After the ascent failed

Chapter 489 Soul Realm

Chapter 489 Soul Realm
Shui Zong Lun Lingqi is the purest of the six Northern Territory sects.

The Ling River that runs across the sect has been arranged by countless generations of masters, and the disciples practice according to it, and all of them progress very quickly, and one day can be worth several days.

Ye Chunyang lives in the cave house arranged by Wuji's ancestor, and he is clean and comfortable every day.

At this time, he was sitting in a stone pavilion, holding a dark green monster inner alchemy in his hand, which emitted powerful water attribute fluctuations.

This monster inner alchemy is exactly the inner alchemy of the ancient flood dragon!

"The inner alchemy of the ancient relics is really good." Ye Chunyang smiled.

The water-attribute aura contained in this inner alchemy is very effective in alchemy. As long as the medicinal materials are high enough, it can even be refined into a panacea suitable for monks in the cave.

As for medicinal materials, Ye Chunyang has never been short of them.

Not to mention that a large number of spiritual herbs can be ripened with the help of a spiritual spoon, but under the guidance of Lingsu, many rare heaven and earth elixir can also be found.

Therefore, Ye Chunyang intends to keep this ancient dragon inner alchemy for future advancement.

Looking at this inner alchemy, he couldn't help but recall the scene of beheading the ancient dragon on Wuming Island that day.

After meeting the sisters of the Yan family at sea that day, he went to the unnamed island alone. After approaching the island, he saw many monks fighting fiercely with the ancient flood dragon.

Rather than saying that the two sides were fighting, it would be more appropriate to say that the monks were attacked and killed by the ancient flood dragon.

Ye Chunyang had already heard a lot about the rumors about the ancient flood dragon, but when he actually saw this monster, Ye Chunyang was still a little surprised by the ferocity of the monster. In just a few breaths, many monks were torn into pieces by it. There are even two Jindan Realm masters among them.

Seeing the fierce battle between the two sides, Ye Chunyang originally wanted to go to the island to take the magic source stone without disturbing the beast, so as to save a lot of effort, but he didn't expect that the ancient dragon was so fierce that every treasure on the island was planted After placing the imprint, Ye Chunyang noticed it just after he found the magic source stone.

Naturally, this monster would not just watch Ye Chunyang take away the magic source stone, and blocked him immediately.

Ye Chunyang knew that the beast's body was strong, and he didn't intend to fight it with his magic power. After waiting for the opportunity to get close to the opponent, he punched the head of the beast with a powerful fist, and took away its inner alchemy and magic source stone. Then walk away.

After getting these two things, Ye Chunyang directly returned to the mainland, and stayed in a small seaside town for a night in a low-key way before heading back to Water Sect.

Before leaving, he happened to know that the sisters of the Yan family were also in the city, so he left them the pills of advanced cultivation respectively, which can be regarded as an explanation for the acquaintance back then.

After putting away the inner alchemy, Ye Chunyang took out another thing from the Qiankun bag.

It is a piece of mysterious black copper with a simple style, covered with traces of wear and tear, and various irregular gaps.

However, when Ye Chunyang looked at the copper piece, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, there is a piece of copper on the nameless island. The first two pieces of copper contain the soul art supernatural power of the primordial deity and the virtual supernatural power, but it is only the first level of cultivation methods. I don't know if this thing also has cultivation methods?"

Ye Chunyang rubbed the copper piece with his fingers, then raised his hand and threw it into the air.

This object is strikingly similar to the two mysterious copper pieces he had obtained before. Through assembling the two pieces before, Ye Chunyang found out the soul art supernatural power of "Primordial God Transforming Void" from it, but its cultivation method is not complete.

This trip to the unnamed island unexpectedly got another piece, so he couldn't wait to see if there was another mystery hidden in it?
From the piece of copper left by Moshangren on Lingshan Island before, Ye Chunyang knew that this piece alone could not undo the forbidden spell, and only by finding other pieces and splicing them together could it be cracked with divine sense.

With a thought in Ye Chunyang's mind, the two spliced ​​copper pieces flew out of the Qiankun bag and flowed into the air.

The three copper pieces came into contact with each other, making a strange sound of "chi chi", and fine black lightning burst out from the interface, and countless strange inscriptions shone out, like fresh fish, swimming out one by one.

Ye Chunyang was pleasantly surprised, this scene was the same as the scene when he got the second bronze shard on Lingshan Island.

As Ye Chunyang expected, soon, the three pieces of copper were connected together. Although there were still gaps, it seemed that the outline of some kind of treasure had been faintly formed.

Ye Chunyang observed for a while, and immediately mobilized his mind to explore the copper plate.

Having had the previous experience, Ye Chunyang was already familiar with the way when he explored this object again. When the spiritual thoughts poured into it, a huge torrent of information came out of the copper plate and went straight into his spiritual consciousness.

Ye Chunyang was shocked, and saw a mysterious tadpole text come to mind. When he was on Lingshan Island, he had the experience of comprehending the "Primary Spirit Transforming the Void". At this moment, he saw at a glance that this is a deeper method of this exercise. It is very useful for tempering the soul.

"Sure enough, as I expected, there is indeed a second level of cultivation method of Yuanshen Huaxu hidden in it." Ye Chunyang was ecstatic in his heart.

He is not a monk in the world of demon gods, and he is very lacking in soul arts. This "Primary Spirit Transforming Void" is very powerful, and it is one of the strongest methods in all his soul arts.

