Chapter 668

Looking at the figure walking up the tower, the Zhang brothers and sisters were surprised.

"This Fellow Daoist Ye is not easy..." Zhang Yunqing muttered to himself.

"Hey, how did you find out that he can refine the Sanyuan Lingpo Pill?" Zhang Linger couldn't help asking.

In fact, she didn't see anything special about Ye Chunyang during the exchange of treasures in the Imperial Treasure Pavilion that day, but the other party's mention of the need for Qian Lingye and Zhu Yuanguo attracted her attention. different.

Since then, the two have been secretly paying attention to Ye Chunyang's whereabouts in Haifeng City, and found out after confirming that he was practicing in Lingxian Mansion.

Zhang Yunqing smiled and said: "Little sister, don't you notice that whether you saw Daoist Ye that day in the Imperial Treasure Pavilion or today, his speech and behavior are different from ordinary people?"

"What's the difference?" Zhang Linger wondered.

Zhang Yunqing said: "When this person reported the need for Qianlingye and Zhu Yuanguo, he seemed very calm. He seemed to be very confident in making pills from these two herbs. You must know that these two spirit herbs are rare in the world. If we hadn't been lucky enough to get a Thousand Spirit Leaf many years ago, and the news about Zhu Yuanguo came out of this grand event of the Tianpeng Clan, it would have been extremely difficult to find."

He looked at the direction where Ye Chunyang disappeared upstairs, and said: "Being able to refine these two rare spirit grasses into elixirs with confidence is beyond the reach of ordinary alchemists, so I guess his alchemy skills must be extremely advanced." .”

Surprise flashed across Zhang Linger's face.

Zhang Yunqing squinted his eyes, with a dignified look on his face, "This person is young and has extraordinary attainments in alchemy. I don't know which side of the Three Emperors Ancient Realm he is from?"

Ye Chunyang had previously revealed that he was also from the Ancient Realm of the Three Emperors, which made Zhang Yunqing guess.

"Could it be someone from Danyu?" Zhang Linger asked suddenly.

"Dan domain?" Zhang Yunqing frowned, and said in a low voice: "That is the strongest alchemist force in the human race, and he is very likely to come from there."

"I don't care if he is from the Pill Domain or not, as long as he can help me refine the Sanyuan Lingpo Pill!" Zhang Ling'er felt a little pained, and said, "But this person lives in a heavenly spirit room. The cost of spirit stones is quite a lot, I should have let him pay it himself."

"Hey... You asked for this matter, little girl. Why, do you want to go back on your word now?" Zhang Yunqing teased with a smile.

"C'mon, Zhang Ling'er keeps my word, isn't it just a month's cost of Lingshi, what is it?" Zhang Linger pouted, dissatisfied.

Zhang Yunqing smiled and shook his head.

As Zhang Ling'er said, she paid Ye Chunyang's fee for one month's spirit stones in the heavenly spirit room, and then left the Lingxian mansion.

At this time, Ye Chunyang sat cross-legged in the celestial spirit room, weighing the Qiankun bag handed over by Zhang Linger.There are a lot of medicinal materials in it, all of which are needed for refining the Sanyuan Lingpo Pill.

"This little girl is so well prepared. It seems that the Sanyuan Lingpo pill should be very important to her, but this pill is used to reshape the body after the physical body collapses. Could it be that the exercises she practiced have something to do with the physical body?"

Ye Chunyang secretly guessed.

Immediately, with a single wave of his hand, an alchemy furnace flew out of the Qiankun bag and sat in front of him.He is not interested in what kind of exercises Zhang Linger is practicing, and he has no intention of paying attention to what this little girl wants this three-element spirit pill for. As long as he helps her refine this spirit pill, Qian Lingye can get it.

At that time, try to gather all Zhu Yuanguo, and the medicinal materials for refining the Void Returning Pill will be gathered together.

With this in mind, without any hesitation, he started alchemy in the furnace.


As time passed day by day, Haifeng City was still very lively, monks of various races came and went, and news of various treasures spread from time to time.

Occasionally, auctions will be held in the city, and major ethnic forces will also send people to participate. Of course, there are also some powerful casual cultivators who come to the city, wanting to improve themselves by looking for treasures, or gaining the attention of certain forces, so as to join Among them, use the other party's resources to guarantee their own future cultivation.

The further the realm of cultivation is raised, the more difficult it is to break through. Without enough resources to accumulate, it is almost impossible to make further progress. Therefore, many casual cultivators would rather work for the major forces than to obtain the most favorable conditions for themselves.

Unknowingly, nearly a month has passed. During this time, Haifeng City has become lively. There are monks in many teahouses, inns, and even Lingxian Mansion talking about news, and the center of the topic is actually about Tianpeng family.

Since last month, the Tianpeng Continent has been spreading the news that the Tianpeng Clan will hold the Tianpeng Grand Meeting. Haifeng City, as the largest city for cultivating immortals in the Tianhan Continent, is also the closest to the Tianpeng Holy Land of the Tianpeng Clan. The news in the city is natural most extensive.

The Tianpeng Grand Meeting of the Tianpeng Clan is held every hundred years in order to select people with outstanding aptitude from the younger generation to add fresh blood to the clan. It has been handed down from this family, and many people have admired it for a long time.

