Chapter 664 Five Weird People
There are all kinds of shops in Haifeng City, and there are a lot of treasures, but compared to Ye Chunyang, he doesn't see many things. Except for some medicinal materials that can be used to refine elixirs, he doesn't really buy many.

Walking to the center of the street, he saw a tall attic towering over the city, surrounded by spiritual energy, it was indeed a fairy mansion.

Because there are many monks from various ethnic groups in Haifeng City, the Lingxian Mansion here is also quite lively. Ye Chunyang stepped forward and took out his Tianzi token.

The person in charge here is a white-haired old woman, who glanced at Ye Chunyang curiously.

Although the Spirit Immortal Mansion of Haifeng City often has strong people from various races coming and going, there are not many who can hold the Tianzi Token. The level token really surprised her.

However, Lingxian Mansion always only recognizes tokens, regardless of the identity of the other party, immediately registered Ye Chunyang and let him enter the heavenly spirit room.

Ye Chunyang did not forget to inquire about the whereabouts of Bai Feng and other companions from the demon world, but the old woman shook her head after looking at the portrait, saying that she had never seen them before, so Ye Chunyang had no choice but to do so.

I don't know what happened to Bai Feng and the others after the drastic changes in the demon god world, and whether they really came to the spirit world like themselves.

It has been nearly a year since he came to the spirit world, and there is still no news of them, so Ye Chunyang can't help feeling a little worried.

But everything depends on fate, there is no news of them for the time being, Ye Chunyang is not obsessed with it, and went to the spiritual room.

After he came out of the Diyuan Realm, he continued on his way, and he could really take a rest. At this time, he just took advantage of the spirit array of Lingxian Mansion to recover his vitality.


In the next few days, Ye Chunyang settled down in Lingxian Mansion, but apart from his daily practice, he also went out occasionally to inquire about the whereabouts of the medicinal materials he needed.

According to the Dan Fang of the Heavenly Snake Clan, the last two medicinal materials he lacked were "Thousand Spirit Leaf" and the other was "Zhu Yuanguo".

He has heard of the "Thousand Spirit Leaf", a kind of spiritual creature that grows in the depths of the sea. According to inquiries, it appeared in Sea Breeze City more than 100 years ago.But Ye Chunyang has no idea what "Zhu Yuanguo" is.

Seven days have passed in a blink of an eye.

After Ye Chunyang practiced this day, he continued to search various shops in the city. After several days, he had been to most of the shops, and there was no news of the two kinds of medicinal materials. Today, only the last three shops are left. I can go to other Xiuxian cities to inquire.

It's just that when he came out of the last shop, a look of disappointment flashed across his face. It seemed that these two medicinal herbs were really hard to find.

So far, he still has no clue.

"This senior."

Just as he was walking out of the shop, a voice suddenly came from behind.

The person who spoke was a fat middle-aged man, dressed in brocade clothes, with a luxurious temperament, and he was the owner of this shop.

Ye Chunyang stopped and asked, "What's the matter with the shopkeeper?"

The name of this store is Yubaoge, the name is very domineering, and the items it sells are also extraordinary.

The fat middle-aged shopkeeper was in the Nascent Soul stage, he caught up with a smile, and said: "The two medicinal shop that fellow daoists were looking for just now are not there, but today there happened to be a few seniors who made an appointment to exchange treasures in the small shop. They are all the same as the seniors, they are masters of the stage of transformation, and they have their own backgrounds, maybe they have something that the seniors need in their hands, if the seniors are interested, why not communicate with them?"

"Treasure exchange?" Ye Chunyang's expression moved slightly.

The so-called exchange of treasures refers to the private transactions of monks. They don't ask for spirit stones, but exchange things, such as pills, magic weapons, magical powers, or spiritual herbs and other natural materials and earthly treasures.

"Exactly." The fat middle-aged man nodded with a smile, "The seniors are upstairs at this time, if you participate, you can go up at any time, but as the host of my Royal Treasure Pavilion, I need to collect [-] spirit stones from each person as a reward." commission."

"Okay." Ye Chunyang nodded, took out the spirit stone, and said, "Take me up."

Ye Chunyang has always been very interested in the barter exchanges between monks. Ten thousand spirit stones are not a big amount, so it doesn't matter if you take them out.

However, the Royal Treasure Pavilion dared to blatantly charge commissions from the monks, I am afraid that there is some confidence, and those people only choose this place instead of other houses, which shows that there is something different here.

The fat middle-aged man counted the spirit stones, with a smile on his face, he repeatedly waved his hands and asked, "Senior, please follow me upstairs."

Ye Chunyang didn't say much, and followed behind the fat middle-aged man.

There are three floors in the Imperial Treasure Pavilion, and on the second floor, there are all kinds of treasures inside, and some servants are taking care of them, but the monks who Fafu middle-aged said are not here.

When we reached the third floor, the place was empty and there was nothing there, but there were rooms with closed doors and barriers around them, making it impossible for people to explore.

