After the ascent failed

Chapter 591 The Realm of Divine Thunder

Chapter 591 The Realm of Divine Thunder
The golden thread of light was like a tide, instantly submerging Ye Chunyang's main body and avatar.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Water Sect felt their hearts hang.

They have seen the power of the Fanjin Shenglian just now. The power of the spiritual treasure that shakes the world is unmatched. At this time, Ye Chunyang is trapped inside, and the danger is unpredictable.

"I use your treasure very well. I have been refining it when I was in the spirit world, and now I have finally turned it into my own magic weapon. Now that you can die under your own treasure, it is considered a worthy death."

Seeing Ye Chunyang being enveloped by the golden light, Mo Yao's face showed a look of complacency.

The Vatican Gold Holy Lotus is also a top-level treasure in the spiritual world. Mo Yao has been painstakingly refining it since he snatched it from Ye Chunyang, and now he has completely mastered it. among.

But his smile had just surfaced, and suddenly froze.

"Have you really mastered the Vatican Gold Holy Lotus?"

A faint voice came from the golden light, and before the words finished, Mo Yao felt that the Vatican Gold Holy Lotus was out of control, and the golden light thread seemed to be pulled by some mysterious force, and quickly retreated.

Mo Yao's expression changed, and he hurriedly tried to cast a spell to stabilize Jinlian, but he was greatly surprised by what happened next.

Ye Chunyang uttered some ancient incantation, and the Fanjin Shenglian suddenly trembled, releasing bursts of miraculous auspicious colors, as if some kind of power that had imprisoned it for a long time was unsealed, and it suddenly shot up into the sky, shining brilliantly in the void.


Mo Yao's shock was no small matter.

Fanjin Shenglian is completely out of his control at this time, but under the call of Ye Chunyang's spell, it seems to have found its long-lost master, and it seems to be cheering.

"come back."

Ye Chunyang beckoned lightly, and the Vatican Gold Saint Lotus flew out from Mo Yao's body and fell safely into his hands.

He tapped lightly with two fingers, and the golden lotus bloomed, exuding a holy radiance.

Mo Yao's face was completely gloomy. He had already refined the Brahma Gold Sacred Lotus, but this treasure could still be summoned by Ye Chunyang.

And judging by Jinlian's appearance at this time, the restriction above has clearly been lifted, and the power is several times stronger than in his hands.

"You don't deserve it."

Ye Chunyang looked indifferent.

Before he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and Fanjin Shenglian suddenly rose into the sky.

"Let me see now, the true power of Fanjin Shenglian."

Different from the golden glow that covered the sky when Mo Yao activated it, the Fanjin Shenglian appeared restrained in Ye Chunyang's hands, but faintly exuded a majesty that overshadowed the world.

As the golden lotus lifted into the sky, everyone could only hear low humming, and ancient Sanskrit characters shone out from the golden lotus petals, and each character revealed an ancient and vast aura, filling the entire world with Coercion.

"Bang bang bang..."

In the land of the Northern Territory, the mountains exploded and the sky shook. With Ye Chunyang as the center, the sky and the earth became a piece of red gold. Countless Sanskrit words, carrying the majesty of crushing everything, ruthlessly shrouded Mo Yao.

"You can actually activate the Buddhist mantra?"

Mo Yao's heart skipped a beat.

Most monks in the world practice Taoism, and the same is true in the spiritual world, but Buddhism has existed since ancient times, and the cultivation method is also different from Taoism, but its power is not inferior to Taoism. Mo Yao has occupied the Vatican Gold Holy Lotus for many years, but he has never been able to activate The Buddhist mantra, Ye Chunyang has actually done it now.

"I didn't expect you to have such supernatural powers. After all, I underestimated you."

Mo Yao said in a gloomy voice.

He quickly made a tactic with both hands, and shot a mysterious magic seal into the void. The next moment, the world was suddenly silent, and a circular light wheel full of charms slowly lifted into the sky, bombarding together with the Sanskrit.

"Mo Yao, today is your death day!"

Ye Chunyang drank violently, pointing out with two fingers.

The Sanskrit Holy Lotus rotated extremely fast, and the bright Sanskrit characters exploded in the light wheel one by one, and the light wheel quickly became thinner and dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

300 years ago, Ye Chunyang shook the human world with the Brahma Gold Holy Lotus. After he ascended to the spirit world, he even held it across the human race. During the transformation period, no one could stop him. If Mo Yao hadn't plotted against him, he would not have fallen into the demon god world. , Cultivation is lost.

Today, if he regains control of Fanjin Shenglian, his strength will be considered to be back to its peak.


The turbulent spiritual pressure shook wildly, and Mo Yao let out a muffled snort.

But his body didn't waver in the slightest, instead a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the void next to him, and suddenly an ancient scepter condensed in his hand.

This scepter is shaped like a dragon's head, with mysterious runes flowing all over its body. As soon as it appeared, the light between the sky and the earth seemed to dim for a few minutes.

Afterwards, Mo Yao waved his stick towards the Sanskrit in front of him.

There was an earth-shattering sound like thunder, the scepter and the golden lotus bombarded together, and the two flew back at the same time, the light wheel and the Sanskrit script collapsed one after another, Ye Chunyang and Mo Yao also retreated a few steps respectively.

"Tiantian Lingbao?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Ye Chunyang's eyes. Judging from the spirituality just now, the scepter held by Mo Yao was clearly also a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure.

