After the ascent failed

Chapter 434 Black Sea

Chapter 434 Black Sea
A piece of black mist lingers for a long time, as if it has existed forever.

The sound of "cracking" was endless, and the wet and salty sea breeze blew past the ears, bringing a hint of coolness.

Nie Xin suddenly woke up.

She moved her body, and it took a long time before she felt her true essence begin to flow. With her hands on the ground, she stood up with difficulty.

Surrounded by a boundless sea, the color of the sea is as black as ink, and at this time, she is on the beach by the sea, and the sand is like ink, giving people a gloomy and oppressive feeling.

A man is sitting by the sea.

He was dressed in black ink, his long hair moved with the wind, and he had a natural air of heaven and earth.

Nie Xin frowned, trying her best to recall the scene that happened before. When she was about to escape the seal of Tianxuan Mountain, she and Ye Chunyang were sucked into the ground by that strange black glow.

"Where... is this place? Are we trapped in the barrier of Tianxuan Mountain?"

Nie Xin looked at the figure in front of her and asked.

"I don't know, but there is no aura of sealing barrier here." Ye Chunyang shook his head slightly.

Nie Xin performed the exercises to restore her vitality, and then walked to Ye Chunyang's side.

After a long silence, she said softly, " don't need to save me."

Ye Chunyang looked at her, but didn't speak.

Staring at the Black Sea in front of him for a while, he got up and said, "This place is a bit weird, let's find a way to leave first."

Nie Xin suppressed the words in her heart.

She raised her head, looked around, and asked, "Did you find anything?"

Ye Chunyang pondered on his face.

After a while, he said: "I did a rough inspection just now, and I haven't found anything unusual so far, but this place promises to be some kind of independent space."

After the words fell, he turned and walked out of the beach.

Ye Chunyang has a physical body in the stage of transformation into a god, and those strange black rays of light did not hurt him. After coming here, he checked a small area, and found that although this place is very different from the outside world, there is aura.

Since there is aura, there will be a way out.

Nie Xin hurriedly followed.

Outside the black sandy beach, there is a towering rocky mountain with black strange rocks standing upright. Ye Chunyang is flying at low altitude while releasing his spiritual sense to investigate.

But after sensing it for a long time, he didn't feel the slightest breath of living things.

Ye Chunyang couldn't help but look a little gloomy.

The black sea was endless and extremely vast. It was impossible for them to cross it, they could only search along the land, but right now it was dead silent, and it might not be so easy to find a way out.

Nie Xin hesitated for a moment, then waved her jade hand lightly, a layer of black and white streamer radiated from her pure white wrist, and radiated towards the surroundings.

A few "hissing" sounds came out, and dense dark green flying insects appeared, gathered in the air for a while, and immediately flew everywhere, and soon disappeared without a trace.

"I don't know what's going on here yet, it's more convenient to use Earth Gu to investigate," Nie Xin said.

Ye Chunyang nodded, naturally he had no objection to this.

So, the two continued on for more than ten miles.

But then they were surprised to find that not only was the Black Sea behind it vast and untraceable, but the rocky mountain was also undulating without end.

And no matter how long the flight was, the scene in front of them was generally the same, except for the dark and strange rocks, there was nothing else, which made people feel like they were standing still.


Suddenly, Nie Xin paused, and stretched out her hand to attract an Earth Gu, her beautiful eyes sparkled, as if she was sensing something.

After a while, the aura in her eyes faded, and she said to Ye Chunyang: "This Earth Gu has discovered something, should we go and have a look?"

Ye Chunyang's expression changed, and he said, "Let's go."

Nie Xin pointed a little bit, and a spell entered into the Earth Gu. The Earth Gu spread its wings, made two low beeps of "buzzing", then turned around and flew forward quickly.

Seeing this, the two of them immediately drove the light to catch up.

It didn't take long to fly, after escaping for more than ten miles, the earth Gu in front suddenly circled a few times at low altitude, and then fell towards a mountain depression facing the sea below.

A trace of surprise flashed across Ye Chunyang's face, but he didn't pause, and he and Nie Xin flew down with Gu.

This Linhai mountain depression doesn't look very big from a distance, but when you approach it, you find that it is actually quite large. After settling down, you can see the ground gu hovering around a white thing, looking like it's sending a message to Nie Xin. look.

The two looked at each other, frowned slightly, and walked towards this thing.

Because of the surrounding black stones, they couldn't see it clearly from a distance. When they actually found it, their expressions changed.

"This is... the skeleton of a monster?"

Nie Xin said in surprise.

In front of him was a giant skeleton, not like a human being, but like some kind of giant monster, stretching more than ten feet, with several sharp fangs growing out from under the jawbone, exuding a bone-piercing chill.

"Not only monsters, but also humans."

Ye Chunyang glanced at the skeleton of the giant beast, looked aside, and said slowly.

Nie Xin followed his gaze, and sure enough, not far from the skeleton of this giant beast, there were some broken wreckage scattered. Although it was incomplete, it could be distinguished from the shape that it was a human skeleton, and there was more than one.

