Chapter 416

If everyone in the Xiao family were here, they would be surprised.

The feather that Ye Yao found was exactly the same as the one they got. Taking this feather in her hand, Ye Yao suddenly felt a strange feeling in her body, her blood was ready to move, but it disappeared quickly.

"There is a lot of spiritual power on this feather. Could it be that it fell from some kind of ancient spiritual bird in Tianxuan Mountain?" Bai Feng also noticed the abnormality of the feather, and asked closer.

"I don't know." Ye Yao shook her head slightly and said, "There seems to be a mysterious force in this thing, which resonates with my blood."

"Oh?" Bai Feng rolled his eyes and asked in surprise, "Then what hint did it give you?"

Ye Yao thought for a while, and said: "There is nothing abnormal about it, but the spiritual power contained in this feather seems to be pulling me, asking me to go somewhere."

Bai Feng looked surprised.

When she was in the frontier, Ye Yao was able to absorb the aura of the real phoenix's body, which showed her extraordinary status. Now this feather has the power to attract her. Could it be related to her background?

"Go and have a look!" Bai Feng said.



Also in a certain plain not far away, at the same time, thunder and thunder intersected, ripples appeared in all directions, and void cracks appeared one after another.

A few figures flashed out of it, disheveled and a little embarrassed, they looked like the cave cultivators of the two races who were sucked into the void in the demon king's cave before.

"Unexpectedly, this void storm is so powerful that it has been affected within hundreds of miles. We were trapped this time, probably for a month."

Daoist Dengxuan appeared, with an ugly expression on his face.

In addition to Deng Xuan, there were also Master Haode, Venerable Tianyi, Mu Xuanyi, Xiao He, Fang Yu, Bai Ling and other monster clan Daxiu present, and they all felt lingering fear at this moment.

They were trapped in the empty space by the Lord of Evil Spirits with the secret technique of time and space before, and they would be able to escape in a short time, but this time they were trapped for a full month, and most of their true energy was damaged. The difference between the two can be seen.

Different from everyone else, Master Haode looked at the direction of the demon king's cave on the barren mountain with scorching eyes.

"Did Senior Brother find anything?" Deng Xuan couldn't help asking when he noticed his abnormal state.

Master Haode didn't answer, but just stared into the distance, his expression fluctuating.

"Is this the catastrophe of ascension in the earth fairyland?"

"I didn't expect to see an Earth Immortal ascend in the rest of my life, so this trip is worthwhile."

After a long time, Master Haode murmured to himself.

"Earth Immortal Ascension?" Deng Xuan was startled, and said: "Brother, what you mean is that the previous storm in the void was caused by the Ascension of the True Dragon?"

Master Haode said: "Not bad."

The faces of the other cave masters changed.

The void storm came violently, and they were swept away before they had time to see it clearly. How could they not be surprised to hear what Master Haode said now.

"How can Fellow Daoist Haode be sure that Senior True Dragon really ascended to the spirit world?" Venerable Tianyi asked in surprise.

Master Haode lowered his head and smiled wryly: "If it wasn't for that, what else could trigger such a strong void storm?"

After saying this, everyone fell silent.

All present are the top existences in this interface, how could they fail to see the vision at that time, but it has been too long since there has been a strong person of this level in the demon god world, and they could not reach it with all their efforts, and suddenly saw At this moment, it is difficult to accept it for a while.

"According to ancient records, after the cultivation level reaches the Earth Fairyland, the mana has broken through to the limit, and it can no longer be accommodated in the lower interface, so the Ascension Tribulation will be lowered, and only after successfully crossing the Tribulation can you pass through the void passage. I don't know that the real dragon Has the senior succeeded?"

After a long silence, Taoist Dengxuan spoke.

Everyone looked in the direction of the Demon King's cave.

The place has long since returned to calm, and there is no such thing as a vision.

There are nothing more than two results. One is to successfully cross the catastrophe, escape from the shackles of the lower world, and ascend to the spirit world, and the other is to be wiped out in the natural force of heaven and earth.

When King Nanxuan ascended, they were all sucked into the void, so naturally they didn't know the final result.

"It's a pity that the demon king's cave was turned into flying ashes under the battle between two strong men from the earth fairyland. Otherwise, we might have a chance to find some opportunities to advance to the earth fairy." Chi Li said, a big man of the demon clan.

Everyone's expression was gloomy when they heard the words.

"Speaking of which, our clan has fulfilled our promise and brought the nobles to find the demon king's cave. Can the blood curse on both of us be lifted?" Chi Li said, turning aside the masters of various factions of the human race.

"Hmph, it's good that you don't mention this matter, before the noble Fei Peng colluded with the Lord of the Evil Spirits to plot against us, we don't want to suffer again." Mu Xuanyi snorted coldly.

The masters of various forces also looked bad.

Chili's face changed, and he said: "Everyone, what do you mean? We didn't know that Feipeng colluded with the Lord of the Evil Spirits beforehand, not to mention that our monster clan was also harmed by it. Don't you all think that we will also cooperate with Feipeng?" Same, do you secretly attack you?"

"I didn't say that, but it doesn't hurt to keep a hand in everything." Mu Xuanyi sneered.


