After the ascent failed

Chapter 592 Space Collapse

Chapter 592 Space Collapse
I don't know when, the sky in the northern region suddenly became very calm, and both Ye Chunyang and Mo Yao disappeared.

In the water sect's mountain gate, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, their expressions full of doubts, many people released their spiritual sense to perceive, but there was no aura of the two of them.

It was as if the two of them just disappeared out of thin air.

"Look, what is that!"

Suddenly, a voice came from the Cangyuan faction, and the members of the Nie family stood among them, and the one who spoke was Nie Ying who was with Nie Xin.

These words immediately attracted everyone's attention. At this time, a tiny spot of light appeared in the direction Nie Ying was pointing at, floating in the void, but emitting a mysterious brilliance.

"It's such a terrifying coercion of the soul!"

The ancestor Wuwu was the first to perceive the anomaly of the light spot because his cultivation base was higher than that of everyone else.

"It's Senior Ye!"

A woman suddenly spoke.

The woman who spoke was Xiao Rou beside Bai Feng, she said excitedly: "This is Senior Ye's Soul Realm, I have seen him use this supernatural power before!"

"You mean Fellow Daoist Ye is inside?"

Everyone looked at her suspiciously.

This spot of light is extremely subtle, if you don't look carefully, you won't notice it at all.

It is impossible to imagine what kind of unfathomable magical powers a person needs to enter this dusty thing.

Bai Feng also looked suspicious.

"Senior Ye saved my life back then, and what he used at that time was this soul art supernatural power. At this time, he and Mo Yao are very likely to fight in it." Xiaorou said with affirmative expression.

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, as long as they were sure that Ye Chunyang was still alive, they still had hope.

"I didn't expect that in just a few decades, he would become an existence beyond the realm. Back then, I had no eyes."

Nie Ying stood beside Nie Xin, smiling wryly.

Nie Xin looked at the sky, her face was extraordinarily calm, but her heart was full of turmoil.

Back then, everyone misunderstood him as Ye Yun, and even thought he was a useless son-in-law of the Nie family. However, the world didn't know that he was a giant dragon soaring in the nine heavens.

From the misunderstanding in Lindu City, to the fact that he became an elder of the Cangyuan Sect, to the famous Zhenzhong Prefecture in the Kunlun Ruins, and to sharing weal and woe between Tianxuan Mountain and the Black Sea, Nie Xin discovered that he had already been deeply imprinted in his heart. down his figure.

However, he was so out of reach.

"You must be safe and sound, so that I can have a chance to surpass you!"

Although Nie Xin was very calm, his hands were involuntarily clenched.

In the other place, Gu Qian, Bai Feng, and Ye Yao were also looking at the floating spot of light in the sky, with serious expressions on their expressions.

"I'm not dead, Daddy will be fine, right?" Ye Yao muttered to herself with sweaty palms.

"Of course, who is the master? How can Mo Yao be the opponent of the master with just a clone?" Bai Feng said confidently as he shook the white paper fan with a sense of immortality.

Even though he said so, Bai Feng's hand holding the handle of the fan unconsciously clenched a little bit.

Gu Qian said nothing, but the worry in her beautiful eyes showed that she was not at peace at the moment.

Everyone is paying attention, the entire Northern Territory is quiet, and everyone is looking forward to a result.

If Ye Chunyang wins, the Northern Territory will live!
If Ye Chunyang is defeated, the Northern Territory will die!
There was silence between the sky and the earth, and no one spoke again, but at this moment, the light spot in the void seemed to have undergone some kind of abnormal change, and suddenly trembled extremely quickly.

Everyone stared.

I saw that the light spot fluctuated up and down, and then gradually rose up. Originally, the light was only the size of a little finger, but it changed into a diameter of tens of feet in a short while.

Everyone was wondering, suddenly there was a thunder on the ground.

There was a loud bang, and countless streamers suddenly burst out from the spot of light, and an aura of destruction shot up into the sky like a raging storm.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

A series of aura explosions sounded in the void. With that light as the center, the mountains within a radius of tens of miles collapsed, the flood stopped, and the space was distorted.

Wherever this spiritual energy went, there was scorched earth in the blink of an eye.

"what happened?"

Everyone was horrified.

At this moment, there was a fluctuation in the spiritual energy storm, and a figure flashed out of it.

Ye Chunyang appeared in mid-air, and he shouted loudly: "Go!"

All the monks were shocked, but seeing the situation at this moment, they hurriedly fled in horror.

But the wave of destruction spread extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, a bright glow shrouded the gate of the Water Sect, shining down like a scorching sun.

A breath of death came, and the people who were using the magic weapon to fly away, under the cover of the sun, there were no bones on the spot.

Seeing the people around them disappear without a sound, many people felt chills behind their backs, not to mention the slightest pause, and hurriedly scattered and retreated.

However, the frightening fluctuations of that aura far exceeded everyone's expectations. Under the destructive light, the mountain gate of the Water Sect was instantly reduced to ruins. In less than half a stick of incense, dozens of people from the Spirit Transformation Realm and the Jin Dynasty were there. The masters of the alchemy realm were killed.

And the rays of light continued to spread, as if endlessly, crazily sweeping towards all directions of the Northern Territory, overlooking from the sky, I saw a huge storm sweeping the earth, and the space continued to collapse.

