After the ascent failed

Chapter 494 The Power of the God Realm

Chapter 494 The Power of the God Realm
"Why did you come here? That person has already been killed by me. Go down and have a look and find the treasures on him... Hey, why are you still bringing the female cultivator by Mr. Lonely's side? Where is Mr. Lonely?"

The middle-aged man surnamed Wei saw Ye Chunyang, then looked at Xiao Rou beside him, and asked with a frown.

The woman and the old man in gray also looked at Ye Chunyang strangely.

"Young Master Lonely has already run away, I came to see you off."

Ye Chunyang grinned, revealing a row of white teeth.

"What did you say?"

The three were surprised.


A dazzling golden light flashed from the top of Ye Chunyang's head, the fairy voice was pleasant to the ear, and the spiritual thoughts were like waves.

It was his primordial spirit that had gone out of his body.

"Soul repair!"

The expressions of the three of them suddenly changed.

"Boy, do you dare to attack us?" Guang Yuan, an old man in gray, sneered, "It seems that you want to take that treasure for yourself. If so, I will kill you first..."


An invisible sword of divine sense suddenly attacked Guangyuan, his voice stopped abruptly, and his head was cut off in a round shape, and the speed of the transformation was unpredictable.

The pupils of Wei's and his wife's eyes widened. No matter what Guangyuan was, he was a master of the Golden Core Realm, but Ye Chunyang killed him face-to-face before he could finish his sentence, and he didn't even have time to use his defense.

"The person we made an appointment with is not a soul cultivator, boy, who are you?"

The couple suddenly came to their senses, with vigilant expressions on their faces.

"Go to the Palace of the King of Hell and ask."

Ye Chunyang raised his hand expressionlessly, wisps of spiritual thoughts radiated out, and the primordial spirit suddenly disappeared, and the next moment, phantoms of spiritual thoughts flashed out around the Wei couple, covering the sky and the sun, and roaring with their mouths open.

This supernatural power is clearly the transformation of the primordial spirit into the void!

The couple felt severe pain in their minds, their souls seemed to be split apart, and their faces twisted in pain.

They were horrified in their hearts, never expecting that a seemingly non-existent Jindan Realm Xiaocheng monk would be such a powerful soul cultivator, easily beheading a master of the same level as them.

"Madam, use the Tianyuan method!" The middle-aged man surnamed Wei said in a deep voice.

The woman woke up in an instant, quickly made a formula with both hands, and repeated spells in her mouth.

There was an ear-shattering buzzing sound, a layer of dazzling white light flashed from the woman's body, and it shot towards the sky like a startled rainbow. out, and gathered with the woman.

Under the combination of the mana of the two, the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth became boiling and quickly gathered towards them.

The two husbands and wives are one, and they have cultivated the same secret technique and complement each other.

I saw their palms pressed across the air, and a huge curse seal fell from the sky, like falling stars, suppressing Ye Chunyang's phantoms of many primordial spirits.

There were several muffled sounds of "Pu Pu", and all the phantoms of the primordial spirit disappeared, as if they were really crushed by the blow of this curse seal.

"Out of body soul cultivation, that's all, boy, no matter how weird your soul skills are, you will kill me and my wife today!"

Wei's and his wife showed sarcasm.

But the smiles on their faces had just appeared, and suddenly froze.

The surrounding void was distorted, and the scene suddenly changed, becoming a world of ice and snow, bitingly cold.

"What kind of illusion is this?"

"Who the hell is he? He can change the space with soul magic?"

Wei Shi and his wife were shocked.

It's not that they haven't fought against soul cultivators, but those soul cultivators are far away from attacking with soul magic, and they dare not fight with them in close quarters. It's a bit scary to be able to change one thing in kind.

"Come on!"

The middle-aged man surnamed Wei said something with a gloomy expression, and immediately pulled the woman away into the sky.

But soon they were surprised to find that the sky was filled with a terrifying pressure of divine sense, the higher it was, the more they writhed as if the sea of ​​consciousness exploded.

"The sky is shrouded by his divine sense, use the earth escape talisman!" The middle-aged man surnamed Wei said decisively.

When the woman heard the words, she raised a talisman without hesitation, and the two of them turned into a yellow light and fled underground.

"Click, click, click..."

Suddenly there was a piercing sound of cracking hard objects on the ground, and then it was covered with thick layers of ice, making the world extremely cold.

The Wei couple had just used the talisman to hide in the ground, but soon they couldn't hold on anymore and had to break out of the ground to show up again.

"What kind of soul magic power is this? The sky and the earth are blocked by it!"

The middle-aged man surnamed Wei turned pale.

No matter whether it is going to heaven or going to earth, it is impossible to escape from this place.

"When did such a powerful soul cultivator appear in Zhongzhou? Could it be that he is a disciple of the Tianhun Sect?" the woman said vigilantly.

"It doesn't have to be someone from the Heavenly Soul Sect. Although this sect is the oldest soul cultivating sect in the Demon God Realm, I have never heard of any of them proficient in such a strange secret technique." The middle-aged man surnamed Wei said gloomyly.

In this world, there are spiritual restrictions everywhere. Once you break free, you will be invaded by them into the sea of ​​consciousness. Such a powerful spiritual power has never been seen before.


There was a sharp breaking wind sound from nowhere, and the couple looked up, and saw countless silver-white giant swords falling straight down in the sky like a gust of wind and rain, reaching the sky above their heads in the blink of an eye.


