Chapter 675 The Thirteenth Son of Tianpeng

The people present were also shocked by Yu Jingchan's arrogance.

We all know that she protects his shortcomings, but he didn't expect to protect his weaknesses in such a way. For her younger brother Yu Feiyu, she actually toughened up the elder and asked the patriarch three times, which made it impossible to refute.

The Great Elder had a cold face, he would naturally not be afraid of Yu Jingchan in a real fight, but in today's situation, as long as he makes a move, no matter what, he will lose.

When the time comes, they will support Yu Jingchan instead, and Yu Feiyu will also gain momentum because of this.

The Great Elder would not do such stupid things that benefit himself and harm others.

The patriarch's face was also extremely ugly.

Yu Jingchan questioned him face to face, and didn't give him any face, making him very embarrassed.

So in fact, most of the high-level members of the Tianpeng Clan don't like Yu Jingchan, it can be said that they are very annoying.

Although this woman is very beautiful, she does her own way and acts domineeringly.However, her strength is unbelievably strong. She once left the holy land alone and wiped out a powerful race. It is said that there were two late-stage Void Returners in that race at that time.

But in the end, that power disappeared.

As for the reason, it is said that it was because a junior of that clan fell in love with a mortal girl, but the other party refused, so the junior forcibly defiled the girl and killed the girl's family members.

This matter was encountered by Yu Jingchan, who directly killed that race.

Later, Yu Jingchan became famous all over the world in the first battle, and all the high-level people in the Tianpeng clan also looked at her with admiration.

What's more, the patriarch also has a super boss, who thinks highly of this woman who is too beautiful and too strong, which makes the patriarch have to give her some face no matter how much he dislikes her.

Ye Chunyang also couldn't help laughing wryly, the only female elder of the Tianpeng clan is really powerful, and whoever it is, I'm afraid it will be a headache.

No wonder Yu Feiyu dared to have such confidence, with such a fierce elder sister, who in the Tianpeng clan would dare to say no to him?
"It made the four friends laugh." Yu Feiyu touched his nose.

He had already expected this to happen.

No one knows her fourth sister better than him. On the surface, she is indifferent and indifferent to everything, but in reality she is cold-hearted and warm-hearted.

"Is everyone else here too?" Zhang Yunqing asked.

"En." Yu Feiyu nodded, pointed to the front and said: "Yu Chengyun, you have already met, so I won't introduce much, you look at the person on the other side."

Ye Chunyang and others heard the sound and looked over, and saw a burly man, who looked very young, but exuded a sturdy and domineering aura, and the ferocious aura made people daunting.

Yu Feiyu said: "This person is Yu Teng, the son of the patriarch, and he has the highest cultivation level among the thirteen disciples participating in this event."

Ye Chunyang and Zhang Yunqing nodded secretly.

"There are also those people next to him. These should be foreign aid he invited, and their cultivation level is not lower than the few people we saw by Yu Chengyun's side yesterday."

Hearing this, both Ye Chunyang and Zhang Yunqing looked towards Yu Teng, and there were four powerful aliens standing there with a haughty expression, not paying attention to anyone.

"There are also disciples of Tianpeng." Yu Feiyu continued: "There are many talented people among these people. It's bound to be a nasty fight."

He introduced Ye Chunyang and the others one by one.

At this time, there were already seven or eight Tianpeng disciples who came to the field, and they were also accompanied by masters.

Ye Chunyang took a rough look, and found that these people had their own abilities, and the people they invited were not ordinary people.

After these people appeared, people from the Tianpeng clan came one after another, and more and more people gathered to watch, creating a lively scene around the Tianpeng Temple.

Everyone's eyes were full of anticipation, and their expressions were excited. Today's grand event is of great significance to any disciple of the Tianpeng clan.


At this moment, a ray of light landed.

Not far away from Ye Chunyang and his party, there was a slight breeze, and a tall and beautiful figure fell down.

This woman looks attractive, with brocade tassels all over her body, flowing like the wind, and an astonishing wind-attribute aura permeates her whole body.

"Her name is Yu Duoduo, and like Yu Teng, she has a wind attribute root, and she is also one of the most powerful disciples in this grand meeting. Apart from Yu Teng and Yu Chengyun, we also need to guard against this woman's attack." .” Yu Feiyu introduced.

Ye Chunyang and the Zhang brothers and sisters also looked at the Tianpeng woman named Yu Duoduo.

She has the same wind attribute spirit root aura as Yu Teng.

The different spiritual root is the best spiritual root in the world of cultivating immortals. Everyone who has a different spiritual root is the darling of the heavens. They will be several times faster than normal people in the perception of spiritual energy and the cultivation of supernatural powers.

This Yu Duoduo's aptitude is very outstanding, but her cultivation base is the same as Yu Feiyu's, only in the middle stage of transformation, while Yu Teng and Yu Chengyun are in the late stage of transformation.

In contrast, Yu Feiyu can only be regarded as a mid-level presence in this grand event, and he is on a very weak side.

Ye Chunyang couldn't help looking at Zhang Yunqing, who had a strange look on his face.

After seeing the thirteen sons of Tianpeng, Ye Chunyang dared to conclude that at least seven or eight of these people had the strength to surpass Yu Feiyu, but Zhang Yunqing chose him.

