After the ascent failed

Chapter 665 Sword Pill and Soft Armor

Chapter 665 Sword Pill and Soft Armor

The little girl leaned against the back of the chair and yawned lazily.

She tilted her head, her big black eyes rolled around, and said with a smile: "I want to refine a pill, but I'm not an alchemist. I don't know if there is a fellow daoist who is proficient in alchemy?"

The young man next to him was startled when he heard the words, and said: "Little sister, what kind of pill do you need, just replace it with a finished product, why do you need to hire someone to make pills?"

"You know shit!"

The little girl raised her face and said with a look of disgust: "The elixir I want is called Sanyuan Lingpo Pill. Even if there are materials, ordinary alchemists may not be able to refine it."

Speaking of this, the little girl paused slightly, sighed and said: "Speaking of which, I have already found many alchemists for this matter, but unfortunately they are all useless wood, I have prepared enough materials for them. People can refine it."

The corner of the young man's mouth twitched, he was speechless at what the little girl said.

However, the young man has long been used to the little girl's sharpness, and he didn't bother to argue with her. After sitting down, he looked at the crowd and said indifferently: "I'm afraid none of the fellow Taoists is an alchemist, right? My little sister, your wish is to It fell through."

The two old men and the woman present were of different races, and the monks of other races were not good at alchemy. Although the other black-clothed monk who came later was a human monk like them, the young man didn't feel any special aura from him. Neither.

The little girl sighed and said nothing more.

The Sanyuan Lingpo Pill is closely related to her cultivation. She really needs this pill urgently. Unfortunately, she has visited many alchemists. They are all master-level existences, but no one can refine it.

When she came here today, she was actually just accompanying the young man, so she just talked about it casually and didn't give much hope.

The one-horned old man glanced at the two brothers and sisters, then turned to Ye Chunyang who was sitting at the end, and said, "What does this fellow Taoist need?"

Ye Chunyang pondered for a while, and said: "I need two medicinal materials, one is Qianling Leaf and the other is Zhu Yuanguo. If any fellow Taoist has these two things, I would like to exchange each spirit grass for a bottle of high-grade spirit pill."

"Qianlingye and Zhu Yuanguo?"

Everyone was surprised, these two kinds of spirit herbs were extremely rare, and Zhu Yuanguo only heard their names, but not their objects, so it was as hard as heaven to get them.

The twelve or thirteen-year-old girl's eyes lit up, she looked at Ye Chunyang and asked, "You want to collect medicinal materials, are you an alchemist?"

Ye Chunyang nodded.

The little girl was overjoyed, she stood up as if she wanted to say something, but her expression darkened, and she said: "Forget it, even if you are an alchemist, you may not be able to refine the elixir I want."

After finishing speaking, Youyou sighed and sat back.

She has seen many alchemists, none of them are immortal and have deep temperament. None of them can refine the Sanyuan Lingpo Pill. How could the master be refined?

Ye Chunyang glanced at the little girl, but didn't say anything.

"Fellow daoist, don't blame me. My younger sister is a bit naughty. If I offend her, I, the elder brother, will apologize to fellow daoist on her behalf. Please don't take it to heart." The young man beside him stood up with an apologetic expression on his face He cupped his fists towards Ye Chunyang and smiled.

"Fellow Daoist speaks too seriously." Ye Chunyang nodded slightly.

Naturally, he didn't care about anything with the girl, but when he saw this little girl, he couldn't help but think of Ye Yao. Compared with that girl, the little girl in front of him was much softer.

"Sanyuan Lingpo Pill?" A thought flashed in Ye Chunyang's mind, and he shook his head with a faint smile.

The little girl pursed her lips, and sat back in her original position without saying a word, but no one noticed, at this moment, there seemed to be a strange look in her big black eyes.

"Okay, since everyone has said what you need, let me tell you what I need as well."

The one-horned old man stood up.

He is the initiator of this treasure exchange, and he has some prestige among the few people.

But after he finished speaking, he didn't continue to speak, but looked at the woman and said, "Madam Wudu, I have what you want."

"Oh?" The woman's expression changed.

The one-horned old man chuckled, and shook his hand, a silver light appeared in the palm of his hand.

For a moment, a silver bullet the size of a thumb floated in his palm, flicked off with his fingers, and flew into midair, releasing a brilliant brilliance.

Suddenly there was a buzzing sound, and sharp beams of light shot out from the small silver balls, and a cold sword energy suddenly enveloped the entire room, making a pleasant buzzing sound.

"Sword pill?"

The Wudu couple stood up at once.

In the silver bullet, there were at least a hundred flying swords. As the old man shook his hand, countless sword flowers flashed out. Judging from the fluctuation of the sword energy, it was at least a high-level spiritual treasure.

Seeing this scene, the old man and young man's eyes lit up.

To be able to refine hundreds of flying swords into sword pills requires extremely high treasure refining skills. If this set of sword formations belongs to the one-horned old man himself, it can be seen that he must be a master of treasure refining with profound attainments .

Ye Chunyang looked at this set of sword formations, and there was some surprise in his eyes.

The sword pill is equivalent to the gourd of raising swords, which can accommodate many flying swords together.

