Chapter 666
The one-horned old man answered very simply, he didn't mean to force the young man surnamed Zhang at all, as if it didn't matter to him whether he got the Lei Yuanshi or not.

The young man surnamed Zhang looked at the unicorn old man with some reluctance to take back the soft armor.This treasure has such a high defense, he is naturally very excited, but the Lei Yuanshi is in the hands of the high-level family, so he can't take it out.

"and many more."

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

"Isn't it Lei Yuanshi, what a big deal."

The twelve or thirteen-year-old girl flicked her fingers, and a spar exuding silver brilliance flew towards the one-horned old man.Thunder and lightning shone on the spar, filled with pure thunder-attribute aura.

The little girl said: "Old man, I want this soft armor, take the Lei Yuanshi!"

"Lei Yuanshi? This thing is not in the hands of that old guy, how can you have it, little girl?" The young man surnamed Zhang looked at the little girl in astonishment.

"What's so strange, isn't it that I tricked the elder to drink a few more sips of the immortal wine, and then said that I want this Leiyuan stone, so he will give it to me." The little girl curled her lips and said, as if to say Do something commonplace.

"I..." The young man was speechless.

He couldn't get this Lei Yuanshi even after trying hard and hard to get it from a few old guys, but the little girl got it easily, the treatment is too different, right?
The one-horned old man took the Lei Yuanshi, his eyes lit up slightly, and he threw the soft armor to the girl without saying a word.

The girl took the soft armor and looked at it, then put it on.

The young man surnamed Zhang looked at it with a salivating face. The soft armor was originally what he wanted, but he didn't expect it to end up in the hands of the little girl. He was unwilling...

After putting on the soft armor, the girl patted and grinned.

But then she shook her head and said with a look of disgust: "This soft armor is not very good to wear, it's quite uncomfortable, forget it, don't want it, let me give it to you!"

As he spoke, he took off his soft armor and lost his youth.

The young man surnamed Zhang was startled again, "Little sister, do you want to give me the soft armor?"

The little girl gave him a blank look, and said: "This soft armor is just like that, I don't like it, my aunt, and besides, the exercises I practice have extremely strong defensive formulas, so it's useless to have this thing."

The mouth of the young man surnamed Zhang twitched, but he still accepted the soft armor with a smile.

The little girl has always been favored by the old monsters in the family, and she has many good treasures on her body, which is indeed not bad for this one. Moreover, she has a special skill, so this soft armor is of little use to her.

The one-horned old man changed two magic weapons in a row, then looked at the old man and Ye Chunyang next to him, and said: "The two are asking for spiritual herbs and elixir. We can only find another opportunity.”

"There is also Zhang Xiaoxian, if you want to find someone to refine the Sanyuan Lingpo Pill, I have more energy than energy, but if Xiaoxian really wants to refine this pill, you might as well consider going to the Three Emperors Ancient Realm of the human race. From alchemy, you humans are the strong point."

What the foreign old man was looking for was Huayuan Pill, and the Qianling Leaf and Zhu Yuanguo that Ye Chunyang needed were rare treasures in the world, especially the two spirit grasses that Ye Chunyang needed, which could only be obtained by chance.

As for the Sanyuan Lingpo Pill that the little girl was looking for, it was an extremely difficult pill to refine, and it was impossible for ordinary alchemists to refine it.

The old man of the foreign race didn't say anything, he got up and was about to leave.

A little disappointment flashed in Ye Chunyang's eyes. He had visited all the shops in Haifeng City in the past few days, but he still hadn't heard about these two spiritual grasses. It seemed that he had to look elsewhere.

Mrs. Wudu was very satisfied when she got the sword pill of Xingyan Son and Mother Sword. After the old man of the foreign race left, she didn't stay much.

The two brothers and sisters surnamed Zhang also left one after another.

It's just that the little girl gave Ye Chunyang a vague look before leaving, and finally followed the young man out.

Ye Chunyang stayed at the end, he bid farewell to the old man, and then left here.

It's a pity that this trip was fruitless.

"It seems that we can only try to return to the Ancient Realm of the Three Emperors first." Out of the Imperial Treasure Pavilion, Ye Chunyang looked into the distance and muttered to himself.

When he came to Sea Breeze City, he originally intended to inquire about the news about the Tianpeng Clan and use this clan's teleportation array to return to the human race. Now that there is no news about the two spiritual grasses, he can only try to enter the Tianpeng Clan first.

Ye Chunyang had collected some relevant clues before. The Tianpeng Clan's territory is not far from Haifeng City, and there is also their stronghold in the city. He plans to go to that stronghold to learn more about it first.

It is said that because of a previous conflict, the Tianpeng clan was somewhat hostile to the human race. If he went there so blatantly, they might not agree to lend him the teleportation array.

After careful consideration, Ye Chunyang went back to the Lingxian Mansion first. As for the stronghold of the Tianpeng Clan, it would not be too late to inquire after two days.

Thinking of this, he gradually moved away from the Imperial Treasure Pavilion.

But the people who left didn't know that in the previous room where the treasures were exchanged, the one-horned old man was still sitting there, holding the Sky-cold Meteorite and the Leiyuan Stone in his hands respectively from Mrs. Wudu and the little girl. His eyes flickered a little.

Shortly thereafter, a figure walked in.

It was the fat middle-aged man who was in charge of the Imperial Treasure Pavilion.

