Chapter 488
"Cultivator surnamed Ye! This is impossible! How did he kill the ancient flood dragon?"

In a luxurious restaurant in a seaside town, Wang Hao said in shock.

"The news has spread throughout the city. The Taikoo Flood Dragon was indeed beheaded. The man's surname is Ye, and he is probably the man we met at sea." A follower beside him said.

"Does anyone say how he killed the ancient dragon?" Wang Hao asked in a low voice with his face twitching.

A cultivator from Dongtian fell on Wuming Island, which shows how powerful that ancient flood dragon is. To be able to kill this beast, what kind of cultivation is needed?
"Punch!" said the follower.

Wang Hao's eyelids twitched, and his face darkened: "This flood dragon is a remnant from the ancient times. One can imagine its physical strength. How can he kill it with one punch? Don't deceive me."

"How dare you lie to Brother Wang? This matter was confirmed by those monks who returned from the nameless island. The man really killed the dragon with his body, and he exploded the head of the beast with just one punch. He killed the beast in front of everyone. The inner alchemy is taken away." The follower said with horror on his face.

Wang Hao couldn't keep his composure anymore.

Killing the Primordial Flood Dragon with one punch, is this still human?

The follower took a deep breath and took a while to calm down.

He continued to say: "Now the story of Ye Chunyang is being spread in the city, saying that he not only killed the ancient flood dragon, got its inner alchemy, but also got some kind of secret treasure from Wuming Island. Dare to covet the treasures on his body..."

"Wait." Wang Hao suddenly raised his hand to interrupt, "What did you say his name was?"

"Ye Chunyang!" said the follower.

"Huh? Brother Wang, what's wrong with you? Why are you sitting on the ground?"

The follower didn't finish his sentence, but looked at Wang Hao suspiciously.


The chair under Wang Hao suddenly shattered, and he slumped on the ground with his buttocks slumped on the ground, his eyes opened as big as a bull's eyes, showing incomparable horror.

"Ye Chunyang...he is Ye Chunyang..."

"How is this possible? How could he be the number one monk in the Northern Territory?"

Wang Hao's eyes were lost, and he kept muttering in his mouth.

"The first monk in the Northern Territory?" The follower was even more strange. He had never heard of "Ye Chunyang", let alone the name of the first monk in the Northern Territory.

"That's right, it's him!" Wang Hao's face no longer had the slightest hint of arrogance in the past, "I should have thought of it a long time ago, I am familiar with the sisters of the Yan family, and their surname is Ye, and he can easily kill the powerful sea monster, except for the big Who else would the person in the sky be?"

"Brother Wang, Brother Wang?" The follower pushed him hard, but Wang Hao was lost like a puppet and didn't respond.

After half a moment, Wang Hao's eyes regained some light, and he dullly told his followers about the battle in Linshan a few years ago.


After hearing this, the follower sat down abruptly.

"Brother Wang... I'm not talking about you. The sisters of the Yan family have such a relationship with Senior Ye, and you still covet them. This... I'm afraid you're asking for your own death!"

The follower turned pale.

"Shut up! When did I covet the sisters of the Yan family? There has never been such a thing, you don't want to kill me!" Wang Hao shook his body and stared at the followers.

The follower's expression froze, and he immediately shut his mouth.

But in his heart, he was slandering, who was it that a few days ago arrogantly threatened that he would not take that person seriously?Now it has changed so fast.

In terms of shameless kung fu, this prince of the Wang family may have reached a certain level.

"Give me instructions. From now on, the sisters of the Yan family... No! The entire Yan family will be guests of our royal family. Anyone who dares to disrespect them is against me, Wang Hao!" Wang Hao said seriously.

"Brother Wang, don't worry, I'll do it now!" The followers hurried away.



In an inn in the city, a door was suddenly pushed open.

"Sister, it's him! It's him!"

A beautiful figure rushed into the room quickly, and said anxiously, it was Yan Wushuang.

She was holding a jade glass bottle, which contained several pills. Even though it was sealed in the bottle, there was still a burst of pure medicinal fragrance.

After entering the room, Yan Wushuang hurriedly came to Yan Yuyan with the medicine bottle, his face could not hide his excitement.

But the next moment, she was stunned and stared blankly at Yan Yuyan.

The latter remained motionless, holding a medicine bottle exactly like hers in his hand.

"Sister, he... also left you a pill?" Yan Wushuang said dumbly.

Yan Yuyan opened her mouth, smiled wryly and nodded.

"Have you seen him? Sister, have you seen him!"

Yan Wushuang held Yan Yuyan's hand tightly.

"Just now when I returned to the room, I saw this bottle of elixir left on the table. It is rumored that his alchemy skills are the best in the Northern Territory. Except for him, no one can refine such a high-quality elixir, but... Why doesn't he want to see me? Is it so difficult for me to see him? "

The more Yan Wushuang spoke, the more excited she became, and at the end, a mist gushed out of her eyes.

Yan Yuyan was shaken, and sat down weakly. After a long time, she let out a long breath and shook her head, "I didn't see him."

"Push, push, push!"

Yan Wushuang took three steps back.


"Why is he so heartless? Isn't he even willing to see us?"

Yan Wushuang couldn't help shaking his head, his face turned pale.

