After the ascent failed

Chapter 607 Humiliation

Chapter 607 Humiliation
The ghost ancestor looked down condescendingly, as if looking at an ant.

Ye Chunyang's heart sank, the other party was an existence in the Void Return Stage, and he completely despised him.

But looking at the appearance of the ghost ancestor, he didn't notice anything on him, which made him slightly relieved.

"Junior, didn't you hear the old man's words, did you? I tell you to get out of here, this place, the old man is sitting." Seeing that Ye Chunyang was indifferent, the ghost ancestor said with a gloomy look in his eyes.

Many people around looked at this, and there was a playful look in their eyes.

The Ghost Patriarch is an existence in the Void Returning Stage, if Ye Chunyang is asked to move his seat, how dare he remain indifferent?
"Ghost Patriarch is really domineering, this is probably a shame to anyone, right?"

"Hey, I'm afraid this kid from the human race is going to be unlucky. Who let Patriarch Ghost just take his seat? With the other party's terrifying cultivation, would he dare not let him?"


One after another whispered, everyone looked at Ye Chunyang with the mentality of watching a good show.

Everyone was looking forward to it. Faced with the oppression of the ghost ancestor, would this human kid still dare to resist?

The scene was silent.

Some people think that Patriarch Ghost's domineering behavior is shameless, but the opponent's strength lies in that he has the capital to be domineering, and no one dares to say a word.

But when everyone was expecting that human youth to stand up and resist with a sliver of backbone, they were disappointed.

The human youth didn't say a word, he obediently got up and left his seat, and went to another corner to stay quietly, not daring to provoke the ghost ancestor and Taoist Ao Xie at all.


Many people looked at Ye Chunyang with mocking eyes.

I thought he would at least stand up and argue, but I didn't expect him to be so useless that he didn't even have the courage to speak.

"Looks like he's just a human kid with no power and power, who doesn't even dare to fart in front of the ghost ancestor."

"It's really a soft bone. This is the Lingxian Mansion. No matter what, the Ghost Patriarch couldn't do it by force, but he didn't dare to fight at all. He's really useless."

"Everyone, it's better to keep your voice down. Patriarch Guiling is a great cultivator in the Void Return Stage. Who would dare to easily offend him?"

Everyone laughed in a low voice.

The ghost ancestor watched Ye Chunyang silently give up his seat, his eyes flashed with disdain, but with his status, he naturally didn't really put a little cultivator in his eyes, so he sat down indifferently.

The Taoist Ao Xie next to him also sat down calmly, but at this moment, his eyes were sizing up Ye Chunyang in the distance, seeming a bit surprised.

Patriarch Guiling noticed his strangeness, and couldn't help asking: "Fellow Daoist Ao Xie, what are you looking at?"

Taoist Ao Xie frowned slightly, and said after a while: "That human kid in the transformation stage is a bit strange."

"Oh? Why is this person so strange?" Patriarch Guiling asked casually.

Taoist Ao Xie pondered for a while, and said: "I don't know if it's an illusion, but just now I felt some imprints of the Diyuan Sword Talisman on him."

"Fellow Daoist, are you serious?" Patriarch Guiling narrowed his eyes and looked at Ye Chunyang again.

"Probably my perception was wrong. I was the only one who could discover the imprint I set on the Diyuan Sword Talisman. After I noticed something different, I probed the human boy for a while, and it was clear that there was no imprint fluctuation. "

Taoist Ao Xie shook his head and said, "And brother Gui Ling said that although the rat who stole the sword talisman is also a human cultivator, his cultivation has reached the late stage of transforming gods. This kid seems to be mediocre. It might be on him."

The ghost ancestor's eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about what Taoist Ao Xie said.

He glanced at Ye Chunyang's back from a distance, and said: "Anyway, we have been searching the island for more than ten days. Since fellow Taoists feel that there is something wrong with that human kid, we will capture him and ask him when he leaves the city. Just ask and it will be clear!"

"Alright." Taoist Ao Xie thought for a moment, then nodded.


Ye Chunyang, who had already moved far away, didn't know that the ghost ancestor and Taoist Aoxie were brewing a life-and-death crisis for him in just a few words.

At this moment, he was sitting quietly with his head bowed, but his hands in his sleeves were clenched tightly, and a strong killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"Cultivation is still not enough..."

Ye Chunyang's face was as cold as ice.

Ancestor Ghost Ling used his Void Returning cultivation base to bully wantonly, how could he really laugh it off.

But he wouldn't be so stupid as to confront the other party head-on, that would be of no benefit to him other than attracting more attention from the other party.

Showing off his power for a while is what ordinary people do. Ye Chunyang is very calm at this time, but when his cultivation base is strong enough, today's revenge will be repaid a hundredfold by the ghost ancestor!
And with the appearance of the two Void Returning Stage powers in the venue, the atmosphere became a little dignified, and the originally noisy voices gradually became quieter.

About half an hour later, the old man in charge of the Nascent Soul Stage in Lingxian Mansion slowly walked onto the stage, looking at everyone with a smile on his face.

"Old man, Jin Yuanshi, is in charge of the Immortal Mansion of the City Spirit. Please wait for a long time. The auction items are ready now, and the auction can begin."

