After the ascent failed

Chapter 410 Battle of the Flesh

Chapter 410 Battle of the Flesh
Suddenly feeling the rapid loss of mana, the expression of the Lord of the Evil Spirits changed drastically.

"Humble human race, how dare you plot against this deity!"

The evil spirit lord was furious.

At this time, he not only felt the evil power in his body being greatly suppressed under the thunder, but also felt a stabbing pain in his mind. Although it was not strong, it also greatly affected his escape from the spell.

It never occurred to him that he, a powerful immortal, would be trapped by a low-ranking monk.

When Ye Chunyang and King Nanxuan first came to the main hall, the Lord of the Evil Spirits was surprised that Ye Chunyang had the Heavenly Thunder and Flying Sword on his body, but because he was lurking secretly at that time, he was prepared for it.

Now that the roles were reversed, the Lord of the Evil Spirits caught him off guard.

All the cave cultivators who were about to evacuate were unanimously surprised when they heard the thunder behind them.

Then, when he saw the figure manipulating lightning appearing in the air, and the Lord of the Evil Spirits trapped in the sword formation, his face was filled with deep incredulity.

"With his own strength, he can actually contend against the Lord of the Evil Spirits?"

"No! It was his flying sword that restrained the magic power of the Lord of the Evil Spirits, and at the same time cast a soul spell, making him temporarily lose his ability to act."

"This kid... hides it very deeply!"

There were gasps of air one after another.

The Dongtian Realm masters of the two races were shocked, and they couldn't believe what they saw.

What is the cultivation level of the Lord of the Evil Spirits?With Ye Chunyang, a low-level cultivator whose spiritual power is only at the Dao Foundation level, how could it be possible to control him?
"Boy! When I am free, I will definitely extract your soul and refine your blood, and refine you into the ghost of my evil clan!"

The Lord of the Evil Spirits said furiously, the mana in his body was frantically mobilized, and he was about to forcibly break out of the sword array.

At this moment, his expression changed.


"Thank you Daoist Ye for your help!"

There was wild laughter from the side, and King Nanxuan rushed over.

His eyes were also full of shock.

It was Ye Chunyang who transmitted the voice to him before, asking him to lead the Lord of the Evil Spirits to this place, and then restrained him with the power of the sky thunder in the flying sword.

King Nanxuan didn't doubt that the power of the sky thunder could suppress the evil ghosts, but Ye Chunyang's current spiritual power cultivation was only at the Dao base stage after all, and no matter how strong the sky thunder was, it couldn't be exerted to the extreme, so setting up an ambush was not an issue. Didn't hold out much hope.

But after going through many things, King Nanxuan saw too many impossible things happened to Ye Chunyang, and he listened to what he said, and led the Lord of the Evil Spirits over.

As a result, Ye Chunyang's attack took him by surprise. Not only was he not repulsed by the Lord of the Evil Spirits, but he was actually trapped by the sword array.

At this time, taking advantage of the evil spirit lord being suppressed by the sky thunder, King Nanxuan immediately fell towards the dragon body in a flash.

As long as he can sit in his own body, he has his own way to expel the spirit of the evil spirit lord.

Ye Chunyang's body was full of thunder, and his eyes were filled with golden rainbows.

While mobilizing the Daqian Sword Formation, the newly completed Heavenly Soul Sect's soul technique and divine soul and spirit control supernatural powers were also displayed, and he dared not relax in the slightest.

The next moment, there were only bursts of roaring and loud noises. King Nanxuan was distracted and hid in the dragon body. Black and green lights appeared in the dragon's eyes, and the two consciousnesses were fighting against each other.

Suddenly, the giant dragon roared into the sky, broke through the sword array and rushed straight to the sky.

The 81 flying swords shot back backwards, and Ye Chunyang's blood surged, and he couldn't help but groan.

But at this time there was another roar in the air, the black giant body shook violently a few times, a green light escaped from between the brows, and turned into a middle-aged man's figure suspended in the air.

The middle-aged man was dressed in a green robe, with a refined and handsome appearance, but his eyes were cold and serious.

Judging from the aura emanating from him, it was obvious that he was the Lord of Evil Spirits.

And when the middle-aged man escaped behind the dragon, the black giant dragon's eyes shot fiercely, and auspicious clouds were born under its feet, exuding the fierceness of overlording the world, and the earth-shattering laughter came out of its mouth.


"8 years! After sleeping for 8 years, this king finally regained his real body!"

King Nanxuan's familiar voice echoed in the air. At this time, he had completely regained his physical body.

Ye Chunyang raised his head and raised his eyebrows slightly.


A turbulent breath rose into the sky.

In the mid-air, there are colorful lights, and the aura gathers quickly.

King Nanxuan's aura rose rapidly after recovering his true self, and his body was filled with heavy golden clouds. The aura in the world vibrated with his breathing, like the tides.

Ye Chunyang narrowed his eyes.

Ye Chunyang was very familiar with the aura of King Nanxuan once in the human world, and he was very familiar with the aura of the king of Nanxuan.

"Xiao Xiaoxie Clan dares to take away the real body of this king. Today, you will be buried here!"

King Nanxuan roared angrily, and the black light on his body surged like a torrent.

Without moving his body, a dragon claw protruded out.

"Zi la la!" There was an ear-piercing sound, and under the wind of the claws, ripples appeared in the void, like a broken mirror, and fragments of nothingness shot out one after another.

With one claw, the void shattered.

The monks of the two races were shaken.

"This is the true strength of the Earth Immortal powerhouse!"

Master Haode sighed in his heart.

There is nothing better than Si!
They spent their entire lives trying to pursue this kind of strength, and only when they saw it did they realize how terrifying this realm was.

