After the ascent failed

Chapter 630 Shield

Chapter 630 Shield

It took another three days to go all the way.

When Ye Chunyang and Hua Fei'er stopped again, a long and narrow valley appeared in front of them, surrounded by towering rock walls, out of the sky.

The light on Hua Fei'er's bracelet flickered, revealing the map of the Fairy Hall.

After staring for a while, she said: "Now we are getting closer and closer to the Fairy Hall. If you guess correctly, we will soon reach the first level."

"What is the first level?" Ye Chunyang asked.

"I heard from the elders of my clan that it is a natural restriction, and there are many ancient creatures in the spirit world inside, which are extremely dangerous." Hua Fei'er said solemnly.

"Ancient creature? Is it an underground race in the abyss?" Ye Chunyang thought of the ghosts in the abyss, and then asked.

"That's not the case." Hua Fei'er shook her head, "The underground races have their own cultivation method just like other races in the outside world, and they are no different from us except that they are trapped in the abyss world. It was born with the heaven and the earth, and has its own supernatural powers, which are stronger than ordinary monsters."

Ye Chunyang couldn't help being a little curious when he heard the words, he had never seen such a creature.

Hua Fei'er glanced at him, with a deep look in her beautiful eyes, "Your Daoist Ye has made great progress in his cultivation, so he should be able to pass the first level safely."

"I hope so."

Ye Chunyang didn't say anything, and the two hurried on their way.

At this time, there were a few bursts of wind from the side, and not far away, some monks flew towards the valley with their targets pointing at the front of the valley.

Ye Chunyang looked at these people and found that they were all masters in the middle and late stage of transformation. Obviously, those who can get here are very human.

While the two were observing, the few people who flew by also glanced at them, with some defensiveness flashing in their eyes.

But seeing that they were a pair of young men and women, the man's cultivation was only at the middle stage of transformation, and the woman's cultivation was only at the early stage, his eyes quickly became contemptuous, and then he ignored them and walked towards the valley.

There was no fluctuation on Ye Chunyang's face.

The faces of these people are familiar, and they have seen each other at the entrance of the Abyss Realm, and they don't want to have any intersection with them.

However, following the appearance of this cultivator who transformed himself into a god, people flew past in mid-air one after another, obviously all heading towards the fairy hall.

Seeing the increasing number of people coming here, Ye Chunyang's eyes flickered a few times, and he conjured two masks with magic.

"Put it on."

Ye Chunyang threw one mask to Hua Fei'er, and put on the other mask himself.

The silver-white iron mask was filled with a cold luster, which immediately covered his face, only half of his face was exposed.Lao Dao, Ghost Patriarch, and others must still be in the Abyss Realm at this time, and they may encounter each other during this trip. With his current strength, he is still unable to compete head-on with the two old monsters, so he can only temporarily avoid their edge.

Seeing Ye Chunyang's move, Hua Fei'er immediately understood his intention.

She looked at the iron mask in her hand, and she didn't put it on, as if there was some hesitation in her eyes.

"If the fairy expects the old Taoist Gu Mu to discover our identities and help you untie the restriction, I'm afraid the fairy will be disappointed. I will definitely kill the fairy before he makes a move." Ye Chunyang said expressionlessly.

Hua Fei'er's face turned cold, and she gritted her teeth and said angrily, "You Daoist Ye really don't have the slightest bit of pity and sympathy?"

"Hey... I'm not a saint, so I can't avoid it. Of course I have a heart of compassion, but I cherish my life even more." Ye Chunyang touched his nose and said: "In addition, if you want to hit the fairy, you can rely on the beauty of the fairy , I'm afraid it will be very difficult for me to risk my life for you."


Hua Feier's chest heaved in anger.

This guy looks deep and indifferent, but his mouth is ruthless.

But for some reason, Hua Fei'er turned her lips up slightly, showing a strange look, and said, "Really? I hope you can remember today's words."

Ye Chunyang frowned secretly, the woman's behavior was a little strange.

But Ye Chunyang didn't take it seriously, and after putting on the mask, he said to Hua Fei'er: "Let's go, let's go and see what is the mystery in the first level?"

Hua Fei'er smiled faintly. At this time, under her ordinary face, there seemed to be a unique aura, and the hazy aura on her body became more and more mysterious.

The valley is extremely narrow, and only a few people can pass through each time, but the people who come here are all supernatural beings, and this distance is nothing to them.

It's just that Ye Chunyang was secretly puzzled. According to what Hua Fei'er said, there are no more than ten Diyuan Sword Talismans in the world today, which is not a large number. However, there are at least two or thirty monks here. It is obvious that there are too many monks and too few porridge.

"Each Diyuan sword talisman can allow three people to enter the fairy hall at the same time, so it is very likely that these monks are traveling together." Hua Fei'er saw Ye Chunyang's doubts and explained in a timely manner.

"I see."

Ye Chunyang nodded slightly.

He glanced at Hua Fei'er and revealed a deep smile.

Judging from Hua Fei'er's performance along the way, she was extremely well prepared, and she clearly had a clear goal.

