After the ascent failed

Chapter 401 Nine-Tailed Fox Bai Ling

Chapter 401 Nine-Tailed Fox Bai Ling

"Senior, what happened?"

Feeling the chill in the eyes of Lord Xie Ling, Fei Peng was slightly startled.

"A group of evil spirits under my command have been exterminated." The Lord of Evil Spirits said darkly.

"Evil spirits?" Fei Peng was surprised.

"Tens of thousands of years ago, I led a group of evil spirit soldiers to Tianxuan Mountain, and they were trapped here. After they died, they all became ghosts. Just now I felt their aura disappear, most likely because they were killed by someone. "

Lord Xie Ling said slowly: "Although these evil spirits are not high-level, they are immune to magic attacks and can kill many ghosts in an instant. It seems that this person is a bit unusual."

Fei Peng's expression flickered.

He naturally knew the strangeness of ghosts. Generally, monks would feel headaches when encountering them, ignoring magic attacks. Unless they had some special abilities, they couldn't be eliminated at all.

Judging from the words of the Lord of the Evil Spirits, the number of those evil spirits is quite large, and it is indeed extraordinary that someone can kill them.

But after thinking about it, Fei Peng was a little puzzled, and said: "Now the cave monks of the two races have been trapped in the void by the lord's time and space secret technique, who on earth has such ability?"

The evil spirit lord did not speak.

After a moment of silence, he opened his mouth to spit out, and a faint light appeared, inside which was wrapped a round bead, the whole body was dark green, with several strange green flames beating faintly.

"This is the Chenchen Bead, which can control the ghosts of evil spirits. You take this object to find out who did it?" said the Master of Evil Spirits.

"This is the rare treasure turned into dust bead inherited by the Nether Evil Clan?" Fei Peng took the green bead, and his eyes flashed a little strange: "The junior heard that this bead has been lost, so it is here with the senior."

"That's right." The Lord of the Evil Spirits said: "The Chenchen Beads are originally a pair, and one of them has indeed been lost, and the other one is in the hands of this deity. With this bead, you can sense where the evil spirits are. If you find them The person who makes the shot, no matter who it is, will be killed immediately."


Fei Peng replied in a deep voice.

After a pause, he said with some hesitation: "However, if the senior breaks the ban here, if there is no one to protect the law..."

"It doesn't matter, the cave monks of the two races have been trapped by this deity, and the remaining monks of the Golden Core Realm and the Spirit Transformation Realm can't break the restriction of this demon king's cave. Just find out." The Lord of the Evil Spirits said calmly.

"By the way, is there any blood curse cast by the human race on your body? This deity also eliminated it for you."

After saying this, with a wave of his dragon claw, a black streak appeared in the void, and it covered Feipeng.

Feeling that the blood curse in his body was eliminated silently, Fei Peng was overjoyed, and immediately walked into the black lines and disappeared in a flash.

The hall became quiet again, and the Lord of the Evil Spirits looked at the distance with a gloomy gaze. After a while, a sneer flashed in his eyes, and he closed his eyes again to activate his mana.


More than ten days later.

Hundreds of miles away from the Demon King's cave, there is a vast and deep mountain.

It was night, and the night sky covered by black clouds had no moonlight, and the whole mountain looked quiet and strange.

After going on like this for an unknown amount of time, the void suddenly fluctuated, and ripples like water ripples filled the air.

The fluctuations spread faster and faster, like a storm swept through in a blink of an eye, and then there was a strange "stinging" sound, and a black streak several feet long appeared out of thin air, and a white light shot out from inside.

As the white light flashed out, the black stripes in the void quickly closed, and the turbulent fluctuations quickly disappeared, and the forest returned to calm again.

Looking carefully, there is a figure wrapped in the white light. It is a woman with a charming appearance. Her eyes are like autumn water, her eyebrows are picturesque, and her figure is tall and graceful, exuding a charm that overturns all living beings.

But what is different from normal humans is that there are nine white fluffy tails behind it, exuding an astonishing monster aura.

It is a charming woman who is one of the seven demon cultivators of the demon clan.

This demon is a nine-tailed fox named Bai Ling.

Looking back at the black lines disappearing behind him, Bai Ling's face was pale and his breath fluctuated. He hurriedly took out a pill and swallowed it before gradually recovering.

"This time-space secret technique is really powerful. I was trapped in the void space for so long, and I almost hurt my true essence. Fortunately, the space I was in caused a void turbulence and broke through the restriction of the plane, so I was able to escape."

There was still lingering fear on Bai Ling's face.

When her true essence recovered a little, she looked around, frowned, and said to herself: "I never thought there would be such a person with such great supernatural powers in Tianxuan Mountain, and I don't know if other people have also escaped? This person uses the secret of time and space. I'm afraid it has something to do with the Demon King's cave."

"Looking at the situation here, it's not too far away from the Demon King's cave. I'll go secretly to find out what's going on. If there's nothing I can do, I definitely can't stay in Tianxuan Mountain any longer."

Bai Ling pondered, and looked around again for a while, and found that there was no other abnormality, and disappeared into the night together with the aura on his body.


The distance of hundreds of miles is only a few times of dodging for a big monster who is comparable to the perfection of the cave.

Two days later, Bai Ling reappeared outside the barren mountain where the masters of the various sects of the human race and the seven demon cultivators of the demon race gathered.

