After the ascent failed

Chapter 631 Xuanxiao Treasure Gourd

Chapter 631 Xuanxiao Treasure Gourd
The wretched middle-aged man was still shocked that Ye Chunyang, who was at the same level as Ye Chunyang, could completely crush him, when he saw a stream of light tearing the space from afar.

Then, a tall man appeared in front of everyone.

He is dressed in black armor, has a rough body, and a powerful spiritual pressure is permeating his body. Looking at his face, he is actually Mo Man, one of the few Void Returning monks who came to the Abyss Realm this time.

Seeing the giant monster with only a puddle of blood foam left, Mo Man's face turned murderous, and he glanced at the crowd coldly, "Who gave you the courage to attack your spiritual pet?"

Everyone was silent.

Who would have thought that the ferocious giant monster just now was actually this Moman's spiritual pet?

"Just now, you did it, right?" Suddenly, Mo Man's eyes turned to Ye Chunyang, and he said coldly.

Seeing this scene, the wretched middle-aged man couldn't help gloating, this Moman is a monk in the early stage of returning to the void, who among them would dare to disobey?
Ye Chunyang's heart sank, he didn't expect to be involved in such a disturbance.

"Hmph! In the mid-stage of transformation into a god, I can kill my black demon bird. It's a little bit capable, but this monster bird is used by me to explore the way. Now that it died in your hands, I can only use you to kill it." The two came instead."

After Mo Man finished speaking, he directly raised his hand to grab Ye Chunyang and Hua Fei'er.

Hua Fei'er's expression changed suddenly, and she hurriedly urged the magic formula to avoid it.

But as soon as the technique was launched, the scene in front of her quickly reversed, and a figure grabbed her by the shoulder and flew towards the sky at an astonishing speed!

Hua Fei'er was startled, and saw a pile of cyan bone wings appearing behind Ye Chunyang, and there was no wind under his feet, and the speed of the two superimposed was comparable to that of a Void Returning cultivator.

A few afterimages flickered in the field, and Ye Chunyang directly led her to escape several miles away, and after spreading his wings, he disappeared without a trace.


Seeing Ye Chunyang escape in an instant, Mo Man's eyes flashed with surprise.

With his cultivation base, there has never been any cultivator who can transform himself out of his control. Ye Chunyang's speed and mana are far beyond his expectations.

The wretched middle-aged man and the other cultivators who transformed into gods were even more stunned.

Just now, Ye Chunyang killed the black devil bird with one sword and suppressed the same level with his backhand. His strength was already amazing, but now he escaped from a Void Returning cultivator. How could such supernatural powers be possessed by a mid-stage spiritual transformation?

"I was careless, I didn't expect this kid to have some supernatural powers." Mo Man stared at Ye Chunyang's far away place, and laughed angrily.

Seeing Mo Man's furious look, the others froze there, not daring to move.

The wretched middle-aged man's eyes flickered, and he showed a flattering smile, and said: "Senior, this person is so bold that he dared to kill your spiritual pet. If he doesn't smash his body into ten thousand pieces, it will be difficult to eliminate his crime. This junior is willing to follow Senior, help senior take this son down!"

His expression was passionate, and his words were full of righteous words.

"Really?" Mo Man looked down at him.

The wretched middle-aged is like garlic.

Just as he was about to continue to say something, his expression suddenly froze.

A big hand suddenly clasped his head, and Mo Man smiled grimly and said: "I want to take down a cultivator of transformation, do I still need the help of ants like you?"


There was a flash of inspiration in Mo Man's hand, and the skull of the wretched middle-aged man shattered, and all the red and white parts gushed out.

When the people around saw this scene, it was as if the winter wind hit their ears, and it was so cold to the bone.

They dare not speak, let alone run away.

This person is a well-known lunatic in the Shenhai Realm, which made him a little unhappy. The wretched middle-aged man just now was their fate.

"Just now, it was you who besieged my own black devil bird, right?"

Mo Man swept his eyes away, and said with a sneer.

Several soul-transforming cultivators suddenly felt even more chilly. After looking at each other, they hurriedly fled away.

"Ant-like existence!"

Mo Man let out a smirk, and without looking at these people, he let out a roar.

Heavy sound waves swept past, roaring the heavens and the earth, the rock walls in the canyon were shattered, and the ground shook the mountains.

The expressions on the faces of the few cultivators who had transformed into spirits froze before they could take a few steps away, and then, amidst screams, their bodies turned into blood mist and exploded.

There was a dead silence in the entire canyon.

Mo Man didn't even look at it, and after glancing in Ye Chunyang's direction for a while, he started to chase after him.

At this moment, his expression changed, he suddenly looked back at a certain place, and shouted: "Who!"

The piercing shout spread around, and the canyon vibrated again. As the shout fell, two figures walked out of where Mo Man looked, and his cultivation level was not inferior to that of Mo Man.

Seeing these two people, Mo Man's face suddenly turned cold, and he said gloomyly: "Ghost, Ao Xie? What are you two doing here?"

"It's a joke, this is the first level after completing the Fairy Hall, so we are naturally here to go to the Fairy Hall."

A faint sneer sounded, and the two people who appeared were none other than Patriarch Guiling and Taoist Ao Xie.

"Hey, you two have lost the Diyuan Sword Talisman, are you still planning to go to the Fairy Palace?" Mo Man sneered, ignoring the intentions of the two, and wanted to chase Ye Chunyang.

