After the ascent failed

Chapter 552 Little Dragon King Longxuan

Chapter 552 Little Dragon King Longxuan

Following Patriarch Jinpeng's words, all the monster cultivators were looking forward to watching a good show.

Their hostility towards the human race has long been ingrained. Even though the Heavenly Soul Sect has gained a lot of prestige in the demon realm over the years, it cannot change their views on the human race.

Especially in Tianxuan Mountain and his party, the loss of four of the seven great demon cultivators greatly reduced the current strength of the demon clan, and intensified the hatred of the demon clan towards the human race.

Ye Chunyang frowned, he didn't expect the monster race to have such great hostility towards the human race.

He couldn't help turning his gaze to the elder of the Tianhun Sect who was in the late stage of leaving his body, and saw that the other party's expression was calm, neither humble nor overbearing, and said: "Patriarch Jinpeng's words are wrong. My Tianhun Sect is in the demon realm, but I want to speak to everyone in the demon clan." We are living together peacefully, and this time I come here to represent my elder Zong Taishang's gesture of goodwill."

"You can talk." Patriarch Jinpeng said lightly.

He leaned over to take a look at Mu Kui, and chuckled, "Speaking of which, this old man has had acquaintances with the grand elder of your Tianhun Sect, Dao Ling Zhenren, on several occasions. It is said that he has cultivated his soul to the late stage of distraction. It can be said that there is no one in the realm of art for tens of thousands of years."

"What the ancestor said is exactly right. Elder Dao Ling has indeed advanced to the late stage of distraction, and now he is retreating to understand Thunder Tribulation." Mu Kui laughed.

There was a sudden gasp in the field.

"The late stage of distraction! Has the grand elder of the Heavenly Soul Sect reached such a state?"

"This is an existence that is comparable to the perfection of the Dongtian Realm. Since the soul cultivation has gradually become rare, no one has such a soul cultivation for tens of thousands of years."

"Dao Ling is indeed an ancient soul cultivator genius, and he is now comprehending the thunder calamity, which means that he has reached consummation in the late stage of distraction. If he can go one step further and comprehend the secrets of the heavens, it may be this number The only strong man who has ascended to the spirit world with his soul for thousands of years."


People were amazed.

The cultivation of soul art is many times more difficult than the practice of law. Although the mana of soul practice is relatively weak, once the soul becomes strong, the cultivation of the same level will be three points of fear.

How can the Grand Elder of the Heavenly Soul Sect "Dao Ling Dao Ling" reach such a level without shocking others?
"Understand the Thunder Tribulation..." Patriarch Jinpeng narrowed his eyes imperceptibly after Mu Kui's words fell, but soon returned to his usual smile and said, "Brother Daoling is indeed a dragon and phoenix among people, and now he has come to this point , the old man is really happy for him, but it is said that the advanced stage of soul cultivation is full of dangers, and the body and spirit will be destroyed if you are not careful, so brother Dao Ling should be careful."

"My ancestor's concern, I will definitely convey it to Elder Dao Ling. Speaking of which, the elder has always thought of his friendship with the ancestor, so he sent me here to celebrate his birthday and pay a little respect." Mu Kui said.

Patriarch Jinpeng neither asked anyone to accept the gift, nor did he speak.

All the demon cultivators were a little surprised and uncertain, and the atmosphere in the field became very strange.

They could all see that Patriarch Jinpeng wanted to give Mu Kui a bad rap at the beginning, and tried to find out the details of the Tianhun Sect, but they didn't expect to be resolved by Mu Kui's few words.

Moreover, Mu Kui himself is a soul cultivator in the mid-stage of distraction, neither humble nor overbearing, and his words are flawless, which makes it difficult for Jinpeng Patriarch to continue oppressing him, otherwise he will be infamous for being narrow-minded.

Mu Kui moved out Daoling, the great Buddha. Although Patriarch Jinpeng is a perfect cultivator in the Dongtian Realm, he has not been advanced for a long time, and he is not yet comparable to a soul cultivator who is about to advance to the Thunder Tribulation Stage.

The soul cultivator in the thunder catastrophe period is equivalent to the existence of the law cultivator in the fairyland, and he has almost become a half-immortal.

"it is good."

After a long time, Patriarch Jinpeng laughed loudly, waved his sleeves, and said: "Come here, accept the congratulatory gifts and sit down!"

The Jinpeng disciples did not dare to be negligent, and hastily followed suit.

Mu Kui handed over the congratulatory gift, and led his disciples to the seats with a smile.

His position was actually side by side with Master Tianyun.

Mu Kui, who was also a human cultivator, looked at Master Tianyun in surprise, and when he saw the aura of perfect cultivation in the Dongtian Realm, he smiled and cupped his hands.

Master Tianyun glanced at it, then retracted it, and ignored Mu Kui'ai.

Mu Kui didn't care, and sat down by himself.

The eyes of all the demon cultivators flickered. Only truly high-ranking people could sit in that position. It was really unexpected that the Tianhun sect was so valued by the Jinpeng patriarch.

But thinking of Dao Ling Daoist who is about to advance to the Thunder Tribulation stage, everyone trembles, and some who still have doubts in their hearts finally understand why the Sky Soul Sect has been able to gain a foothold in the Demon Realm for so many years.

Moreover, Mu Kui was eloquent and eloquent, and did not show a trace of fear in the face of the oppression of Patriarch Jinpeng, which showed that the Heavenly Soul Sect had sufficient background.

A little dark light flashed in Ye Chunyang's eyes.

This is the first time he has heard news about soul cultivation in the distraction stage. Even though Mu Kui may not be able to fully believe what Mu Kui said, what is certain is that the Heavenly Soul Sect must have soul skills that can advance to the distraction stage from the late stage of leaving the body Law.

