Murano's little genius

Chapter 108 Who is this woman?

Chapter 108 Who is this woman?

Just as Zhang Xiaofan thought, there was no problem in renting the land.

For the villagers, one mu of land costs 600 yuan a year.

It would be a fool not to rent it out, let alone the renter is Zhang Xiaofan.

In a place like Shitou Village, one mu of land is rented for 600 yuan for one year.

It is indeed expensive.

Usually, the price of renting land among villagers is usually about [-] catties of rice for half a year, that is, about [-] yuan for half a year.

That's more than 200 mu per year.

But now Zhang Xiaofan pays [-] a year, that's almost three times the increase.

That's a lot of money.

The villagers felt that they had picked up a great deal, but to Zhang Xiaofan, the 600 yuan was actually too little for him.

He originally wanted to give 1000 yuan per mu directly.

But 600 yuan is already very high, and if it reaches 1000 yuan, it will inevitably attract a lot of criticism.

Many people in Shitou Village paid money after renting land, but Zhang Xiaofan was different and paid directly first.

In order to have a sense of formality, Zhang Xiaofan asked every villager to sign the agreement.

And this is not only a matter of formality, but also just in case.

What if a villager sees that Zhang Xiaofan has made money and turns his back on renting?
Then Zhang Xiaofan is justified, right?

Now that you do it, be careful, just in case.

Thinking that he just had time, Zhang Xiaofan thought about the mountain spring.

So he walked along the mountain road towards another mountain.

The sun is very strong today, although walking in the mountains and forests, there are trees blocking the scorching sun, but the heat is still unbearable.

In addition to walking a lot, Zhang Xiaofan's back was already drenched, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

The place the three villagers mentioned was not far away, nor close.

Anyway, Zhang Xiaofan walked for half an hour.

Finally, the sound of gurgling water was heard.

However, a gust of mountain wind blew by, Zhang Xiaofan felt some special smell.

Can't help frowning.

The water flows down from high to low along the small stream in the mountain. The water flow is not very fast and the water is not very clear.

In Zhang Xiaofan's impression, such a small mountain stream has crystal clear water, and there are many small fish and shrimps.

But at this moment, the water is not clear, even slightly black, and there is not a single small fish or shrimp in sight.

This is not normal.

Zhang Xiaofan squatted down on a big rock in the small stream.

He put his hands in the water and picked up the water.

Put it to your mouth and take a sip.

Of course, Zhang Xiaofan didn't really drink it.

After reaching his mouth, he felt something was wrong and spit it out immediately.

Zhang Xiaofan is a person who has studied medicine after all, he is very sensitive to poisonous things.

Although the amount of poison in this water is not much, the poison in it is very deadly to the human body.

If you drink the water here for a long time, there will definitely be problems in your body, and there will be no cure in the end.

Since the water is poisonous, there must be a source.

Zhang Xiaofan looked up along the mountain stream, he decided to go upstream along the small stream.

After walking for more than half an hour, Zhang Xiaofan finally saw the source of the small stream in the mountain.

However, there is nothing wrong with the water at the source.

This is strange.

Zhang Xiaofan rested his chin with one hand and was thinking.

He walked back for another 10 minutes.

It stopped at a turning point.

It's strange here because the water here is cloudier than other places.

Zhang Xiaofan looked carefully for a while, and finally found the clue.

Below the creek, there is a drainage pipe.

Zhang Xiaofan reached in and touched it.

It can be found that there is nothing wrong with the water discharged from the drain, but it is a little dirty.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaofan's foot slipped and accidentally stepped into the small creek.

This step made Zhang Xiaofan feel something was wrong.

He found that "there is a universe inside", under that drainpipe, there is this drainpipe.

After checking again, there was finally a major discovery.

This is a drainpipe with sewage.

Although the drainage pipe is not big, it is enough to completely pollute the water in this small mountain stream.

"This trick is wonderful!"

Zhang Xiaofan admires the person who made this design.

The pipe is buried in the ground, Zhang Xiaofan wants to find the source along the pipe.

This is somewhat difficult.

While daydreaming, Zhang Xiaofan's cell phone rang.

It's Zhao Tieniu's call.

After receiving the call, Zhang Xiaofan rushed back.

Because, Zhao Tieniu said that someone came to find him in a small car.

And, it's a woman.

When Zhang Xiaofan heard it, the woman came looking for him in a small car, who could it be?
And Zhao Tieniu also said that the woman was fair-skinned, young and beautiful.

With doubts, Zhang Xiaofan hurried back.

The matter of the water pipe will be investigated later.

However, it is inseparable from Zhao Tieniu's factory.

On the way back, Zhang Xiaofan was thinking about who was looking for him.

Could it be Li Tingting?

But after thinking about it, Zhang Xiaofan still denied this answer.

Zhao Tieniu said on the phone that the woman actually found her in his home.

Obviously, the woman should know her name.

This greatly aroused Zhang Xiaofan's interest.

Who is this girl?
It was so direct and bold to find his own home.

On the way home, Zhang Xiaofan speeded up a bit.

But as soon as he returned to the village, he met Wang Fang with a bag of things in his hand.

Because of the paperwork, Zhou Degui approached Wu Shufen and Wang Fang.

And Zhou Degui also mentioned intentionally or unintentionally that it was recommended by Zhang Xiaofan.

Both Wu Shufen and Wang Fang knew Zhang Xiaofan's good intentions.

Thinking that there is nothing at home to thank Zhang Xiaofan.

Wu Shufen asked Wang Fang to bring the bacon she had marinated to Zhang Xiaofan.

Knowing that Wang Fang was looking for him with something, Zhang Xiaofan was too embarrassed to refuse.

Originally, when such a big event happened to her father, it was difficult for Wang Fang to smile, but now she saw Zhang Xiaofan.

That was with a smile all the way.

There is no way, from yesterday to now, she has felt too much care and warmth from Zhang Xiaofan.

As a young girl who has feelings for Zhang Xiaofan deep in her heart, how can she not be happy to see him?

After all, this is rare happiness.

Walking to the door of Zhang Xiaofan's house, Wang Fang suddenly took Zhang Xiaofan's hand.

"Fangfang, this is not good."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"You are my elder brother, what if I hold hands as a younger sister?"

Wang Fang pouted and said.


Hearing what Wang Fang said, Zhang Xiaofan couldn't refuse.

Indeed, if Wang Fang held her hand in the name of "sister", Zhang Xiaofan would not refuse.

But if you hold that kind of emotion, it's not allowed.

Just walked to the front of the house.

"Brother Xiaofan, why is there a woman's voice in your house?"

Wang Fang asked.

"I don't know that either."

Zhang Xiaofan originally wanted to explain that a woman came to see me, but he decided not to say anything.

This is because I am afraid that the explanation will become more confusing.

The door was open, Zhang Xiaofan walked in.

Zhang Dalei is at home, and Zhao Tieniu is also here.

Also, there is a young girl in trendy clothes.

"Xiaofan, come here!"

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan come back, Zhang Dalei smiled happily, his eyes were squeezed into slits by the wrinkles on his face.

The girl turned around.

(End of this chapter)

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