"There is no Diyuan Sword Talisman, just find another one, but you are a big guy who usually brags about how powerful you are, but today you can't even win two cultivators who transform gods, it makes people laugh out loud." Ghost old man Zu looked contemptuous and said directly.

When Mo Man heard this, his expression turned ugly.

He snorted coldly, and said: "The mere two cultivators who have turned into gods can be killed with a backhand. It was just a momentary carelessness that allowed them to escape. When they are caught, they must be tortured and killed." die!"

Patriarch Gui Ling and Taoist Ao Xie didn't answer.

Seeing that there was something wrong with the expressions of the two of them, Mo Man secretly frowned and said, "You are here not just to talk to me, are you? What is the purpose?"

The two looked at each other, and then the Ghost Patriarch smiled and said, "To be honest with what Brother Mo said, the two of us came here specially to find you."

"What do you mean?" Mo Man raised his eyebrows, and said, "I have only enmity with the two of you. You came here because you want to compete with me? If that's the case, Mo can accompany me."

"Ha ha."

The old ghost ghost laughed slyly when he heard the words, and said: "Brother Mo is serious. There are no eternal enemies in this world, only eternal interests. We are actually here to help Brother Mo."

Mo Man frowned.

The Ghost Patriarch chuckled, and continued: "I'm afraid Brother Mo still doesn't know that Yuan Xianyi has broken through the middle stage of Void Return, right?"

"What did you say?" Mo Man's expression changed.

He stared at the Ghost Patriarch with narrowed eyes, and said in a low voice: "Impossible, I didn't perceive that he had reached this level when I entered. Do you think that I will believe you if you say so?"

"Brother Mo doesn't believe me, it doesn't matter, but not long ago, we just met Yuan Xianyi fighting a strong man from the earth abyss. If I read correctly, the other party should be the patriarch of the dark abyss ghost clan. If Yuan Xianyi's grievances from 300 years ago were met outside the Fairy Palace, does Brother Mo think he can retreat safely?" The ghost ancestor smiled lightly.

Motu's face darkened.

He looked at the two, his eyes became colder, "What exactly are you trying to say?"

"If you deal with Yuan Xianyi alone, I'm afraid it will be a dead end, but if you add the two of us, there should be a slight chance of winning." Taoist Ao Xie took a step slowly, looked at Mo Man, and said: "Ghosts and I Brother is willing to help Brother Mo, and with the strength of the three of us, no matter how strong Na Yuan Xianyi is, it is impossible for him to be our enemy at the same time."

"You guys want to help me deal with Yuan Xianyi?" Mo Man was startled for a moment, then laughed lowly, and said, "I don't like to beat around the bush, you two took the initiative to help me, so there must be some other purpose!"

Patriarch Ghost Spirit and Taoist Ao Xie showed smiles one after another, and the latter immediately said: "What we want is very simple, we just need Brother Mo to join us in dealing with a mid-stage Void Returning cultivator."

"What did you say?" Mo Man was very surprised, "According to the two of you, the three of us will join hands. Apart from Yuan Xianyi, we also need to deal with a mid-stage Void-returning cultivator. I have no interest in accompanying you to take such a dangerous risk." !"

Without any consideration, Mo Man turned around and left.

Although he is crazy, he is not stupid.

The combination of the three may be able to fight against a mid-stage Void Return cultivator, but if they deal with two of them at the same time, they will simply seek their own death.

It's just that when he turned around, his expression was dark and gloomy. He thought that this time he could find Yuan Xianyi to avenge his shame, but he didn't expect that the other party was already a monk in the middle stage of returning to the void, and his cultivation base was even better than his. For the enemy.

"If we use a high-level Tongtian Lingbao as a condition, I wonder if Brother Mo is willing to cooperate?"

Just when Mo Man was about to leave, Patriarch Guiling spoke with a leisurely expression.

"A high-level Tongtian Lingbao?"

Mo Man paused, then looked back at the two of them, showing surprise, "Is this true?"

"Why do we need to lie to Brother Mo now?" Taoist Ao Xie said with a smile: "To be honest, the reason why we lost the Diyuan Sword Talisman is because the person who took the sword Talisman had a Void Returning mid-stage man next to him. The protection of the strong is difficult to compete with the strength of the two of us alone, so I want to ask Brother Mo to help."

Mo Man's eyes were flickering, and he didn't answer the two of them directly, but stretched out his hand coldly and said: "What is the upper-level Tongtian Lingbao you are talking about, and show it to me, after I think about it It's not too late to make a decision!"

The eyes of the two flashed, and there seemed to be some hesitation.

"Why, you two don't think that with your red mouth and white teeth, I believe your words?" Mo Man sarcastically said.

Obviously, before he saw the treasure, he would not easily agree to the two of them.

The ghost ancestor looked at Mo Man with a gloomy expression, and finally nodded to Taoist Aoxie.

Taoist Ao Xie pondered for a moment, a flash of spiritual light flashed in his hand, and the spiritual energy of the surrounding world suddenly became surging and majestic.

Mo Man's eyes were fixed, and he saw a seven-color gourd wrapped in the spiritual light, and a mysterious talisman was pasted on the mouth of the bottle. Amazing spirituality emanated from it, making people's mana seem to be attracted.

"This is... Xuanxiao Treasure Gourd?"

Mo Man's eyes suddenly opened wide.

(End of this chapter)

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