"There are so many skeletons of human beings and monsters here. It seems that other than us, people have been here before." Nie Xin took a deep breath and said, "Could it be...they were also drawn here by accident?"

Ye Chunyang walked towards the skeletons.

He didn't know whether these people were brought here by the strange black clouds like them, but obviously none of these people managed to get out alive.

"There seem to be some buildings ahead." At this moment, Nie Xin pointed to the front.

"Go and have a look."

Ye Chunyang replied, and immediately rushed to where Nie Xin pointed.

Rows of stone houses, made of black stone, are not many in number, but they are connected in one place and lined up neatly.

Ye Chunyang was shrouded in spiritual thoughts, but frowned.

These stone houses are obviously built by humans, but there is no one there, and there is not even a breath of living people within a radius of ten miles.

"Could it be that everyone in here is dead?" Nie Xin asked doubtfully.

Ye Chunyang pondered for a while, and said: "Check first and see if there are any other discoveries."

After all, go to the stone house group.

Nie Xin hesitated, but followed Ye Chunyang and walked over.

Judging from the architectural style, these stone houses are different from the houses inhabited by human beings today. They seem to be a bit old, and obviously they have been built for a long time.

Pushing open the door, a thick cloud of dust and smoke filled the air, and the roof was covered with dense spider webs, which showed that no one had lived there for a long time, and it had long been deserted.

With a wave of Ye Chunyang's sleeve robe, his eyes immediately became clear.

The space in the house is not big, there is only a stone table, a few stone benches, a stone bed, and no bowls, chopsticks or tea sets.

But there was one thing that caught Ye Chunyang's attention.

There is an alchemy furnace beside the stone bed.

The grade is not high, the material is ordinary, and it will not attract attention anywhere, but it appears in this old stone house at this moment, which proves that the person who once lived here is not a mortal.

"It seems that the owner of this stone house should be the skeletons outside."

Ye Chunyang glanced around, shook his head and whispered.

"It's a pity that there are no living people here. Otherwise, we can ask for some information." Nie Xin sighed.

They didn't know anything about this strange place, and they didn't even know if they were still in Tianxuan Mountain at this time.

At least, judging from the endless Black Sea, this place is most likely not within the land of Zhongzhou.

"Not necessarily."

While speaking, a voice suddenly came over.

Nie Xin's heart trembled, and almost at the same time, 81 flying swords surged in Ye Chunyang's body, and they slashed towards a certain place with a cold expression.

The sound of "bang bang" came out, and a strange cry came from where the sword array fell, and then a blue light emerged, and a shield with shining runes appeared in midair, resisting Ye Chunyang's sword array.

But almost in an instant, the shield was pierced by the swords into densely packed holes, turned into powder and exploded, and then a figure appeared inside.

It seemed that he didn't expect his defense to be pierced by Ye Chunyang's blow. The figure was stunned for a moment, and when he saw the sword array attacking without a stop, he quickly backed away in horror, and shouted: "Fellow Daoist, stop, I don't mean anything!"

Ye Chunyang's sword flicked, but he didn't withdraw it, but hung over the figure's head, flashing with lightning, as if he wanted to take his life at any time.

Only at this time did the two of them see clearly that the figure was a man in a white robe, about thirty years old.

This person's cultivation has reached perfection in the Spirit Transformation Realm, but his appearance is extremely strange. He is half a head shorter than ordinary people, with two ghost-headed swords stuck in his back that are more than half his height, and he is looking at them with lingering fear.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Ye Chunyang said coldly.

"Don't worry, fellow daoist, I don't have any malicious intentions. I know you have a lot of doubts about this, but before answering the question of fellow daoist, can you take away this terrible sword array first?" The white-robed man looked terrified up to the sky.

Although the shield he sacrificed just now was not a means for him to suppress the bottom of the box, it was also an extraordinary treasure. It was actually smashed by the opponent's sword, which shows the strength of his supernatural power.

Ye Chunyang snorted softly, and the 81 flying swords turned into streamers of light and disappeared into his body.

Although this person's cultivation level is not low, it is easy to take him down, Ye Chunyang is not worried about what kind of tricks he will play.

But just now he has detected the surroundings, and there is no living person's breath, where did this person come from?

Seeing the disappearance of the sword formation, the man in white robe breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Ye Chunyang and the two of them with strange eyes, and said, "Look at the two of you, you were dragged here just now, right? Where are you monks from?"

"Tianxuan Mountain." Ye Chunyang said.

"Tianxuan Mountain?" The white-robed man was thoughtful, then shook his head unexpectedly, "Where is that place, I haven't heard of it."

Both Ye Chunyang and Nie Xin were surprised.

All the monks in Zhongzhou knew Tianxuan Mountain, and there were even rumors in the Northern Territory, but this person seemed to be ignorant, which made people puzzled.

"What exactly is this place?" Ye Chunyang asked.

"Black Sea." The white-robed man spat out two words decisively, and continued: "Everyone who comes here, don't even think about going out again."

(End of this chapter)

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