After the ascent failed

Chapter 409 The Power of the Sword Array

Chapter 409 The Power of the Sword Array
The monks of all races looked at Fei Peng with unkind eyes. No one expected that there actually existed a Nether Evil Clan Master of the Earth Fairyland in the Demon King's cave. took refuge in him.

"Hehe... Fellow Daoist Haode is too naive. If I really fear the restriction of the blood curse, how can I reveal my identity?"

Hearing the words of Master Hao De, Fei Peng laughed.

Master Haode frowned, suddenly thought of something, and immediately released his spiritual perception, and his face darkened after a while.

"The blood curse on your body has disappeared..." Master Hao De narrowed his eyes.

The blood curses of the two sides can sense each other, but after some perception just now, there is no blood curse restriction in Fei Peng's body.

"That's right, the lord has great powers. He easily undid the blood curse on my body. Even if I do it, it won't be affected at all." Fei Peng raised his head and smiled, looked at the big monsters of the monster clan, and said: "Everyone, our monster race and the human race are incompatible. If you take refuge in the lord, he will definitely lift the blood curse in your body. At that time, the entire demon god world will be our demon clan's world."

Hearing these words, Bai Ling, Chi Li and other big monsters immediately flickered.

They restrained each other only because of the blood curse.

Although after leaving Tianxuan Mountain, both sides will also use spells to break the curse, but if they do it unilaterally, they can occupy an absolute advantage.

"Fei Peng, do you really think that bowing to the Nether Evil Clan will get you what you want?" Bai Ling said suddenly.

"What did you say?" Fei Peng looked slightly cold.

"The Nether Evil Clan is vicious and vicious. Tens of thousands of years ago, they tormented all races. How could they make you the overlord of this world?" Bai Ling sneered.

"So what? As long as the Lord of the Evil Spirits can teach me the way to become an Earth Immortal, what do I have to do with other things after I ascend to Earth?" Fei Peng showed disdain and didn't care about Bai Ling's words.

The monks of various sects of the human race looked gloomy.

"It turns out that from the very beginning, your monster clan incited all the factions of our human race to open the barrier of Tianxuan Mountain, and you have already prepared such a method." Master Haode let out a sigh of relief, and said.

"So what?"

Fei Peng looked teasing.

Up to now, Fei Peng thought that he had nothing to hide, so he simply said frankly: "To tell you the truth, I have already received information that the Lord of the Evil Spirits is here to take the body of the real dragon, and I also summoned this dragon through the information he left. A cave, when the time comes he will help me advance to the fairyland, if I don't disclose some important information to you, how can you easily break the seal?"

"is it?"

Before Master Haode could speak, Deng Xuan sneered first: "Although we have unlocked the seal, don't you forget, your Excellency, after entering, we also reactivated the seal, if you do this, are you not afraid that we will trap you here? "


"I naturally thought of it, but you probably forgot how you were trapped in the void space before?"

Fei Peng looked at Taoist Dengxuan sarcastically.

As the words came out, everyone's expressions changed at the same time, and they couldn't help but look at the black dragon surrounded by green light in midair, with horror on their faces.

They had doubts before, but now through Fei Peng's words, they immediately affirmed that this evil spirit lord is the mysterious strong man who used the secret technique of time and space to trap them.

"The Lord of the Evil Spirits is proficient in the mysteries of time and space. He can move you in, and he can naturally pass through the sealing barrier and leave here without any hindrance. It's just that he was restricted by the cave formation before and couldn't use his full strength. Now as long as If he devours the soul of that real dragon, there will be no one in the entire Demon God Realm."

Fei Peng looked down at the crowd, and said indifferently: "Just because you people want to be an enemy of the Lord, it is ridiculous. If you take the initiative to surrender to the Lord now, there is still time, otherwise you will regret it later."

Everyone fell silent, with gloomy expressions on their faces.

"Tens of thousands of years ago, the Nether Evil Clan killed people and refined their souls. The Demon God Realm was originally a prosperous clan, but most of them were wiped out by this clan. No matter what, we will not associate with the Evil Clan."

After a long silence, Master Haode took a step, his expression unchanged.

"That's right, with the Nether Evil Clan's behavior, even if you succumb to them, you will surely be doomed in the future. Now that the Evil Clan is no longer what it used to be, we may not be able to fight against it together." Mu Xuanyi also stood up.

Several Daxiu members of the Monster Race exchanged glances, and finally nodded, agreeing with what the Human Race said.

"So, are you toasting and not eating fine wine?" Fei Peng's eyes turned cold.

All the masters were silent.

"In that case, don't blame me for being merciless."

Fei Peng showed a sneer, and a formula entered into the Chenchen Bead, and the surrounding ghosts roared and screamed as if they had been endowed with spiritual consciousness.

The sound of "唰唰" is loud!
In the blink of an eye, streaks of strange green light flew towards from all directions, everyone's expression became serious, and various magic formulas and treasures were sacrificed one after another.

All the top existences in the Demon God Realm were present at the scene, and they attacked at the same time, with an incomparably great momentum, even though there were an extremely large number of ghosts, they were all wiped out in an instant.

But soon everyone except Bai Ling showed shock.

As soon as those ghosts were killed, they immediately reunited and besieged everyone again.

"These ghosts are so weird!"

The expressions of the cave cultivators from various sects of the human race changed slightly.

Although they could feel the aura of ghosts from afar before, they didn't know how difficult these ghosts are because they had time to contact them in the future.

