After the ascent failed

Chapter 493 News from the White Phoenix

Chapter 493 News from the White Phoenix
The Lonely Young Master is not a greedy and lustful person, but he is addicted to women. These female cultivators were acquired by him in various ways, but he just kept them by his side for admiration. If he snatched it away from him, he would not agree to it, and even if he took a look, he would goug out the other person's eyeballs.

Ye Chunyang, a little cultivator with a small achievement in the Golden Core Realm, pointed out the important person in front of him, and even beheaded the most powerful female cultivator around him, how could he not be angry.

"Speaking of which, my fire-eating cauldron may not have devoured the flesh and blood of a living person for a long time. It should be quite good to see how you are refined in the cauldron later."

The Lonely Young Master slapped one hand, the fire-eating cauldron's light surged, and it moved across the sky.

Immediately, a sea of ​​flames surged toward Ye Chunyang, and huge clouds of fire formed one after another, covering Ye Chunyang crazily.

But then there was a scene that surprised the Lonely Young Master.

Ye Chunyang stood motionless in the fire cloud, those fire clouds that could burn the entire ancient forest to ashes did not harm him, not even the hem of his clothes was burned.

"How is this possible?" The lonely son couldn't believe it.

The fire-swallowing cauldron is an imitation of the Tongtian Lingbao "Swallowing Flame Cauldron". Its power is famous in Zhongzhou. The three-flavored real fire in the cauldron is carefully refined by its master Tianyun. Ye Chunyang only has a small achievement in the Golden Core Realm, how can he resist it?
The female cultivators in the chariot were also shocked. In the past, the fire-eating cauldron of Lonely Young Master was invincible. With this thing, he even escaped from the hands of a cultivator in the cave. At this time, he was unable to kill a person who was two levels lower than him. The young monk is incredible.

"It seems that my son was wrong, but it was just a small trick, and then I will let you see my true supernatural power!"

The Lonely Young Master's face was dark and gloomy, and he quickly changed his spells.


There was a loud bang!
The fire cloud ejected from the cauldron twisted suddenly, turned into sharp swords and went straight to strangle Ye Chunyang.

A giant sword condensed from Sanwei real fire covered the sky and covered the earth, burning all the land, turning everything into ashes, and the terrifying fire wave surrounded Ye Chunyang almost in a blink of an eye.

But the next scene surprised Lonely Young Master even more!
Countless flaming giant swords slashed down wildly, and Ye Chunyang stomped his footsteps, his body volleyed in the air, and he punched hard with both hands clenched.

There was a crackling sound, and the flames splashed all over the sky. Ye Chunyang didn't use any mana, and directly shook it with his body, but in the blink of an eye, all the flaming giant swords were broken and disappeared without a trace.

Then Ye Chunyang's figure flashed, and he punched out again.


The roar resounded like a mountain colliding, the fire-eating cauldron trembled violently, and flew hundreds of feet across the air, the Sanwei real fire inside was scattered and all extinguished.

Ye Chunyang directly punched this tripod, which the Lonely Young Master relied on for strength, into the air.


The Lonely Young Master's shock was no small matter.

But he is not an idle person. Knowing that the strength of the black-clothed youth in front of him is far beyond the surface, he immediately opened his mouth and touched it, a ray of light slowly appeared, and a flying sword faintly appeared inside.

This flying sword is his natal magic weapon, its power is no longer under the Fire Devouring Cauldron, but with the Fire Devouring Cauldron in his hand, Lonely Young Master is enough to stand in awe of his peers, very few people can make him sacrifice his natal Flying Sword, so call this sword now It shows that he attaches great importance to Ye Chunyang.

However, before the flying sword was sacrificed, a huge fist shadow appeared in front of him, followed by a roar, the lonely son's natal flying sword suddenly turned into powder and exploded.

After Ye Chunyang's fist shattered the Lonely Young Master's flying sword, he didn't stop, and suddenly landed on his chest. The Lonely Young Master suddenly felt his internal organs shattered, and the piercing fist burst out from behind, and all the female cultivators in the spiritual chariot couldn't hold on , have vomiting blood fainted.

Ye Chunyang was like an ancient chariot, rushing on a rampage, no one could resist it, after one punch fell, he raised his hand again to strike.

The Lonely Young Master opened his eyes wide, revealing a look of great fear.

He couldn't imagine that a person's physical body could be so strong that even the magic weapon was unscathed. The punch just now had already displaced his internal organs. If this punch fell again, he didn't have the confidence to resist it.

The Lonely Young Master's face was full of horror, he slapped his forehead immediately, and a phantom escaped from his body.

It was actually his primordial spirit.

Ye Chunyang's powerful physical body terrified the Lonely Young Master, knowing that he couldn't resist, he simply escaped from his body.


A loud bang resounded, and the Lonely Young Master's body was pierced, turning into a blood mist and exploding, but taking advantage of this gap, his primordial spirit flashed, quickly fled to high altitude, and disappeared in an instant.

Ye Chunyang glanced at the direction in which the lonely son Yuanshen was escaping, and he didn't bother to chase after him, so he walked straight into the chariot.

The Lonely Young Master is not a soul cultivator. Even if the primordial spirit is condensed in the sea of ​​consciousness after reaching the Golden Core Realm, he cannot survive outside the body. The only way to continue his life is to seize the body. Put it in your eyes.

In the chariot, all the female cultivators were stunned by his fist, but there was still a young girl standing there.

Of course, this was Ye Chunyang's intention to stop when he made a move just now, otherwise this girl would end up the same as other female cultivators.

"You were cursed by him?"

Ye Chunyang looked at the blood-clothed girl, frowning after a short glance with his divine sense.

The girl stood there dumbly, motionless, with a complicated look in her eyes.

