After the ascent failed

Chapter 492 I Want That Female Cultivator

Chapter 492 I Want That Female Cultivator
There was a loud bang!
Under the slap of Lonely Young Master with one hand, the big cauldron plummeted down like a mountain like a mountain, and it was located in the ancient forest, emitting clouds of fire all over the sky, the scorching high temperature permeated the air, and instantly burned into nothingness for miles around.

At this moment, an angry shout came from somewhere, followed by light and shadow flickering, bursting out from the fire curtain.

The speed of this light and shadow is extremely fast, and it rushes into the sky in the blink of an eye, and it seems to be far away from here.

"Hey, it finally appeared!"

The middle-aged man surnamed Wei laughed lowly when he saw the light and shadow, and his figure flickered towards the light and shadow like a ghost.

The woman and the old man in gray also activated the light at the same time, and disappeared in a flash.


Lonely Young Master sneered, pinched a formula in his hand, and the Fire-Eating Cauldron quickly shrank and flew back into his sleeve, and then the spiritual chariot under him shook wildly, like an arrow leaving the string, it went straight to the figure and chased after it.

Judging from the breath, the cultivation of the fleeing figure was comparable to that of several people, but the breath was a little vain, and he looked obviously injured.

Seeing that Lonely Young Master and others were chasing after him, he didn't stop, and violently urged Duan Guang.

Ye Chunyang's eyes flickered.

Obviously, this light and shadow that rushed out of the fire curtain was the target they wanted to find. Judging from what several people said, there seemed to be some treasure on the other party.

Looking at the light and shadow of the frantic escape, and then at the direction in which the Lonely Young Master's chariot was flying, the corners of Ye Chunyang's mouth slightly raised, and the brilliance under his feet flashed and disappeared.

The speed of the fleeing figure was extremely fast, within a few flashes, it had already flickered for several miles away, far away from the ancient forest.


Suddenly, sparks shot out in mid-air, and a flying knife appeared in mid-air with a cold light. The figure was flying away, and the knife cut down instantly.

The figure let out an angry roar, clenched a fist with one hand, hit the blade, the flying knife shook suddenly, and flew several feet away, and the figure took advantage of this opportunity, the light suddenly rose, and continued to flee crazily.

"Can you escape?"

A low laugh sounded, and the flying knife fell into the middle-aged man surnamed Wei's hand after a few circles, and his five fingers touched the knife body together. and go.

Almost at the same time, the woman and Guangyuan appeared on the left and right sides of the figure, and they called each other.

The precious light flickered, the magic formula soared into the sky, and the flying knife went straight to cut off the figure's neck, and the piercing light of the knife suppressed the light on the latter's body for a few minutes.

The figure roared again and again, frantically resisting the attack of the flying knives, and in a blink of an eye, it was greeted by Guangyuan and the woman's formula, and couldn't help but retreat.

"Do you still want to escape now? Obediently hand over your things, maybe there is still a chance of survival." The middle-aged man surnamed Wei said with a grin.

"Don't think about it!"

The figure yelled loudly, and the light scattered around him, revealing the appearance of a man in black. His face was pale, his hair was a little messy, and there were still some blood stains on the black clothes on his body. He had obviously experienced a lot of fighting.

I saw a talisman in his hand, and he slapped it on his body. Suddenly, a violent light flashed out. From the sky above, the flying knives and formulas landed on it, and there was a clanging sound, and sparks splashed out. It cannot be shaken.

"It's a good amulet, but do you think it can stop the three of us?" The gray-clothed old man showed sarcasm in his eyes, and a gray cloud spewed out from his mouth as he spoke, and a gray short blade appeared inside.

Unlike the middle-aged flying knife with the surname Wei, this short hair is as thin as a piece of paper, engraved with countless complex lines, exuding a simple and natural atmosphere. Moran appeared on the mask in front of the man in black.

There were several whistling sounds of wind, and the mask suddenly showed cracks, and after a few slight tremors, it shattered under the frightened eyes of the man in black.

"Now it's up to you to escape!"

The three looked at each other and smiled, then attacked and killed the man in black again.

And when the battle was fierce here, the other place was flickering with light, and the Lonely Young Master flew towards this place slowly driving the spiritual chariot.

Just as he was several miles away from the battle circle, he suddenly stopped.

"My lord, why did you stop? The man has already appeared, if he doesn't act at this time, I'm afraid Wei Wu and Guang Yuan will get there first." A woman next to him said.

This girl is a little older than other maids, her brows are a bit cold and sharp, and her cultivation is at the Golden Core level, she is the right-hand man of Lonely Young Master.

"Don't worry, although the man was seriously injured, but the rabbit bit people in a hurry, the people of the Blood Raksha are all lunatics, I really pushed them into a hurry, and they can do anything, I don't want him to die Take a bite forward and wait here." The Lonely Young Master said lightly.

"It turns out that the young master wants to reap the benefits of the fisherman." The Jindan female cultivator smiled lightly.

"Someone helps us solve our troubles, why not do it?" Lonely Young Master looked calm.

"But if they really take that person down, wouldn't we miss that thing?" The Jindan female cultivator was still a little worried.