But under this collision, the two treasures have been greatly damaged spiritually, and they need to be cultivated by the caster with their own true essence to restore them.

"Hehe... Do you really think I only have your Vatican Gold Holy Lotus in my hand?" Mo Yao showed a proud expression, and lightly raised his hand, and the spiritual energy in the world was mobilized by the scepter.

"Ye Chunyang, no matter how many means you have, I, Mo Yao, will always be irresistible to you."

"I was able to drive you into the lower realm back then, and I can obliterate you here today!"

Mo Yao looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, and threw out the scepter towards Ye Chunyang, the blow just now didn't seem to hurt its root.

Ye Chunyang lowered his head to look at the Vatican Golden Holy Lotus. Since it was forcibly sealed by Mo Yao for many years, the power of this treasure has also been reduced by a few points. Compared with Mo Yao's scepter, the Vatican Golden Holy Lotus is also inferior.

"Is it still necessary to use that method after all?"

Ye Chunyang put away the Fanjin Shenglian, looked at the sky, and sighed deeply.

At the moment when the scepter struck, he suddenly closed his eyes and stood there motionless.

"Why, you know you can't compete with me, are you planning to give up?" Mo Yao sneered.

He thought he would really compete with Ye Chunyang, but the performance of the other party made him a little disappointed.

"Since you ask for death, why should I not grant you?" Mo Yao laughed loudly and said, "He has been waiting for this day for a long time."

Just when these words fell, his complexion changed suddenly.

The surrounding space suddenly distorted, and the originally verdant land of the Northern Territory suddenly turned into a world of ice and snow, without any vitality.

"What's going on? Could it be that he also practiced illusion?"

Mo Yao raises a warning sign.

Because Ye Chunyang has completely disappeared at this time, and there seems to be a huge coercion in the void, as if it is coming at any time, which makes him inexplicably feel a sense of crisis.

"A mere illusion, you want to trap me?"

He retracted the scepter with a gloomy expression, and flew up into the sky.

But a strange scene appeared.

With the cultivation base of Mo Yao, the escapism technique has reached the realm beyond nature, but when he flew a very long distance, he found that the surrounding scenery was the same as before, without any change.

Seeing this scene, Mo Yao couldn't help frowning.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

After gloomyly glancing around, he got up and flew up again, but soon he was shocked to find that even though he had escaped hundreds of miles away, the surroundings were still the same.

"how is this possible?"

This time, Mo Yao was really shocked.

Just when he was about to urge his movements again, his expression suddenly turned cold.


Suddenly there was a deafening roar in the sky, followed by an invisible wave spreading, so powerful that it was suffocating.

"The power of the soul?"

Mo Yao was shocked.

Looking up, I saw an illusory figure in the air, standing with his hands behind his back, surrounded by countless thunder and lightning, like the son of the god of thunder, above the sky and the earth.

"Your soul has actually cultivated into Thunder Tribulation!"

Looking at the figure in the sky, Mo Yao's eyes flashed with horror.

It is unbelievable that Ye Chunyang's main body and avatar can become Huashen and Earth Immortal at the same time, but now the soul has also advanced to the level of Thunder Tribulation, he couldn't help but be shocked.

"This is your spiritual realm!" Mo Yao suddenly understood something, and urged the scepter to rush to the sky, trying to get out of here.

Ye Chunyang's soul advanced into Thunder Tribulation, which made him feel a little jealous. If he fought with mana alone, he was confident that he could deal with Ye Chunyang, but the attack of the soul is invisible, and now he is trapped in the opponent's soul realm. Ended up dying.

"At this point, do you think you can still get away?"

Ye Chunyang's mocking laughter came from the sky.

He opened his arms to the sky, thunder surged out of his illusory body, and the silver horses rushed down fiercely, hitting Mo Yao fiercely.

In the parallel plane, he obtained the original aura from the body of the extraterrestrial demon. Not only did his mana recover to the stage of transforming into a god, but his soul also broke through the thunder disaster at the same time.

When he reached this level, his spirit domain was strengthened again, turning into a realm of divine thunder, and it was easy to kill Mo Yao's avatar.

"Ye Chunyang, you can't kill me!"

Mo Yao yelled wildly.

"Really?" Ye Chunyang looked indifferent, "You are just a clone, and I can't kill you naturally, but you can rest assured that after erasing your clone, I will ascend to the spirit world and find your real body kill you."

After the words fell, Ye Chunyang pressed down with one palm, and divine thunder rained down.


A shrill scream came from the thunder, Mo Yao's body exploded, and the scepter in his hand was also struck dim.

At this time, Ye Chunyang did not attack with pure mana, but gathered his soul into a sky thunder, which caused great damage to Mo Yao's soul, and any defense was instantly penetrated.

"I'm not reconciled! I'm not reconciled!"

Mo Yao struggled violently, but his body gradually faded under the divine thunder. He looked at Ye Chunyang with resentment in his eyes, and shouted: "Even if you defeat me, you will never return to the spirit world. Everyone here will also be buried for you!" !"

After saying those words, Mo Yao suddenly recited a mysterious formula, and a strange light flowed from his body, causing the surrounding space to twist violently.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chunyang's eyes flashed with suspicion, but then his face changed drastically.


Ye Chunyang shouted suddenly.

"Hey can't save them."

A sly smile flashed across Mo Yao's face, and the spell in his mouth suddenly accelerated, and then there was a loud bang, and his body exploded into shattered light.

(End of this chapter)

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