Chapter 667

Zhang Linger looked at Ye Chunyang, blinked her big eyes, tilted her head and said, "Your Excellency hasn't refined the elixir yet, so you want to get Qianlingye from me at this moment, how can it be so simple?"

Ye Chunyang sneered, "Fellow Daoist, do you think that before I see Qian Lingye, I will help you make alchemy? I'm afraid there is no such good thing in the world, right?"

Zhang Linger thought for a while, but she was decisive: "Okay, Qian Lingye can be taken out, but I can't give it to you at this time. I need to see the Sanyuan Lingpo Pill, otherwise what if you fail to refine it?"

Ye Chunyang didn't speak, Zhang Ling'er gritted her teeth, and cast a layer of enchantment with her hand, a puff of green smoke rose around, and the place was immediately isolated.

Then she took out a cyan wooden box with her backhand, and there was a flash of spiritual light on it, and a strong spiritual energy wafted out of her nostrils.

Zhang Linger said: "There is a seal on this box, but you can use your spiritual sense to detect it and see if there is a thousand spirit leaves inside."

With a mental thought, Ye Chunyang probed towards the blue wooden box.

A spiritual grass appeared in my mind, with crystal lights on it, and the spiritual flow of heaven and earth. On the spiritual grass, the branches and leaves are like human hands, changing from time to time, which is extremely miraculous.

Ye Chunyang was overjoyed, and according to the prescription notes of the Heavenly Snake Clan, this spirit grass was Qianling Leaf.

"Now you can believe what I said?" Zhang Ling'er put away the wooden box, raised her head and smiled.

"It's indeed Qianling Leaf." Ye Chunyang nodded, "I can help you refine the Sanyuan Lingpo Pill, just give me all the ingredients!"

Zhang Linger was overjoyed upon hearing this.

After waving to remove the barrier, she untied a Qiankun bag and threw it to Ye Chunyang, "There are three medicines in it, enough for you to refine three times, but I only need one pill."

After a pause, she continued: "After three months, I will continue to come here. If you become a pill by then, we can trade."

Ye Chunyang weighed the Qiankun bag, counted the medicinal materials inside, and said after a while: "No, you can come over in a month."

"What did you say?" Zhang Ling'er was surprised when she heard the words.

Zhang Yunqing was also a little dumbfounded.

Usually it takes at least a few months for an alchemist to make an alchemy, not to mention a rare elixir like the Sanyuan Lingpo Pill, which cannot be refined by ordinary people.

Ye Chunyang, actually said that it only takes one month to refine?
"Are you joking?" Zhang Linger's eyes were full of doubts.

Ye Chunyang shrugged, "If you have doubts, you might as well ask someone else."

Zhang Linger was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't expect the other party to be so tough. This is someone who is more difficult to deal with than herself.

She looked at Ye Chunyang suspiciously, the light flickering in her big eyes.

Seeing Ye Chunyang's calm appearance, Zhang Linger nodded suspiciously, "Okay, then we will come to find you again in a month."

Ye Chunyang smiled and nodded.

Zhang Yunqing looked at him strangely, is this person really so confident?Or is it that his alchemy has reached a state of perfection?

It's just that he looks a little too young, right?

However, there are quite a few people in the world of cultivating beauty who practice the Zhuanyan Kungfu, or have taken some pills in this area, and their appearance has always maintained their youthful appearance.

This person is an alchemist, and it is not surprising that he can refine Zhuyan Pill.

"Fellow Daoist can refine the Sanyuan Lingpo Pill, which is of course great. Speaking of which, this girl has been seeking this pill for hundreds of years. My brother and sister have been traveling all over the spirit world for hundreds of years, and have also visited many places. It's a pity that you won't get anything after all." Zhang Yunqing said with a wry smile.

"Walk around the spirit world?" Ye Chunyang's heart was moved, and he couldn't help saying: "The two are not from the Tianhan Continent?"

Zhang Yunqing said: "To tell you the truth, my brother and sister are one of the ancient mirrors of the Three Emperors. The Zhang family in the Emperor Realm just left the family to seek medicine for their younger sister."

"So that's the case." Ye Chunyang nodded, "Then I wonder if the two of you have a way to return to the ancient realm of the Three Emperors?"

At present, Ye Chunyang is most concerned about returning to the ancient realm of the three emperors of the human race. Unexpectedly, the two brothers and sisters are from one of the ancient realms of the three emperors, and they may be able to learn the way to go back through them.

"Could it be that Fellow Daoist is also from the Ancient Realm of the Three Emperors?"

The Zhang brothers and sisters were a little surprised when they heard the words.

Ye Chunyang thought for a while, nodded and said, "Not bad."

Zhang Yunqing looked at him in surprise, and wanted to ask why he came here, but he didn't say it in the end. After a flash of his eyes, he said: "If it is in other continents, there may be some other ways to return to the Three Emperors Ancient Realm, but this In the Tianhan Continent, only the Ten Thousand Miles Formation of the Tianpeng Clan can be teleported back."

He glanced at Ye Chunyang, frowned again, and continued: "To be honest with fellow Taoists, we came to the Tianhan Continent this time and planned to return to the Ancient Realm of the Three Emperors after we found nothing on the Sanyuan Lingpo Pill. I just didn’t expect that the Peng Clan hated our Human Clan so much that day, they wouldn’t lend us a teleportation array at all, so we had to settle for the next best thing, and plan to visit other continents, but if fellow Taoists can refine Sanyuan for Sister She Zhang should be extremely grateful for the spirit pill."