"Hehe, that person is not so easy to deal with. Let's just watch the show with peace of mind." The Lonely Young Master smiled mysteriously, looked at a girl behind him, and said, "Beauty, do you think so?"

This girl is also different from the other female cultivators beside Lonely Young Master. She is dressed in a blood-red veil, her eyes are cold and sharp, and there is a faint murderous aura on her body. This aura does not easily exist in ordinary people. The experience of blood will form naturally.

It can be seen that the girl looks young, but she is very human.

Facing the Lonely Young Master's question, she remained motionless, as if she hadn't heard it, and didn't answer.

The Lonely Young Master didn't care either. He half-lyed in the spiritual chariot with a smile on his face, waving his folding fan lightly, sipping tea and snacks, and didn't seem to care about the battle ahead.

But at this moment, his expression was concentrated, and he looked at a figure that suddenly appeared in front of him, frowning slightly.

And the blood-clothed female cultivator, after seeing this figure that seemed to appear out of nowhere, the expression in the pupils moved, but quickly disappeared.

The Lonely Young Master glanced at the person who came, then closed his eyes again, as if he didn't bother to pay attention.

He had met this person just now, and it was the black-clothed youth who was with Guangyuan and the others. His cultivation level was too low, and Lonely Young Master didn't even want to look at him.

"This fellow daoist didn't assist fellow daoist Guangyuan and the others to encircle and suppress the enemy, why did he come here?" The female cultivator at the Jindan realm next to her giggled.

The black-clothed youth didn't answer. After sweeping the chariot, he said after a while, "I'm here to ask you for someone."

The Lonely Young Master raised his eyebrows.

He opened his eyes and looked at Ye Chunyang with great interest, "I don't know who you want to be with me? Speaking of which, my female companions are all pretty good-looking, but it's not that you can say what you want with a word." If you want it, maybe you have to take your life into it."

The nun at the Jindan Realm froze, and then looked at Ye Chunyang with pity.

She knows Mr. Lonely very well, he treats all the beauties around him as taboos, and other people don't say they want to attack these female cultivators, even if they just take a look, the end will be extremely miserable.

"This person is very unwise." The Jindan female cultivator secretly said.

But Ye Chunyang didn't care. After the female cultivators in the spiritual chariot passed by, he pointed to the blood-clothed girl with a cold face, and said, "I want her."

All the female cultivators were taken aback.

This person really dares to demand someone in front of Lonely Young Master, isn't he crazy?
Sure enough, the Lonely Young Master withdrew his smile, closed his eyes again, and said nothing.

The blood-clothed girl looked at Ye Chunyang with hope, but she didn't say a word.

"Fellow daoist, although you are a gentle lady and a gentleman, but this younger sister is already a member of my son, and fellow daoist wants to take her away." implied sarcasm.

This person is either a lunatic or a fool, such a character as Lonely Young Master, to dare to have his girlfriend's idea, it's too much life.

"I want someone, and no one can stop it." Ye Chunyang shook his head.

When these words came out, all the female cultivators in the spiritual chariot were shocked.

Then, these beautiful women covered their mouths and laughed lightly, looking at Ye Chunyang with ridicule.

"My lord, this servant has sent him away." The Jindan female cultivator pursed her lips and said with a seductive smile.

"I want him to die without a whole body." The Lonely Young Master said flatly without raising his head.

"Young Master, don't worry, if this person dares to challenge your majesty, the servant will make him pay the price."

After finishing her sentence, the nun at the Golden Core Realm flashed out of the chariot.


Time and space suddenly stand still.

A clear voice came out, the female cultivator in the Jindan realm had just rushed out, and a slap suddenly swept across the air. The girl's face was full of disbelief, but she found that the mana in her body was completely suppressed, unable to mobilize even a bit, and then let out a sharp, miserable cry. screamed, without even a chance to land, and was directly fanned dozens of feet away.

Including the Lonely Young Master, everyone in the chariot was shocked!
This black-clothed cultivator obviously only had a small achievement in the Golden Core Realm, but this woman was sent flying with a single slap. What kind of concept is this?

The nun at the Golden Core Realm raised her head with difficulty, and looked at Ye Chunyang in disbelief.


A flash of spiritual light popped out from Ye Chunyang's fingertips. Just as the nun at the Jindan state opened her mouth to speak, a blood hole suddenly pierced her forehead, and she fell down stiffly.

"Boy, do you know that this is asking for death?"

The Lonely Young Master suddenly sat up from the chariot, his eyes half-closed.

"I'll just say once, I want that female nun. If you let her go, she can still live, otherwise she will die." Ye Chunyang had no expression on his face, and walked step by step towards the spiritual chariot with his hands behind his back in the void.

"You don't know the heights of heaven and earth, boy, how dare you talk to me like this. You killed a female cultivator of mine, and you want to marry me. I'll take a look. What are you capable of?" The Lonely Young Master couldn't help laughing out loud.

The other nuns also recovered from the shock, giggling.

This ink-clothed monk came out of nowhere, even a mere Golden Core Realm Xiaocheng dared to provoke Lonely Young Master, he was simply impatient.

"Since you came to die by yourself, I will help you. Even if I kill you, Wei Wu and Guang Yuan would not dare to do anything to me."

The Lonely Young Master stepped out of the chariot, with murderous intent gradually showing in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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