Chapter 491

After Ye Chunyang followed the gray-haired old man into the valley, the barrier was closed again, and there was no abnormality from the outside.

But when Ye Chunyang settled down, he saw two other figures in the valley, a woman and a middle-aged man, both of them were in their early forties, they seemed to be a couple.

Ye Chunyang took a rough look, and found that both of them had the same cultivation base as the gray-haired old man, and they had reached the golden core realm.

"Brother Guangyuan, why has it taken so long? My husband and I have been waiting here for a long time!" The middle-aged man said to the gray-haired old man with some displeasure, and then looked at Ye Chunyang, "He is the one we are waiting for? Xiu Is it too low for a small golden core success?"

"Brother Wei, I can't blame the old man for this matter. I have been waiting for him for a long time." The gray-clothed old man said helplessly: "Although his cultivation base is a bit low, no matter what, we have agreed to him, so let's take him with us. !"

The middle-aged man surnamed Wei stared at Ye Chunyang again, seeing that his cultivation was really low-level, he snorted and didn't bother to look again.

On the other hand, the woman next to her looked a little strange, and said, "Guangyuan Daoist, the other party did indeed tell us to bring someone, but we have never seen the person he sent, are you right?"

"Don't worry, Mrs. Wei, there is nothing wrong with that person. The man said that his people will come out from that place, and the old man has been guarding there." The gray-haired old man shook his head.

"Since that's the case, it can't be wrong. No one knows about that place." The woman nodded.

Probably because Ye Chunyang's cultivation base is too low, he is not qualified to be in their eyes, the three of them have been talking to themselves and ignore Ye Chunyang.

"Okay, now that we're all here, let's set off immediately. Although this mission is not too difficult, we still have to be careful and make sure to get that item from the target."

The middle-aged man surnamed Wei waved his hand, he didn't want to say any more, after throwing a ground escape talisman casually, he wrapped his arms around the woman's waist and disappeared into a puff of green smoke.

"Let's go too!"

The old man in gray made a formula with one hand, chanted a few incantations, and disappeared immediately.

Ye Chunyang looked strange, and after looking at the direction in which the three disappeared, he also activated his escape technique and disappeared together.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that the three golden core level consummation monks mistook him for someone they were waiting for, and all this was caused by him coming out of the ruins of the mysterious sect.

He didn't know the identities of the three, nor did he know what the mission they said was, but judging from the cautious appearance of the three, it seemed that completing this trip would be of great benefit.

Although the three of them used their magical powers to hide, Ye Chunyang could catch up to them with the perception of breath.

After about half an hour, the couple surnamed Wei appeared first, and the gray-clothed old man also lifted the escape technique and stopped beside them.

The light on Ye Chunyang's body faded away, and he also stopped.

Only then did he realize that in front of him was a huge wild ancient forest, among which there were mountains and mist, and it was impossible to find out the situation in the forest unless he released his spiritual sense to investigate.

"Brother Wei, are you sure it's here?" The old man in gray squinted his eyes and looked towards the forest, asking in a low voice.

"The news came from the Blood Rakshasa, there is absolutely no mistake." The middle-aged man surnamed Wei said.

"That's good, the old man has also received some information about the target's hiding place, just to confirm it." The gray-clothed old man chuckled twice.

"Although we have obtained the exact information, the ancient forest in front of us is so large that it is not easy to find a person from it, and he may even scare the snake. This person's status in the Blood Rakshasa is not low. Pai is the sect with the most abundant collection since ancient times, it is hard to guarantee that he will not have any brilliant concealment techniques, if he is allowed to escape, it will be difficult to catch him again." The woman frowned.

"Madam Wei is right. We must find a way to get him to come out on his own initiative." The old man in gray nodded in agreement.

Listening to the conversation between the three, Ye Chunyang's heart moved.

Blood Rakshasa?

Looking for someone?

Ye Chunyang sensed the aura of Baifeng in the palm of his hand, and felt relieved slightly after finding that there was nothing abnormal.

However, they actually came to encircle and suppress a blood Raksha master, which surprised Ye Chunyang.

"The opponent's cultivation base is only at the same level as ours. With the combined efforts of the four of us, it is easy to take him down. What's more, he was seriously injured when he escaped from the blood rakshasa. "The middle-aged man surnamed Wei showed disdain, "As long as this ancient forest is set on fire, I'm not afraid that he won't come out."

The grey-haired old man's expression changed when he heard the words, "It's fine, we can just sit here and wait for the rabbit, but when we reach the level of you and me, ordinary flames can't deal with it. It must be the real fire of three flavors to force him to show up."

"Hahaha... Fellow Daoist Guangyuan is right, there happens to be a treasure that can release the Three Flavors True Fire here, how about lending it to you to cast spells?"

Suddenly, a loud laugh came from behind.

The grey-clothed old man and the couple's expressions turned serious, and they saw a flash of light in mid-air, and a flying spiritual chariot tore through the clouds and flashed out, and a man in Chinese clothes was riding on it, about twenty or thirty, with an unusually handsome appearance, There are several women serving around, all of them graceful.

"Young Master Lonely! You have come here!"

The faces of the three gray-clothed old men turned cold, and they looked very surprised at the arrival of this man in Chinese clothes.