Wherever it went, life and death.

Looking at the tragic scene below, Ye Chunyang looked awe-inspiring.

He tapped between his eyebrows with both fingers, a huge power of the soul gushed out, and the spiritual realm reappeared.

Then reach out and grab the ground below.

Gu Qian, Nie Xin, Ye Yao, Bai Feng, Han Xiaoxiao, Xiao Yu, Murong Zhu'er and the others were struggling against the rays of the sun when they suddenly felt their bodies lighten and were enveloped by a golden light.

Ye Chunyang brought them to his side with mana.

Inorganic Patriarch, Aoki and other six elders also escaped out of the sky at the same time, staying away from this glow.

"What happened?" Gu Qian looked back and saw Ye Chunyang, heaved a sigh of relief, and asked.

"Mo Yao blew himself up, and before he died, he planted a spell in his own true energy to destroy the demon god world." Ye Chunyang said in a deep voice.

"Mo Yao is dead?"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look at Ye Chunyang with joy, more reverence.

Everyone has witnessed Mo Yao's strength, but in the end the young man in front of him defeated him. This strength is already invincible in this world.

"Everyone, don't be too happy. Mo Yao is just a clone in the lower realm. His body is still in the spirit world, and he hasn't really died. Now that he casts a magic spell with his clone's true energy, the demon god world is likely to usher in a catastrophe. "Ye Chunyang took a deep breath and said.

"Is there any way to stop this curse?" Gu Qian said solemnly.

Inorganic Patriarch and the others agreed.

"Mo Yao is using a spiritual spell, and his avatar has been destroyed. It is impossible to lift the spell. As long as there are living beings in the world, it will spread endlessly." Ye Chunyang shook his head.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions became heavy.

Under this destructive ray of light, the mountains and rivers in the Northern Territory were shattered at this time, with broken walls everywhere, causing countless deaths and injuries.

Some people whose cultivation base was not as good as that were wiped out in a blink of an eye.

As if the end of the world is coming, catastrophe is right in front of you.

"Could it be that the sky is going to destroy our demon god realm?"

Wuji Patriarch and the others looked up to the sky and sighed deeply, their hearts filled with sadness.

With the rapid spread of the glow, they can escape for a while, but they cannot escape for a lifetime, and soon they will end up like everyone else.

Ye Chunyang half-closed his eyes, thinking about something flickeringly.

After a long time, he said, "I'm afraid there is only one way now."

"What way?" Gu Qian hurriedly looked at him and asked.

"Enter the gate of life and death!"

Ye Chunyang replied in a deep voice, then shook his sleeves, and a black and white glow shot out.

Everyone looked in astonishment, and saw that under the continuous urging of his magic formula, the black and white light surged rapidly, turning into a huge yin-yang fish pattern lying across the sky.

"You mean, everyone enters the parallel plane through the Gate of Life and Death?" Gu Qian suddenly understood, her delicate body trembling slightly.

No one knows better than her what it means to enter the gate of life and death.

Ordinary people can't survive if they go in, but now, Ye Chunyang wants to send everyone into it, which is unbelievable.

"That's right." Ye Chunyang affirmed: "It's the only way to avoid this catastrophe now."

The crowd gathered around him, looking at each other, but no one said a word.

Gu Qian raised her head and looked at the yin-yang fish pattern rotating like a roulette, her gaze gradually became firm.

"Okay, let's enter the gate of life and death!"

With a soft drink, she stepped out first.

Ye Chunyang looked at the others: "Everyone, after entering the gate of life and death, Ye can't guarantee whether he will live or die, but if he stays here, he must be dead. It's up to you to decide whether to go or stay."

"Wherever Daddy goes, Yao'er will go." Ye Yao's face was immature, but there was a hint of tenacity.

Bai Feng also nodded heavily, and Han Xiaoxiao stood beside him unswervingly.

Ye Chunyang looked at the crowd, nodded with a look of solemnity in his eyes.

He didn't say much, and immediately waved open the door of life and death. Without any hesitation, Gu Qian first swept into the air.

She holds half of Qingchen Sword in her hand, and she wants to take Qingchen with her.

Ye Yao, Bai Feng and others also immediately took control of the escape light, and the crowd entered the door of life and death one after another.

Nie Xin walked behind, she turned her head and glanced at Ye Chunyang, as if she wanted to say something, but finally she didn't speak, and her figure disappeared into it.

Ye Chunyang watched everyone disappear one by one, and finally looked down at the bright rays of light sweeping across the earth. At this time, many people were still engulfed, and their lives were quickly harvested.

Watching these people die, even though Ye Chunyang was used to seeing too many lives and deaths, he felt heavy in his heart.

"Mo Yao, you really deserve to die!"

Ye Chunyang looked up at the sky, his eyes were piercing. Although he could send some people into the gate of life and death, he couldn't save everyone.

For his own self-interest, Mo Yao made the entire Demon God Realm miserable. This crime should be punished!

If he returns to the spirit world in the future, Ye Chunyang will definitely seek justice for all beings in the demon god world.

Immediately, Ye Chunyang didn't stop any longer, and flew towards the gate of life and death. The black and white light wheel finally disappeared into the void under a flash of light.

(End of this chapter)

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