Ye Chunyang was a little surprised, this place looked like some kind of secret place specially provided for people.

The fat middle-aged man led him outside a room, took out a sound transmission talisman, whispered something to the talisman, then shook his hand, and the talisman turned into a flash of light and penetrated into the room.

Then, he turned his head to Ye Chunyang and said with a smile: "Senior, please wait here for a while, when the people inside receive the sound transmission talisman, the restriction will be opened."

Ye Chunyang nodded.

Not long after, there was a wave of fluctuations, a blue light flashed slightly outside the room, and then quickly disappeared, and then the door opened, and several auras came from inside.

"Those few agreed to let seniors participate in the treasure exchange, seniors, please." The fat middle-aged man smiled.

"Yeah." Ye Chunyang nodded and walked into the room.

The door closed automatically, the blue light emerged again, and the surroundings were isolated again. At this time, Ye Chunyang saw five figures sitting in the room.

There were two old men, a woman in her thirties, and a young man, and the rest was a girl who looked only twelve or thirteen years old.

Ye Chunyang looked at the five people, the two old men and the woman were somewhat different from the human race, they were aliens, while the young man and the girl were human races.

The young man looked about the same age as him, while the twelve or thirteen-year-old girl wore a few strings of bells and combed three whips. She had a round face, rosy white, and sparkle in her big black eyes.

These people were all late-stage cultivators, including the young girl who looked very young.

When Ye Chunyang came, the eyes of these five people also fell on him, with a little curiosity on their faces, but then everyone's face returned to normal, and they stopped paying attention to him.

"Dare to ask where friends come from?"

At this time, the old man sitting in the front spoke and looked at Ye Chunyang. There was a single horn on his head, which shone with crystal light, and there was a mysterious aura about him.

"I come from the realm of Shenhai." Ye Chunyang replied.

"So it's from the Divine Sea Realm. Fellow Daoists, please sit down." The old man nodded and waved his hands politely.

Ye Chunyang nodded and found a place to sit down.

The others glanced at him again, each seeming to have their own ideas, but no one spoke.

After Ye Chunyang took his seat, the one-horned old man continued to speak: "Fellow Taoists, what treasures do you have in your hands and what do you need to exchange for them, please tell them. If both parties have what they need, they can trade freely."

After finishing speaking, the old man added: "Here, everyone can rest assured that the restrictions here can prevent outsiders from detecting, and fighting is also prohibited in Xiuxian City, so we can trade with confidence."

"Since that's the case, let's start from now on."

A figure stood up, it was the young man of the human race. He looked at the crowd and said, "I want to ask for a defensive treasure. It's even better."

"Tiantian Lingbao? Do you think it's possible?" Before the young man finished speaking, a disdainful voice sounded, and the twelve or thirteen-year-old girl covered her mouth and giggled.

The others also scoffed when they heard this.

With the Tongtian Lingbao, who would trade it?

The young man looked at the girl, his expression collapsed, and he said, "Little sister, I am also your elder brother after all, can you save me some face?"

"People are shameless. The world is invincible. I don't have such a shameless big brother like you." The girl rolled her eyes and said disdainfully.

Ye Chunyang was also a little surprised, these two people turned out to be a pair of brother and sister.

There is really no similarity between them.

The young man cleared his throat, ignored the girl, and went on to say, "Well... If the fellow Taoists have something I need, I would like to exchange a bottle of high-grade panacea."

"It's fair to replace the high-grade spirit pill with the first-grade spirit treasure." The one-horned old man nodded, and the young man's request was not too much. He looked at the crowd and said, "Do you have what Mr. Yun needs?"

Listening to the old man's words, he obviously knew the young brothers and sisters.

"The concubine needs a flying sword with a superior spiritual treasure. As for the exchange, if any fellow Taoist can take out the flying sword, it is also okay to ask the concubine to ask for conditions." The woman stood up.

The woman has a gorgeous appearance, exuding a mature charm all over her body, and her frown and smile are charming.

Her words were soft and crisp, and seemed to contain a kind of magical power, which made people's hearts flutter.

But at this moment, there was silence in the field. The Supreme Spiritual Treasure was the highest-level treasure below the Tongtian Spiritual Treasure. Even if they had this kind of flying sword, most people would not take it out.

Moreover, only sword cultivators would devote themselves to honing flying swords, let alone sell them easily.

"I want a Huayuan Pill! The conditions are the same as Mrs. Wudu's. If you can take out the pill, everything can be discussed!"

A muffled voice came out, and it was the old man next to the one-horned old man who was speaking. He was dressed in gray and wore a huge straw hat. I don't know if it's because of practicing some special exercises.

What surprised Ye Chunyang was that the beautiful woman was actually called Mrs. Wudu.

These are actually five weirdos.

After the two reported the treasures they needed one after another, the young man looked at the girl next to him and said, "Little sister, what treasure do you want to exchange?"

(End of this chapter)

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