Seeing the claw wind hit, the expression of the middle-aged man in the green robe suddenly changed, and then he suddenly turned his head to look at Ye Chunyang, showing murderous intent.

If he had a body that could perfectly integrate with him, his strength might not be inferior to that of King Nanxuan, but now that the body of a real dragon has been taken back by King Nanxuan, the situation has completely reversed. With a body of a ghost, he is definitely not King Nanxuan opponent.

"Human boy, go to hell!"

The evil spirit master was furious.

In order to obtain this body of a real dragon, he was trapped here for tens of thousands of years, until today he was able to get out, only one step away from completely taking away this body, Ye Chunyang's appearance made all this come to naught, how could he Not angry from the heart?

Under the cover of the dazzling rainbow, Ye Chunyang's heart trembled, and the blue cloud wings spread out behind him, and an afterimage stayed in place, and his figure fled away.

"Can you escape!"

The Lord of the Evil Spirits let out a cold and angry laugh, and turned into a green rainbow to pursue frantically.

"The account between you and this king has not been settled yet, so it's better not to be distracted."

On the other side, King Nanxuan, who had stretched out his dragon claws, saw this scene, and immediately turned his claws to block it.

The Lord of the Evil Spirits was full of anger, and he shot out a startling rainbow with his backhand, and green flames surged all around him, dispelling King Nanxuan's attack.

Taking advantage of this gap, Ye Chunyang has already escaped hundreds of feet away by relying on the shadowless escape technique and Qingyunyi.

It was a fluke that he was able to succeed before.

With the strength of the Lord of the Evil Spirits, under other circumstances, even if the 81 perishing swords have the power to restrain the evil spirits, it is absolutely impossible to trap them easily.

But Lord Xie Ling didn't expect that Ye Chunyang not only restrained him with his flying sword, but also his invisibility technique was so invisible that he didn't even notice it.

What's more, in anyone's eyes, Ye Chunyang is just a low-level monk, who would have thought that he would be so bold as to ambush a strong man in the fairyland?
It is precisely because of this that the Lord of the Evil Spirits did not put Ye Chunyang in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, he was careless for a while, but Ye Chunyang defeated the strong with the weak, and trapped him in the sword array.

What surprised the Master of the Evil Spirit most was that Ye Chunyang used soul magic to invade his sea of ​​consciousness at the moment he drove the sword array to restrain his evil spirit, making him lose his defense for a while.

Combining all kinds of things, Ye Chunyang's seemingly unexpected sneak attack was actually a step-by-step plan. After precise calculations and low power, Ye Chunyang achieved such an impossible thing and helped King Nanxuan regain his real body.


Just when Ye Chunyang stopped escaping the light, his expression suddenly changed, and he looked towards a certain void.

A black streak appeared out of thin air, expanding rapidly, and then the wind howled, two figures loomed in it, and when the black streak extended to several feet wide, a man and a woman spit out from it.

The two are in their twenties, the woman has a beautiful face and aloof temperament, while the man is dressed in black, with an ordinary appearance and an indifferent expression, but he looks somewhat similar to Ye Chunyang.

These two people did not deviate from each other, and they appeared next to Ye Chunyang.

"Ye Chunyang?"

The woman escaped from the void, she was a little confused at first, but after seeing the person beside her clearly, she couldn't help being startled.

"Why is it you?" Ye Chunyang was also surprised when he saw the woman's familiar face.

This woman is Nie Xin.

And the indifferent man next to him who resembles him is naturally his clone, Ye Xiaobao.

Before, Ye Chunyang sensed that the clone was nearby, but he didn't expect that the two of them would be drawn into the void.

Nie Xin opened her mouth, wanting to say something, when suddenly the hurricane roared beside her, Ye Chunyang grabbed her and flew back quickly.

At the same time, a green glow descended from the sky, striking hard at the place where the three of them were before, leaving a deep and huge pit.

Nie Xin's expression froze.

Seeing Ye Chunyang dodging his own attack again, the Lord of the Evil Spirits couldn't help being surprised.

It is hard to imagine that such hidden supernatural powers can only be possessed by a cultivator with spiritual power only at the Dao base level.

He wanted to cast the spell again, but suddenly there was a sound of piercing through the air behind him, and King Nanxuan's dragon claws took another shot.

The Lord of the Evil Spirits had a gloomy face, he couldn't care less about dealing with Ye Chunyang, so he had to dodge with his body.

"Huh? What a wonderful body."

Just as the Lord of the Evil Spirits quickly avoided the attack of King Nanxuan, he looked at Ye Xiaobao next to Ye Chunyang, his eyes fixed.

"This person has a spiritual cultivation, but his consciousness is weak, and he is also a talent of the heavenly root. How can there be such a strange person in the world?"

The Lord of the Evil Spirits swept Xiao Bao's body with his consciousness, revealing a look of surprise.

Then he seemed to think of something, and his face suddenly beamed with joy.

He slapped his back and shook King Nanxuan hard, then his figure flickered, and he disappeared strangely.

King Nanxuan's shot was missed, his eyes flashed with surprise, and he immediately released his consciousness to look for the trace of the evil spirit lord.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chunyang also frowned, but then felt something, and his face changed suddenly.

A "chi" sound.

A black streak appeared out of nowhere behind them, and a green light flashed out of it, and the Lord of the Evil Spirits appeared behind the three of them like a ghost.

"Space-time secret technique?" King Nanxuan was surprised.

Ye Chunyang's heart was cold, and he was about to flicker when he stretched out his Qingyun wings.

But to his surprise, the Lord of the Evil Spirits did not cast spells on him, but turned around, and his soul moved towards Ye Xiaobao.

To take away his avatar!

(End of this chapter)

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