After the ascent failed

Chapter 608 Fighting and the Flower Clan Girl

Chapter 608 Fighting and the Flower Clan Girl

"It's Gong Muyan, the elder of the Black Wood Clan in the Shenhai Realm. This person practices wood-attributed swordsmanship and is famous in the Shenhai Realm. It seems that he has already heard the news, and he is here specially waiting to bid for the Wudi Jidao Swordsmanship!"

"Gong Muyan's swordsmanship is very deep, if this five emperors sword formula falls into his hands, I'm afraid his strength will be even higher!"

"As soon as he opened his mouth, he wanted 3000 million spirit stones. He is determined to get it."


Someone recognized the cultivator who had black streaks between his brows, and was immediately ebullient.

The state of this person's own transformation into a god is enough to make people awe-inspiring, and he comes from a powerful race in the deep sea realm. Some monks who had thought about the Five Emperors Sword Art had to think twice.

What's more, when he makes a move, the price is sky-high. I'm afraid there are not many people who can compete with him.

"Thirty-one million!"

Another voice sounded.

The people who were discussing showed their astonishment on their faces, did anyone really dare to bid with Gong Muyan?
Following the sound, I saw a tall, beautiful woman sitting there. She was dressed in blue neon dress, smiling like a flower, and she had a grace that made all flowers look pale.

His cultivation base is also the same as Gong Muyan's, reaching the stage of the early stage of transforming gods.

"Flower Clan Elder Huayan Xi?"

"This person has actually come. The Hua Clan is one of the few races in the Shenhai Realm that can compete with the Black Wood Clan."

"However, she's not a sword cultivator, is she? Why do you want the Five Emperors Extreme Sword Art?"

Seeing this woman, everyone turned pale. This person's cultivation level is not below that of Gong Muyan, and the Hua clan is a well-known strong clan in the Shenhai realm. The Wanhua clan has some kind of mysterious connection.

Ye Chunyang's eyes were also attracted, and he was a little surprised immediately.

With his spiritual cultivation in the thunder tribulation period, he could easily perceive the details of the woman's cultivation. There was no fluctuation of sword energy on the opponent, so he was obviously not a sword cultivator.

Instead, it was a girl in the Nascent Soul stage sitting beside her, who had a faint aura of swordsmanship.

The girl's appearance was not outstanding, but when Ye Chunyang looked at her, there was a bit of doubt in his expression. The other party looked ordinary, but there seemed to be a mysterious aura covering her, making people want to see clearly, more and more There is a sense of haze.

I don't know if she noticed Ye Chunyang's gaze, but the girl suddenly shook slightly at this moment, and turned her head to look at him.

A trace of surprise flashed in Ye Chunyang's eyes, and then he looked away.

The girl also looked a little surprised, but she didn't express too much. She glanced at him and turned back, sitting calmly beside the woman.

"Fellow Daoist Hua, do you think the nobles still want to compete with me for the Five Emperors Sword Art?"

Gong Muyan glanced over, his expression a little sharp.

"Elder Gong's words are really ridiculous. Treasures belong to those who are capable. The Five Emperors Sword Art is not an ordinary thing. This concubine bids for it. How can it become a competition with fellow Taoists?" The woman Hua Yanxi giggled Get up, look at Gong Muyan full of sneer.

"Friend Hua Dao is not a sword cultivator, what's the use of using the Five Emperors Sword Art? Are you targeting me on purpose?" Gong Muyan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly.

The Heimu clan and the Hua clan have fought countless times. Gong Muyan naturally knows Hua Yanxi very well. Given the festivities between the two parties, he thinks that the other party's move at this time is nothing more than to raise the bar. Give up the bidding, so that I can bleed hard.

It's not like this kind of thing has never happened at an auction.

Hua Yanxi laughed "puchi", looked at Gong Muyan jokingly and said, "Elder Gong really thinks highly of me, if I want to target you, why should I choose this time, but if you think so, then it's your right to do so. "


Gong Muyan's face was livid with anger, Hua Yanxi taunted him in front of so many people, obviously deliberately slapping him in the face.

"Okay, since you want to bid, then show your skills. I want to see, whose hands will this Five Emperors Sword Art fall into?"

After Gong Muyan sneered, his eyes swept across the field, a sense of coldness was self-evident.

Many people were silent.

Gong Muyan's meaning is obvious, whoever competes with him is against him, or even against the entire Blackwood clan.

Jin Yuanshi on the stage frowned, Gong Muyan acted like a malicious monopoly, if no one bids, the entire auction would lose a lot.

However, as long as the Five Emperors Ultimate Sword Art is sold at a reasonable price in the end, it is not considered a violation of the rules.

Therefore, Jin Yuanshi didn't say much.

Seeing that everyone was overwhelmed by his power, Gong Muyan looked satisfied, and said to Hua Yanxi: "Hey, this Five Emperors Sword Art is from the rubbing of the immortal method, Hua Yanxi, you only need three thousand It would be too whimsical to want to buy 500 million spirit stones."

"4000 million!"

Gong Muyan shouted directly to the stage.

Jin Yuanshi nodded with a smile and looked at Hua Yanxi.

"Forty-five million." Hua Yanxi held up the sign lazily.

