After the ascent failed

Chapter 415 Spiritual Improvement

Chapter 415 Spiritual Improvement

A few days later, a clear sound suddenly came from the abandoned monster cave, shaking the whole mountain forest.

In the middle of the sky, a golden rainbow shot straight into the sky, the light was dazzling and the momentum was magnificent.

The few ancient monsters who were active nearby were startled.

Looking up, I saw a figure in the golden light between the virtual and the real, his eyes like light and lightning, revealing a powerful divine sense coercion.

The hearts of all the ancient monsters trembled, and they fell to the ground again and again.

The figure in the golden light seemed to see this scene, with a smile on his face, and then the figure flickered a few times, and quickly disappeared without a trace.

If someone sees it, they will find that there are hidden golden lights in this mountain forest at some time, appearing in every corner within hundreds of miles, and the same figure appears inside, overlooking the sky and the earth, every move around Clear income in the eyes.

It is Ye Chunyang's supernatural power of transforming the emptiness!
When Ye Chunyang first obtained this secret technique on Lingshan Island, Ye Chunyang could only scatter his primordial spirit for a hundred miles or so through hard training, and his divine soul could not be condensed. extended several times.

For a moment, many ancient monsters who had hidden in the cave and hadn't made their heads shrank back and trembled.

The monks of the two clans wandering around in Tianxuan Mountain in search of treasures, those with lower cultivation bases, felt this spiritual pressure from a distance, and all of them fled away with horror on their faces.


In another stone room in the cave mansion, black and white rays of light circulated around Nie Xin, and a strange rune loomed between his foreheads.

The aftermath of King Nanxuan's ascension was too strong, even though she was lucky enough not to be drawn into the void crack, she was still in a coma for several days, and she didn't wake up until three days ago, and she was adjusting her breath at this time.

Judging from the aura circulating around her body, her cultivation at this moment has reached the Great Achievement of Transforming Spirit Realm.

This speed can be called the speed of fire.

When she revealed the news about the ancient cave to Ye Chunyang, she had just entered the Spirit Transformation Realm not long ago, and now she has reached the Dacheng Realm. Looking at the Northern Territory and Zhongzhou, there are not many people who can be as fast as her.

Of course, this is on the premise that there is no comparison with Ye Chunyang.

Ye Chunyang was originally a cultivator of transforming spirits, and there was no hindrance in his re-cultivation. If it hadn't been suppressed by the Death Curse, his cultivation base had at least been promoted to the Jindan realm.

"Sure enough, as mentioned in the exercises, the Heavenly Witch Sutra has made rapid progress in the realm below the Golden Core Realm, and the secret technique left in that ancient cave can neutralize the backlash of my exercises, which is unexpected. "

After the rays of light scattered around him, Nie Xin felt the true energy in his body, and his face became a little more joyful.

At this moment, her body shook and she looked towards a nearby stone room.

"The power of divine sense is so strong, could it be that he has really advanced to the stage of distraction?"

Nie Xin showed a hint of shock.

Ye Chunyang's soul has been separated from the body, and he has hundreds of incarnations of the primordial spirit, which is very similar to a soul cultivator in the distraction period!

According to legend, when cultivating the soul of the gods, the soul is completely separated from the body, and everything can be a body.

For example, if it is attached to a magic weapon, he can use this magic weapon as his body, possessing the attributes of a magic weapon.

Attached to water and fire, it also has the ability of water and fire.

In other words, whatever the soul merges into during the distraction period, he is what he is, and he can use the supernatural power of the possessed thing itself.

However, there has been no strong man in the distraction stage in the soul cultivation world for tens of thousands of years, and even the rumored Tianhun Sect, who has been hiding from the world for a long time, has not been able to reach this state.

Judging from the wave of spirit and soul exuded by Ye Chunyang at this moment, it is true that the characteristics of distracted soul cultivation are similar.

"Is this jade soul stone really so miraculous that it can make him reach this step directly?"

Just when Nie Xin was shocked, the cave suddenly returned to calm, and the astonishing power of divine sense was withdrawn silently.

Nie Xin opened the stone room and walked out.

Not far away, a figure stood there with his hands behind his back.

His black hair was like ink, fluttering in the wind, his eyes were calm, but revealed a faint depth, as if the whole world was contained in it.

There was a strong wind blowing in the mountains, and his figure did not move. When Nie Xin came behind him, he only glanced slightly from the corner of his eye, and then he was calm as usual.

"Have you broken through the distraction stage?" Nie Xin asked.

"Not really." Ye Chunyang shook his head.

Nie Xin breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but ask, "Then just now?"

"That's just one of my spiritual powers." Ye Chunyang said: "Thanks to you leading me to find the jade soul stone, my spiritual powers have improved a little."

By absorbing the soul power in the jade soul stone, Ye Chunyang now faces the masters of the Dongtian Realm Xiaocheng, without using his physical body to repel the opponent, and can severely injure him with his soul alone.

Of course, this does not mean that Ye Chunyang's strength is comparable to that of a cultivator in the cave, but as long as the opponent is not above the master of the cave, he will no longer be as restrained as before.

"So that's how it is." Nie Xin said, "I also have my own purpose, and I just use your hands to accomplish it."

There was no fluctuation on Ye Chunyang's face.

Nie Xin recalled what happened in the Demon King's cave, and wanted to ask him about his relationship with King Nanxuan, but in the end he didn't ask.

