Chapter 400
As monk Muyun spoke, the Xiao family and his party looked at Ye Chunyang with strange eyes.

The faces of these people were somewhat familiar, it was the young disciples who followed Xiao Yu before, who vaguely remembered Ye Chunyang's identity, but they looked at him with some unkind eyes at this time.

But what Ye Chunyang said next made both sides a little gloomy.

"Get out of here!"

Ye Chunyang said without looking at the two monks.

Both sides were stunned for a moment, and then they all laughed, looking at Ye Chunyang with sarcasm.

"Boy, the Daoist foundation is complete, and you are quite courageous. Although I don't know how you got into Tianxuan Mountain with your cultivation, but with your words just now, I can tear you apart."

The master of the spiritual realm looked at Ye Chunyang amusedly.

Although the Muyun family and the Xiao family dislike each other, they are fighting here for no reason. Just now they have a pure aura here, and it is obvious that some spiritual creature was born here. After the two sides met, the conflict arose .

Now that Ye Chunyang came here suddenly, he also claimed to let them go. If he was a person with high cultivation, they would naturally swallow his anger, but seeing that his cultivation has not even reached the spiritual transformation state, they immediately felt ridiculous.

But as soon as this cultivator at the Spirit Transformation Realm finished speaking, his expression changed immediately.

There was only a gust of wind whistling, and then an irresistible force descended from the sky, and the body soared into the air uncontrollably, flying forward.

At the moment when he was in shock, this cultivator at the spiritual transformation state only felt a cold palm on his head, and his body froze involuntarily.

Looking up, I saw Ye Chunyang's face was cold.


There was a chill in the heart of this master of the Muyun family.

The others also froze suddenly.

What happened just now, no one could see clearly, when he came back to his senses, Ye Chunyang had already pinned down the head of this cultivator in the Spirit Transformation Realm, life and death were beyond his control.

"Now do you think you can still chop me up?" Ye Chunyang said.

"Forgive...forgive me!" The Dacheng cultivator at the Spirit Transformation Realm was terrified.


Ye Chunyang tossed it casually like throwing trash, and the cultivator at the Spirit Transformation Realm flew several feet away, fell to the ground and twitched.

Everyone felt their hands and feet were cold, and they didn't dare to wait any longer. Mu Yun's family lifted up the monk who had achieved great success in the Spirit Transformation Realm, while the Xiao family and his party hurriedly turned around and fled.

Ye Chunyang's action directly frightened them to the point of tearing their livers apart.

Soon the surrounding area will be clean.

Ye Chunyang opened the spirit animal bag, and after a flash of white light, a slim and delicate girl flashed out, it was Lingsu.

"Where is the elixir?" Ye Chunyang asked.

Lingsu closed her eyes and felt for a while, then flew forward in a flash: "Fellow Daoist, follow me!"

Ye Chunyang frowned and followed silently.

After walking through the white mist for about half a stick of incense, Lingsu stopped suddenly. At the same time, Ye Chunyang looked up and saw a faint blue light, in which there was a pure spiritual energy.

Ye Chunyang flicked his sleeves, and the spiritual light swept out, and the white mist within a radius of [-] zhang instantly dissipated, and the blue light became more and more eye-catching. It was originally only a faint trace, and it spread like a tide.

At this time, Ye Chunyang saw clearly that in the green light was a bamboo-like spirit grass, half a person tall, without any branches or leaves, but it had extremely strong vitality.

"Blue Rock Bamboo?"

Ye Chunyang was slightly surprised.

Based on his knowledge of heaven, material and earth treasures, he recognized this bamboo after a short memory in his mind, and he was overjoyed.

Qingyan Bamboo is the same as the Xueyan Bamboo he got outside Lindu City back then, it has a miraculous effect on restoring true energy, but the difference is that Xueyan Bamboo is only effective for low-level monks, and it has no effect at all when the cultivation level reaches a certain level.

But this Qingyan Bamboo is suitable for people above the Spirit Transformation Realm, and even top experts in the Dongtian Realm can take it. In comparison, Qingyan Bamboo is much more precious than Xueyan Bamboo.

Ye Chunyang has always planned to collect some natural and earthly treasures that will help him restore his true energy, but because such medicinal materials are hard to find, he has never encountered them in these years, so it can be said that he is very lucky to get this Qingyan Bamboo.

"It seems that the monks of the Muyun family and the Xiao family are fighting for this bamboo, but judging from their appearance, they probably haven't seen the true face of this Qingyan bamboo. Fortunately, I came in time, otherwise when they take this bamboo away, it will be in vain. This great spirit has been lost."

Ye Chunyang was secretly happy.

He guessed that if he finds the soul of Suzaku in the future and undoes the curse of the God of Death, his vitality will be greatly damaged. At that time, the Qingyan Bamboo will come in handy.

At that moment, he collected the Qingyan bamboo without any hesitation, and sealed it in a jade box with spiritual energy using a secret method.

Ling Su looked at Ye Chunyang accepting the Qingyan Bamboo and salivated a little. This is a rare high-level spiritual thing, and it should taste good.

"You don't have to feel sorry, you have eaten many hundreds of years of spiritual grass in my cave during this time, and this green rock bamboo is just a little interest."

Ye Chunyang secretly felt it was funny.

Ordinary people might really not be able to afford this medicinal spirit, and every time a large area of ​​spiritual fields would be eaten up by it, everyone would feel heartbroken.