"Senior, have you got those two items?" Walking up to the one-horned old man, the fat middle-aged man asked with a bow.

"Hmm." The one-horned old man nodded.

The fat middle-aged man was overjoyed, and said: "In this way, the nobleman's treasure will be finished soon."

The one-horned old man frowned slightly when he heard the words, shook his head and said: "That treasure is so high-ranked and powerful, how can it be so easy to refine, but my family has prepared for it for hundreds of years, and collected countless materials during this period. , now that we have Tianhan Meteorite and Lei Yuanshi, it is almost consummated now."

He looked at the fat middle-aged man, and said: "Next, you continue to inquire about the news. If you can gather all the materials, our Sky Star Clan will not treat you badly."

"Yes, senior, please rest assured!" Fafu middle-aged assured.

The one-horned old man nodded and waved his hand to let him go down.

The room became quiet again, and the old man sat alone with his eyes far away.


Back at Lingxian Mansion, Ye Chunyang continued to practice for two more days.

Until the third day, the spirit array in the heavenly spirit room weakened, and the spirit stones he handed over to Lingxian Mansion were exhausted.

Ye Chunyang didn't intend to stay here any longer, and was going to the stronghold of the Tianpeng Clan to inquire about the news of the teleportation array.

When he went downstairs, he saw two figures with familiar faces.

A young man about his age and a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl were actually the brother and sister of the Zhang family who met at the treasure exchange of the Imperial Treasure Pavilion two days ago.

"Fellow Daoist." The young man greeted him and bowed to him with a smile.

"What's the matter, Fellow Daoist?" Ye Chunyang asked in surprise.

"Fellow Daoist can figure it out." The young man surnamed Zhang said with a smile, "My next brother is Zhang Yunqing, my sister-in-law Zhang Linger, my brother and sister have been waiting here for a long time."

Ye Chunyang was even more puzzled when he heard this.

Zhang Yunqing smiled, and looked at Zhang Linger next to him. At this time, the girl was also looking at Ye Chunyang, with a strange look in her eyes, "You know that in the Imperial Treasure Pavilion that day, sister She has been looking for an alchemist To help refine the Sanyuan Lingpo pill, fellow daoist is proficient in alchemy, so I invite you to help."

"Ask me to refine the Sanyuan Lingpo Pill?" Ye Chunyang looked strange, "How do you two know that I will be able to refine it?"

Zhang Yunqing froze for a moment, but seeing Ye Chunyang's calm look, a light flashed in his eyes, and said: "Since you have asked this question, I will tell you the truth, the Sanyuan Lingpo Pill is an extremely difficult pill to refine." Generally speaking, if an alchemist hears this pill, he will show some abnormal expressions, but fellow daoist looked calm that day, and I judge that fellow daoist should be somewhat sure about this pill, so he brought his sister-in-law to visit fellow daoist , I hope fellow daoists can lend a helping hand."

Ye Chunyang looked at Zhang Yunqing. This person is so observant and thoughtful.

He smiled lightly, and said: "You Daoist Zhang is so sure that I can refine the Sanyuan Lingpo Pill, I am deeply surprised, but why should I help you?"

Zhang Yunqing was speechless for a while.

"Hey, don't you want Qian Lingye and Zhu Yuanguo?" At this moment, the little girl Zhang Linger suddenly said.

Ye Chunyang's eyes moved, "Do you have these two spirit herbs?"

Zhang Linger said: "I have the Qianling Leaf, and I know where Zhu Yuanguo is. If you can really help me refine the Sanyuan Lingpo Pill, I will give it to you as a reward."

She held her head high, with a look of pride on her small face, and her words were very decisive.

Ye Chunyang was slightly startled, but he sneered, looked at Zhang Linger and said, "Since you have these two spirit herbs, why didn't you tell them directly in Yubao Pavilion that day?"

"These two kinds of spiritual herbs are extraordinary things, do you think I will tell them in front of so many people?" The girl turned Ye Chunyang's eyes back and said angrily.

Ye Chunyang has black lines all over her head, but this little girl is very sharp.

"Ahem... fellow daoist, don't blame her. Ling'er has been used to being arrogant and indulgent since she was a child, so she will inevitably be a little willful. In the next generation, she will apologize to fellow daoist, and please don't be offended." Zhang Yunqing said awkwardly, and stared fiercely after finishing speaking He glanced at Zhang Linger.

"No problem." Ye Chunyang waved his hand, looked at Zhang Linger, and said: "If you can take out Qianlingye and Zhu Yuanguo, it is not impossible to refine the Sanyuan Lingpo Pill for you, but you need to prepare the materials yourself .”

Zhang Linger's eyes lit up, she grinned and said, "You really can refine the Sanyuan Lingpo Pill?"

"Naturally it can be refined." Ye Chunyang said indifferently.

"Okay!" The little girl said happily: "I have already prepared the materials, and in order to prevent the failure of the refining, I also prepared two extra copies. If fellow Taoists can really refine the pills, the promise just now will definitely not be a single one." few."

Ye Chunyang shrugged, not paying attention to the girl's words.

When he came to the spirit world 300 years ago, he had collected many pills, and he had also seen the Sanyuan Lingpo Pill. It is not difficult to refine this pill.

He looked at Zhang Ling'er and said: "Since you are looking for me to make alchemy, then take out the materials and Qian Lingye. In addition, please tell me where Zhu Yuanguo is."

(End of this chapter)

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