Chapter 674
The figure walking out of the thatched hut was a woman, very young, her age could not be seen from her appearance, she was wearing a plain long skirt, with a graceful figure and long hair like a waterfall, she had a gentle and elegant temperament on her body.

"Fourth Sister." Yu Feiyu called out when he saw the woman.

"Are they the foreign aid you invited?" The woman glanced at Ye Chunyang and the others with a hint of coercion in her eyes.

Ye Chunyang and the Zhang brothers and sisters frowned, but the other party didn't seem hostile, so they didn't deliberately resist her spiritual pressure.

"Back to Fourth Sister, these four are all supernatural beings, with their help, I will definitely win this grand event." Yu Feiyu said.

The woman frowned and said, "It's a good thing to have confidence, but other people participating in this grand event have also invited masters, so don't be careless."

"Fourth sister taught me that I should be cautious." Yu Feiyu said solemnly, awed by the woman.

As he spoke, he introduced Ye Chunyang and the others: "This is my fourth sister, Yu Jingchan, who ranks fifth among the six elders of the Tianpeng Clan."

"The younger generation and others have met the fifth elder." The four of them bowed to each other.

Yu Jingchan looked past Yu Feiyu and looked at Ye Chunyang and the others.

"My Tianpeng clan has never been in contact with human races, but since you are invited by Fei Yu, I will not stop you. I know that you have your own purpose in coming here, but I have said my ugly words before. If you dare to have a different heart , I will not be merciless if I do anything unfavorable to Fei Yu or our clan."

When Yu Jingchan spoke, there was a majesty in her words.

Ye Chunyang lowered his eyebrows, showing no expression on his face, while Zhang Yunqing nodded and said, "Don't worry, Fifth Elder, if we want to achieve our goal, we first need to help Young Master Yu win the grand meeting, and I will naturally try my best to assist him .”

After hearing this, Yu Jingchan's expression softened.

"Fourth sister, can we go to Tianpeng Temple now?" Yu Feiyu asked in a timely manner.

"Let's go, I'll take you there." The woman waved her hand and flew into the air with the glow of the sun.

"Four friends, please." Yu Feiyu also said to the four of them.

Ye Chunyang nodded and grabbed the Jinpeng bird.

He looked at the figure of Yu Jingchan who was walking in front of the void, and a strange look flashed in his eyes. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for ordinary people to imagine that such a young woman would be the fifth elder of the Tianpeng clan.

Judging from the spiritual pressure she released just now, her cultivation may have reached the late stage of Void Return.

And she is only one of the elders of the Tianpeng clan, so it can be seen that the cultivation base of other elders is not too weak.

Ye Chunyang is a little thankful that he didn't force his way here, otherwise he might not be able to get out of the way when he encounters these old monsters.

Zhang Yunqing was also silent along the way, not knowing what was going on in his mind, Zhang Linger, who used to be lively and nimble, also closed his mouth at this time, his little face was a little dignified.

Not long after the flight, a large hall appeared in front of him.

Above the main hall, there is a big roc crawling, lifelike, majestic in shape, the whole hall is golden, like poured gold and copper, it is extremely majestic, and people feel an irresistible sense of oppression when they approach it.

This is where the majesty of the Tianpeng clan is located, the Temple of Tianpeng.

There is an empty platform outside the temple, and at this time the surrounding void is flickering with streamers, and countless figures gather here.

When Ye Chunyang and his party fell down, there were already several old men sitting on the stage, and a middle-aged man in the middle, wearing golden feathers, sharp eyes, and the majesty of a superior.

No need to think about it, this person is the patriarch of the Tianpeng clan, and he has also reached the peak existence in the late stage of returning to the void.


Yu Jingchan descended and greeted the middle-aged man.

The patriarch of the Tianpeng clan nodded, and looked at Yu Feiyu and Ye Chunyang behind him.

His eyes especially fell on the four of Ye Chunyang, and he frowned and said, "Human race?"

Several elders of the Tianpeng clan nearby also looked a little cold to the group.

A white-faced and beardless old man on the left raised his eyebrows, looked at Yu Jingchan and said, "Elder Jingchan doesn't know that the holy land of our clan prohibits the entry of human races? You actually let these juniors of the human race come here and set aside the dignity of our race!" where?"

The old man's words were sharp, and he put a big hat on Yu Jingchan as soon as he opened his mouth. It can be seen that there seems to be little confrontation between him and Yu Jingchan.

Yu Jingchan frowned.

Yu Feiyu whispered next to the four of Ye Chunyang: "This person is the elder of our Tianpeng clan, who is in charge of our clan's criminal law. My fourth sister has always acted freely and free from the constraints of the clan. This old guy has always treated my fourth sister. Great opinion."

Both Ye Chunyang and Zhang Yunqing nodded.

When Yu Feiyu looked at this Great Elder, there was a hint of sternness in his eyes. It was this person who forced Ling Ji to jump into the Purgatory Rock 30 years ago.

"Great Elder, when did our clan have a clan rule that clansmen are not allowed to communicate with humans?" Yu Jingchan looked at the old man, his words were a little cold.

The Great Elder frowned, and said with a sneer: "It is true that our clan does not stipulate that the clansmen shall not communicate with the human race, but the ancestors of our Tianpeng clan and the human race are incompatible. , Do you want to betray the clan!"

