Chapter 673

Everyone fell silent.

Yu Feiyu stared directly at Yu Chengyun, and after a long time, he sat down, his eyes showed firmness, and he said: "The Concentrating Crystal, I will get it, the first place in the grand event, I will get it too, Yu Chengyun, you spend your money Do you try your best to convince me, is it because you are afraid of me?"

Yu Chengyun was stunned, and sneered: "Joke, how can I, Yu Chengyun, be afraid of you? Let me tell you the truth, in this grand event, no one is qualified to compete with me except the patriarch's son Yu Teng. Since you are so If you don't know how to flatter, then I'll see you at the grand event, and then don't blame me for not remembering the past."

After that, he flicked his sleeves and walked out of the building.

Behind him, a few foreign monks in the late stage of transformation, with disdain flashing across their faces, also followed and left.

Yu Feiyu's expression became gloomy, and the wine glass in his hand was clenched tightly, making a clicking sound.

"I made everyone laugh. This person is the grandson of the Great Elder. When we were young, we often practiced together. It was only because of some conflicts that we evolved to the current situation."

Yu Feiyu calmed down, and said with a wry smile.

"I didn't expect that there was such an entanglement between Mr. Yu and Yu Chengyun, which is surprising." Zhang Yunqing said with a sigh.

On the opposite side, Ye Chunyang sat calmly, but there was a slight fluctuation in his eyes.

Like Yu Feiyu, he has his own thoughts in his heart, now that he has returned to the spirit world, how is she doing now?

But come to think of it, you will see her soon, right?

"That Yu Chengyun came here today, one is to find out the reality of my side, and the other is to want me to help him win the championship, but I have already been on the same level as this person, so how can I be with him?" Yu Fei Holding the cup, Yu said coldly, "This time, no matter what, I will win the event, so that I can have a chance to revive Ling Ji."

Zhang Yunqing nodded.

At this moment, Ye Chunyang said: "Dare to ask Mr. Yu, where is the Kunpeng God Realm?"

"Kunpeng Divine Realm is the place where the ancestors of the Kunpeng clan were incarnated. My Tianpeng clan is a descendant of Kunpeng and has always had a teleportation array leading to this place." Yu Feiyu said, muttering to himself with some doubts: "But This divine realm has always been in a closed state, and no one has ever entered it before. I don’t know why they were able to enter this time? Moreover, it was chosen as the place for the grand event.”

"In this way, this Kunpeng God Realm seems to be an extraordinary place." Zhang Yunqing frowned and interjected.

"That's true." Yu Feiyu nodded and said: "There are ancient restrictions in the Kunpeng Divine Realm, and the Kunpeng coercion, which can be described as dangerous, but there are also many treasures left by the Kunpeng clan. There are many benefits."

After a pause, he continued: "However, since the grand event stipulates that only disciples in the transformation stage can participate in the training, presumably the elders will not be ignorant of the danger, and will definitely take precautions in advance, so you don't have to worry too much. "

Zhang Yunqing looked at Ye Chunyang, who did not speak, since he had chosen to come, he had no reason to back down.

The specific situation will be known tomorrow.

Yu Feiyu stood up, bowed to the four people and said: "Four friends, this event is very important to me, and I hope that the four friends can do their best to help. There will be a big reward."

"Don't worry, Mr. Yu, we are here for our own purpose, and we will naturally help you with your rights," Zhang Yunqing said.

Yu Feiyu looked at Ye Chunyang, then at Ye Xiaobao.

At this time, Ye Chunyang knew how much he wanted to express his opinion.

His spiritual thoughts passed over, and Ye Xiaobao said coldly: "Young Master Yu, don't worry too much. If you follow Yu Chengyun and the four people just now, you can suppress them with your palms. At that time, Young Master Yu just needs to practice with peace of mind."

When Yu Feiyu heard this, his slightly gathered brows immediately relaxed.

In a blink of an eye, the night was deep.

Several people continued to sit and chat for a while, Yu Feiyu ordered someone to prepare the room for Ye Chunyang and the others, and then left. In the hall, Zhang Yunqing hugged Ye Chunyang and went upstairs.

Ye Chunyang also didn't stay longer, and prepared to go back to the room with Ye Xiaobao.

At this time, a voice came from behind: "Hey, I have always wanted to ask you, didn't you say that you are a casual cultivator, so what is your senior brother?"

"My brother is from outside the mountain, and he used to practice alone." Ye Chunyang laughed.

"Then you two usually live together?"

Zhang Linger looked at him strangely.

Because at this time Zhang Linger discovered that Ye Chunyang lived in the same room as his "senior brother".

Two big men live in a room, it's hard not to think about a certain aspect here.

Ye Chunyang was taken aback for a moment, knowing that this girl was thinking wrong.

Just about to talk, Zhang Linger nodded and said, "No need to explain, I understand!"

After speaking, she left with a look of disgust.

The corner of Ye Chunyang's mouth twitched, but he didn't bother to explain, and took Xiaobao straight into the house and closed the door.

After a while, he shook out a piece of parchment, which was exactly the recipe for refining Void Returning Pill, now only Zhu Yuanguo was missing.Once this fruit is in hand, you can immediately start alchemy.

And since the trip to the Tianpeng Clan's grand meeting is stipulated that only monks of the transformation stage can participate, he thinks that he has no rivals within the same level.