After looking at him for a while, Nie Xin said, "Based on my guess, you shouldn't just wait for the six major forces to reopen the seal, and then leave Tianxuan Mountain, right?"

"Not bad." Ye Chunyang said: "I still have some things to do."

Calculating the time, there is only about one month left before the three-month period agreed by the six major forces, and he must find the soul of Suzaku before then.

Fortunately, with the message left by King Nanxuan, everything is ready.

After saying that, the light flowing from his body turned into a rainbow and rushed towards the sky.

Nie Xin's eyes flickered, she didn't know what she was thinking, and after a while, she also set off to chase after him.

Sensing this woman following, Ye Chunyang didn't say anything, and still urged the light escape to fly.


At the same time, in a vast mountain range about five hundred miles to the north, several figures were speeding rapidly.

This place is different from other places where the white mist is condensed, the field of vision is extremely clear, and the aura is more intense than anywhere in Tianxuan Mountain.

"Young master, it seems that the news we got is true. The aura here is indeed much purer than other places, and it is an excellent place for cultivation."

There were voices from several people.

The one who spoke was a skinny man in black, his whole body was covered in a cloak, revealing mystery.

"It seems that we have come to the right place." Said the first young man.

This young man's appearance is ordinary, but he has the air of a superior person, and his body is stronger and taller than the monks of the same generation. It seems that there is an astonishing explosive power under his body.

If Ye Chunyang's divine sense had been extended for more than a hundred miles just now, he might have found them and felt familiar with this young man.

It was the young master of the Xiao family, Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu said: "Master Luo, Senior Lian, can you see anything unusual about the treasure we got earlier?"

The man in black is exactly the Jindan Realm guard "Master Luo" next to Xiao Yu.

In addition, there is a golden core cultivator who is called "Senior Lian" in Xiao Yu's mouth. He is dressed in a cloud-colored robe, standing with his hands behind his back, as if he is an immortal.

Master Luo wiped the Qiankun bag with his finger.

A red aura flashed in front of him, and it appeared as a long spirit bird feather several feet long.

As soon as this thing came out, it exuded astonishing fire-attribute spiritual power, and the air heated up sharply. Except for Master Luo and the "senior Lian", all the juniors at the Spirit Transformation Realm felt a sense of suffocation.

Jindan guard Luo Shi said: "Brother Lian and I have studied this thing for a long time, and the mystery of it has not been solved yet, but judging from the appearance and the breath it emits, it should be the feathers of some kind of fire-type ancient spirit bird. Excellent refining material."

"Brother Luo is right. According to the information we have received, there was an ancient spiritual bird here. Judging from the feathers, it is probably true." The "Even Senior" nodded in agreement.

"And this place is full of aura, maybe we are not far from that spirit bird." Master Luo added.

"If you really meet that ancient spirit bird, can the two of you be sure to surrender?" Xiao Yu asked.

Master Luo and "Senior Lian" glanced at each other, but neither answered.

After a while, "Senior Lian" said: "Judging from the spiritual power contained in this feather, this spiritual bird's cultivation level is not low, but there is no vitality on it. If Lian's judgment is correct, it should be the soul of this bird. It falls off when the bird dies."

"Senior Lian means that the spirit bird has fallen?" Xiao Yu was surprised.

"On the surface, it's true." "Senior Lian" said.

He didn't finish talking.

For any spirit bird that has achieved success in cultivation, even if the feathers fall off, there will be a trace of life left behind. The lack of life on the feathers is enough to prove that the spirit bird has most likely fallen away.

It's just that there are contingencies in everything, who can guarantee that the living spirit bird will definitely have the breath of life when it sheds its feathers?

Xiao Yu looked at Master Luo, who remained silent.

Seeing this, Xiao Yu's face became a little more dignified.

"Young master don't need to worry too much. It is good to be able to find the bones of the spirit bird, but if the spirit bird is not dead, at worst I will join hands with brother Lian to kill it. Even if this bird is too strong to subdue, we will get This plume is worth the trip." Master Luo said.

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered a few times, finally nodded, and said: "Then I will leave it to the two seniors!"

What Master Luo said was not wrong, no matter whether the spirit bird was alive or dead, whether it surrendered or not, the feather they got could refine a high-level innate spirit treasure, no matter what it was, it would not be a disadvantage.

"Let's go, the fire attribute fluctuations of this feather are becoming more and more active. I think the place we are looking for is not far ahead."

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he continued to lead the team forward.

Luo Shi and "Senior Lian", the two Jindan masters, did not say any more, and followed behind like loyal guards.

The other Xiao family juniors were eager to try and followed immediately.


"Old man, is your magic weapon reliable or not? The vision in that place has disappeared, how can we find it?"

In a certain wasteland, Ye Yao looked at Bai Feng with disgust.

Originally, they planned to go to the vision of the Demon King's cave, but they never thought that the talismans that Baifeng sacrificed at that time were too rubbish, and they were all eaten up by the aftermath of the vision.

Now that he finally regained his vitality, the vision has long since disappeared.

"The old man's talisman is unparalleled in the world. It's just that he underestimated the power of the vision at that time, so he made some small mistakes." Bai Feng said unconvinced: "Besides, the old man has even more powerful talismans that I haven't used yet. , you'll know when you see it next time."

Ye Yao scoffed.


Just as she was about to continue to sarcasm, Ye Yao suddenly saw something, her eyes narrowed suddenly, and then she stretched out her hand, and a red feather feather several feet long, filled with an amazing fire-attributed aura, flew into her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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