"Fellow daoists, you don't have to look at me like this. Tao is a place where treasures and capable people live. I have also heard about the things that person took away from Xue Luocha. Today I am here to help a few of you."

The young man in Chinese clothes named "Lonely Young Master" opened a folding fan, shook it slightly, and said with a smile on his face.

"Hmph! Apart from those above, only we know about it. How did you hear about it?" Mrs. Wei said coldly.

The Lonely Young Master didn't think so, and said: "What kind of person is this Young Master, it's easy to know this little thing."

"You fart!" The gray-clothed old man couldn't help cursing directly: "The thing on that man was asked by those few names, Lonely son, don't you dare to intervene to seize the treasure?"

"So what can I do if I want it?" The smile on Lonely Young Master's face gradually faded, and his look became a little more gloomy.

"You..." The old man in gray was shocked and angry.

Before he could open his mouth, the Lonely Young Master laughed and said: "Everyone tried so hard to find out that the man was hiding here, so you don't want to make the trip in vain, do you? It's better to force that man out first, to argue with my subordinates here. As for the things on him, everyone depends on their own abilities."

The grey-clothed old man's face darkened, and he was about to continue speaking, but the middle-aged man surnamed Wei was stopped by him, "This is the end of the matter, Brother Guang Yuan, you don't need to talk to him anymore, it's more important to get down to business first."

Hearing this, the gray-clothed old man blinked his eyes a few times, and finally retreated.

This Lonely Young Master is also a master of the Golden Core Realm, and there is a big man standing behind him, no matter how dissatisfied he is, the old man dare not take action.

Ye Chunyang stood there without saying a word.

But no one noticed that Ye Chunyang narrowed his eyes at this moment, staring at a female cultivator next to Lonely Young Master, who was also staring at him.

Then, the female cultivator's body trembled wildly, her eyes wide open, showing an expression of disbelief.

After a while, the female cultivator wriggled her mouth, but soon calmed down, and then withdrew her gaze, no longer looking at Ye Chunyang.

"Okay, if you all want to force that person out, you might as well give this treasure a try." Lonely Young Master smiled lightly.

After the words fell, his wrist shook, and a small red cauldron the size of a palm appeared in his hand, exuding a fiery breath, causing the void to become distorted.

"Fire-eating Cauldron!"

"Master Tianyun actually passed this treasure on to you!"

The three of them were shocked, apparently they were no strangers to the treasure in the hands of the Lonely Young Master.

"Hehe, I am not talented, and I have indeed obtained the inheritance of the master." The Lonely Young Master smiled arrogantly.

"The fire-swallowing cauldron is said to be an imitation of the Tongtian Lingbao Swallowing Flame Cauldron. It can store spiritual fire in it, and then release it several times. Master Tianyun held it to run rampant in Zhongzhou. All the sects and aristocrats were helpless. I didn't expect it to come. In the hands of Mr. Lonely." Mrs. Wei whispered in shock.

The middle-aged man surnamed Wei and the gray-clothed old man also showed seriousness on their faces. This fire-eating cauldron has the power to burn the sky and destroy the earth. Master Tianyun once used this treasure to burn a sect's disciples to ashes. Now it's in the hands of Mr. Lonely In the middle of the day, the other party came here to stab again, and the two suddenly had a bad feeling.

The Lonely Young Master ignored them, and with the tactic in his hand urged, the Fire-Eating Cauldron swelled against the wind, and instantly turned into a huge cauldron tens of feet in size, stretching across the midair, emitting bursts of yellow clouds.

"Plop" several muffled sounds came from the cauldron, Huang Xia suddenly distorted, turned into a raging flame and rose, and the blazing high temperature enveloped the entire sky over the ancient forest.

The next moment, countless flames burst into flames and flickered, falling straight down from the fire cloud. The ancient forest suddenly burst into flames, and the large fire cloud spread out.

The eyes of the gray-clothed old man and the Wei couple twitched. Although they didn't speak, they couldn't hide the shock in their hearts.

Master Tianyun used to be the all-powerful master in Zhongzhou. It is rumored that this person can compete with Master Haode from Kunlun Ruins. How can the magic weapon he holds be taken lightly?

The Lonely Young Master got his true biography, even though his cultivation has only reached the perfection of the Golden Core Realm, he has already made this treasure debut.

"To destroy a whole world in a blink of an eye, the power of the Fire Devouring Cauldron is indeed well-deserved. With such a raging flame burning the world, that person must have nowhere to escape." Mrs. Wei said.

"Let's take a look and talk, the four of us will each be divided into one place later, as soon as we find the trace of that person, we will take action immediately." The middle-aged man surnamed Wei said slowly.

"No matter what, you must not let Mr. Lonely take that thing away, otherwise you and I will not be able to survive." The grey-clothed old man's face was gloomy, and his words instantly changed the expressions of Wei Shi and his wife. What kind of terrible fate will be faced.

Ye Chunyang just stood there quietly without interjecting a word.

"Hmph! I want to see how long he can hide!"

"Get me out!"

It's been a long time since there was any movement in the forest, a trace of impatience appeared on the face of the Lonely Young Master, and then he turned his palm and pressed the cauldron, and the fire cloud exploded instantly, destroying the world.

At this moment, an amazing scene appeared!

(End of this chapter)

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