After the ascent failed

Chapter 600 Raise your hand to crush

Chapter 600 Raise your hand to crush
The whole scene was dead silent.

No one expected that before, he was majestic and majestic, holding a imitation Xuchen sword, threatening Motu to meet the mad shark Taoist who made a detour for thirty miles, and he was caught in his hand after meeting him. That seemingly powerful spirit sword , and became waste in an instant.

Everyone in the Heavenly Snake Clan was like a cold wind blowing in, and their whole bodies were filled with coolness.

Just now they clearly heard the exclamation from the mouth of Kuang Sha Dao. Mo Tu's cultivation level turned out to be in the middle stage of transformation!

Such a strong man, who can match?

On the other side, the Lingtan tribe looked excited, Fei Tong and Zhao Jingzhe looked at Xiao Yun and the others with sarcasm.

"Patriarch Xiao, Fei told you earlier that if you take the initiative to hand over the Heavenly Snake Island and Huoyuan Spiritual Liquid, Fei might consider letting your clansmen survive, but it's a pity that Patriarch Xiao is obsessed with obsession." Fei Tong shook his head, Said sarcastically.

On the side, Zhao Jingzhe and a group of Lingtan clan powerhouses looked at the Sky Snake clan with a bad face.

With Motu, the supreme powerhouse in the middle stage of transforming gods, they are naturally confident.

Xiao Yun's body trembled slightly. He never thought that the Shark Taoist who paid a lot of money to invite would lose to Mo Tu's power. Could it be that today is the end of the Heavenly Snake Clan?

"Crazy Shark Taoist, right?"

Mo Tu squeezed the throat of Taoist Kuang Sha, with a mocking look in his eyes, "A casual cultivator on a small island dares to try Huo Yuan Lingye in vain, it's simply beyond his control."

"Fellow Daoist, be merciful!" Daoist Kuang Sha frightened his eyes.

He desperately urged his mana to break free, but the other party's supernatural power restriction was like a cage, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape.

"A trash like you, I don't even bother to kill you." Motu said contemptuously.


As he said that, with a wave of his hand, the aura on Kuang Sha Daoist's body exploded, flying far away through the air, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Daoist Kuang Sha got up with a pale face, and kowtowed repeatedly: "Thank you, fellow daoist, for your mercy, I'll get out of here... get out of here! Never dare to intervene in this matter again!"

After speaking, he hurried back and fled.

Everyone in the Sky Snake Clan looked at this scene and couldn't believe their eyes.

This is the famous mad shark Taoist, and he is running away in such a panic at this moment.

"Could it be that the sky is really going to kill my Heavenly Snake Clan?" Xiao Yun smiled miserably.

Without the support of the cultivators who transformed themselves into spirits, what would they have to contend with the Lingtan clan?
"Patriarch Xiao, I advise you to obediently hand over the fire essence liquid, the Heavenly Snakes may still have a chance to survive, otherwise the Snake Island will become a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood today." Fei Tongyin tested laughed.

Xiao Yun clenched her fists tightly, her eyes full of coldness.

Fei Tong said it nicely on the surface, but she knew very well that even if the Heavenly Snakes surrendered, they might not be able to survive, and the fire essence liquid would also fall into the opponent's hands.

Even if they were lucky enough to survive, their clansmen would feel worse than death.

"Patriarch, the fire essence liquid must not be handed over to them!"

A voice came from behind, and Mu Yan rushed towards him.

Xiao Yun was silent for a long time, and said with a wry smile: "I am afraid that we have no other choice now. Handing over the fire essence liquid may allow our race to continue."

At the same time, Ye Chunyang slowly came to the crowd of the Heavenly Snakes.

He swept his eyes across the field, and then looked at Motu, who had a majestic aura in mid-air, and Taoist Kuangsha, who had fled back in embarrassment. After pondering for a moment, he walked towards Xiaoyun.

"Patriarch Xiao, how about letting me have a try?"

Ye Chunyang's sudden voice startled everyone in the Heavenly Snake Clan, and all of them stared at him with surprise.

Xiao Yun was also full of astonishment, frowned and sized him up and said, "You Daoist Ye, you are not from my Heavenly Snake Clan, so you don't need to get involved in the grievances between our two clans, you should leave as soon as possible, lest you risk your life."

"Patriarch Xiao doesn't want to see the Heavenly Snake Clan wiped out, does he?" Ye Chunyang said casually.

Not only Xiao Yun, but everyone else was also shocked, and they all lowered their heads and fell silent.

Xiao Yun smiled bitterly and said, "The opponent has a mid-stage powerhouse in charge, how can we match?"

Ye Chunyang heard the words, thought for a while, and said: "Let's try it, if it doesn't work, it's not too late to make other plans."

Everyone in the Sky Snake Clan looked at him suspiciously.

"Huh! Where did the human kid come from, so arrogant!"

At this moment, the Taoist Kuangsha who returned in a panic looked at Ye Chunyang disdainfully and said: "Motu is a strong man in the mid-stage of transformation, and I am not his opponent. Just because of you, who doesn't seem to have a good cultivation base Boss, going up is just to die."

Ye Chunyang smiled and didn't care.

Just as he was about to speak, there was a loud shout from the opposite side.

"Human race?"

"You killed my son!"

Zhao Jingzhe stood up with an angry face, and his eyes suddenly locked on Ye Chunyang, with a murderous look.

After Ye Qizi fell that night, he saw the face of that person through Lingji, which was exactly the same as Ye Chunyang in front of him.

