Chapter 198
Ye Chunyang looked up at the falling Fuguang, his eyes were as cold as ice.

With a cold snort, Ye Chunyang suddenly shook his sleeve and robe, and 81 dead swordfish swam out. With the urging of the sword formula, densely packed sword shadows shot towards the talisman light.

In the next instant, only low muffled sounds could be heard, and the rune light was smashed by the group of swords and scattered without a trace, revealing the magic circle inside.

"It's also a teleportation array?"

Ye Chunyang glanced across the magic circle, and his heart flashed with surprise.

Judging from the fluctuations emanating from this formation, it is obviously a long-distance teleportation formation, but I don't know where it came from and where it was sent to.

Just as he was thinking like this, he suddenly heard a loud bang, and the talisman light that had just been deployed by the sword array quickly condensed, and the magic circle inside suddenly rioted.

"not good!"

Ye Chunyang felt a bad feeling in his heart.

But the talisman light gathered too quickly, when he retracted the Great Thousand Sword Formation, suddenly a teleportation force enveloped him, making him completely defenseless.

Ye Chunyang didn't have time to think about it, and immediately activated the refining formula, releasing his spiritual thoughts to protect his whole body.

The next moment, there was a burst of roaring from the surroundings, followed by random flashes of light, Ye Chunyang felt that he was being forcibly supported by some kind of force, and he spanned countless distances in an instant.


In a deep white valley, there are flowing springs and waterfalls on the top, shaded by ancient trees on the bottom, surrounded by exotic flowers and birds.

Such a spectacle is as straight as a paradise.

At this time, there was a group of people standing in the deep valley, there were no less than five hundred figures, and one of them was a tall woman wearing blue and emerald smoke, which was obviously Nie Xin.

And these people are the Taoist monks who left the teleportation array in Beiyun City in the past few days.

In front of these hundreds of monks, stood three white-clothed old men, one of whom had reached the perfection of the Spirit Transformation Realm, and the other two were a little lesser, and had reached the Great Achievement Realm of the Spirit Transformation Realm.

There was another young man beside the three old men.

The young man has sword eyebrows and star eyes, a straight nose, fair face, very handsome, and his cultivation is only at the Dao Foundation Stage, yet he stands in front of the three old men, obviously his status is extraordinary.

In front of him, a giant magic circle slowly rotated, strikingly in line with the teleportation circle on the altar of the high tower in Beiyun City.

"Uncle Mu, today is the last day of teleportation, right?"

The young man casually glanced at the teleportation array in front of him, and asked the old man beside him who had completed the spirit transformation state.

"That's right, the teleportation array's spiritual power has almost been reduced right now. If there are no accidents, they will come back soon."

The old man called "Uncle Mu" nodded and replied.

As he said that, he glanced at all the monks in the Northern Territory behind him, and said with a light smile, "Nephew Wuchen really has a clever plan. On the condition that my Kunlun Ruins recruited disciples exceptionally, the monks in the Northern Territory will definitely rush to come. A hundred Daoist monks are enough to break the restriction in the fairy trail."

"Uncle Mu is overwhelmed. In the early years, the younger generation searched for information in the Northern Territory. There was a lack of resources there. How many people wanted to enter our Kunlun Ruins but couldn't. How could they easily let this opportunity pass?" the young man smiled lightly.

This young man was actually Zhang Wuchen who had followed Gu Qian into the Immortal Alchemy Valley.

"It's a pity that they don't know the dangers in the ancient fairyland. Now that they have come to Zhongzhou this time, they can't help but regret it."

At the end of the conversation, a sneer flashed in Zhang Wuchen's eyes, and his voice was lowered a few minutes.

The old man surnamed Mu shrugged, with a look of indifference.

At this moment, the teleportation array in front of him suddenly shook violently, and several streams of light shot out from it. Zhang Wuchen's eyes were fixed, and when he looked forward, several figures appeared one after another in the teleportation array.

"Brother Tu?"

The old man surnamed Mu looked at one of them with surprise on his face: "What happened? Why were you so seriously injured?"

The ones who came out of the teleportation array were the old man and the woman who had returned from the Northern Territory.

But at this moment, there are many wounds on their bodies, their breath is extremely weak, and they obviously look like they have been seriously injured. There were originally seven or eight people in a group, but now there are only three or five people left.

"We were attacked during the teleportation, and the other party arranged a high-level magic circle to force us to disperse. Unfortunately, several juniors have fallen." The old man surnamed Tu said with a pale face, after swallowing a Huiqi pill, he said weakly.


The face of the old man surnamed Mu changed slightly, and he asked: "Who is so bold, dare to attack our people in Kunlun Ruins?"

"I don't know, the opponent has set up an array in the air, and the means are extremely strong. With the strength of the few of us, we can't be hostile. I'm afraid it's some existence with powerful Taoism."

Thinking back to the scene that just happened in the teleportation circle, the old man surnamed Tu felt lingering fears. The supernatural power of manipulating the magic circle from a distance was simply unprecedented. Only the elders in the sect could compete with such means.

"A formation in the air?" Zhang Wuchen stepped forward, "Uncle Tu, can you tell what kind of formation it is?"

The old man surnamed Tu looked up, and immediately said politely, "It turned out to be Nephew Zhang. The situation was chaotic at that time, and the old man didn't see clearly what magic circle the other party cast, but it also contained the power of teleportation. Originally, we It also brought three monks from the Northern Territory, who seemed to be swept away by this formation."