Chi Li's face sank like water.

Daoist Haode next to him waved his hand and said: "Fellow Daoist Chili, why worry? We both agreed on a three-month deadline, and there is still one month left. Don't the nobles plan to continue exploring?"

Chili's expression flickered, and there was no interface.

"He's right, the blood curse was cast by both sides, brother Chili doesn't have to worry about anything, we've already missed the Demon King's cave, and instead of wasting time here, we might as well take the opportunity to find treasures that are beneficial to us. " Bai Ling, the nine-tailed fox, said.

After some breath adjustment before, she has recovered a lot from the injury injured by Ye Chunyang, but she was involved in the void space again, which also depleted most of her true energy, so naturally she has no intention of wasting more time here.

Chi Li didn't say anything in the end, and flew away alone with a cold snort.

What happened to the Demon King's cave before, but everyone got nothing.

And this Tianxuan Mountain is after all the holy land of the monster race, there are countless treasures left by the ancient monsters, how could he be willing to return empty-handed?

After the other people looked at each other, they didn't intend to stay here any longer, and they drove away one after another.

But Bai Ling didn't leave in a hurry. After everyone left, a white jade plate appeared in her hand.

"I was wounded by that little beast surnamed Ye before, and then I was involved in the void space and my vitality was greatly damaged. Right now, I need to find a place with dense spiritual energy to heal my injuries."

Bai Ling said gloomyly, and hit a spell on the jade plate.

The jade plate suddenly rose in brilliance, spouting out a series of white hazy rays of light, and after another flash, it quickly dissipated towards the surroundings.

Afterwards, Bai Ling sat down and adjusted his breath, and the jade plate was floating in front of him.

After about half an hour, the jade plate suddenly trembled slightly, and a spiritual light flashed again. Bai Ling opened his eyes to perceive it for a while, and after putting it away, he suddenly flew towards a certain direction.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or something else, but the direction Bai Ling went to is the place where Xiao Yu and Bai Feng got the mysterious feathers.


three days later.

Ye Chunyang appeared in a small mountain range, where there are several ruins of buildings, which don't look like monster caves, but are similar to human buildings.

"There are human houses here. Could it be that there were human beings living in Tianxuan Mountain?" Nie Xin looked around, slightly surprised.

"In ancient times, various races coexisted, and human races and monster races often communicated. It is not unusual for Tianxuan Mountain to have human monks here." Ye Chunyang said.

More than [-] years ago, there were many other races in the Demon God Realm besides the human race and the demon race. The demon race was once the strongest among all the races. Later, when the various races fought, many races have declined, leaving only the human race and the demon race.

With the growing power of the monster clan, the conflicts between the two sides continued, and gradually brewed into a war between the two clans. Only then did Tianxuan Mountain be sealed off, the human race occupied Zhongzhou, and the two lands were separated from the monster clan.

Of course, Ye Chunyang is not a cultivator in the Demon God Realm, and he doesn't know the secrets of the Demon God Realm, and he only learned about it through the ancient records of Kunlun Ruins.

When he came to the middle of several ruins, Ye Chunyang looked down and suddenly raised his hand and pressed down.

There was a loud rumbling sound all around, the ground cracked open, and the ruins of buildings collapsed one by one.

An unexpected scene appeared!

As the ruins of the building collapsed, a long and narrow passage appeared in front of it, surrounded by rocky cliffs, shrouded in a thick layer of yellow light, faintly exuding a hot breath.

With spiritual thoughts attached to his eyes, Ye Chunyang could see a huge valley behind this passage, but it seemed that the glow in the passage was some kind of restriction, so he could only roughly see the appearance, and could not know the situation in the valley for the time being.

"Judging from the fire attribute aura of this place, I think it is the place mentioned in the Nanxuan King's Jade Slip."

Thinking back to the message left by King Nanxuan, Ye Chunyang secretly nodded.

According to the Jade Slips, Suzaku is a true spirit of the fire attribute, and has a pure fire-attribute aura in its body. From the current point of view, it matches this place.

He immediately set off and fled towards the passage.

Nie Xin looked at this scene in surprise. This place was just a few ruins of buildings before, but the scene in front of him seemed to appear out of thin air, which was unimaginable.

But after seeing too many shocking things about Ye Chunyang, Nie Xin quickly recovered from the initial accident.

She didn't ask much, and quickly followed.

Seeing Nie Xin following, Ye Chunyang frowned slightly and said nothing.

There must be some risks in what he is going to do next, but this woman's own decision has nothing to do with him, so let her follow.

Soon, the two disappeared into the yellow light, as if they had never appeared before.

And not long after Ye Chunyang and Nie Xin entered the canyon passage, not far away, ripples suddenly appeared in the void, and four figures, three women and one man, flashed out of it.

The man was wearing an ancient zodiac robe, short and fat, holding a green bead.

The three women had beautiful appearances, one was cold and noble, the other was delicate and smart, and the last one was a young girl.

The appearance of this group of people turned out to be Yu Guzi and Gu Qian's three daughters.

Escaping from the empty space, the four of them were pale, and their aura fluctuated, obviously looking like they had lost their vitality.

But it was too late to adjust their breath, and the four of them were startled when they saw the scene in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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