After the ascent failed

Chapter 435 Residents and the Land of Nothingness

Chapter 435 Residents and the Land of Nothingness

"What do you mean by that, Your Excellency!"

Ye Chunyang's face darkened.

In Zhongzhou for many years, he had never heard of the "Black Sea".

Nie Xin also showed a look of astonishment. Hearing what the white-robed man said, are they going to be trapped here forever?

The white-robed man pointed to the outside of the stone house, and said, "No, you just saw that those people were swept into the Black Sea just like you, and they are all like this now."

"Are they trapped to death here?" Nie Xin blurted out.

"Yes and no."

The white-robed man was stunned, and said: "Actually, what you said just now was only half correct. Those people are indeed the owners of these stone houses, and they were also trapped here, but half of them died trying to escape from here."

"What exactly do you want to say?" Ye Chunyang frowned.

The white-robed man smiled and said: "If you want to know what's going on, just follow me. Everyone here is dead, only our place still has people alive."

"Your place? Is there anyone else here?" Nie Xin asked.

"Of course." The man in white robe said, "You two are not the only ones involved."

As he said that, he suddenly remembered something, slapped his forehead and said, "By the way, wait for me first, I have other things to do this time, and I almost forgot after I met you."

Ye Chunyang looked at this person calmly, without interrupting him.

The white-robed man said with a smile, and walked towards a stone house in a flash.

But it didn't take long for him to come out, and then looked at the door for a while, then continued to walk to another stone house with a calm face.

But he came out again soon, mumbled something, and then opened the other stone houses next to him and walked in.

Not long after, the man in the white robe came out again.

This time, he was a little ashamed and his face was a little ugly.

After walking through all the stone houses repeatedly in this way, he returned to Ye Chunyang and the two of them, cursing: "Grandma, the monks here are really shabby, let's just leave nothing behind, even a spirit stone None of them, causing me to come all the way here, I’m so sorry.”

This person turned out to be dead money.

After complaining for a while, the man in white robe seemed to resign himself to his fate. He sighed and waved to Ye Chunyang and the other two, saying, "Let's go, I'll take you to our tribe."

After speaking, he sacrificed the two ghost-headed knives, and pointed the tactic towards the blade, the ghost-headed knives spun around, and the light of the knives rose sharply.

The white-robed man jumped up and flew away to Yu Bao first.

Ye Chunyang's eyes flickered, and he also sacrificed the flying sword, and Yujian flew along with this person.

Nie Xin quickly followed.

It didn't take long to follow the white-robed man's flight. After crossing the mountains and rocks and flying for nearly a hundred miles, he stopped outside a plain by the Black Sea.

"Here, you two come down with me."

The white-robed man grinned at the two of them, and then fell towards the plain.

Ye Chunyang swept his eyes and found that there were many stone houses standing in the plain, which looked similar to the ones he had seen before, but the number was far greater than the latter, and there were people's shadows flickering in them, full of vitality.

"Go down with him and have a look."

Ye Chunyang withdrew his gaze and said something to Nie Xin, then he followed the man in white robe and fell into the plain.

Nie Xin hesitated, but walked side by side with Ye Chunyang without stopping.

In the plain, rows of houses made of black stones appeared in front of my eyes. There were figures walking back and forth among them, which looked like a small town.

But when Ye Chunyang walked into it, a strange look flashed across his face.

As soon as he approached, he heard a burst of noise, people shouting and shouting, there was even the crackling sound of magic spells and treasures colliding, and spiritual waves spread from time to time, shattering the surrounding houses.

According to the reputation, fights broke out in many places, or three or five people besieged one person, or fought alone, and what's more, they killed people directly in the street, took away the other party's treasures, and then fled away in a long distance.

Seeing these scenes, Ye Chunyang was slightly surprised.

There can only be one to describe it here.

Chaos without restraint!

Just passing a few stone houses, you can see no less than ten murders, treasure hunting and bloodshed.

And after they arrived, they suddenly attracted a series of eyes, some curious, some indifferent, and some seemed to be hiding some jokes.

But soon, these gazes were withdrawn.

Then, those people either keep hitting people or keep getting hit with no regard for them.

"It's like this here, and the two of you will get used to it slowly."

Seemingly aware of Ye Chunyang's surprise, the man in white robe said.

Judging by his casual explanation, it seems that he has long been accustomed to this.

"Are all these people swept into the Black Sea?" Ye Chunyang asked.

"That's right." The white-robed man nodded, "They come from all over the world, and they're not only human races, but also other races. I don't know if you've heard of the Nether race. There was one a few years ago, but they were beaten to death with sticks."

"Beating to death with a stick?" Nie Xin asked in surprise, "Why?"