Although the other party's cultivation level is far inferior to theirs, they are closed disciples of a high-ranking elder in the sect, and they are deeply favored by the latter, but they are only outer disciples of Kunlun Ruins, and they need to treat each other with courtesy in front of the latter.

Hearing this, Zhang Wuchen furrowed his brows deeply, wondering what he was thinking.

And just as the words of the old man surnamed Tu fell, there was another light flickering in the teleportation array.

Zhang Wuchen, the old man surnamed Mu and others immediately looked at this place, and saw a round-faced young man in black clothes rushing out of it holding a seven or eight-year-old girl and a white-clothed boy.

The round-faced young man's cultivation has reached the Dao Foundation Realm, while the girl and the boy have reached the Dao Foundation Realm respectively. Although the three of them have low cultivation levels, they have no injuries on their bodies, which surprised Zhang Wuchen and others.

"You are not dead?"

The old man surnamed Tu looked at them strangely.

Especially when he saw the unfamiliar face of the round-faced young man, he was even more surprised.

This group is Ye Xiaobao, Ye Yao and Bai Feng.

The old man surnamed Tu was quite impressed with the young man who possessed the miraculous breath restraining technique. When they were attacked during the teleportation just now, they were obviously swept away by the magic circle, but they were still alive.

You know, several masters of the spiritual realm around him have fallen, but these monks of the Dao foundation realm are unscathed, how can he not be shocked?
And there was a strange young man next to him, which made him even more surprised.

"Where's my dad?"

Without answering the old man surnamed Tu, Ye Yao broke free from Xiaobao's arms and looked around anxiously.

It's just that when they came out, the teleportation array had completely lost its spiritual power, became dim, and no one appeared anymore.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yao's face gradually turned pale.

"Senior Xiaobao, where is my father!"

She clutched Xiaobao's sleeve tightly and asked again.

"Don't worry, he's fine." Ye Xiaobao said bluntly.

He is Ye Chunyang's avatar, and he has cultivated into the second soul in the sea of ​​consciousness, just like Ye Chunyang's true self here.

Tears rolled in Ye Yao's eyes, and she wanted to ask again, but Bai Feng patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, it's not like you don't know the master's supernatural powers, with his ability, he will never fall easily .”


Ye Yao's eyes lit up now.

"That's natural, you should know him better than the old man."

Bai Feng said, but he was a little guilty in his heart: "This unreliable master will not really fall, right? Just now he rescued him regardless of the danger, which really moved me, but where did this guy next to him come from?" from?"

Bai Feng looked at Ye Xiaobao at the side, full of doubts in his heart.

But at this moment, seeing the three of them, Nie Xin was stunned.

"They came here too, just to see the situation. Could it be that something happened to Ye Chunyang?" Nie Xin's thoughts were flickering, but she didn't stand out in the end and hid silently in the crowd.

"Okay, no matter who attacks you, I will report the matter to Kunlun Ruins truthfully. Since you have come from the Northern Territory, you already know the rules of this trip."

Zhang Wuchen turned around and looked at the group of monks from the Northern Territory, then pointed to the deep white valley in front of him.

"This is the entrance to the ancient fairyland. It will only appear on the night of the full moon. We will wait here. Once the fairyland appears, you can enter it."

"There is a restriction at the entrance, and only Daoist monks can enter. Once inside the restriction, you can break the restriction together. Of course, if any fellow Taoist feels that the ability is feasible, it is also possible to act alone."

"As long as the restriction is broken, you can choose to come out or continue to enter the fairyland to explore, but here I want to remind everyone that the deeper the fairyland is, the more dangerous it is. It is difficult to guarantee whether you can come out alive after entering."

Zhang Wuchen's voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard by everyone.

The centuries-old monks from the Northern Territory immediately locked their eyes on the abyss, and their excitement could not be concealed in their eyes.

However, they are not fools to come here. Kunlun Ruins has lured them here with heavy conditions. This ancient fairy relic must be extraordinary, and no one will take it lightly.

After Zhang Wuchen's words fell, he raised his hand, and a talisman turned into flames and lifted into the air, circled a few times and then disappeared in a certain direction.

Afterwards, he sat cross-legged outside the deep valley with the old man surnamed Mu and others, waiting quietly for the entrance of the fairy trail to appear.


At the same time, on a certain plain hundreds of miles away from here, two figures sat cross-legged opposite each other, holding strange formulas with both hands.

It was a middle-aged man and an old man in a golden robe.

The middle-aged man is tall and broad, with sharp eyes, while the old man is hunched, with a drowsy and lazy appearance, but there is a strong monster aura that is different from human beings, giving people a sense of ferocity .

The two of them were stepping on a strange rune, and in front of them was a glittering golden formation, which was fluctuating violently, as if something was about to break out of the formation.

"Old Monster Golden Snake, are you sure that this formation can intercept the teleportation formation in Kunlun Ruins and wipe them all out?"

After staring at the magic circle in front of him for a long time, the middle-aged man asked in a deep voice.

"Hey, fellow Daoist Long, do you still doubt the old man's ability? Although you and I are trapped in our real bodies, we can achieve great success in the Golden Core Realm by casting spells with distraction. How can we kill a few juniors from the Kunlun Ruins?" Speak?"

The old man in the golden robe grinned ferociously.

(End of this chapter)

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