Jin Yuanshi cupped his hands slightly, and a loud voice came, and everyone in the field held their breath and stared at the stage frantically.

"The first item to be auctioned is a supreme spiritual treasure. The starting price is 500 million spiritual stones, and the price will increase by no less than 100 million each time. You can bid now."

As soon as Jin Yuanshi finished speaking, a maid came from the audience holding a silver plate, on which was placed a dark green jade ruler, exuding an elegant and agile aura, one could tell it was an extraordinary treasure at a glance.

As soon as the jade ruler appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of many people. Although the Supreme Lingbao is not as powerful as the Tongtian Lingbao, it is also a rare high-level magic weapon in the spirit world. If you can get it, you can add a lot strength.

Most of the monks present were in the Nascent Soul stage and the Dongtian realm, and the supreme spirit treasure was also suitable for their realm, so most people still had thoughts about this jade ruler.

"This jade ruler is called Yulinghua Yuanrui. Holding it can increase a lot of combat power. If any fellow Taoist is interested, you can bid for it at this time." Jin Yuanshi said to everyone with a chuckle.

Some monks who had long been eyeing Yulinghua Yuanrui immediately bid one after another. Just after the auction of this first treasure, the atmosphere in the venue was completely mobilized.

In a short while, the Yulinghua Yuanchi, which originally had a base price of 1000 million yuan, was fired to a sky-high price of 2000 million spirit stones.

Ye Chunyang sat calmly, not paying attention to the auction at this time.

With his current vision, unless the Tongtian Lingbao appeared, other treasures would be hard to see, and now he continued to wait just to wait for the price of his eight Qingxin Pills.

However, after this round of bidding, Yulinghua Yuanchi was fired to such a high price that he had to lament the wealth of monks in the spirit world.

You know, there are not many people in the lower realm who can throw this number without hesitation.

But the bidding was still going on, and in the end this supreme spirit treasure fell into the hands of a foreigner in the transformation stage at a high price of 500 million spirit stones.

Next, Jin Yuanshi ordered his maid to bring up a piece of jade slip, on which there is a strong restriction of spiritual consciousness, which seems to be some kind of secret skill, and he introduced: "This is a sword array supernatural power, called It is the sword art of the five emperors, it can transform the five elements of sword energy, and kill the opponent with the invisible."

When Jin Yuanshi reached this point, he paused and continued: "It is said that this sword formula was left in the spirit world by a true immortal, and it is very likely that it was formed by rubbing the immortal method. Such a fairy sword is actually a sword cultivator. the best choice."

"Fairy magic!"

Hearing these two words, everyone let out a "wow", and their eyes turned red.

There are thousands of Taoism in the world, only the highest level of immortality, but there are very few such magical powers in the spiritual world, only some big races and powerful forces will spread some supernatural powers of rubbing immortality, Its preciousness is self-evident.

At this moment, such an existence can appear in this auction, how can people not be extremely excited?
"It seems that this time is really right, not only has the Supreme Lingbao, but also such high-level supernatural powers as the Immortal Rubbing Immortal Technique, no matter how much it costs, it is worth it!"

"Immortal method, that is the same supreme existence as the treasure of Haotian, if you can master this immortal sword and supernatural power, it will definitely increase your strength!"


Many people stared at the jade slips on the stage, secretly gearing up.

After hearing Jin Yuanshi's introduction, Ye Chunyang raised his brows slightly. His natal magic weapon is a set of flying swords, and he is a real practitioner of immortal swords. The Five Emperors Sword Art can't help but attract his attention.

Although the Daqian Sword Formation he cultivated now is extremely powerful, there are many kinds of sword formations that can be cultivated. If he can practice one more set of sword formulas, his strength may be comparable to that of the late stage of Transformation God.

Ye Chunyang's eyes flickered slightly, and he was very interested in this sword art.

However, he did not act rashly. The price of such a high-level sword art must not be low, and seeing that everyone present is sharpening their knives, it is afraid that there will be a fierce competition next.

Jin Yuanshi smiled and said: "The Five Emperors Sword Art is very powerful, and the price will be higher. The starting price is 1000 million spirit stones, and the bidding price is no less than 500 million. Everyone... please make a move."

As soon as these words came out, there was a gasp in the field.

1000 million spirit stones!

This is definitely not a small amount for ordinary people!

Some small races with masters who have completed the Dongtian Realm may not be able to make such benefits in half a year.

The corners of Ye Chunyang's eyes also twitched. This price is absolutely sky-high. Except for some very rich guys, I am afraid no one is qualified to bid.

He took a deep breath and waited quietly on his seat. He didn't have many spirit stones on his body. Even if he was optimistic about the Five Emperors Sword Art, he might miss it.

After Jin Yuanshi's words fell, the field fell silent, and soon someone stood up.

He is a foreigner in the early stage of becoming a god, with a strange black line between his eyebrows, and his eyes are sharp like knives.

Ye Chunyang looked at this person, and felt that there was a strong wave of sword energy in the other person's body, and it was obvious that he was also a sword cultivator with supernatural powers.

After getting up, the foreigner directly shouted out an astonishing number.

"3000 million!"

(End of this chapter)

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