After the ascent failed

Chapter 399 Lord of Evil Spirits

Chapter 399 Lord of Evil Spirits
Ye Chunyang looked at King Nanxuan who retracted to cultivate the spirit tree, and frowned, but didn't ask any further questions.

With his current relationship with King Nanxuan, if there was something important, the other party would not easily conceal it, and since King Nanxuan didn't say much right now, he naturally didn't bother to ask.

"This place should not be far from the place where you once crossed the robbery, right?"

After a long silence, Ye Chunyang asked.

"Indeed, it's not far away. This king has passed on the specific route to you through his divine sense. Although it is a little different from tens of thousands of years ago, it is roughly the same." King Nanxuan said.

After a pause, his voice became deep and deep, and he said: "You Daoist Ye, if you can help this king recover his real body before crossing the catastrophe, even if this king owes you a favor, he will definitely repay you in the future."

"It's too early to say these things now. I haven't found the place where you crossed the catastrophe. It's hard to say what's going on there, but you and I have already reached an agreement on this matter many years ago. Ye will naturally help to the end." Ye Chunyang Said calmly.

For a monster to reach the tribulation stage, it needs at least five upper-level cultivation bases. The old monster Nanxuan King once crossed the tribulation stage in Tianxuan Mountain, which shows that his cultivation base was not weak back then.

Even Ye Chunyang suspects that the real strength of the old demon is far more than that.

King Nanxuan didn't say anything more, but judging from the fluctuation of his spiritual consciousness, he was obviously excited.

"Ye Daoyou, there seems to be some elixir around here, should we go and take a look?" Lingsu said via voice transmission.


Ye Chunyang didn't hesitate, and under the guidance of Lingsu, he flew away in a certain direction.


In a huge palace, the golden light is shining brightly, and it is paved with beautiful jade. Around it are eight stone pillars with a diameter of about a foot. The picture, the ascension of the immortal... from it exudes pure aura fluctuations.

This temple is exactly the hanging temple that was summoned by a man from the monster tribe Dapeng with a mysterious compass.

In the middle of the eight stone pillars, there are several formation flags erected, forming a mysterious formation, gathering the spiritual energy in the stone pillars, and continuously sending them into the formation.

But at this time, in the magic circle, a phantom crawled. Looking carefully, it turned out to be a giant dragon with two horns on its head and four feet like hooks.

The giant dragon was several feet long, with a black body, each scale was as thick as a knife, and it exuded a metal-like cold breath.

It quietly crawled in the circle, its eyes closed, motionless.

If Ye Chunyang were here, he would definitely feel that the shape of this black dragon was familiar, and it was quite similar to the real shape that King Nanxuan once showed.

After an unknown period of time, the giant dragon opened his eyes as if feeling something, and stared at the void in front of him with a sharp shot from his eyes.

Also at this time, a black light gradually appeared, and the light expanded more and more.

If the Dongtian cultivators of the two races were here, I'm afraid they would be shocked.

This black light is exactly the same as the void crack that swallowed them before.

After the cracks appeared, a figure stepped out of it. It was a tall man with sharp eyes and bone wings on his back. With this appearance, he was indeed Fei Peng, the head of the seven demon cultivators of the demon clan.

After escaping from the void crack, Fei Peng saw the huge black dragon in the temple, and his face froze.

But then it stepped out, knelt down on one knee, and said, "Young Fei Peng, pay respects to Lord Evil Spirit."

"You've done a good job." The black dragon said in a low voice.

"This junior didn't do anything, but just used a small plan to let the people open the Tianxuan Mountain enchantment." Fei Peng said: "Speaking of it, I still have to thank them, if it weren't for them to untie the seal, this junior would not be able to successfully summon This cave."

"A mere human race is nothing."

The black giant dragon known as "Evil Lord" said lightly: "They have fallen into my space-time secret technique, and now they are trapped in the void restriction, and they can't get out for ten and a half months, which is enough for me to get out of this place." The magic circle in the cave."


Fei Peng bowed his head and said.

"Although I discovered this real dragon body by accident, I couldn't really take it away, I could only temporarily attach to it, and after I possessed this real dragon, I found that I couldn't leave here at all, and my mana was greatly restricted."

"But it doesn't matter, as long as I can decipher the magic circle in the eight spirit pillars, I can escape. When I return to the ancestral land of the Nether Evil Race, I can naturally try to integrate into this real dragon body. Not only will my mana be restored, There will be a big breakthrough in the realm."

Lord Evil Spirit chuckled lowly.

"Your junior understands!" Fei Peng respectfully said, "This junior just found the letter that senior left and learned that senior was trapped here, so he planned for several years to persuade the human race to undo the seal of Tianxuan Mountain and come here to welcome you." The seniors leave the customs."

"Very well, if I can go out, I will not treat you badly," said the Lord of the Evil Spirits.

Fei Peng looked happy.

After hesitating for a while, he continued: "Senior just now used a supernatural power to move everyone into the void space, and there are also people from my monster clan among them. I don't know them..."

"Don't worry, your monster race is still useful to me, so naturally it won't hurt them." The Lord of the Evil Spirits looked indifferently, "As for those human monks, it's fine if they are willing to submit to me. If they don't submit, they don't want to live I have left Tianxuan Mountain."