Zhang Yunqing spread his hands, expressing his innocence.

Ye Chunyang shook his head and didn't say much.

In fact, with his current cultivation level sweeping through the stage of transforming gods, no matter who he chooses, the final result will be the same.

At this time, after Yu Duoduo fell, another aura appeared beside her, but unlike the others, there was only one person beside her.

That figure was very strange, not tall, covered in a black robe, his face could not be seen clearly, it looked very mysterious, but there was a powerful wave coming from his body.

Ye Chunyang focused his gaze: "Soul cultivation?"

"Brother Ye, what did you say?" Zhang Yunqing asked in surprise when he heard the voice.

Yu Feiyu couldn't help but look at Ye Chunyang.

Ye Chunyang glanced at the figure standing beside Yu Duoduo, and frowned.

For some reason, he seemed to feel a sense of familiarity in this person.

But when I think about it carefully, I don't have any impression.

Ye Chunyang finally shook his head, and said: "It's nothing, but the monk beside Yu Duoduo is a soul cultivator, and the soul cultivation level may have reached the late stage of Thunder Tribulation."

"Soul Cultivator in the late stage of Thunder Tribulation?" Zhang Yunqing showed a slightly surprised expression, "Mostly alien races are here in Tianhan Continent, and Soul Cultivator is Human Race. It is a bit skillful for Yu Duoduo to invite such a master, but she only invited One person, it seems that she is very confident in this person."

"Yu Duoduo is indeed not to be underestimated, and behind her is an elder, many people in the clan dare not provoke her." Yu Feiyu said.

Ye Chunyang nodded, and didn't have the heart to pay more attention.

And with the appearance of Yu Duoduo, the atmosphere in the arena suddenly became a little bit warmer.

Fiery gazes focused on her, and many people who admired her called her name, and she responded with a smile, without the slightest airs.

"Huh! Now our Tianpeng Holy Land is a place where humans can come and go whenever they want?" The Great Elder looked at the man in black beside Yu Duoduo, frowning.

He was full of anger when he was slapped in the face by Yu Jingchan just now, and now he saw that Yu Duoduo had invited the human race as foreign aid, so he sneered.

"Why did the Great Elder deliberately target you? You can't deal with Elder Jingchan, do you think you can deal with me?" An old voice sounded, and a white-haired old man opposite had sharp eyes.

"Third Elder, is your disciple also so unruly?" the First Elder said gloomyly.

The old man is the third-ranked elder, Yu Duoduo's master.

"Elder Jingchan just made it clear that our clan has never prohibited inviting human races as foreign aid, not to mention that my apprentice only invited one person, isn't this a violation?" the third elder said calmly.

The elders of the Tianpeng clan are not divided by ranking, but by personal strength and energy behind them.

In terms of numbers and resources, the Great Elder lineage is the strongest party, but in terms of personal strength, Yu Jingchan and the Third Elder are the strongest among the elders!
"Okay, there's no need to say any more. It's getting late now. Now that the number of people has arrived, the grand meeting can almost start." The patriarch said.

The Great Elder frowned and didn't say any more.

Previously, Yu Feiyu's invitation to the human race had been acquiesced, and now he was stubbornly entangled, which was tantamount to slapping the patriarch in the face, and the great elder would naturally not be so ignorant.

The patriarch stood up, looked at everyone in the audience, and said, "In addition to sending thirteen disciples to the secret realm for training in the Tianpeng clan event, other disciples from Dongtian and Yuanying can also compete on stage. Among you, choose disciples with excellent aptitude to be your disciples, or receive some rewards from the clan, and now anyone who wants to participate in the competition can come up and sign up."

Everyone was enthusiastic and the atmosphere was high.

Obviously, besides selecting a holy son among the thirteen sons of Tianpeng, the event is also a rare opportunity for other monks.

All of a sudden, everyone went up separately. Outside the Tianpeng Temple, the patriarch and the elders also set up many arenas. There were auspicious clouds floating in the void, which were absolutely beautiful.

The disciples who signed up flew into the air one after another, and there were bursts of fighting sounds in the void, spells and supernatural powers collided, and there was a piercing explosion, and the atmosphere of the entire Tianpeng clan was completely detonated.

Yu Teng, Yu Chengyun, Yu Duoduo and the other thirteen sons of Tianpeng sat under the stage, quietly waiting for their battle.

Compared with the competitions of ordinary disciples, the experience between them will be much more dangerous, and they may even lose their lives.

But none of them flinched, instead they were full of anticipation.

The elders didn't seem to be in a hurry, they were still sitting on their seats, watching the young disciples of the clan compete.

Among them, there are several scenes of monks fighting at the Nascent Soul stage and the Dongtian level are more exciting, and both sides are also people with outstanding aptitude. Several elders are secretly satisfied.

Yu Jingchan also slightly glanced at those arenas, but quickly withdrew her gaze.

Among the several elders, she was the only one who didn't accept disciples and didn't pay attention to it. According to the rules of the grand event, if a disciple stood out and the elders who didn't want to be accepted as disciples, they only needed to reward the disciple with some items.

She has always done the same.

(End of this chapter)

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