After the ascent failed

Chapter 629 The Middle Stage of God Transformation

Chapter 629 The Middle Stage of God Transformation
Ye Chunyang stopped paying attention to Hua Fei'er, and turned to observe the cave.

The space inside is not large, and there are some traces created by mana around it, but it has been abandoned for a long time, and it looks like a monk once sat here in meditation.

Ye Chunyang wants to take Lingyuan Xianqiong here, but he will enjoy it.

He immediately set up a barrier in the cave to isolate the place, then took off the jade gourd around his neck, and injected a spiritual thought into it.

A moment later, a white light flickered in front of him, and a cloud of spiritual liquid appeared, and the spiritual energy in the entire cave immediately became extremely pure.

Ye Chunyang rubbed his chin, staring at the ball of spirit yuan Xianqiong.

If it is true as Hua Feier said, Lingyuan Xianqiong can cultivate into a pseudo-celestial body and ignore the catastrophe of the spiritual world, which will naturally provide great benefits for his future cultivation.

However, this thing is a rare natural treasure after all, and I don't know if there will be any unpredictable consequences if I just take it like this.

After pondering for a while, Ye Chunyang poured out several bottles of pills from the Qiankun bag.

These were all prepared by him in Xiuxian City before. Although the grade is not high, it can stabilize the true essence.

He swallowed it all at once.

Then, he gritted his teeth fiercely and poured Lingyuan Xianqiong into his mouth.

A sense of warmth and coolness permeated from the body, and under Ye Chunyang's spiritual inspection, he saw strands of white streamer swimming in the eight extraordinary meridians, and then rushing towards the dantian.

Seeing this, Ye Chunyang couldn't help showing satisfaction.

Judging from the current situation, this Lingyuan Xianqiong should have had an effect!
Immediately, he performed the kung fu formula, preparing to collect these Lingyuan Xianqiong into the Yuanying.

Not long after, a layer of white radiance flowed out from the Nascent Soul who was sitting cross-legged on the dantian, and the magic power in his whole body also became surging.

But Ye Chunyang frowned slightly after observing.

Although Lingyuan Xianqiong had melted in his body, it was absorbed slowly like a turtle crawling, and there was no different change.

"It's a pity that this behavior is to guard against the old ways of the ancient wood. I will leave the clone in the Shenhai realm, otherwise the two bodies will run the original scriptures at the same time, and they should be able to quickly refine the Lingyuan Xianqiong." Ye Chunyang thought in his heart.

When he was held hostage by Gu Mu, Ye Chunyang had already left behind. As long as the avatar was still there, no matter what kind of crisis, he was confident that he could retreat safely.

However, the original scriptures need to be avatar and the main body to practice together to show the beauty. Now that only the main body is practicing, the entry is naturally a little slower than before.

Ye Chunyang didn't care about it, and continued to concentrate on refining the Lingyuan Xianqiong.

Time passes day by day.

Ye Chunyang discovered that after the Lingyuan Xianqiong was integrated into the body, the mana and true essence also had a slight upward trend.

What makes him feel strange is that even though it has been refined for a long time, the body is still very calm, and there is no sign of cultivating into a fairy body.

Moreover, Ye Chunyang didn't know what happened to the so-called pseudo-immortal body that could ignore the catastrophe of the spiritual world?
He became more and more puzzled.

But now, he can only continue to refine, let's see if there will be other changes after Yuanying absorbs all Lingyuan Xianqiong?

Thinking of this, he simply closed his eyes and worked patiently.


Outside the cave.

Hua Fei'er has been staying here.

"Based on the time of the outside world, almost half a month has passed, right? I don't know what kind of exercises he is practicing, and he hasn't come out for so long."

The sky was a bit hazy, Hua Fei'er sat cross-legged by the fire, and there was already a hazy air on her body, but now the firelight reflected on her face, making her face even more profound.

From time to time, she looked at the cave on the rock wall, slightly frowning.

Since Ye Chunyang entered, there has been no movement. If he hadn't sensed that the restraint in his body was still there, Hua Fei'er would have doubted whether he had become obsessed with practicing kung fu, and disappeared immediately.

"That day I deliberately tested whether he got the Lingyuan Xianqiong. Although he didn't admit it, he didn't deny it either. Could it be..."

Hua Fei'er's mind was erratic, and her expression became more and more profound.

"However, I didn't expect this person to be an ascension cultivator. Seeing that he is cultivating Nascent Soul Transformation God, if I'm not wrong, he must have ascended from the human world, right?"

"Because of the invasion of the demon world tens of thousands of years ago in the human world, the ascension channel has long been closed. He can still come to the spirit world. He is indeed not an ordinary person..."

Hua Fei'er muttered to herself.

After several speculations, they guessed most of Ye Chunyang's origin.

Suddenly, she looked in the direction of the cave, her eyes fixed.

"If he really got the Lingyuan Xianqiong and is currently in retreat, if I make a move..."

Hua Fei'er got up and moved slowly towards the cave, a cold light appeared in her beautiful eyes.

But as she approached the cave, she couldn't help but stop.

"This cultivator surnamed Ye has strange and unpredictable supernatural powers, will he notice my intention?" Hua Fei'er's eyes flickered a little.

As the proud daughter of the Hua clan, she has always been revered only by her clan. How has she ever been restrained like this at this time?
However, facing Ye Chunyang, she had no way to deal with it.

