After the ascent failed

Chapter 599 Two Masters

Chapter 599
Mu Yan looked at Ye Chunyang suspiciously, and found that his cultivation base didn't seem to be high, he shook his head and sighed: "There are many strong people in the Lingtan clan, fellow Taoists have a dangerous and unpredictable past at this time, you have nothing to do with this matter, why bother to go?" adventure."

As he spoke, he pointed to the back and said, "There is a small road on the island, fellow Taoists can leave along this path, and you will be safe after you leave Heavenly Snake Island."

"It's okay, fellow daoist, take me to have a look, maybe I can help the nobles a little bit?" Ye Chunyang smiled and said indifferently.

Mu Yan was slightly taken aback, and said in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist is determined to do this, and I will not stop me, but the two clans are fighting, I am afraid that I will not have time to take care of Fellow Daoist, so I will ask you fellow Daoist to ask for blessings when the time comes. "

"rest assured."

Ye Chunyang smiled lightly.

Mu Yan sighed, and then led the way with Dunguang.

He really couldn't figure out why this person wanted to die when he could leave Sky Snake Island safely.

Ye Chunyang glanced in the air, and followed Mu Yan without much hesitation.

After all, the Heavenly Snake Clan had saved his life, so it would be unjustifiable if he just walked away at this time.


Outside the island, the air seemed to freeze, and the whole scene was dead silent.

Fei Tong and Zhao Jingzhe's pupils shrank, looking uncertainly at Taoist Kuangsha facing him.

"I didn't know that there was a senior in the transformation stage sitting here. I dare to ask the senior's name. If there is any offense, I ask the senior to forgive me."

After Fei Tong's expression changed a few times, he cupped his fists at Taoist Kuang Sha and said politely.

The sudden appearance of a cultivator who transforms spirits on the other side, no matter how many of them there are, they have to be afraid.

"I am Daoist Shark." Daoist Shark said proudly with his hands behind his back.

"It turns out to be Senior Kuangsha from Kuyun Island." Fei Tong's complexion changed suddenly, he hastily saluted and said, "I don't know Mount Tai, so I didn't know that Senior Kuangsha came here, it's a death penalty, a death penalty."

The name of this person resounds throughout the realm of the Divine Sea, how could Fei Tong, the patriarch of the Lingtan clan, not know?


Daoist Kuangsha snorted softly, and his powerful majesty made many low-level monks of the Lingtan clan tremble physically and mentally.

Under the strong pressure of the mad shark Taoist, the fierceness on Zhao Jingzhe's face could not help but restrain himself for a few minutes, and stood aside with his head bowed and said nothing.

Fei Tong paused, glanced at Taoist Kuangsha and said, "It is said that senior lives in seclusion on Kuyun Island and does not care about world affairs, why did he come here suddenly?"

"Hey, what is the purpose of this seat, do I need to tell you?" Taoist Kuangsha stood in the void, grinning lightly.

"Don't dare." Fei Tong hurriedly said, "Senior is a master of Huashen Daxiu, we are not qualified to ask how to do things, but the Heavenly Snake Tribe killed my people without reason, I come here to ask for an explanation, if senior intervenes rashly I'm afraid there will be something wrong."

His words sounded polite, but there was not much fear in his eyes, as if he had other confidence.

"Are you warning me?" Taoist Kuang Sha narrowed his eyes.

Fei Tong's eyes flickered, and he didn't speak any more.

"Hmph, it's okay to tell you the truth." Daoist Kuangsha put his hands behind his back and said with a haughty expression, "I have nothing to do with any grievances between your two clans, but since the Sky Snake clan agreed to take out the fire essence liquid and ask me to do it, I personally Naturally, you can’t break your promise, and you’ll retreat quickly, otherwise it’s hard to guarantee a bloodbath when the poor man shows his supernatural powers.”

The faces of the Lingtan people changed.

The Heavenly Snake Clan's side was greatly refreshed by the strength of the Kuangsha Taoist, and Xiao Yun was slightly relieved.

With the cultivation base of the mad shark Taoist, it is enough to suppress the people of the Lingtan tribe.

However, she was still a little worried. After all, there had been news that there was also a cultivator of the Lingtan tribe, but why didn't she show up?

And she also had doubts, Zhao Jingzhe swore that her son fell on Tiansnake Island, but she didn't receive any news about it, who did it?
"Senior really want to intervene in today's affairs?"

Fei Tong looked at the mighty Kuangsha Taoist, his face was a bit ugly.

"Why, you still don't understand what I mean?" Daoist Kuangsha frowned, "I've never been very patient, so I'll give you three breaths. If you don't retreat after three breaths, don't blame me for being ruthless." gone."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

As soon as the mad shark Taoist finished speaking, a loud laugh suddenly came from a distance.

"Who is talking nonsense here? This old man hasn't heard such crazy words for many years."

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw a rainbow light flashing in midair, and a figure walked in the void and flew towards this side.

It seems that the speed is extremely slow, but it appears in the crowd in the blink of an eye.

When his figure became clear, he was a white-faced and beardless old man with white eyebrows. The powerful coercion shrouded all directions and ten poles, and he was integrated with the heaven and earth, making the faces of all the snakes in the sky pale for a few minutes.

But what is different is that this old man has a sharp horn on his head, with electric patterns flashing on it, exuding a piercing aura.

Seeing the arrival of the old man, Fei Tong, Zhao Jingzhe and other Lingtan monks showed ecstasy on their faces, and hurriedly said: "See Senior Motu."

