Chapter 551
Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

The Jinpeng Cave Mansion became more and more lively, and there was an endless stream of demon cultivators coming and going.

The three of Ye Chunyang stayed in the other courtyard all the time. Through observation, Ye Chunyang found that the demon cultivators who came to the birthday banquet in the past two days were all above the Golden Core Realm Dacheng, and occasionally there were a few figures with strong aura, obviously at the cave level the big demon.

A birthday banquet can attract so many strong monsters, which shows the status of Patriarch Jinpeng in the monster domain.

Such a character must be a very influential existence.

Finally on the third day, the fiery atmosphere in the cave reached its peak. A Jinpeng disciple came to the other courtyard and invited everyone to the front hall for a seat.

The big monsters of all races went there one after another.

"Let's go too." Ye Chunyang said to Lin Yu and Ye Yao, and the three followed the crowd with Suzaku.

"Father, there seems to be no other human monks present at the birthday banquet except for the old man who has completed the Dongtian Realm. Could it be that no one from the Heavenly Soul Sect came?" Ye Yao asked in a low voice.

"There are so many other courtyards in the Jinpeng Cave Mansion, it's impossible for us to see them all. Maybe people from the Tianhun Sect live in other courtyards." Lin Yu said with a wry smile.

The purpose of this trip was to get in touch with the people of the Tianhun Sect, so as to find out the whereabouts of Guan Ruoruo, but even though they arrived two days earlier, they had never seen the people of the Tianhun Sect, Lin Yu felt very strange in his heart.

"The Heavenly Soul Sect is a human race, no matter which other courtyard you live in, your father can perceive it." Ye Yao said, looking at Ye Chunyang, the little girl has a lot of confidence in Ye Chunyang.

Ye Chunyang's footsteps paused for a while, and he walked forward again after a while, saying: "The birthday banquet has just begun, maybe the people from the Tianhun Sect have not come yet, let's wait and see."

In fact, he was not very interested in this birthday banquet. The main purpose was to inquire about the cultivation skills of the distraction period through the Tianhunzong. If the Tianhunzong didn't come, he would be a little disappointed.

But Ye Chunyang wasn't worried, if the people from Tianhunzong didn't come for this birthday banquet, he would have to find another way. Ye Yao knew the location of Tianhunzong's mountain gate, so it was impossible to get in touch with them.

Of course, before that, it would be good to know more about the Heavenly Soul Sect.

When Ye Chunyang thought so, the disciples of the Jinpeng tribe had already brought them to a spacious banquet hall in the center of the cave.

Accompanied by Ye Chunyang were a few monster monks from the Spirit Transformation Realm. They looked a little dodged, and then they seemed to deliberately stay away from them, and sat down directly, not with them.

Others looked at Ye Chunyang with strange eyes, although the two women beside him were extremely attractive, no one dared to strike up a conversation at this moment.

Ye Chunyang led the two women to find a seat and sat down, looking at the field slightly.

People who knew him all sneered at him, the reason is not difficult to guess, Ye Chunyang showed his strength two days ago, everyone was afraid of him, and because of his enmity with the monster dragon clan, of course the monsters had to draw a clear line with him.

Some powerful people insisted on their identities and didn't even look at him.

It was still the old man of the human race that attracted Ye Chunyang's attention.

He sat calmly in a seat, and there was no one around. The other demon cultivators looked at the old man strangely. There were hundreds of demons present, and he was the only human race, who seemed a bit abrupt, but his powerful aura enveloped the old man. All demons are frightened by it.

Although there were a few cave cultivators present, they were all around the level of Xiaocheng and Dacheng, and they were far from the old man's level of perfection.

At this time, the eyes of the old man also seemed to turn, looking towards Ye Chunyang.

Their eyes met, Ye Chunyang was calm as usual, but suddenly there was a chill in his heart, and he felt something unusual in the eyes of the other party.

But soon, the old man looked away, as if he had never made any movement.

Seeing this old man several times before and after, Ye Chunyang felt a little weird, but now that he is disguised as a demon cultivator, he doesn't care about this old man.

He also calmly withdrew his gaze and sat in the same place without moving.

Ye Chunyang didn't notice that there was a glint of coldness in the old man's eyes at this moment, and the wine glass in his hand slightly shook.

"The breath of the fire-devouring cauldron is on this son. It seems that the death of my beloved disciple is related to him. But with his cultivation base, how can he kill my beloved disciple? After the banquet is over, let him question him." The old man's eyes flashed ice-cold, and he drank the sake in the cup in one gulp.

At this time, there was a sudden commotion in the field.

Outside the hall, the figure of an old man appeared.

I saw him wearing a golden feather cloak, with white hair like frost, but his face was majestic, and his golden pupils shot out sharp sharp rays, so that everyone present did not dare to look directly at him.

Behind the old man, several members of the Jinpeng clan in the Golden Core Realm followed respectfully, and the golden feather cloaks on their bodies danced with the wind, like a big roc spreading its wings, with the sound of wind and thunder.

"Patriarch Jinpeng!"

"He is indeed a Great Demon Cultivator with a perfect Dongtian Realm. Today is his thousand-year-old birthday. In other words, he only took 1000 years to reach this point."

"Patriarch Jinpeng's achievements are not inferior to those of the seven demon cultivators."

"Seven Great Demon Cultivators? Seems like there are only three Cultivators left now? If it wasn't for the fact that members of the Jinpeng Clan are inferior to other clans, each of the major Demon Cultivators must have its own name."


All the demon cultivators got up one after another, and their awe-filled eyes focused on the old man. It was obvious that this was the host of the birthday banquet, Patriarch Jinpeng.