In fact, when Ye Chunyang began to sacrifice 81 perishing swords many years ago, he had the idea of ​​refining a sword pill and incorporating the entire set of sword formations into it, but refining the sword pill is obviously no better than directly incorporating the flying sword dripping blood into the body for training .

Once the flying sword becomes one's own natal sword, it will be upgraded with the improvement of the monk's cultivation base. However, once the sword pill is formed, the grade and power of the flying sword will be fixed, and there is no room for improvement.

Of course, not all flying swords can really increase their power with the improvement of the monk's strength. The most important thing is the flying sword itself. If its material and grade have the potential to improve, then naturally there is no problem .

And if there is no chance to improve, refining Jianwan is also a good choice.

Because Jianwan casts the sword array faster and more flexibly, and can be used by multiple people at the same time, not like the original sword, and no one else can activate it except its owner.

In fact, refining a set of sword formations into sword pills is equivalent to engraving spells into talismans, releasing power in an instant.

"This set of sword formations is called Xingyan Zimujian. There is a supreme-level Lingbao mother sword in the sword pill. As long as you control the mother sword, you can use the sword formation." The one-horned old man said: "Five poisons I don't know if Ma'am is interested in this set of sword formations?"

"What a set of Xingyan Zimujian!" Mrs. Wudu exclaimed in her eyes.

Looking at the one-horned old man, she said: "It is said that the Celestial Star Clan has a unique talent in refining treasures, and it really deserves its reputation. I want this set of Xingyan Zimu Sword. What conditions do you want?"

"Sky Star Clan?" Ye Chunyang's heart moved slightly when he heard the woman's words.

He had heard of this race on the way here. It is said that they are a famous treasure-making race on the Tianhan Continent, but their whereabouts are mysterious. No one knows where the tribe lives.

The one-horned old man looked at the woman and said: "Old man heard that there is an Tianhan Meteorite in your Five Poison Sect, you can exchange that for it."

"You want the Sky Cold Meteor Crystal from our sect?" Mrs. Wu Du was startled when she heard the words, and then said with a sneer, "This is a rare spiritual material that my Wu Du sect has been searching for for many years. If you want this thing, some lions will open their mouths, right?"

"You don't need to trade, I just take back the sword pills of this set of Star Flame Son and Mother Sword." The one-horned old man said lightly.

"Wait a minute!" Mrs. Wudu's complexion changed.

She stared at the sword pill, her eyes flickered for a while, and finally gritted her teeth and said, "Okay! I'll give it to you!"

There was a flash of light in Mrs. Wudu's Qiankun bag, and a palm-sized black jade appeared. Ye Chunyang glanced slightly, and found that there was an astonishing coldness in the jade, but the coldness was not destructive and seemed very gentle.

Although Ye Chunyang did not have the same profound attainments in refining treasures as he did in alchemy, he could tell that Mrs. Wudu's Tianhan Meteorite is an extraordinary material. If it can be refined into a magic weapon, it must be very powerful.

"Bring the sword pill!" Mrs. Wudu threw the Tianhan Meteor Crystal over.

The one-horned old man took the things with a satisfied smile on his face, and then threw the sword pill to Madam Wudu.

"Just now I heard that Fellow Daoist Zhang is looking for a defensive high-level spiritual treasure? The old man also has it here." The old man turned his eyes and looked at the young man.

After that, he flipped his palm again, and a soft armor appeared. This soft armor was as thin as silk, and exuded pure aura.

The young man's eyes moved.

At this time, the one-horned old man raised his hand, the soft armor flew into the air, and then cast a formula, and the horses like a rainbow swept out and hit the soft armor.

There was a light sound, and a layer of light wave appeared on the soft armor, which actually absorbed the spiritual energy into it, and dissipated invisibly in an instant.

"Good baby!"

The eyes of the young man surnamed Zhang were bright.

The faces of Mrs. Wudu and the old man of the foreign race also flashed a look of surprise. Just now, they all felt that the one-horned old man's spiritual power was almost exhausted, but the soft armor was unharmed, which shows the strength of his defense.

"This armor is called the Celestial Silkworm Armor, and its defensive power Zhang Daoyou has also seen it. If you need it, you can take it away." The one-horned old man smiled lightly.

The expression of the young man surnamed Zhang moved slightly, and he said with a smile: "If your Excellency is willing to accept a bottle of high-grade panacea as an exchange condition, this soft armor will not be polite."

"This old man is not a pill." The one-horned old man said.

"Then I don't know what you want?" The young man surnamed Zhang didn't seem surprised by the old man's words, and said calmly.

The one-horned old man looked at the young man surnamed Zhang for a moment, and said with a smile: "It is said that the Zhang family has a Lei Yuan Stone, and fellow Daoist Zhang can exchange it for it."

The young man surnamed Zhang frowned upon hearing this.

A look of surprise also flashed across the face of the twelve or thirteen-year-old girl.

Lei Yuanshi is their Zhang family's secret treasure, how did the one-horned old man know about it!
"Why, doesn't fellow Daoist Zhang want this soft armor? If that's the case, forget it." The one-horned old man took back the soft armor and said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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