Daoist Kuangsha raised his eyebrows, obviously the old man was a great monk in the transformation stage like him.

The old man named Motu ignored Taoist Kuangsha, but turned his head to look at Fei Tong and Zhao Jingzhe, and said: "You are really useless, I thought you could successfully destroy the Heavenly Snake Clan and take the Huoyuan Spiritual Liquid Fetch it for me, I didn't expect to spend half a day here, what do you need?"

Fei Tong and Zhao Jingzhe were taken aback, but facing the old man, they could only lower their heads and dare not speak.

The old man sneered, then raised his head and looked opposite, "Just now I heard someone here yelling and yelling, I don't know where the madman is?"

"Your Excellency's tone is very rampant." Taoist Kuangsha laughed, listening to the other party's words, he seemed to be an arrogant person, and immediately said with his hands behind his back: "Poverty Taoist Kuangsha is here, who is next?"

Although he has the capital to be proud, he will not act rashly before finding out the details of the other party.

"Oh, I don't know who it is. It turns out to be the mad shark Taoist from Bitter Cloud Island. I've heard of your name a little bit." Motu flicked his fingers and said, "It's a pity, you could have been in your You spend your days in Bitter Cloud Island, but you come here to seek death."

When Taoist Kuang Sha heard this, his face became furious.

"What a big tone, this seat wants to see, what supernatural powers do you have, how dare you be so arrogant?"

The aura from Kuang Sha Daoist's body exploded suddenly, and the menacing coercion rushed out like a vast sea. Many monks around were dizzy, and they were so shocked that they vomited blood and flew back.

He felt that Motu's realm was not below him, but for hundreds of years across the realm of the Divine Sea, there were not a few monks of the same rank who died at his hands, and there are not many monks of the same rank now.

While speaking, Taoist Kuangsha stretched out his hand, and black lightning flashed out of the void, crackling, and terrifying mana spread out, causing the surrounding space to appear distorted.

And under the bursts of black lightning, a bright long sword emerged. The sword was three feet long, but only two fingers wide, and the whole body was as black as ink.

Clenched in one hand by Taoist Kuang Sha, the long sword clanged, emitting a cold and threatening breath.


On the opposite side, Mo Tu suddenly sounded suspicious, "Xuchen Sword? I didn't expect you to get such a treasure."

Motu looked at the long sword in the hands of Taoist Kuangsha in amazement, then shook his head and said, "It's a pity that it's just an imitation."

"Your Excellency still has a bit of eyesight. The real Xuchen Sword is an existence that has defeated even the Blood Demon Sword. The Sky Blood Old Demon fell under this sword even though what I got was just an imitation sword. product, but in the hands of this seat, I have never met an opponent at the same level." Taoist Kuangsha laughed.

"is it?"

Mo Tu didn't speak, but there was a slight sarcasm in his eyes.

"Fellow Daoist, you and I are both cultivators who transform spirits, and we know that cultivation is not easy. If you die under the sword of this seat because of such a trivial matter, it would be very unworthy. I advise you to leave early and see me in the future. If you make a detour for thirty miles, I can withdraw your sword immediately, otherwise, Tiansnake Island may become your burial place today." Taoist Kuang Sha tried to persuade him.

As he said that, the long sword shook out a round of sword flowers, and Wu Lei flashed wildly, with a terrifying momentum.

Under the sword energy, the monks of the two races felt suffocated like the extinction of the primordial spirit.

"The Daoist Priest Kuang Sha is really powerful. With such a treasure, the rumors that he instantly killed his peers are not false." Beside Xiao Yun, the old man of the Sky Snake Clan exclaimed.

"That's right, Daoist Priest Kuangsha has great powers, and he will definitely help me repel the Lingtan clan." Wu Han also showed a relaxed smile.

Xiao Yun looked at Daoist Priest Kuangsha who was showing off his power in the air, and there was a little more smile on his jade face.

If Motu can be defeated, the crisis of the Sky Snake Clan can be resolved.

"In the early days of Xiaoxiao's transformation into a god, he dared to be rampant here. It's really ridiculous."

Just as Taoist Kuangsha showed his majesty, a sneer suddenly came from the opposite side.

There was a look of mockery on Motu's face, and he stepped out of the air suddenly.

Daoist Kuang Sha was slightly startled, before he heard the meaning of Mo Tu's words clearly, suddenly a strong oppression came to his face.

There was a soft "chi" sound.

I saw a dazzling blood-colored light flashing across the air, and the death-like breath enveloped the mad shark Taoist. The imitation of the Xuchen Sword in his hand broke open without warning, and the Ulei on it collapsed inch by inch.


Daoist Kuangsha only felt an unrivaled force hit his chest, all the protection on his body collapsed at once, blood mist spewed out from his mouth, like a bird with broken wings, it fell from the sky hard.

Everyone was taken aback.

No one could see clearly what happened, and Taoist Kuangsha was hit so badly that he vomited blood and flew away.


A figure flickered, and at the moment the madman landed, he grabbed his throat with one hand, as if he was carrying garbage, and he held it easily.

" are actually in the middle stage of transformation!"

Daoist Kuangsha looked at the ink map in front of him, with great horror in his eyes. At this time, the other party held a small bloody sword several inches long in his hand, full of chilling intent.

"Aren't you very arrogant just now, how do you feel now that you are in the hands of the old man?"

Motu grinned cruelly.

(End of this chapter)

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