This time, she was not careless, as soon as she landed on her feet, she cast a spell to remind her, and sacrificed treasures to protect her whole body, so as not to encounter any more accidents.

I don't know if it was her luck or some other reason, but after staying for a long time, nothing unusual happened.

Seeing this, Bai Ling breathed a sigh of relief, and stared into the distance.

"The restriction of the Demon King's Cave is still there, but there is no one here. It seems that everyone else is still trapped in the void space and has not come out."

Bai Ling performed a trick casually, hitting the outside of the Hanging Temple, but after a flash of inspiration, he collapsed away without a sound.

Suddenly, Bai Ling's heart sank.

"It seems that Fei Peng is not lying. The restriction of the Demon King's Cave Mansion cannot be broken by one person. If you want to get in, you must find other masters from the two clans."

After staring at the temple for a while, Bai Ling didn't try again, and was about to turn around and leave.

This restriction came from the hands of a great monster who crossed the catastrophe. Although she is profound in Taoism, it is not easy to break it. It is necessary to find another strong man from the two races who was removed by the secret technique of time and space.

Just as he turned around, Bai Ling's eyes suddenly narrowed. Without saying a word, he swung his hand abruptly, and shot out a formula behind him.


A thunder rang out of nowhere.

Where Bai Ling's formula landed, a green light suddenly appeared, and strange flames rose up.

She looked back suddenly, only to see several human faces emerging, floating and sinking in the void.

This scene was so sudden that even Bai Ling didn't have any premonition. When the magic formula was played, these faces turned into green flames and rose up like will-o'-the-wisps, but they didn't dissipate at all.

And after several ups and downs, the green flame flickered again and turned into a human face again, staring at Bai Ling with miserable green eyes.


Bai Lingdai frowned.

He snorted again and threw out the magic spell casually.

With her fourth-level upper-level demon cultivator realm, she has the power to shake the world when she strikes. Under her mana, all within hundreds of feet are razed to the ground, and those faces are directly beaten into ashes and dissipated. empty.

Bai Ling didn't bother to take another look, turned around and was about to leave.

But suddenly, her face changed again, and her figure stopped involuntarily.

The ghosts scattered by her magic spell gathered again, and the strange faces reappeared.

This time, Bai Ling was really surprised.

"These ghosts ignore mana attacks?"

Bai Ling's heart sank, and he cast several high-level spells in succession.

A gust of wind blew up all around, and streaks of aura swept past like a storm, hitting those faces hard.

The actual cultivation level of these ghosts is not high, how can they withstand Bai Ling's powerful Taoism, and they are defeated on the spot with one blow.

But it didn't take long for them to gather together again astonishingly, as if they were immortal.

"What a gangrene!"

In his rage, Bai Ling was about to cast another spell.

At this time, her expression changed slightly, and she saw green lights appearing one after another around the demon king's cave, and countless human faces appeared densely, surrounding the whole cave, with a look of protection.

Bai Ling was slightly taken aback.

Although the attack power of these ghosts is not strong, they can't be killed at all, entangled for a long time, even if she is a big monster of the fourth level, she will be consumed to death!

With the protection of the ghosts like this, not to mention breaking the restriction to enter the cave, whether they can be wiped out is a matter of two opinions.

"We can't get entangled here, and we can think of a way after we leave!" Bai Ling said with a flash of eyes.

Except for her, all the cave cultivators are trapped in the void, Bai Ling has no hope of finding them, and now there are so many ghosts, for fear of disturbing the powerful man who casts the secret art of time and space, Bai Ling dare not make a fuss here Make too much noise.

At that moment, she ran away without hesitation, and was dozens of miles away in a flash.

Those evil spirits didn't catch up, and it was impossible to catch up. Soon, Bai Ling's side was cleared.

It's just that her heart became more and more gloomy, she had no intention of staying here, and continued to stand up, intending to run away.


Just after riding the clouds and flying for about thirty li, Bai Ling was suddenly attracted by some kind of abnormality, and let out a surprise in his mouth.

Where her eyes fell, dots of green light floated up and down, exuding a sinister and strange aura, upon closer inspection, they were instantly familiar, and they were obviously evil ghosts with blue faces and fangs.

"Why are there so many ghosts?"

Bai Ling's face darkened.

There are already quite a few ghosts of evil spirits seen in the Demon King's Cave, and there are ghosts appearing in this place dozens of miles away. How many ghosts still exist in Tianxuan Mountain?

Bai Ling frowned tightly, and after staying for a while, she didn't pay much attention to it, and continued to ride the rainbow.

But when the figure flickered, his eyes froze again, and then he showed a look of shock.

"Booming" sounded several times, and among those ghosts, streaks of silver brilliance flickered, and then countless thunderbolts mixed with firelight fell from the sky and struck these ghosts.

In an instant, all the ghosts disappeared without a trace.

The disintegration of these ghosts is not like the way Bai Ling defeated with magic before, and they quickly condensed, but after the thunder, they were completely wiped out, and there was no chance of rebirth.

"The power of thunder?"

Bai Ling was taken aback.

His eyes fell on these thunderstorms, and he suddenly saw dozens of flying swords surrounding them, exuding sharp edges.

Among the group of swords, a young man in black clothes stood there expressionlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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