"Fellow daoists, I am grateful for the honor of participating in the birthday banquet." Patriarch Jinpeng took his seat first, looked at the crowd with a smile, and waved his hands: "Everyone, please sit down."

Everyone sat down unanimously.

Patriarch Jinpeng turned his eyes to the top of the guest table, and his eyes fell on the old man of the human race. He laughed and said, "Fellow Taoist Tianyun traveled thousands of miles from Zhongzhou to come here, and I am flattered. I am sorry that you have been waiting for a long time."

When everyone heard this, their expressions changed.

"So he is Master Tianyun of Zhongzhou?"

"It is rumored that this person is the strongest casual cultivator of the human race. He can cultivate to perfection without relying on any sect forces. He can be called the most talented and brilliant generation of the human race."

"Such a strong human race, why come to my monster race?"


All the demon cultivators discussed solemnly, many people had heard of the name "Master Tianyun", and they were all indifferent to it.

Hearing the whispers around him, Ye Chunyang couldn't help but glanced at the famous old man, with a trace of doubt flashing in his eyes.

The name "Master Tianyun" made him feel a little familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

"Fellow Daoist Jinpeng is serious. Today is a day of great joy for fellow Daoist. I'm here to congratulate you. In addition, there are some small things I want to discuss with fellow Daoist." Venerable Tianyun responded.

"Oh, although you and I are divided into two races, we have known each other for a long time. What's the matter, fellow Taoist, after the birthday banquet is over, you and I can go in and talk about it in detail. For now, let's go to the banquet first. Hugh." Patriarch Jinpeng's eyes flashed, and he smiled brightly at Master Tianyun.

"Okay." Master Tianyun nodded and did not continue.

"The elder of the Viper Clan, the old man of the Sky Snake was ordered by the patriarch to come here to celebrate the birthday of the ancestor of Jinpeng. A small gift is not a respect, so please accept it."

Someone came in from outside the hall, and several demon cultivators with human heads and snake bodies came in holding gifts, and a cyan long-haired snake demon who called himself "Snake Old Man" bowed his hands in respect.

"It turned out to be a fellow Taoist of the Viper Clan. I accepted the congratulatory gift. When I reply to your patriarch, I will send someone to thank you in the future." Patriarch Jinpeng waved his hand and asked someone to take the congratulatory gift from the snake demon, calmly Said: "Please take a seat."

"Thank you, Patriarch Jinpeng." The green-haired snake demon cupped his hands in thanks.

As the birthday feast began, demon cultivators came to celebrate their birthday with gifts one after another. They all respected Jinpeng Patriarch. Among them, Ye Chunyang also met some representatives of seven-veined demon cultivators, including female cultivators from the fox clan.

The Qimai Yaoxiu is the seven most powerful races in the Yaozu. Even if the ancestor Jinpeng is strong personally, the Jinpeng clan is still slightly behind the Qimai, so when the representatives of the Qimai Yaoxiu come, Jinpeng Patriarch Still be polite.

After drinking for three rounds, more and more people celebrated the birthday, and the treasures brought out were also extraordinary. The whole birthday banquet hall was full of joy and laughter.

"Mu Kui, the elder of the Heavenly Soul Sect, is here to congratulate Patriarch Jinpeng on his birthday."

Halfway through the birthday banquet, several figures walked outside.

They are wearing dark blue daoist robes, and their aura is different from that of demon cultivators. They are obviously human cultivators.

"Heavenly Soul Sect, they are finally here." Ye Yao frowned, and Lin Yu looked at the figures who came in at the same time, and their expressions changed.

Ye Chunyang also looked at several people, only to see that their mana cultivation base was not high, but they faintly exuded powerful fluctuations of spiritual thoughts, such characteristics should be unique to soul cultivation.

And when Ye Chunyang looked at the "Mu Kui" who was carrying a congratulatory gift, his expression froze slightly. The other party's spiritual consciousness was restrained, and the fluctuation of the primordial spirit was extremely strong, more than ten times stronger than the soul cultivator he had seen before. I guessed it right If so, the other party is obviously a strong soul cultivator in the distraction period.

"Distraction period?"

Ye Chunyang smiled slightly, it seems that Tianhunzong is indeed stronger than he imagined.

"What should we do now?" Lin Yu asked.

"Wait and see." Ye Chunyang replied, it was obviously not the time to contact Tianhunzong.

Lin Yumei's eyes flickered, and she followed Ye Chunyang's words and fell silent.

After the Tianhunzong and his party arrived, the eyes of the demon cultivators obviously changed.

Tianhun Sect is the only human sect established in the Demon Realm. This sect has always been secretive, never participating in the struggle between the two clans, and very few people really know the location of its mountain gate.

It's just that they are human races after all, and monster races are naturally hostile to human races, so they naturally look at Tianhunzong differently.

But existence is the truth, the Sky Soul Sect has been able to stand in the demon realm for many years, and it has its own strength.

"I didn't expect fellow Taoists from the Heavenly Soul Sect to come. I am very honored, but I, the Jinpeng clan, have never had any contact with the noble sect. Today, I am suddenly so warm, I am afraid that I will not accept it." Patriarch Jinpeng narrowed his eyes, Said with a half-smile.

From his words, many demon cultivators could hear a bit of coldness and sharpness.

Apparently, Patriarch Jinpeng didn't seem to like Tianhunzong very much.

For a moment, all the monster cultivators laughed lowly, and looked at the Tianhunzong and his party with gloating eyes. Given the reputation of the Tianhunzong, it is naturally impossible to drive them away from this place, but it is possible to give them a blow and humiliate the human race.

(End of this chapter)

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