If she guessed correctly, she should also have a Diyuan Sword Talisman on her body.


Just as the two walked forward in silence, they suddenly heard a roar not far away.

Ye Chunyang stopped to escape the light, and looked along the place where the sound came from. He saw streaks of spiritual light shooting up into the sky, ear-piercing crackling sounds, and various talismans and magic tools intertwined continuously.

At the same time, there were bursts of low and ferocious beast roars.

"There are people fighting in front." Hua Fei'er said.

Ye Chunyang stopped and looked at it for a while, and didn't want to meddle in other business, so he drove away directly.

Hua Fei'er didn't care about it, and immediately followed Ye Chunyang.

But just a few steps before the two of them, a ray of light suddenly rushed over in front of them, and a figure was wrapped in the ray, with a very sharp breath.

And with the appearance of this figure, streamers of light appeared behind him, followed by several monks who also flew out, looking extremely embarrassed.

Seeing Ye Chunyang and Ye Chunyang, the monks were stunned for a moment, then there seemed to be a flash of coldness in their eyes, and they went straight to them!

Ye Chunyang frowned, looking at the expressions of several people, some of them were not kind.

So he simply stopped and watched the few people arrive coldly.

Soon, he understood the other party's motive, and saw these people flying out respectively, followed by a low growl, and a thick evil wind swept across the sky at an astonishingly fast speed.

In the demonic wind, a gigantic monster with a huge size frantically chased and killed several people, with a pair of bone wings stretched out from behind, its eyes were red like blood, and its roar was like thunder. In the blink of an eye, it chased behind one person.

But at this time, the monk who was about to be swallowed by the giant monster suddenly burst into a dazzling glow, and a black magic talisman appeared in his hand, and he threw it towards the monster.

There was a loud bang, and the monster's body froze and roared angrily, but it didn't appear to be injured at all.

But at this very moment, the cultivator's figure flickered, escaped from the giant monster's pursuit, and appeared in front of Ye Chunyang and Hua Fei'er.

"Two fellow daoists, the world is in an emergency, please help me a little bit."

At this time, Ye Chunyang saw that this monk was a middle-aged man with a somewhat wretched appearance, and his cultivation was in the middle stage of transformation, and he came to them with a sinister smile on his face.

Before Ye Chunyang and the others could do anything, the wretched middle-aged man suddenly stretched out his hand and shot out another talisman.

The surrounding space was suddenly blocked, directly imprisoning the two of them here.

The other monks who were frantically running for their lives also looked at them gloatingly.

Ye Chunyang's face darkened, obviously they were regarded as scapegoats.

But in this instant, the giant monster spread its wings and drew a sharp light in the air, covering them like a dark cloud.

"A fifth-level high-ranking monster!"

Hua Fei'er's face turned pale.

A monster of this level is comparable to a cultivator in the late stage of transforming gods. In front of such a monster, the two of them looked extremely small, as if they were going to be buried under the sharp claws of this monster in an instant.


Ye Chunyang snorted coldly, and swords flashed all over his body.

Just as the wretched middle-aged man was about to take this opportunity to escape, his face suddenly changed.

I saw a torrential rain of swords slashing out horizontally, the space imprisoned by the talisman twisted and cracked continuously, and then the heavy swords condensed in one place, turning into towering giant swords and slashing down wildly.

The body of the fifth-level upper-ranked giant monster was stunned, and a silvery sword light pierced through its body, and a large rain of blood floated out.

Immediately afterwards, the monster's body exploded with a wail, and was cut into meatloaf by Ye Chunyang's sword.

The few cultivators who turned into gods were all frozen there, their eyes filled with disbelief.

"He was able to kill this fifth-level monster with his own power!"

The wretched middle-aged man felt that he had kicked the iron plate, so he ran away in a panic without even thinking about it!

"Jianghu emergency, since I have helped the fellow daoist to solve the trouble, the fellow daoist should also be courteous. It would be rude to turn around and leave like this." Ye Chunyang said lightly.

He raised his hand expressionlessly.

The void fluctuated violently, that wretched man's face changed drastically, and he cast spells again and again, but the next moment he felt a turbulent mana cover, and the true essence in his body was easily suppressed, and then Ye Chunyang grabbed his collar, It was mentioned in front of him like carrying a chicken.

Seeing Ye Chunyang's icy face, the wretched middle-aged man's eyes burst into intense astonishment, but then he showed a flattering smile and said, "Ahem... Fellow Daoist has supernatural powers, I admire, admire! Well, fellow Daoist, if you don't Disgusted, I wish to offer some treasures, fellow Taoists will treat me as a fart for the time being, let me go, how about it?"

Hua Fei'er next to her had a cold expression on her face, "Your Excellency is so brazen and wants to use us to block monsters for you, what can we say now?"

The wretched middle-aged man's expression faltered, but his smile remained undiminished, and he looked at Ye Chunyang pleadingly.

The other monks looked suspicious, but they all dared not move, as if their feet had been filled with lead.

"Who is so bold to kill my spiritual pet?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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