"Wushuang!" Yan Yuyan drank softly, but her body couldn't help shaking, "We and him are people from two worlds after all. To him, we might just meet by chance, so why bother?"

She clenched the pill tightly in her hand, and said in a distant voice, "Perhaps we should have put it down long ago."

"lay down?"

"Sister, can you put it down? If that's the case, why did my sister put on the green feather dress and go to his room that night?"

Yan Wushuang's complexion was full of self-deprecation.

Yan Yuyan was shocked, "You... how do you know about this?"

Yan Wushuang smiled wryly, and said, "That night... I was also in the courtyard."

She looked up out the window, her eyes blurred.

"I just... want to see him once, just one time... Even if I look at him from a distance, and take a look at his appearance, that's enough."

Yan Wushuang was talking, his eyes were flushed, tears ran down his cheeks, and he curled up by the window with his knees hugged, with a sad and pitiful expression.

Yan Yuyan fell silent.

A long time, a long time!
Yan Yuyan stood up, stared into the distance, and said, "Let's go."

"Where are you going?" Yan Wushuang looked up blankly.

"Cultivation!" Yan Yuyan said: "He is too dazzling, he is the scorching sun standing in the clouds, if we want to see him again, we must have the qualifications to stand with him."

"Wushuang, can you understand what I said?" She looked at Yan Wushuang firmly.

Yan Wushuang was stunned, and after a while, his body shook slightly, his eyes also flashed with determination, and he nodded heavily: "I understand!"


The news of the killing of the primordial dragon on Wuming Island has been spread in the small seaside town for more than ten days, and it is even spreading throughout the Yuanzhao Kingdom. When many monks heard the news, expressions of disbelief appeared on their faces.

"Ye Chunyang? Could it be the number one monk in the Northern Territory?"

"The body of the Primordial Flood Dragon is like a vajra cast, comparable to a real dragon. How can he kill it with one punch?"

"I'm afraid you don't know this? It is rumored that about a year ago, a mysterious monk pretending to be Ye Chunyang made trouble in the Northern Territory and killed the elders of various factions in his name. It is said that the cultivation of this fake person has reached the cave. In the end, Ye Chunyang used his physical strength to beat him into meatloaf."

"Kill the cultivator of the cave! How is this possible!"


A piece of news spread like a storm in the world of cultivating immortals. When everyone talked about the name Ye Chunyang, they all showed awe.

Some insiders even broke the news that Ye Chunyang was pretended to be a year ago, and then his true self appeared and killed the fake person. Although the rumors were a bit exaggerated, they were infinitely close to the truth.

For a while, the name of Ye Chunyang once again spread to the Northern Territory, and his deeds were revered like myths.

First, he killed the monks in the cave, and then killed the ancient dragon. These characters are almost like gods, and no one in the Northern Territory can match them.


Water sect.

In the cave on the upper reaches of the Linghe River, Wuji Patriarch sat in the bamboo pavilion, staring at a fist-sized spar on the table, he was stunned for most of the hour.

"Sure enough, it's the magic source stone!"

"Fellow Daoist Ye, really killed that ancient flood dragon?"

After a long time, the ancestor of Wuji finally came back to his senses, and looked at the young man opposite him in disbelief.

The crystal stone on the table has a mysterious appearance, emitting bursts of illusory aura, and the surrounding space fluctuates violently under the light. The ancestor Wuwu is very familiar with this, it is the phantom source stone.

"When Ye Mou landed on the island, he happened to encounter that dragon making waves, so he simply got rid of it, saying that this dragon does have some supernatural powers, and I have spent a lot of effort to kill him. Why, friend Wuji Is there any problem?" Ye Chunyang took a sip of his tea and said calmly.

"Get rid of it conveniently..." The mouth corners of the Inorganic Patriarch's mouth twitched.

Why did he feel that although Ye Chunyang said that the ancient flood dragon's supernatural powers are powerful, but killing this beast seems to be a slap in the face?

"With the Illusion Origin Stone now, can your clan's teleportation array be activated?" Ye Chunyang didn't get entangled in this matter, and asked instead.

Ancestor Inorganic woke up with a start, and quickly smiled: "That's natural, but although there is a phantom source stone, it will take some time to restore it. If fellow Taoists don't dislike it, you can temporarily stay in my sect for a few days and wait for the formation to be completed." After the restoration is complete, the old man will immediately send someone to invite fellow daoists."

"Okay! Then I'll wait for news from Fellow Daoist." Ye Chunyang said with a sigh.

Up to now, he had to stay in Shuizong for a while. Although he wanted to return to Zhongzhou as soon as possible, it was only a few days away.

"Come here, quickly arrange a cave for Fellow Daoist Ye, don't neglect!" the ancestor Wuji immediately ordered to his disciples.

The disciple beside him bowed in response, and hurriedly and respectfully invited Ye Chunyang down.

Ye Chunyang didn't say much, got up and left the bamboo pavilion.

The cave arranged for him by the ancestor of Wuji is also in the upper reaches of the Linghe River, full of aura, a condition that makes Ye Chunyang somewhat satisfied.

But when he came here along the way, he discovered another strange thing.

The young man named "Zhou Qun", after seeing him, knelt down far away again, knocking his head on the ground, as if he was very afraid of him.

Ye Chunyang was surprised by this.

He didn't know why this young man was like this.

(End of this chapter)

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