In the previous Tianpeng festivals, the Tianpeng clan tacitly allowed the participating disciples to invite foreign aid, and the disciples who stood out in the grand meeting would get a generous reward, and the foreign aid who helped each other would also get some benefits.

Therefore, most of the monks who came to Haifeng City during this time were actually waiting for the appearance of the Tianpeng tribe, hoping to get invitations from those disciples who participated in the event, so as to try their luck.

The agreed period of one month is coming soon.

On this day, the Zhang brothers and sisters reappeared in Lingxian Mansion.

They waited from early morning to evening, keeping their eyes on the upstairs, but they never saw Ye Chunyang come down.

"That guy won't take my medicinal materials and run away?" Zhang Ling'er became impatient after waiting for a long time.

"Ye Daoyou should not be such a person, little sister, don't worry too much." Zhang Yunqing said.

"We only met him twice in total, so you trust him?" Zhang Linger rolled her eyes.

"We are indeed not familiar with him, but judging from his speech and behavior, he is not a person who is greedy for cheap and selfish." Zhang Yunqing is still very confident in his vision.

He smiled at Zhang Ling'er and said, "If my younger sister didn't believe him, she wouldn't have given him all three medicines."

Zhang Linger's eyes flickered, but he didn't answer.

Zhang Yunqing said again: "What's more, he hasn't obtained Qianling Leaf from us, and he hasn't gone to the Tianpeng Clan to participate in the Tianpeng Festival. How can he go away so easily."

"I hope so." Zhang Linger curled her lips and said nothing.

In the current situation, she had to wait.

At this moment, a figure approached from the tower.

Zhang Yunqing's expression changed, and he looked at one of them with joy on his face, and hurriedly stepped forward to greet him: "Brother Ye, you have finally come out, how is the refining of the elixir?"

It was Ye Chunyang who came down from upstairs.

Just after Zhang Yunqing finished speaking, his face was a little surprised, and he asked, "Who is this?"

At this time, there was another person beside Ye Chunyang, who was dressed in black clothes like him, with an expressionless face and a somewhat cold demeanor.

"Oh, he is my senior brother Ye Xiaobao. He came to Sea Breeze City a few days ago and plans to go to Tianpeng Clan with me." Ye Chunyang said.


The two Zhang brothers and sisters looked suspicious.

But since Ye Chunyang said so, they naturally didn't doubt anything.

"Here is the Sanyuan Lingpo pill." Ye Chunyang threw a bottle of pill over there.

Seeing this, Zhang Ling'er's small face suddenly showed surprise. She took the bottle and opened it. Inside was a elixir emitting a faint radiance. There were three lines of light flowing on the surface, and the medicinal fragrance was strong.

"Top-grade elixir!" Zhang Yunqing who was next to him couldn't help being surprised when he saw the spirit pattern on the elixir.

The three spirit patterns are the sign that the elixir has reached the top-grade quality.

This Sanyuan Lingpo Pill is not only top-grade, but also has clear light patterns, which shows that its medicinal effect is pure, far superior to the pills of the same level.

Even if Zhang Ling'er was cynical, seeing the fineness of the Sanyuan Lingpo Pill, she couldn't help showing amazement on her small face.

"Brother Ye's alchemy is really extraordinary, I admire it." Zhang Yunqing took a deep breath, and when he looked at Ye Chunyang again, he was a little more respectful.

"Zhang Daoyou, thank you." Ye Chunyang looked at Zhang Ling'er, "Can you give me Qian Lingye now?"

"It's natural, I, Zhang Ling'er, have always kept my word!" Zhang Ling'er happily put away the Sanyuan Lingpo Pill, and simply handed over the blue wooden box containing Qianling Leaf to Ye Chunyang.

In order to obtain this pill, she went through countless hardships and obstacles, and at this moment she finally got her wish. No matter how precious this Thousand Spirit Leaf is, it cannot be compared.

Ye Chunyang took the jade box and inspected it, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"By the way, Brother Ye said just now that your senior brother is going to the Tianpeng Clan with you. So, could it be that Brother Ye has already made the pill and inquired about it alone?" Zhang Yunqing suddenly thought of something, Can't help being surprised again, said.

"Oh, this elixir was indeed made ten days ago, but the two of you didn't come here, and I don't know where you live, so I took advantage of these few days to get some news and said that Tianpeng The grand event seems to be about to start, right?" Ye Chunyang said with a slight smile.

"Three Yuan Lingpo Pill was refined ten days ago!" Zhang Yunqing's eyes were dull.

That day when he heard that Ye Chunyang could refine the Sanyuan Lingpo Pill within a month, it was already unbelievable for him. Not only did he succeed in refining it, but it was ten days earlier. Zhang Yunqing's shock at this time can only be described as turbulent waves .

Ye Chunyang nodded, and said: "I heard that the younger generation of Tianpeng clan's candidates for the election invite foreign aid, and they are more inclined to have people who cooperate with a group. Now that my senior brother is here, I think our chances of being selected will be greater. "

Zhang Yunqing took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down his mood.

After a while, he looked at Ye Xiaobao, nodded and said: "Brother Ye is right. The disciples of the Tianpeng Grand Meeting seem to have entered a secret realm. Group cooperation is extremely important to them, but I don't know that your senior brother Xiu Why?"

Zhang Yunqing did not perceive Ye Xiaobao's true cultivation.

"Peak in the late stage of God Transformation." Ye Chunyang said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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