Fei Peng's heart shuddered, but he was slightly relieved to hear that the other party would not embarrass the Yaozu.

Just about to say some words of thanks, the Lord of the Evil Spirits said in a deep voice: "However, when I came in, I felt that there was something abnormal about the body of this real dragon. It seemed that I had been summoned by some kind. I need to get out of this magic circle as soon as possible, otherwise once the owner of this body returns, I am afraid I will have to find another body."

"The owner of this body?" Fei Peng was startled, and said, "Could it be the Demon King of Transcending Tribulation who opened up this cave?"

"Who else can resonate with this dragon body besides him?" said the Lord of the Evil Spirits.

Fei Peng was surprised and said: "But according to the ancient records, the demon king of this cave failed to cross the catastrophe, and has already fallen. How could he still be alive?"

"Hey, what do you know?"

"Failure to cross the catastrophe is a common thing, but some powerful people have already arranged their means before crossing the catastrophe. It is not surprising to leave a soul and a half soul waiting for the opportunity to seize and rebirth."

Lord Xie Ling looked at Fei Peng with disdain.

"There is this dragon's real body in this cave, which shows that the demon king was prepared to fail the tribulation at that time, so he left his body to save his life."

"During this period of time, I have been feeling that this physical body is awakening. It should be that its master is nearby. Although this deity is not afraid of a soul that has failed to overcome the tribulation, this physical body is connected with its blood after all. I can fight for it. Victory, but the result must be losing this dragon body."

The Lord of the Evil Spirits said to himself: "This is the body of a real dragon that has passed through the catastrophe period. If my soul can be completely seated in it, plus my own cultivation level, no one in this demon god world It can be blocked!"

Fei Peng's heart trembled when he heard this.

Now in the Demon God Realm, it is obvious that their seven major demon cultivators and the various factions of the Dongtian Realm are the most complete and strongest, but with his cultivation base, he will always appear small in front of this person, and he dare not intervene.

The Lord of the Evil Spirits said, looked up at the sky above the temple, let out a chuckle, and said: "Now that the temple has appeared, this deity can also absorb spiritual energy from the outside world. Next, you only need to protect me, and I can try to break free from this temple. the array."

"Senior, don't worry, this junior will protect you here. Anyone who comes close will be killed!" Fei Peng said fiercely.


Lord Xie Ling nodded slightly, looked at Feipeng and said, "Before I break the ban, I need to accumulate true energy for several days, and I can only cast spells after my spiritual power reaches its peak. It will help you ascend to the top of the two races, and will teach you the secrets of advancing to the earth immortal, and it is not impossible to ascend to the spirit world one day."

"Thank you senior!"

Fei Peng looked overjoyed.

Compared with the honor of the two clans, the latter conditions really moved his heart.

Ascension to the spirit world and gaining longevity, whether it is a monster race or a human race, is the ultimate goal.

The Lord of the Evil Spirits lifted the dragon claw, said nothing further, closed his eyes and a faint green light flowed from his body.


Seven days passed in a blink of an eye.

When the sun was rising on the eighth day, Ye Chunyang came to a white valley under the guidance of Lingsu.

This valley is cloudy and misty, and it is so vast that you can't see your fingers when you stretch out your hands.

However, for a strong man like Ye Chunyang, relying on his divine sense would be more comfortable in this environment.

Just as he was moving forward, a roar suddenly hit his ears.

Ye Chunyang stopped, spiritual power poured into his eyes, and his vision quickly penetrated the white mist to see the scene ahead clearly.

Not far away, two groups of men and horses were fighting fiercely. Various spells collided, and Lingbao roared continuously, shaking the surrounding clouds and mist, forming an open area.

"The Xiao family and the Muyun family?"

Ye Chunyang immediately recognized their identities through the way they were dressed.

These two families have always been old enemies, and there were often fights between the two sides, and he was too lazy to take care of it, hiding the spiritual power in his eyes, so he wanted to bypass them.

But Lingsu's next words made him stop again.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, the elixir I sense should be near the fight between the two sides." Lingxu said.

Ye Chunyang was taken aback.

Needless to say, Lingsu's ability to perceive the treasures of heaven, material and earth is not an ordinary thing that can be valued by her, so even if he wants to avoid it, he can't avoid it.

"Who is here!"

"Show me soon!"

Just as Ye Chunyang was thinking, there was a sudden cold shout in front of him.

He frowned and pondered for a while, then stepped forward and walked out.

The Muyun family and the Xiao family's children who were fighting, felt the aura in the white mist, and they stopped fighting tacitly, and looked at it in unison.

Then, they saw a figure looming in the vast white mist, and when the latter walked out completely, they saw a young man in black black robe.

"Who are you? I, the Muyun Sect, are here to do things. Don't let other people interfere, otherwise don't blame our subordinates for being merciless!" A man who had reached the level of spiritual transformation stood up from the Muyun Sect, and looked at Ye Chunyang with unfriendly eyes. .

Although Ye Chunyang is famous in Zhongzhou recently, few people really know him. Although these few people came with the elders of the clan, they don't know about Ye Chunyang.

(End of this chapter)

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