Hearing this voice, everyone was stunned and looked at Ye Chunyang in confusion.

"Boy, if you dare to kill my son, I want you to die without a place to bury you today!"

Zhao Jingzhe roared furiously.

Ye Chunyang was slightly surprised, and after a while, he remembered that the young man from the Lingtan tribe who attacked him not long ago was his son.

"Boom" sounded wildly.

Before Zhao Jingzhe finished speaking, he stepped out suddenly, and the surroundings were full of violence. Among the two clans, many monks were shocked by his breath and turned pale.

"Human boy, take your life!"

With a loud shout, Zhao Jingzhe slapped out with one palm in the air, and the magic formula was like a surging sea, and he went straight to Ye Chunyang.


Ye Chunyang frowned and let out a soft drink.

He didn't see any movement, just shook his sleeve robe lightly.


The vitality between the heaven and the earth rioted in an instant, and a shock-like breath surged out, and the void continued to explode. Zhao Jingzhe, who was rushing towards him, paused, and before he had time to see clearly what happened, his whole body suddenly burst into tears. Crisp.


A shrill scream echoed in mid-air, under everyone's shocked eyes, Zhao Jingzhe couldn't take three steps, his body turned into a blood mist and exploded, immediately evaporated from the world, leaving no trace left.


The voices of gasping for air kept coming and going, no matter what Zhao Jingzhe was a master at the Dacheng level of the Dongtian Realm, this human monk killed him in a single gesture?
How strong is his strength?

Xiao Yun opened her eyes wide again. At this time, Ye Chunyang was still so ordinary, and he didn't have any particularly powerful aura or magic weapon on him, but it was such an astonishing attack.

Mu Yan, the old man of the Heavenly Snake Clan, and the others stood there dumbfounded, looking at Ye Chunyang completely differently.

Daoist Priest Kuang Sha was also stunned for a moment, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Even though he was a cultivator of transforming spirits, he still couldn't do it in his own mind if he wanted to smash a Dacheng of the Dongtian Realm to ashes with a wave of his hand.

However, Daoist Kuangsha's eyes were disdainful. Ye Chunyang didn't feel the aura of the same level, which meant that he was at most a cave cultivator. Could it be that he could still compete with Mo Tu?

Thinking of being defeated by Mo Tu just now and almost losing his life, Daoist Priest Kuangsha felt cold in his body, and he couldn't help thinking of running away.

"Elder Zhao!"

Fei Tong saw that Zhao Jingzhe was beheaded on the spot, and his eyes opened wide.

The scene just now happened too quickly, not to mention him, Mo Tu, a mid-stage cultivator, couldn't react.

But at this moment, Mo Tu looked at Ye Chunyang with a slightly suspicious look, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"The kid wants to die!" Fei Tong was furious.

Zhao Jingzhe was the strongest monk in the Lingtan Clan besides him. Now that he was killed face to face, it would undoubtedly greatly damage the strength of the Lingtan Clan. This was definitely an extremely painful thing for Fei Tong.

"You are no match for this person, step back!"

Just when Fei Tong was about to step out with a face full of shock and anger, a voice came from the side, and Mo Tu waved lightly.

Hearing Motu's words, Fei Tong was slightly taken aback, and said, "Senior, this person who killed Zhao Jingzhe and his son never put our Lingtan clan in his eyes..."

Mo Tu waved his hand to stop what Fei Tong wanted to say, and looked at Ye Chunyang, with a slight flash of strange light in his eyes, and at the same time glanced at the Blood Demon Sword in his hand.

Discovering this sword, Ye Chunyang raised his eyebrows slightly, and in the Qiankun bag, the Brahma Golden Saint Lotus once again emitted the majestic aura of encountering a natural enemy.

The blood demon sword in Mo Tu's hand exudes a powerful spiritual treasure aura, and it is obviously the real thing.

"Boy, you should have some extraordinary treasures on you, right?"

After looking at Ye Chunyang for a while, Mo Tu suddenly grinned, with a cold smile, "The thing on your body makes the old man's Blood Demon Sword feel very uncomfortable. Are you planning to offer it to the old man yourself? Or let the old man kill you, and then take it with his own hands?"

As Mo Tu spoke, everyone in the field looked at Ye Chunyang again.

Many people looked at him with complicated eyes.

What kind of treasure does this human cultivator have on him, so that even Mo Tu seems to attach great importance to him.

Ye Chunyang raised his hand just now to obliterate a master of the Dongtian Realm, although it was amazing, but at this time, he was facing an extremely strong man in the mid-stage of transformation, and there was probably no other result except compromise.

But after hearing what he said, everyone's expressions changed.

"There is no reason to take the initiative to hand over what I have. If you think you have enough supernatural powers, you can come and get it yourself." Ye Chunyang said calmly.

Hearing this, the scene became quiet again.

Everyone looked at Ye Chunyang in shock. Is he provoking a mid-stage cultivator?
Everyone present, including the priest of Kuang Sha, all regarded Ye Chunyang as an idiot. Not long ago, the Taoist Kuang Sha, who boasted of supernatural powers, was crushed by Mo Tu. This seemingly weak human race Youth, why dare to be so arrogant?

There was also a look of surprise in Motu's eyes.

He looked at Ye Chunyang faintly, and suddenly laughed after a while, but that smile looked extraordinarily cold.

"Boy, it seems that you are really looking for death..."

(End of this chapter)

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