The opponent's supernatural powers are too strong!

"Let's see if he really got the Lingyuan Xianqiong, forgive him and he won't do anything to me." Hua Fei'er thought so.

Holding the map of the Fairy Spirit Hall himself, Ye Chunyang wants to go to the Fairy Spirit Hall through her, so why not kill her now!

With this in mind, Hua Fei'er immediately moved towards the edge of the cave.

Stopping at the entrance of the cave, she quietly released her consciousness, trying to detect the movement inside.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!
A loud bang!
In the calm cave, a majestic aura suddenly rushed out, sweeping madly like a wave, and the whole mountain trembled for it!

Hua Fei'er's expression changed, and before she could defend herself, she was blown away by the powerful aura, and landed in the valley below in embarrassment.

At the same time, a figure walked out of the cave.

Hua Fei'er looked up in horror, Ye Chunyang was standing at the entrance of the cave, looking down at her indifferently.


Hua Feier's expression froze.

"You actually broke through the middle stage of transformation!"

Ye Chunyang is surrounded by the sun at this moment, and his aura is more than ten times stronger than that of more than half a month ago. Such a state can only be possessed in the middle stage of transformation.

Hua Fei'er couldn't believe it, he had only been in seclusion for more than ten days, and he broke through easily?
"Fellow Taoist Hua is so sneaky, what's the matter?" Ye Chunyang stepped on the ground and appeared in front of Hua Fei'er in an instant.

Hua Feier's complexion changed, and she forced a smile, "You Daoist Ye is worrying too much. The little girl just saw that you have not come out after practicing for a long time, and she just wanted to check it out out of worry."

"Oh, I'm sorry to trouble you, Fairy, I'm fine." Ye Chunyang looked at this woman with a dark look in his eyes.

Facing Ye Chunyang's gaze, Hua Fei'er felt uneasy about being seen through by the other party.

She rolled her eyes and said with a light smile, "Since Daoist Ye has passed the training, shall we continue on our way?"

"it is good."

Ye Chunyang didn't intend to delay here, and nodded immediately.

Hua Fei'er looked at him, suppressed the shock in her heart, re-identified the direction, and silently led the way.

Ye Chunyang followed the woman unhurriedly.

It was as if nothing had happened between the two, and it was as calm as before.

But looking back at the stone cave behind him, Ye Chunyang was thinking about the experience of retreating for half a month in his mind.

When he first took Lingyuan Xianqiong, he did feel some abnormalities, and there was a clear sense of warmth and coolness in his body.

But as time passed, the warm and cool breath gradually disappeared, and no other changes occurred until the Lingyuan Xianqiong was completely absorbed.

It seems that there is no difference from before taking it.

This made Ye Chunyang very puzzled!
Ordinarily, there should be some signs of signs after taking rare treasures such as Lingyuan Xianqiong, but after retreating, nothing happened, which is really confusing.

Could it be that this Lingyuan Xianqiong has no effect?
Ye Chunyang didn't know.

Right now, he has not yet reached the stage of returning to the void, has not seen the sky thunder in the spirit world, and cannot verify whether he has really become a pseudo-celestial body through the cultivation of Lingyuan Xianqiong.

In this way, this result made him even more incomprehensible!
But what surprised him was that he didn't know if he had cultivated into a pseudo-immortal physique. After taking Lingyuan Xianqiong, his cultivation had actually increased to the peak of the early stage of Huashen. mid term.

With the foundation of ascension to the spirit world 300 years ago, Ye Chunyang broke through without any suspense. He easily broke through the barrier of the realm, and his strength increased a lot.

At this time, if he meets Mo Tu and Hua Ling again, he can kill them with a flick of his fingers without using the power of Lingbao.

"Based on my current cultivation, I can have some chance of winning against the late stage of Huashen, right?"

Ye Chunyang estimated his own strength.

On the surface, although he has just broken through the middle stage of the transformation of the gods, if he really meets a master in the late stage of the transformation of the gods, he still has some confidence that he can kill the opponent with the help of the Great Thousand Sword Formation and the Brahma Holy Lotus!
"As for whether Lingyuan Xianqiong is really allowed to cultivate into a pseudo-celestial body, it seems that we can only make a conclusion after he can advance to the Void Return Stage in the future." Ye Chunyang thought for a while, and could only think so.

Sighing, he didn't think much about it.

No matter what, this time is considered to be a great harvest. The abyss world is full of dangers, and there is no guarantee that there will be any crises in the future. If you can improve your strength, you will naturally have a little more power to save your life.

Hua Fei'er in front didn't say a word, but her expression was slightly dignified.

She glanced at Ye Chunyang slightly from the corner of her eye, as if there was a huge stone in her heart.

After the cultivation base reaches the stage of transforming gods, even breaking through a small level requires countless opportunities and energy. It is unprecedented for Ye Chunyang to break through after only more than ten days of retreat.

"Is there really something different about Ascension Cultivator?" Hua Fei'er smiled wryly in her heart.

The young man in front of him seemed to have a layer of mystery, making it impossible to guess.

If Ye Chunyang hadn't broken through to the middle stage of transformation, she might still have a slight chance to resist, but if Ye Chunyang's cultivation level skyrocketed, the gap between them would become even bigger, and Hua Fei'er really didn't have much confidence to compete with her .

This made her, who has always been regarded as a god by her tribe, feel a deep sense of frustration.

(End of this chapter)

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