When he fought against Wan Xiuzhu in Linshan back then, if he had this technique, Ye Chunyang could kill him without even needing to get out of his body.

"It's a pity that although the Demon God Realm is the birthplace of soul cultivation, there are few people there, and there are even fewer opponents worthy of a battle. It's not easy to prove your own strength." Ye Chunyang secretly regretted.

The loneliest thing in the world is nothing more than being invincible.

However, Ye Chunyang faintly feels that soul cultivation is not as rare as it appears on the surface, and it is very likely that they are just living in seclusion. When they return to Zhongzhou in the future, they may be able to inquire carefully.

Ye Chunyang immediately concentrated on comprehending.

Immediately afterwards, he showed a look of three-point surprise and seven-point surprise.

The method hidden in this piece of copper obtained from the Nameless Island is somewhat different from the previous two pieces.

The first two pieces are pure exercises. In addition to the more divine-level exercises in the tadpole article that appeared this time, some things that are different from the past are marked at the end.

After careful study, Ye Chunyang discovered that the commentary was actually about the origin of these mysterious copper pieces, and it was a fragment of a mysterious soul treasure.

Soul Treasure is a magic weapon that soul cultivators use to sacrificially refine their souls. Just as a Dharma cultivator condenses a magic weapon into his body and sacrifices blood to his own life, the power of the soul treasure will also increase greatly through the improvement of the soul cultivation level.

Of course, the soul treasure is like the natal magic weapon of a mana cultivator. Unless its master falls, or the blood refinement mark on it is erased, others cannot activate it.

"These fragments are actually left by a broken soul treasure. Judging from the primordial deity transformation technique hidden inside, the owner of this magic treasure is probably someone with a very strong soul cultivation base."

Ye Chunyang was secretly shocked.

Yuanshen Huaxu is an infinitely miraculous technique, and it is recorded in detail in the chapter of the technique obtained this time that this supernatural power has a total of three levels of realm.

The first level is "Valuation of Void", and the second level is "God's Domain". This fragment obtained from Wuming Island records the chapter of "God's Domain".

As for the third level of cultivation method, Ye Chunyang didn't know.

Ye Chunyang, the method of transforming emptiness, has already been cultivated. Once performed, the primordial spirit can be placed between the essence and the illusion, and the opponent can be killed invisible.

And once this second layer of "God Domain" is refined, it can form its own Soul Domain and create various phantom attacks. If this technique can be used when the Soul Realm has reached the distraction stage, it will even turn one world into one's own domain. Its powerful supernatural powers make it difficult for anyone trapped in it to break free, and its divine power is invincible.

Ye Chunyang's heart was touched, he closed his eyes immediately, and activated his soul according to the exercises.

There was a clear sound of "嗡"!
The golden light in the eyebrows was shining, and Ye Chunyang's soul flew out, and sat cross-legged in the void, three mysterious copper runes flickered, spinning around his soul.

Ye Chunyang's body was flickering with light, and his expression was changing. After sitting cross-legged in the void, time and space seemed to be frozen, only layers of golden rainbows were rising up.

This cave had already set up isolation restrictions when Ye Chunyang moved in, and no matter how big the fluctuations were at this time, there was no leakage.

With the passage of time, the light on Ye Chunyang's primordial spirit became brighter, and a wave of water-like divine thoughts spread out, gradually forming a mysterious field, covering a radius of hundreds of feet.

Before I knew it, several days had passed.

In the field, all kinds of elements flow, or swords and swords rain, or clouds and mist fill the sky, or tsunamis are raging, just like the real world.

This is Ye Chunyang's soul domain, God's domain!

"The Divine Realm technique is so mysterious, it's a pity that I haven't reached the stage of distraction, otherwise I can use this technique to exert greater power."

Ye Chunyang silently felt the changes in God's Domain, and couldn't help but marvel in his heart.

I didn't expect to be able to have such supernatural powers in the cultivation of the soul, and its miraculousness does not belong to normal mana cultivation at all.

"It's no wonder that soul cultivation has created incomparable brilliance in the world of demons and gods, and even the ancients used their souls to overcome thunder and ascend to the spirit world. This kind of mystery should not be lost to any secret art of cultivation."

"It's a pity that these are only a few fragments, and the chapters of the exercises are not complete. Otherwise, if you can comprehend the third stage of Yuanshen Huaxu, how powerful will this technique be?"

Ye Chunyang secretly regretted it.

However, greed is not enough for snakes to swallow elephants, and Ye Chunyang is not a dissatisfied person. Now he is lucky to be able to obtain the first two cultivation methods of Yuanshen Huaxu. Whether he can get the third cultivation method in the future depends on chance.

After comprehending the realm of spirit and soul again, Ye Chunyang was very satisfied with his primordial spirit returning to consciousness.

Opening his eyes, he made a casual move, and the three copper pieces flew back into his hand.

"These copper pieces are made of unusual materials, and they are printed with forbidden soul spells. I think it is a good treasure before it is destroyed. I don't know if I can gather all the pieces together one day, whether this treasure can be re-sacrificed. Fan?" Ye Chunyang smiled slightly, thinking to himself.

He is still very interested in soul treasures, but so far, he has not found any suitable materials for refining soul treasures.

After all, soul treasures are different from magic treasures, they need divine sense to cultivate, and there are extremely high requirements on the materials of treasures.

Moreover, Ye Chunyang's knowledge in this area is not as rich as his spells, so it is not good to try it rashly for the time being.

Just when Ye Chunyang thought so, someone came from outside the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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