Gong Muyan's face darkened, and he shouted again: "5000 million!"

"Fifty-five million." Hua Yanxi followed closely.

"Fancy! Do you really want to fight with me to the end?"

Gong Muyan's expression turned ugly.

Although the sword art is good, the price of 500 million is already too much higher than the market price, which is a bit unacceptable.

"If Elder Gong wants to get the sword formula, he might as well continue to bid for it. Why should he say such useless words?" Hua Yanxi said lightly.

"Okay...very good!" Gong Muyan's face was completely gloomy.

He stared at Hua Yanxi coldly, and after a while, he suddenly shouted: "8000 million!"

As soon as the words came out, there was a gasp in the field.

Many people looked at Gong Muyan with shocked eyes.

The price of 8000 million spirit stones to buy a magical power has exceeded expectations. The price is too much, and few people can afford it. Moreover, the Five Emperors Sword Art is just a rubbing method, not a real fairy sword supernatural power , bought at such a high price, even some super powers will weigh it more.

Some monks who were lucky enough to participate in the bidding between the two became completely dumbfounded.

When the matter developed to this point, it was no longer just a question of whether or not the treasure could be obtained. Once involved in this matter, it was very likely to offend the Blackwood and Hua clans at the same time.

"How? Is Fellow Daoist Hua planning to bid again?" Gong Muyan sneered.

He is confident that with the high price of 8000 million spirit stones, even if the opponent wants to make another move, it will not be so easy.

This number is already the income of the Heimu clan for a whole year, and the same is true for the Hua clan. He is able to use such a huge amount of funds because he has the right to accomplish a major event for the clan recently. He compared?

Sure enough, Hua Yanxi fell silent.

She frowned slightly, her eyes were flickering, as if she was thinking about something.

Afterwards, she sneered, as if preparing to continue bidding.

But just when she was about to get up, a hand suddenly grabbed her, and the girl sitting beside her looked over and shook her head slightly.

Hua Yanxi stared blankly, and glanced at the girl.

After a while, Hua Yanxi finally nodded and did not speak again.

"Why doesn't Fellow Daoist Hua also want the Five Emperors Sword Art? If you increase the price a bit more, I might think it over and stop competing with you." Seeing Hua Yanxi not opening her mouth again, Gong Muyan's face turned pale. A smug look flashed across his face.

"Hmph, Daoist Gong cares so much about this sword formula, so I let Yu Dao be friendly, but I want to advise fellow Taoist, after getting this sword formula, it's better to hide it well, lest you become someone else before it's warmed up." It's in my bag." Hua Yanxi said with a smile that was not a smile, and there was a tit-for-tat meaning in her words.

While speaking, she looked in a certain direction intentionally or unintentionally, as if she meant something.

Gong Muyan looked at her, his expression changed.

That place is obviously where Patriarch Guiling and Taoist Ao Xie are. These two Void Returning Stage powerhouses are sitting still, but at this moment they are obviously looking at the Five Emperors Extreme Sword Art with a bit of playfulness.

Gong Muyan's eyes flashed wildly, he could confront Hua Yanxi, but how dare he confront the Void Return Stage expert, if these two are also interested in Wudi Jidao Sword Art, one can imagine the result.

Ye Chunyang looked at Hua Yanxi and Gong Muyan from the corner of his eye, and then at Patriarch Guiling and Taoist Aoxie, his gaze also flickered.

Naturally, he is also interested in the Five Emperors Sword Art, but right now this supernatural power has been raised to a price of 8000 million spirit stones under the competition between the two, and with his current worth, he is also prohibitive.

As a result, he had no choice but to sigh and gave up his plan to compete for this supernatural power.

It's just that when he glanced at Patriarch Guiling and Taoist Ao Xie from the corner of his eye, the awe-inspiring look in his eyes flashed away.

From the start of the auction till now, he has felt a powerful divine sense sweeping towards him from time to time. This divine sense had already been felt when the ghost ancestor forced him to give up his seat, and it came from Taoist Ao Xie.

When he was on the island, Ye Chunyang witnessed the ancestor of the ghost spirit searching for the iron sword with his spiritual sense after killing the monk in linen, so he was able to distinguish it at a glance.

What made him feel terrified was that when Taoist Ao Xie examined him before, the iron sword on his body had a strange response. Ye Chunyang was shocked and immediately understood that it was probably planted with a spiritual memory.

And the obscurity of this spiritual note, even he couldn't discover it.

After realizing this, Ye Chunyang immediately covered up the fluctuation of the iron sword with soul art, and at the same time, he did not contradict the ghost ancestor, and moved his seat low-key to come here.

But Taoist Ao Xie's consciousness kept sweeping over him during the period, which made him uneasy. Fortunately, with the special seal of soul art, ordinary magicians cannot detect it, so he can stay here safe and sound for the time being.

However, given the current situation, this place must not stay for a long time, so Ye Chunyang planned to leave here immediately after his elixir was auctioned off.

The scene was silent.

Jin Yuanshi on the stage was also looking at Gong Muyan and Hua Yanxi at this time, seeing that the latter really had no intention of bidding any more, he looked at Patriarch Guiling and Taoist Ao Xie.

Compared with others, these two are the real heavyweights.

(End of this chapter)

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