Moreover, they are all precious spiritual herbs that are more than 300 years old.

However, Ye Chunyang has a spiritual spoon in his hand and can ripen it at any time, so he doesn't care about it.

Ling Su froze for a moment, lowered her head and smiled awkwardly.

"Let's go, it's time to go to the Land of Crossing Tribulation of Fellow Daoist Nanxuan next."

Ye Chunyang waved his hand, turned and left.

Ling Su obediently transformed into a little white rabbit and got into the spirit beast.

"Ye Daoyou, something is wrong!"

At this moment, King Nanxuan suddenly said.

Ye Chunyang paused, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked somewhere.

With his strong mind and soul, he naturally felt a little abnormal.

Sweeping with his divine sense, he suddenly heard a strange sound of "wuwu", and then the mountains and forests shook, and bursts of coldness swept over him.

Ye Chunyang stared at the direction where the strange noise sounded for a while, then raised his hand and shot out a spell to disperse the white mist.

Immediately afterwards, he sucked in a breath of cold air, and saw dots of green light in the dense jungle, like human eyes, radiating a cold chill, staring at him firmly.

And just after these green lights appeared, one after another black shadows floated out, floating in the air like ghosts and ghosts. Looking carefully, they were actually faces shrouded in black mist.

These people's faces were ferocious, like ghosts rather than ghosts, revealing a sinister and strange aura.

"What is this?" King Nanxuan flew out, staring at these weird faces with narrowed pupils.

Judging by the flickering green light in the forest, there are at least several hundred of these faces.

Moreover, the aura emanating from the human face is very strange, and it can blend into the surrounding rocks and trees, making its body completely integrated with it. Once it is hidden, the body cannot distinguish it.

"Fellow Daoist Nanxuan, don't you feel what they are?" Ye Chunyang half-closed his eyes, and suddenly said with a sneer.

King Nanxuan frowned, staring at those strange faces.

After a while, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he said, "This aura is similar to the evil aura in the Chenchen Bead, it's from the Nether Evil Race!"

"Not bad." Ye Chunyang nodded.

"How is it possible? Isn't the Nether Evil Clan already destroyed? Why are they still in the world?" Ling Su also emerged from the spirit beast bag, and asked with a look of horror.

"These evil races are not living creatures, but ghosts formed after death." Ye Chunyang said.

Ling Su suddenly understood when she heard the words.

King Nanxuan's expression was a little ugly, and he said: "I never thought that there are ghosts of the Nether Evil Race here. It seems that it will not be so easy to leave here today."

Ye Chunyang's eyebrows gathered slightly, but he didn't say anything.

If these evil races were living creatures, it might be a little troublesome, but if they were just ghosts, it would be much easier to deal with.


Just as he was thinking this way, those ghosts of the Nether Evil Clan suddenly let out a low growl, their green eyes fixed on him tightly, and then they rushed towards him with a loud bang.

"court death!"

Ye Chunyang snorted softly, then shook his sleeves, the silver blossoms in front of him burst out, and sharp swords blew out.

King Nanxuan was startled, seeing the flying sword flashing out of the silver flower, he instinctively took a step back.

Only then did he remember that Ye Chunyang's 81 perishing swords contained the power of heavenly thunder, and they were the nemesis of evil spirits and ghosts. It was because of this suppression that he had to compromise with Ye Chunyang.

Although after getting along for a long time, King Nanxuan already had trust in Ye Chunyang, but at this time he saw the sky thunder permeating the flying swords, and he was still instinctively afraid.

The next moment, Ye Chunyang waved one hand, and 81 flying swords whizzed out. There was a loud thunder in the sky, and lightning bolts as thick as arms struck down the ghosts of the evil races.

A tragic wail came, and all the ghosts turned into green smoke and dissipated before they approached. Ye Chunyang walked forward with his hands behind his back, as if entering a no-man's land.

Both King Nanxuan and Ling Su were dumbfounded.

These ghosts are invisible and can hide in the surrounding environment. It would be difficult for ordinary people to deal with them, but Ye Chunyang restrained them with one move. These methods are amazing.

However, they have seen too many impossible things in Ye Chunyang, after the initial shock, they are no longer surprised.

"Strange, this Tianxuan Mountain is the holy land of the demon race, how can there be ghost races?" Ling Su looked around at the ghosts of the demon race who were killed by Ye Chunyang's sword, and asked in surprise.

King Nanxuan also frowned secretly, apparently also felt that this matter was weird.

"Probably the Nether Evil Clan participated in the battle between the two clans back then. Later, Tianxuan Mountain was sealed, and these ghosts couldn't escape, so they were naturally trapped here." Ye Chunyang retracted the flying swords and said.

"Perhaps so." Hearing the words, King Nanxuan seemed to feel that there was some truth, and he didn't bother to pursue further.

Ye Chunyang swept his gaze, and after finding that there were no more ghosts, he drove the light and swept out of the forest.

Perhaps it was just a coincidence that these ghosts of the Nether Evil Race were here, and Ye Chunyang would not delay because of this.

However, what Ye Chunyang didn't know was that when he killed all the ghosts with his sword, the Lord of the Evil Spirits, who was prostrate in the magic circle in the hanging temple, suddenly opened his eyes, and a sharp light shot out from them.

(End of this chapter)

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