Of course, he didn't know much about the Tianpeng Clan after all, so there was no need to reveal his true strength until necessary.

"I don't know where Luo Er is now, is she still in Tianjue Palace?"

Thinking of the conflict between Yu Feiyu and Yu Chengyun today, Ye Chunyang couldn't help but feel moved.

He could see that both Yu Feiyu and Yu Chengyun had a deep affection for a woman, and he had traveled all the way from the human world to find only one person.

Even if he fell from the spirit world to the demon god world, he never changed his mind.

"If I can use the Tianpeng clan's teleportation array to return to the human race this time, no one in the Tianjue Palace will be able to stop me!" Ye Chunyang's state of mind has become as calm as water after years of training, but when he thinks of the life he faced in that life, His extremely important woman couldn't help but fluctuate.

300 years ago, he ascended from the human world and set foot on the Tianjue Palace alone, but was rejected at the door. After that, he was attacked by Mo Yao and fell into the Demon God Realm.

Now that he is back, I don't know how those people would feel when they saw him again?
Ye Chunyang looked at the bright moon outside the window, with a firm goal in his heart. Back then, he was able to break into the Tianjue Palace with his cultivation in the early stage of transformation, and now he can do the same!

The next day.

In the early morning, the sunshine in the Holy Land of the Tianpeng Tribe is exceptionally warm, with a light mist circulating in the mountains, surrounded by green pines and green forests, and the scenery is pleasant.

Early in the morning, Yu Feiyu came.

He was riding a Jinpeng bird, and he was dressed in a blue gown, looking delicate and handsome.Stopping outside Huixian Building, he cupped his hands with a chuckle, and said, "Four fellow Taoists, today is the day for the grand event. I am here to invite you to go together."

The door of the attic opened, Ye Chunyang and Zhang Yunqing came out side by side, Zhang Linger and Ye Xiaobao were behind them respectively.

"Last night, how did the four rest?" Yu Feiyu greeted with a bright smile.

"Young Master Lao Yu, if you bother me, it's good for the four of us to live here." Zhang Yunqing said: "Shall we go to the Tianpeng Temple of the nobles at this time?"

Yu Feiyu said yesterday that the grand meeting will be held in the Tianpeng Temple, which is a symbol of the majesty of the Tianpeng clan, and only the patriarch and a supreme elder of the Tianpeng clan are eligible to live there.

At this time, it is obvious that there are lights and shadows flickering in the void, and the target goes straight to the temple.

But Yu Feiyu shook his head and said: "It's not urgent, Tianpeng Temple is an important place for our clan. In the past, only the elders and a few high-level people in the clan could set foot here. Now let's go to my fourth sister and ask her to take us go."

Seeing the doubts in the four people's eyes, Yu Feiyu immediately explained: "My fourth sister is the fifth elder of the Tianpeng clan's elders, and it will be much more convenient to have her with us, and this grand meeting The training place is the Kunpeng Divine Realm, and my fourth sister, as one of the elders, also needs to go to activate the magic circle in person."

"In that case, please ask Mr. Yu to lead the way."

Zhang Yunqing nodded upon hearing this.

Ye Chunyang didn't pay too much attention to this, and led Ye Xiaobao onto the back of Jinpeng with Yu Feiyu.

With a flap of its wings, the Jinpeng bird let out a long howl, and galloped towards a certain direction of Tianpeng Holy Land.

Tianpeng said that it is the territory of a clan, but the terrain is extremely wide. Compared with the territory of Tiansnake Island that Ye Chunyang saw at the beginning, it is at least a hundred times larger, and there is no end in sight.

The Holy Land also has its own Dongfu Lingshan and Qiankun Blessed Land, and many clansmen do not interfere with each other and practice independently.

After flying for about half a stick of incense on the Jinpeng bird, a mountain peak appeared in front of them. There was no imaginary aura like clouds on the peak, nor was it like the Huixian Tower where they lived last night. The surrounding scenery was pleasant, and there was only a simple In the thatched cottage, bursts of sandalwood came from inside.

Yu Feiyu took Ye Chunyang and they landed in front of the thatched cottage.

I saw that the door of the house was closed tightly, and there was no sound coming from inside, and I couldn't even feel a trace of popularity.

"Fourth Sister!" Yu Feiyu shouted at the door.

There was no response for a long time.

"Fourth Sister? Are you there?" Yu Feiyu called again.

With that said, he walked forward and wanted to push the door open.

"No more shouting, I'll take you to Tianpeng Temple right now."

A faint voice came from the thatched hut, Yu Feiyu looked happy, but before he could respond, the voice suddenly became cold.

"But you are so courageous, you dare to take the human race to my Tianpeng Holy Land, do you want them to die?!"

Yu Feiyu's expression froze.

Ye Chunyang also frowned. Through the perception of her spiritual sense, she could be sure that the person inside was an extremely strong person in the Void Return Stage, and she was afraid that the cultivation level had already reached the late Void Return Stage.

"Fourth sister, these are all my friends, and their strengths are very comparable. We don't have any deep hatred with the human race. It's just that some people are too obsessed with the human race. Helping me win the championship, what does it matter if it is the human race?" Yu Feiyu said seriously.

The people inside the thatched hut were silent.

After a while, the door opened and a figure came out.

(End of this chapter)

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