Murano's little genius

Chapter 107 Wanted?

Chapter 107 Wanted?
Raising chickens with medicinal materials is definitely a way to make a lot of money.

Zhang Xiaofan's expectation is that rare things are more expensive.

Sell ​​the chickens raised to those who need them most.

Maximize value.

Chicken is just a carrier, you can regard it as "medicine" or "chicken".

But it is mainly treatment.

As the saying goes, everything is always the same, Zhang Xiaofan uses medicinal materials to raise chickens and sell them, in fact, it is all for the purpose of "saving the dying and healing the wounded, curing the disease and saving people."

Of course, by the way, earn the money you deserve.

It won't be too much, anyway, it makes others feel that it is worth the money.

For example, there is a person who is afraid of the cold all the year round, fatigued and weak, but he does not want to take medicine for recuperation, because it takes too long to take medicine, and the days of taking medicine are too difficult. At this time, Zhang Xiaofan’s chicken It will work.

Eating chicken cured the disease.

How magical and wonderful it is to think about it.

And the effect is many times better than taking medicine.

Eating chicken cured the disease.

This is a very "scary" thing.

And it has effects and functions that cannot be achieved by taking medicine.

This kind of chicken sells for 1000 yuan a piece? 1 yuan per piece?
It's not impossible!
Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan thought of Gao Yibiao and Fang Wen.

They are in the farming industry.

If such a chicken appeared, what kind of concept would it be?

It seems that we need to "cooperate" with them.

Zhang Xiaofan's contacts and resources are limited.

Now that you have it, of course you have to make good use of it.

Although wine is not afraid of deep alleys, good goods are not afraid of hiding.

However, if you want to save a lot of effort and time, passing them is the best way.

Just like growing medicinal materials, with Li Peishan's herbal medicine company and Chen Yifa in the middle, it is so convenient to sell the medicinal materials he grows now.

This doesn't have to cost him too much energy and time on "selling".

Now just plant the herbs and collect the money.

This is what is needed right now.

Because I need money urgently.

If you have a good thing in your hand, give it to someone you trust, maximize value, and put the money in your pocket first. Isn’t it good?
But imagination is good, now Zhang Xiaofan is not 100% sure whether the chicken that has eaten medicinal herbs really has that miraculous effect.

And I'm not sure, Gao Yibiao and Fang Wen must be trustworthy.

Trusting others rashly is a taboo in business.

Zhang Xiaofan still understands this point.

Although he saved Fang Wen and helped Gao Yibiao yesterday.

Therefore, I have to keep a hand no matter what.

At night when Zhang Xiaofan was about to fall asleep, the phone rang suddenly.

He picked up his phone and rubbed his eyes.

After looking at it, it turned off.

Because the contact person displayed on the phone is Li Tingting.

After the "boyfriend" incident.

It made Zhang Xiaofan reconsider many things.

He wasn't afraid of anything, but Li Tingting's situation was too complicated, and now he had to use his energy in the right place.

So, I didn't know what to say when I answered the phone.

Moreover, you don't know whether the caller is Li Tingting or not.

That being the case, why bother.

Zhang Xiaofan who closed his eyes to sleep did not think about anything about Li Tingting.

He was thinking about the many important things he was going to do now, and what he was planning.

A night without dreams.

In the morning Zhang Xiaofan arrived at the clinic early.

Maybe it was too early, and no one came for half an hour.

However, the people who should have seen it in the previous two days could not have seen it worse.

Those who come to see a doctor now are all emergencies.

There should not be many people who have accumulated minor illnesses.

In addition, there are still many people who are very busy and don't have time to watch it, don't bother to watch it, or even don't know it at all.

After seeing Zhou Degui, Zhang Xiaofan asked him about the situation of the land.

And Zhou Degui took out the field meter.

Zhang Xiaofan checked them one by one.

Finally, I took pictures with my mobile phone, remembered which fields belonged to them, and then "visited" one by one.

Zhou Degui originally said that he would handle this matter, but Zhang Xiaofan refused.

As a village head, he can't be busy with his affairs every day.

There are so many big and small things to deal with in this village, and they have to be solved first.

Zhang Xiaofan deliberately mentioned to Zhou Degui about Li Guangsheng and the chronic poisoning of three villagers yesterday.

Then he also expressed his thoughts, which may be related to Zhao Tiezhu's chemical plant.

"That Xiaofan, I still have something to do."

Not daring to look directly at Zhang Xiaofan, Zhou Degui hurried out.

Zhang Xiaofan knew that Zhou Degui must have something to hide from him.

That reaction, became too fast.

The more Zhou Degui hides, the more Zhang Xiaofan becomes suspicious of Zhao Tiezhu's chemical factory.

After sitting in the clinic for half an hour, Zhang Xiaofan planned to solve the problem of the ground.

Zhang Xiaofan already knew exactly who the ten acres of land belonged to, now he just needs to find the head of the household, and then see how he can get them to use the land to grow medicinal materials for him.

But Zhang Xiaofan felt that this shouldn't be a difficult task.

After all, things that can be solved with money are really not difficult.

As long as the price is reasonable, there is no need to worry about the villagers not renting the land to themselves.

However, just as Zhang Xiaofan walked out of the door, he saw a police car hastily approaching and stopped at the door of the village committee.

After the police car stopped, two policemen got on and off, a man and a woman.

The people from the village committee also ran out.

It seems that there is something urgent.

After the police handed over the things to the people of the village committee, they seemed to have explained something and left in a hurry.

Zhang Xiaofan, a male and a female policeman, has some impressions, he met him at the police station in the town.

It's just that he's just seen it, he doesn't know anyone else, and they don't know him either.

Out of curiosity, Zhang Xiaofan went up and asked one of the village cadres.

It's okay if you don't ask, this question made Zhang Xiaofan feel chills.

The police came here just now to issue a warrant.

It is said that an A-level wanted criminal escaped to Shi'ao Town, and may have hidden in a certain mountain.

The town's police station received the news from its superiors and immediately took action.

The most basic thing is to post the arrest warrant.

Let everyone know that there is such a thing, so be careful.

Zhang Xiaofan simply looked at the wanted warrant, this A-level wanted criminal is really cruel.

Killed his wife and son, and a man.

This made Zhang Xiaofan instinctively angry.

A man who can kill his wife and son can be described as a beast.

So how could Zhang Xiaofan not be angry.

But anger is anger, what should be done now still has to be done.

After all, Stone Village is on the mountain, and many people live in scattered places.

This is also a bit of a hassle to find.

(End of this chapter)

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