Ye Chunyang clicked between his eyebrows, and his spiritual thoughts came out, and he moved towards the woman's cover, only to hear a muffled sound, and the woman's tense body suddenly relaxed.

"Xiaorou sees Patriarch Ye! It turns out that Patriarch is still alive! If Patriarch Bai knows about this, he will be very pleasantly surprised!"

The blood-clothed girl suddenly knelt down on one knee, her expression full of excitement.

"Get up, why did you fall into the hands of Mr. Lonely?" Ye Chunyang lifted the girl up with a gentle wind, and asked.

This blood-clothed girl is none other than Bai Feng's female disciple, Xiao Rou.

Ye Chunyang was a little surprised when he saw her before. This woman has always been by Bai Feng's side, and she could not betray him. After secretly investigating with her spiritual sense, she discovered that there was a restraint on her body, obviously she was forcibly captured by the Lonely Young Master.

When the two looked at each other before, Xiaorou mouthed the word "go" to persuade him to leave here.

With the relationship between Ye Chunyang and Bai Feng, seeing this woman is in trouble, so naturally they will not sit idly by.

"Back to Master Ye, this junior met Lonely Young Master on the way to escape from the Blood Rakshasa, and was forcibly restrained by him when he was defeated." Xiaorou gritted her teeth angrily.

Ye Chunyang was surprised, "Why did you escape from Xue Luocha? Where is Bai Feng now?"

When Baifeng was mentioned, Xiaorou's body trembled slightly, her eyes flickered and she didn't answer.

"What exactly happened?" Seeing this, Ye Chunyang's expression darkened, with a bad premonition.

Xiaorou opened her mouth to speak, but she didn't say a word for a long time.

It took a long while before he lowered his head and said, "Master Ye Zu didn't know something, our Blood Holy Land has undergone drastic changes, Master Bai..."

"How about Baifeng?" Ye Chunyang's expression turned cold for a few minutes.

Xiao Rou's eyes were red, and she said: "A few months ago, the elders in the Holy Land rebelled, and many disciples were killed and injured. We wanted to escort Bai Shizu to evacuate, but we didn't expect to be noticed by the other party. We resisted desperately, and we finally dispersed. Bai Shizu's whereabouts are still unknown. .”

Ye Chunyang's heart sank.

"With Bai Fenghua's cultivation level, without guards around him, can he survive?" Ye Chunyang's eyes showed anger.


Xiaorou knelt heavily, seeing tears streaming down her face, and said: "It's the junior who didn't do enough to protect me. If I hadn't been captured by Mr. Lonely, I would have been able to find Master Bai's whereabouts in time. Now... but Master Patriarch, don't worry, Master Bai has a treasure to protect him. I can't hurt him, and there is Xiao Yan by my side, so it shouldn't be a problem to avoid chasing and killing him."

Ye Chunyang raised his hand, sensing the imprint on his palm.

Baifeng's spiritual memory is still there, but it looks more obscure than before. When he came out of the ruins of the sect, he vaguely sensed that Baifeng was nearby, but now he seems to be far away from this place.

But as long as the Lingji is still there, Baifeng will be safe and sound, and he is a little relieved.

"Can you find Baifeng?" Ye Chunyang asked Xiaorou again.

"This is exactly what the junior wants to ask the patriarch."

Xiao Rou suddenly looked outside the ancient forest excitedly, and said: "That person is an elder of our Blood Rakshasa, the younger generation had contact with him before being captured by Mr. Lonely, this person came from the Blood Rakshasa just like us. Escaped, he had seen Master Bai before, and he also carried a secret treasure that was related to the safety of the Bloody Holy Land, and asked Master Patriarch to save this person!"

"Has this person seen Baifeng?" Ye Chunyang looked in that direction, the place was far away from Guangyuan and others, and he couldn't see the battle circle clearly.

"According to what he said, it is indeed so." Xiao Rou said with a solemn expression, "This junior had an appointment with him here, but the news leaked out, and I was also stopped by Mr. Lonely on the way. What happened later was caused by the patriarch." I also know."

"By the way, Patriarch, how come you are with Guangyuan and the others?"

At the end of the conversation, Xiaorou said curiously.

When Tianxuan Mountain was evacuating, Ye Chunyang and Nie Xin were involved in the barrier, everyone thought he was dead, but Xiaorou was shocked when he appeared here.

"They probably recognized the wrong person."

Ye Chunyang waved his hand lightly.

Without explaining much, he walked out of the chariot and said, "Let's go, since only that person knows Bai Feng's whereabouts, he can't die."

Xiaorou showed joy, and hurriedly took up the light and followed her away.

Before leaving, Ye Chunyang looked at the fire-eating cauldron on the ground, the lonely son Yuanshen escaped, and this treasure was also abandoned here.

Ye Chunyang made a quick move and put the tripod in his sleeve.

Outside the ancient forest, the fighting was fierce, Guangyuan and Wei's couple joined forces, and used various formulas and weapons one after another to surround and kill the man in black.

Under the endless fierce killing moves, the man in black was able to defuse one or two at first, but in the end he was no match for four hands with two fists, and soon fell into a disadvantage.

Splendid precious lights intertwine continuously, and bursts of roaring sounds can be heard endlessly. Just as the man in black cast a spell to resist Guangyuan's mysterious technique, suddenly a cold light flickered behind him, passing through his chest, bringing out a large cloud of blood mist .

The black-clothed man's face twisted, his figure fell downwards, and he was dying.

"I told you earlier that if you obediently hand over your things, you might be spared the pain of flesh and blood." The middle-aged man surnamed Wei sneered.

At this moment, Ye Chunyang came on a cloud.

(End of this chapter)

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