"It doesn't look good on him," said the white-robed man.

The corner of Nie Xin's mouth twitched.

What's the point of beating people to death with sticks if they don't like their eyes?
Ye Chunyang frowned secretly. From the words of the white-robed man, it could be seen that the chaos here was completely unlimited and there were no rules at all.

"How long have they been here." Ye Chunyang continued to ask.

"I don't know." The white-robed man shrugged and sighed, "Some of them have been here for three to five years, some have been here for more than ten years, and some have been here for hundreds of years."

Ye Chunyang's face froze when he heard the words.

No one has been stuck here for so long.

He asked again, "Where do they all come from?"

"That's hard to say." The white-robed man said.

"What do you mean by that?" Nie Xin asked in surprise.

The white-robed man shook his head, "People who come here never tell others where they are from, even if they ask, they won't tell."

Nie Xin became more and more suspicious, and said: "Then you know this, why did you ask us just now?"

"Ahem..." The white-robed man paused for a while before he smiled dryly, "Well... I just asked that casually, who knew that you really said that you came from Tianxuan Mountain."

"But what the hell is Xuanshan that day, why have I never heard of it?"

After finishing speaking, the white-robed man looked at the two with a puzzled expression.

Ye Chunyang's face was indifferent and he didn't speak.

Nie Xin didn't ask any more questions.

Seeing this, the white-robed man had no choice but to be embarrassed, and muttered in his heart: "I really don't know where Tianxuan Mountain is, why should it be so unpredictable."

Of course, having tasted the oppression of Ye Chunyang's sword array, the man in white robe only slandered in his heart, and dared not say a word.

At this moment, a stream of light flickered in mid-air, and several figures in green clothes rushed in from the plain.

Ye Chunyang swept his eyes and found that these people had reached the peak of the Spirit Transformation Realm, and two of them had reached the Perfect Spirit Transformation Realm. They were carrying a stretcher with a blood-stained man lying on it.

When the group passed by, they saw that half of the body of the man on the stretcher was bloody and bloody, with white ribs showing on the chest, and there was no flesh and blood below the right thigh, which looked very terrifying.

"Tsk tsk, another person who is not afraid of death went to that place again. This guy is so injured, even if he managed to survive, he is a waste." The white-robed man looked at these people in Tsing Yi, and said in a daze, his face was speechless. What expression is it.

"Where are they going?" Ye Chunyang asked casually.

"If it's like this, what else is there to do except to enter the void?" The white-robed man replied.

He watched the group of people in blue carry away the seriously injured man on the stretcher, shook his head and sighed: "Some people say that the land of nothingness is connected to the outside world, and you can escape from the Black Sea by passing through there."


Ye Chunyang's expression changed, "Where is the exit of the Black Sea?"

"Not necessarily, no one has ever been able to go back and forth in the nothingness safe and sound." The white-robed man said: "There have been a lot of people who have been going, some have returned, and some have not, but those who have not returned, Not long after, the corpses were also washed back to the tribe by the sea, and some of the corpses you saw in the abandoned tribe were from the land of nothingness."

He pointed to the people in Tsing Yi, and said, "These are members of the Tsing Yi Gang. There were more than a dozen of them when we went out last time. Now less than half of them have returned, and they probably all died."

"Tsing Yi Gang?" Nie Xin asked suspiciously, "Is there a gang here?"

"That's right." The white-robed man shook his head, "The gangs here are not the sects of cultivating immortals that you imagined, but those who came here to avoid being tortured and killed."

"You also saw the chaos here just now. You're new here, so it's best not to act alone."

Speaking of which, the white-robed man looked at them with strange eyes, with a smile that was not a smile.

Ye Chunyang didn't pay attention to what the white-robed man said.

After a long silence, he looked at the white-robed man and said, "Have you ever been to the land of nothingness? How much do you know about it?"

The white-robed man was stunned for a moment, his eyes became even more strange, and he said, "You don't want to go to the land of nothingness, do you?"

As he said that, a look of seriousness flashed in the depths of the white-robed man's eyes.

So far, that image is still deeply engraved in his mind, lingering.

Out of the ten people back then, only he and one companion came back alive. From then on, he never mentioned anything about the land of nothingness.

He didn't answer Ye Chunyang's words, but took a deep look at him and said: "You will not succeed, there is only a dead end to go there, I have seen too many people who just tried to leave through the void after being involved, and the result Their bodies were washed back by the Black Sea."

"How will you know if you don't try?" Ye Chunyang's expression remained unchanged.

He has already broken through the void passages of Ascension to the Spirit Realm, so he still fears this so-called void?
(End of this chapter)

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