Hearing this, everyone in the arena was in an uproar, and couldn't help but look at Yu Jingchan.

Most people in the Tianpeng Clan know that the Great Elder and the Fifth Elder Yu Jingchan have always been at odds, and the Fifth Elder has always been unrestrained, and seldom pays attention to the affairs of the clan. Make a big fuss about coming to the human race.

After the Great Elder said this, a flash of pride flashed in his heart.

Although this action will not cause any harm to Yu Jingchan, Yu Jingchan will never dare to accept such a big crime, and then it will dampen her spirit, and she can easily get rid of Yu Feiyu belt. Among the juniors of the human race who came, his grandson Yu Shengyun lost another opponent in this grand meeting.

It kills two birds with one stone.

There was a commotion in the field, and everyone talked about it.

Yu Feiyu's face was ugly, he knew that the Great Elder was taking advantage of the situation to suppress him, although he had already expected this situation, but he did not expect the Great Elder to be so aggressive.

"Does the Great Elder want to fight?"

At this moment, a faint voice sounded.

"What did you say?" The First Elder frowned and looked at Yu Jingchan.

Everyone was also stunned.

No one expected that Yu Jingchan would suddenly say such shocking words after being silent for a long time.

"The Great Elder made a big fuss about my younger brother inviting the human race to do foreign aid, isn't he just wanting to fight?" Yu Jingchan's astonishing face showed no expression, she looked at the Great Elder coldly and said: "There is no need to say so much Nonsense, stand up, you and I will fight."


The Great Elder's face was livid, Yu Jingchan had always acted perversely, and her temper was even more eccentric, making it unpredictable.

Today, he challenged him in public.

"Don't you dare?" Yu Jingchan said: "If you don't dare, just shut up."

"You are presumptuous!" The Great Elder suddenly stood up, and said angrily, "I am an imposing Great Elder of the Tianpeng Clan, how could I be afraid that you will fail?"

There was a surge of spiritual light on his body, and a powerful aura was released. All the disciples of the Tianpeng clan around were terrified, and they all staggered back.


A cold look flashed across Yu Jingchan's beautiful eyes, and her graceful body swept forward without any fear.

"Stop me all!"

A cold shout came from the front, and the head of the Tianpeng Clan said coldly: "A person who is already thousands of years old is still so impulsive. Why don't you let the younger generation laugh at you?"

"I did not instigate this matter." Yu Jingchan said.

"Hmph, your younger brother Yu Feiyu brought the human race to our holy land. As the elder of the criminal law, I naturally have to handle it impartially. Otherwise, how will I convince the public in the future?" the elder said solemnly.

Yu Jingchan didn't bother to pay attention to him, looked at the patriarch and said, "I have three questions I want to ask the patriarch."

The head of the Tianpeng clan frowned, "Say it."

Although Yu Jingchan does his own way and has a perverse personality, his cultivation level is not weaker than them, and he also has a strong prestige in the clan, and he has won the trust of the boss in the clan. As the clan leader, he shouldn't be too harsh.

Yu Jingchan said: "Dare to ask the patriarch, does my Tianpeng Clan grand meeting stipulate that candidates for election can invite foreign aid?"

"Yes." The head of the Tianpeng clan nodded.

This matter is a rule set by the ancestors long ago, and it cannot be refuted.

Yu Jingchan asked again: "Then my younger brother Yu Feiyu invited foreign aid, is it in accordance with the rules?"

The head of the Tianpeng tribe frowned, nodded and said, "Naturally."

Every student participating in the grand event can invite a group of four as foreign aid, and Yu Feiyu did not violate any violations.

Yu Jingchan finally asked: "Is it mandatory for my clan to stipulate that the foreign aid invited by the candidates for the election cannot be from the human race?"

The patriarch of the Tianpeng Clan turned gloomy and said, "No."

None of Yu Jingchan's three questions violated the rules, and his words were so sharp that he was speechless.

"Does the First Elder have any questions now?" Yu Jingchan looked at the First Elder.


The great elder turned pale with anger.

Yu Jingchan's words made sense, even though the Tianpeng clan had a big prejudice against the human race, they couldn't find any words to refute her at this time.

"So, you have made up your mind to protect your younger brother?" the Great Elder said solemnly.

"My younger brother is innocent, so how can I cover it up?" Yu Jingchan said indifferently: "Or is it that the Great Elder is worried that your grandson Yu Shengyun will not be able to defeat Fei Yu, and wants to take advantage of it to weaken his strength?"

Every word is like a sword.

The Great Elder almost vomited blood.

He didn't know how to answer the words.

Yu Jingchan's strength is right there, no matter what he says, he won't be able to win, instead he will be called unfair.

"Okay, okay, okay...Elder Jingchan's tongue is like a sword, I can't talk to you, as for the outcome of the event, let's wait and see." The elder took a few breaths, shook his sleeves viciously and sat down.

Yu Jingchan didn't answer, and after glancing at Yu Feiyu, she sat down in her seat.

Everyone present looked at this scene, and their faces became extremely strange. It is said that although Yu Jingchan appeared indifferent on the surface, she was extremely protective of her younger brother Yu Feiyu, what she saw today really lived up to her reputation!
"Young Master Yu's fourth sister is very powerful!" Zhang Linger said, and then looked at Zhang Yunqing. No matter how I look at it now, I feel that this guy is not so reliable.

(End of this chapter)

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