The silver flying sword carried astonishing thunder and lightning power, and several intertwined sword formations surrounded the couple. With this power, if the two of them did not have powerful magic weapons or supernatural powers to resist, they would be crushed into flesh immediately mud.

"Ma'am, be careful!" the middle-aged man surnamed Wei shouted.

The woman came to her senses, and immediately pinched the formula and recited the mantra, and the secret art of double cultivation "Tian Yuan Fa" was activated again, and the white mantra was condensed in front of her body.

The next moment, the woman was shocked to find that the white curse seal was like paper paste, easily pierced by the ice sword, and then a coolness swept over.

"Husband, save... me..."

The woman turned her head back with difficulty, and looked at the middle-aged man surnamed Wei, only to see that her body was covered with sword holes, and before she could finish speaking, her body turned into a cloud of blood and exploded.


"Boy, I, Wei Wu, will never die with you!"

The pupils of the middle-aged Wei surnamed were about to burst, and with one of the urging spells, a white light rose from his body, and a flying knife flashed in front of him, rushing madly into the air, about to split the sky.

But at this time the situation suddenly changed.

One moment it was still a world of ice and snow, and the next moment it suddenly burst into flames. Blossoms of red flames filled the air, and the whole world was filled with heat.

If these flames have spirituality, sometimes they turn into swords, spears and halberds, and sometimes they turn into spirit beasts, attacking and killing the middle-aged Wei one by one. Disappeared in a puff of smoke.

This time, the middle-aged man surnamed Wei was really shocked.

Although this throwing knife is not as high-grade as Lonely Young Master's Fire-Eating Cauldron, it is also made of extraordinary material, and has been trained by him for many years, drinking countless blood, even the man in black was killed by him with a single knife, and now he is incinerated alive.

However, the middle-aged man surnamed Wei is also very human. Seeing the powerful spirit fire in mid-air, he hurriedly fled downwards, preparing to find another opportunity to escape.

He tiptoed and landed on a side of the ground. In this mysterious world, this is the only place where no flames appeared.

But the next moment, the middle-aged man surnamed Wei suddenly showed a look of despair.

The ground under his feet exploded, and a big hand of divine sense protruded from the ground, enveloping it.

This big hand has no form or shadow, let alone any aura fluctuations. What it has is just a majestic and extreme divine sense!

The big hand slammed down, and the middle-aged Wei's eyes showed panic. He seemed to say something more, and then a protective shield lit up on his body, but after the big hand rubbed back and forth on the ground several times, the sound soon disappeared.

When the divine thoughts dissipated, the whole world was quiet, only a puddle of flesh remained.

Outside, Xiaorou was dumbfounded!
At this time, a mirror-like picture appeared in front of her eyes, which showed the scene of Wei's couple being bombarded and killed by the ice sword and the big hands of divine thoughts.

And after the souls of the couple passed away, the mirror in the void suddenly shrunk and turned into a tiny spot of light that merged into Ye Chunyang's primordial spirit, and then the golden rainbow flashed and returned to the physical body again.

Xiao Rou trembled!
These are two powerhouses with perfect Golden Core Realm!

Moreover, they are a pair of couples who have practiced together for many years, and they have practiced combined strike skills. They may not be able to fight together with the monks of Dongtian Xiaocheng. However, in the blink of an eye, the two of them were completely killed by Ye Chunyang up.

"Let's go, go down and have a look, I hope that person is not dead." Ye Chunyang didn't say much, and fell towards the ancient forest below.

The man in black ate a throwing knife from a middle-aged man surnamed Wei just now. Immortality is probably useless now. I hope he can find out Bai Feng's whereabouts from him.

As for Guangyuan and Wei's couple, they were like ants in Ye Chunyang's eyes, and they could be easily killed with his spiritual cultivation.

And the supernatural power that was shown to the Wei couple just now is precisely the second layer of the secret art of Yuanshenhuaxu that has just been cultivated, the domain of the gods!
That piece of heaven and earth where all kinds of visions can be transformed is his soul domain!
With the mystery of the supernatural power, unless it is a strong soul cultivator whose soul cultivation base is higher than Ye Chunyang, it is almost impossible for the person who enters to come out.

The moment Wei and his wife were trapped inside, they were already doomed.

Xiaorou followed Ye Chunyang stiffly, until now she still couldn't calm down in her heart.

At this moment, she seemed to understand why Master Bai wanted to worship him as a teacher, and even gave him the Tianzi Token of Lingxian Mansion as a gift.

"With Patriarch Ye here, maybe we can really find Master Bai." Xiaorou took a deep breath, and hope rose greatly in her heart.

Soon, the two found the dying man in black who had been shot down in the forest.

His body was stained with blood, and half of his arm was cut off. He looked like he was exhaling more air than inhaling, as if he might die here at any time.

"Nephew Xiaorou, you... are finally here."

The man in black looked at Ye Chunyang, then at Xiaorou beside him, and forced a smile.

He had just seen the scene of Ye Chunyang beheading the three of Guangyuan, so he wasn't too wary of him.

"Uncle Bai Heng, it's you!"

When Xiaorou saw the face of the man in black, she was startled at first, then stepped forward to help him up, put her palm on his back, and sent spiritual energy to heal his injuries.

"It's useless, I'm already half-dead right now, my nephew doesn't need to waste my spiritual power for me..."

The man in black smiled wryly, and looked up at Ye Chunyang.

"Who is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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