that Wan Xiuzhu has reached the stage of the early stage of the out-of-body stage in the cultivation of the soul, and even defeated all the golden core cultivators one by one before the decisive battle with that person on the top of the mountain. , I didn't expect to fall into the hands of that person in the end, which shows that this person's cultivation base is far above Wan Xiuzhu."

"Such a character is definitely a high-level existence in Zhongzhou."

At the end of the speech, the awe in the old man's eyes could not be concealed.

Based on their backgrounds, even though they are only in the realm of transforming spirits, they don't pay much attention to the sects of the Northern Territory, but even the elders of the Kunlun Ruins need to be wary of a strong man who can kill the soul cultivator at the early stage of leaving the body. .

When they came to the Northern Territory three months ago, the Battle of Linshan had already ended, and all they heard were rumors.

When they passed the news back to Kunlun Ruins, everyone in the door was shocked.

"That being said, soul cultivation has always been difficult to cultivate, and many soul arts have long been lost. Up to now, very few have achieved anything. It is true that this person can kill Wan Xiuzhu, but most of them are exaggerated."

The woman sneered, not believing that such a powerful soul cultivator really existed in the Northern Territory.

In fact, there are many soul cultivators in Zhongzhou, but because of the scarcity of soul skills, most soul cultivators are not successful, and the resources in the Northern Territory are far less than that in Zhongzhou, so how could anyone make it this far.

When the old man heard this, his eyes flickered.

"Forget it, no matter who that soul cultivator is, our mission has been completed. We only need to return to Zhongzhou to break the restriction on the fairy trails, and then we can find treasures from it."

After a long time, the old man smiled and didn't think much about it.

After another day, the light of the teleportation array dimmed, and most of the spirit stones in it were exhausted.

"Based on the remaining spirit stones, the teleportation formation can last at most another hour. However, the Taoist monks recruited in the past few days are enough to explore the fairyland. Before the spiritual power of the transmission formation disappears, we need to return as soon as possible."

The old man let out his consciousness for a while, and then walked towards the teleportation array first.

Seeing this, the woman and several other Kunlun Xu monks hurriedly followed.

"Hey, there seems to be someone else?"

At this moment, the woman looked back, and three figures came from behind.

A seven or eight-year-old girl, a white-clothed boy, and a black-clothed youth wearing a ghost mask.

"Seniors, wait a minute, we are also going to Zhongzhou with us."

The girl hurried to catch up.

"Brother, do you see?"

The woman looked at the three of them and asked the old man.

"Since they took the initiative to go, let's take them!"

The old man who had completed the spiritual transformation was a little displeased with the late arrival of the three of them, but he didn't say much. He activated the teleportation array with a wave of his hand and brought them in together.

These three people are naturally Ye Chunyang, Ye Yao and Bai Feng.

The mask on Ye Chunyang's face was like that of a demon god of Shura, showing a coldness and ferocity.

The reason for this is that in the battle a few months ago, no one in the entire Northern Territory did not recognize his face, but this time he went to Zhongzhou, Ye Chunyang did not want to make public, this move can save a lot of trouble.

However, just as Ye Chunyang was about to enter the teleportation formation, he was stopped by the old man, "Your cultivation base is still in the Qi refining stage, and it doesn't meet our recruitment requirements. Stay!"

Ye Yao and Bai Feng had strange expressions on their faces when they heard this.

Bai Feng wondered if Ye Chunyang would throw this rude old man out in a fit of anger, but Ye Chunyang just calmly let out his aura of consummation of Dao foundation, and then walked into the teleportation array lightly under the surprised eyes of the old man and the woman .

"This kid has such a wonderful breath-holding technique that even the old man can't see his real state."

The old man was surprised, but seeing that the spiritual power of the teleportation array was about to run out, he had no intention of pursuing it.

Immediately, the magic circle was urged, and the group of people disappeared quickly while the light was flashing.

A silver glow flickered in front of his eyes, and Ye Chunyang only felt his body moving rapidly, and after he had traversed an unknown distance, a little light gradually appeared in his sight.

Judging from this situation, there should be the end of the teleportation.

But then something happened.

Just when Ye Chunyang and his party were about to walk out of the teleportation exit, suddenly there was a loud noise from an unknown place, and they were startled. When they looked up, they saw light flashing in the sky, and dazzling runes Appeared, a huge light array of cultivation level tore through the void, and reached everyone in an instant.

The light array came without warning, and everyone including the old man who had completed the Spirit Transformation Realm did not expect it. When he came back to his senses, the light array was already covering the sky.

"No, someone attacked our teleportation array!"

The old man's expression changed drastically.

While speaking, he slapped the Qiankun bag, and several golden rainbows shot out from it, turning into nine small golden swords and pointing at the light array.

The others were also startled, but they didn't have time to think about it, so they hurriedly unleashed their magic weapon and struck towards the light array.

But it was too late, the runes flickered in the light array above, the power of teleportation on everyone was instantly shattered, everyone's magic weapons were shaken to pieces, their figures flew far away, their whereabouts are unknown .

Ye Chunyang's heart sank.

This turn of events came so suddenly that he was swept aside by Fu Guang without any precaution.


Ye Chunyang swept his eyes and saw Bai Feng and Ye Yao staggering under the impact of the talisman light. Immediately, with a thought, Xiao Bao appeared from beside him, and with one stride, he supported the two and galloped towards the transmission exit.

Almost at the same time, the talisman light in the air surged and covered him directly.

(End of this chapter)

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