It seems that he did not come in vain.

"Longxuan from the Monster Dragon Clan, together with his second brother Long Ting and the three elders of the clan, come to pay respects to Senior Jinpeng's birthday!"

Just as everyone fell silent, there was another clear voice outside the hall.

Auspicious clouds fluttered in the sky, and several figures descended from mid-air. The leader was a tall and imposing young man, holding an exquisite jade box several inches long in his hand, followed by a handsome man who was supported by a servant, and three others with strong aura. the old man.

A group of people with horns on their heads, with a majestic aura, stepped into the field with dragon and tiger steps, and bowed slightly to Patriarch Jinpeng.

"This junior pays respects to senior Jinpeng, and by the order of my father, I specially present a congratulatory gift to senior, wishing senior a long life and a great increase in cultivation." Long Xuan said.

"Haha." Patriarch Jinpeng was very pleased with this remark, raised his head and smiled and said, "So it's nephew Longxuan, I haven't seen your father for a long time, unexpectedly he still remembers my old bone."

"Senior Jinpeng is too humble. Although my father has lived in the Demon Dragon Holy Land for a long time, he has admired Senior Jinpeng for a long time. Today, I specially send this junior to celebrate his birthday to show respect." Long Xuan said.

"Very good, very good." Ancestor Jinpeng laughed heartily, his attitude was quite different from that of Tianhunzong just now.

All the demon cultivators looked at the majestic man with slightly changed expressions.

"Is he the little dragon king Longxuan of the Demon Dragon Clan?" Someone whispered, even if they didn't recognize this little dragon king, many people would recognize the crippled Longting next to him who had his tendons and hamstrings severed. .

At this time, under the perfect aura of the powerful Golden Core Realm of Little Dragon King Longxuan, everyone felt a faint sense of suffocation.

"It is said that the little dragon king, Longxuan, has faintly touched the threshold of the Cave Heaven Realm. He still looks very young, right? To be able to achieve such an achievement, among the various branches of the monster clan, I am afraid that there are not many who can match him?" The demon cultivator who was closer to Long Xuan lost his focus. His cultivation base is not low, and he is a master of the Golden Core Realm. Under Long Xuan's powerful brilliance, he still looks extremely insignificant.

Many elderly people did not dare to show aloofness in front of Long Xuan, and could only look up at his back.

From the attitude of Patriarch Jinpeng towards Long Xuan, it can be seen how extraordinary he is.

"Nephew, please take a seat. I will catch up with you later." Patriarch Jinpeng waved his hand.

"Thank you, senior." Long Xuan cupped his hands.

But he didn't sit down, but smiled and looked around the field.

"Why, what's the matter with nephew?" Ancestor Jin Peng saw Long Xuan's move, and asked a little displeased.

"Senior Jinpeng, please forgive me. It's not that my nephew intends to offend. It's because my nephew has some trivial matters to deal with today. After my nephew finishes the matter, I will toast to senior." Long Xuan said.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Patriarch Jinpeng frowned lightly.

If ordinary young people talk to him like this, one can imagine what will happen to them, but he is Long Xuan, the little dragon king of the demon dragon clan, Patriarch Jinpeng looks at the Buddha's face as well as the monk's face.

Long Xuan didn't speak, his eyes continued to scan, and then he walked over as if he had locked on to a certain target.

The entire banquet hall was suddenly quiet, and none of the demon cultivators made a sound. The musicians playing the music and the dancing girls couldn't help but stop, and they all looked at the tall and mighty figure. There was only his low-pitched figure in the field. The sound of footsteps like bells and drums.

In the direction he was going, the crowd actively diverted a path, and then a seat was clearly visible, where a young man and two women were sitting.

The young man was dressed in ink, with a delicate face, and the two women beside him were beautiful and charming.

"Someone is going to be miserable."

A demon cultivator was whispering, looking at the young man in black with gloating expression.

"He dared to pick on Longting's tendons and hamstrings, how could the Little Dragon King let him go?"

"However, the Little Dragon King is very domineering. He directly took people at the birthday banquet of Patriarch Jinpeng. I am afraid that only he has such a fierce style."


Seeing this scene, how could everyone still not understand what Long Xuan wanted to do.

Little Dragon King Longxuan!
This name had faintly spread among the crowd two days ago. At that time, all the demon cultivators seemed to have foreseen someone's end, and now it is likely to be fulfilled.

Most people could see clearly how Longting was abolished two days ago, how could Long Xuan let Ye Chunyang go?
"Brother, you must tear him into pieces!" Seeing Ye Chunyang sitting there, Long Ting gritted his teeth and growled with resentment all over his face.

Long Xuan didn't look at him, and went straight to Ye Chunyang's seat.

With sharp eyes, he sized up Ye Chunyang for a while, and said, "It's you who crippled my brother's limbs?"

The arena was silent, only Long Xuan's voice echoed.

Patriarch Jinpeng also looked here, his eyes flickered slightly, but he didn't intend to stop him.

Ye Chunyang sat calmly, while Ye Yao and Lin Yu beside him were a little dignified.

Ye Yao is fine, she knows Ye Chunyang's strength, so she is not very worried, while Lin Yu's heart trembles slightly under the oppression of Long Xuan's breath, and she is full of worry about Ye Chunyang.


After a long time, Ye Chunyang replied.

"It's good to dare to do and dare to admit it." Long Xuan nodded, bowed his head slightly, and said, "I only say what I say once. You can choose to kneel down and apologize to my brother, and let him cut your tendons too, or let him cut your tendons. I will take you into prison and bring you back to the Monster Dragon Clan to slowly torture you."

The banquet hall fell into dead silence again.

In an instant, everyone looked at the black-clothed youth. They really wanted to know how he would choose in the face of the mighty Long Xuan?

(End of this chapter)

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