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Zhang, since I promise, I will naturally do it." Ye Chunyang said.

The Sanyuan Lingpo Pill is not extremely difficult for him.

Hearing Ye Chunyang's words, Zhang Yunqing showed joy, and hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "Since that's the case, I will thank the fellow Taoist for my sister-in-law."

As he said that, he said with a naive smile: "Speaking of which, I still don't know Youzun's last name?"

"Next to Ye Chunyang." Ye Chunyang said.

"Ye Chunyang? This name is a bit special." Zhang Linger interjected, covering her mouth with a smile: "Since you have already said that, then I will simply tell you the whereabouts of Zhu Yuanguo. I originally planned to wait for you to refine the Sanyuan Lingpo Pill." I'll tell you when it's made."

"Ye would like to hear the details." Ye Chunyang said.

Zhang Linger rolled her eyes and said, "You Daoist Ye, have you heard about the recent Tianpeng clan?"

"What's the matter with the Tianpeng clan? I have never heard of it." Ye Chunyang frowned, his eyes showing suspicion.

Zhang Linger looked at him in surprise, and said, "The grand event of the Tianpeng clan, you don't even know about this, do you? Besides, Zhu Yuanguo is among the members of the Tianpeng clan, and the grand event of the Tianpeng clan is to test the young people of their clan It is a test for one generation, when the clan will compete with each other, and the winner will be cultivated by the clan, Zhu Yuanguo is also one of the rewards."


Ye Chunyang's eyes flickered, he didn't expect that there was Zhu Yuanguo in the Tianpeng clan, this matter was beyond his expectation.

But after thinking about it, he shook his head and said, "Even if Zhu Yuanguo is in the Tianpeng Clan, they won't let this thing flow out, right? I'm afraid it won't be that easy to get this fruit."

"Brother Ye is very true." Zhang Yunqing said, "The Tianpeng clan has always acted strangely, and it is difficult for outsiders to inquire about their internal information, let alone enter their core territory, but this time, fellow Taoists, there is no chance. .”

"What do you mean by Zhang Daoyou?" Ye Chunyang asked suspiciously.

Zhang Yunqing smiled and said: "Although the grand meeting of the Tianpeng clan is to test the cultivation and potential of their younger generation, there have always been rules in their grand gatherings. The disciples of the clan can invite foreign aid, but because the disciples undergoing the test Choose from the realm of the gods, and the foreign aid you are looking for cannot be higher than this realm."

"I'm not talented, but I actually want to use this opportunity to join the Tianpeng Clan and help a disciple pass the grand meeting assessment, so that they can open the teleportation array and return to the Ancient Realm of the Three Emperors."

After saying this, Zhang Yunqing looked at Ye Chunyang and said with a smile: "If you want to get Zhu Yuanguo, this method is also a good choice."

"Through foreign aid?" Ye Chunyang's eyes flickered.

There is Wanli Formation in the Tianpeng Clan, which can reach the Ancient Realm of the Three Emperors of the Human Race. He came here for this purpose. He didn't expect that Zhu Yuanguo was also in the Tianpeng Clan, which saved him from looking around.

And if it was true what Zhang Yunqing said, it would undoubtedly be much easier than usual to enter the Tianpeng Clan as a foreign aid disciple of the Tianpeng Clan.

"When will the grand meeting of the Tianpeng Clan begin?" Ye Chunyang asked.

"Calculating the time, it will be more than a month later." Zhang Yunqing replied.

"Okay, please trouble fellow Daoist Zhang to inform you, I am also very interested in this." Ye Chunyang said.

"Okay, fellow Daoist Ye, don't worry, Mr. Zhang will come as scheduled, and to tell you the truth, Brother Ye, I have already found a candidate. This person is very capable in the younger generation of the Tianpeng clan. With the help of the three of us, I will help you." He should have a good chance of winning the championship." Zhang Yunqing said with a smile.

"En." Ye Chunyang nodded slightly.

However, he didn't pay too much attention to Zhang Yunqing's words. Although he has learned a lot of useful information from the other party, the specific situation is still unknown, and he still needs to learn more about it.

"Don't be too happy too early. This matter is just an opportunity. If the Tianpeng disciple we assisted loses, we will get nothing." Zhang Linger curled her lips and said, her words were very sharp, directly He poured cold water on both of them.

Ye Chunyang smiled, and didn't take it seriously. There is no absolute in everything, but he was looking forward to this grand event of the Peng Clan.

He looked at Zhang Linger and said, "Come back in a month."

After speaking, he turned and went upstairs.

He originally planned to leave, but since Zhang Linger is going to make alchemy for Zhang Linger, this Lingxian mansion is undoubtedly the best place.

What's more, the grand meeting of the Tianpeng clan has not yet started, and they will continue to live here for a while.

"How many floors of the spirit room do you live in? Since this fairy asked you to make alchemy, I simply paid the fee for the Lingxian mansion for you." Zhang Ling'er shouted.

Ye Chunyang stopped and said, "Heaven-level spiritual room."

After the words fell, he walked upwards.

"A heavenly spirit room?"

The faces of the siblings suddenly froze.

"He can actually live in the heavenly spirit room of Lingxian Mansion? This..." Zhang Yunqing opened his mouth, and a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

The Lingxian Mansion has a considerable status in the world of cultivating immortals, but there are very few people who are qualified to enter the heavenly spirit room.

Moreover, Ye Chunyang is too young, right?

This made the Zhang brothers and sisters can't help guessing Ye Chunyang's real identity.

Could it be that there is a powerful person behind him?Or from some superpower?
(End of this chapter)

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