Even if their Taoism is profound, the endless reunion of these ghosts will consume a lot in the long run.

"These ghosts are immune to mana attacks, and have extremely strong regenerative abilities. Ordinary methods cannot deal with them at all."

Bai Ling said.

After finishing speaking, he said coldly to Master Haode: "Where was that kid from your human race just now? His flying sword has the power of thunder and is the nemesis of ghosts. With his hand, we can wipe out all these ghosts."

"The power of thunder?"

Everyone was startled, and hurriedly turned their heads to look, only to find that Ye Chunyang had long since disappeared.

Master Haode secretly smiled bitterly.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ling became very gloomy.

Fangcai had been confronting Feipeng all the time, but she didn't notice when Ye Chunyang disappeared.

"Brother, right now we can only try to get out of here first, and then make plans later!" Daoist Dengxuan said secretly.

Master Haode glanced across the air, although he was calm on the surface, but there was a trace of unwillingness in his heart.

But he was not an indecisive person, and immediately shouted: "Let's go!"

After the words fell, clouds and mist suddenly formed under his feet, and he retreated decisively to the rear.

The other cave cultivators didn't hesitate at all. After casting a spell to eliminate the siege of the ghosts, they immediately retreated, ignoring their previous sneak attack plan.

While there was chaos on the ground, the battle between the two dragons in mid-air became more intense.

A series of terrifying aftermaths spread like tides, flattening the surrounding areas wherever they went.

King Nanxuan roared furiously, and the dragon claws swung out continuously, one after another mysterious curse marks came down the mountain out of thin air.

In the collapsed hall, countless streamers were pulled up, turned into magic circles and condensed in mid-air, covering the Lord of the Evil Spirits fiercely.

If someone approaches, they will find that the void between the two has been distorted, revealing dense gaps in the void, devouring everything around them madly.

"Did you leave an attack circle in the cave?"

Surprise flashed in the eyes of the Lord of the Evil Spirits when he saw the flashes of light around him and the mysterious formations approaching one after another.

"Hmph! How dare you enter this king's cave, you evil spirit. If you obediently get out of this king's body at this time, maybe this king can keep you distracted." King Nanxuan said coldly.

"Really? I'd like to see, what ability do you have to take back this body?" The Lord of Evil Spirits sneered.

At his level, he naturally wouldn't show the slightest bit of panic because of the shocking changes in front of him.

Before the words were finished, a majestic mental power surged wildly, and the Lord of the Evil Spirits suddenly raised his head, and two dark green beams of light shot out from his eyes, directly piercing through several magic circles that gathered.

Immediately afterwards, his body trembled wildly, like an angry dragon ascending to the sky, riding a will-o'-the-wisp and rushing forward suddenly.

King Nanxuan didn't expect the Lord of the Evil Spirits to resolve his formation siege so easily, and a look of surprise flashed across his face.

Seeing the soaring green flames in front of him, his eyes froze, and King Nanxuan was ready to cast a spell to greet him.

At this moment, his expression changed, and he heard a familiar voice in his mind.

King Nanxuan's eyes changed, he stopped the spell suddenly, and dodged to the side.

"Why, if you want to escape now, I'm afraid it's too late."

The Lord of the Evil Spirits sneered, two green lights shot out from his eyes again, and he went straight to King Nanxuan to chase after him.

But then the Lord of the Evil Spirits changed his face.

King Nanxuan in front fled a few feet away, stopped suddenly, and then turned his head to look at him.

In the eyes of King Nanxuan, the Lord of the Evil Spirits seemed to see a hint of sarcasm.

Just when he was wondering, the sound of "rumbling" thunder suddenly rang in his ears, and the expression of Lord Xie Ling changed slightly, and he immediately looked up.

I saw that the sky was covered with dark clouds, and within a radius of [-] zhang with him as the center, there was a thunderstorm.

Those eye-catching thunderbolts were like flying swords, with thunder and fire permeating them, cold and oppressive.

Under the astonished eyes of the Lord of the Evil Spirits, a large rain of silver swords whizzed and circled, slashing towards each other with a mysterious and complicated trajectory, it was a mighty sword array.

"A flying sword that contains the power of thunder!"

"It's that human kid, with your strength, you dare to ambush this deity here, you're looking for death!"

The Lord of the Evil Spirits was startled at first, then furious.

He had seen these 81 flying swords containing the power of thunder just now, so he naturally knew who made them. After he shouted angrily, the beams of light in his eyes turned and shot towards the sword array.

Suddenly there was a deafening explosion of spiritual light in the air, and a figure appeared from the clouds.

But after appearing, he showed no panic, but disappeared again after a flash.

The offensive failed, the Lord of the Evil Spirits was taken aback for a moment, and just as he had a premonition, Ye Chunyang spread his wings behind his back, and appeared behind him out of thin air like a ghost.

At the same time, he used the invisibility technique and Qing Yunyi to escape to the side of the Lord of the Evil Spirits. Without saying a word, Ye Chunyang quickly made a tactic with both hands, and the 81 flying swords surged with thunder and lightning, covering the Lord of the Evil Spirits like a cage.

Before the Lord of the Evil Spirits had time to make any countermeasures, the green flames on his body suddenly collapsed under the strike of lightning, and at the same time, a strange spiritual pressure invaded the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Fellow Daoist Nanxuan, why don't you do it?"

All of this was like a flash of lightning, Ye Chunyang, who was restrained by the sword formation and soul technique at the same time by surprise, immediately turned to King Nanxuan.

(End of this chapter)

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