Murano's little genius

Chapter 109 I want to drink

Chapter 109 I want to drink
The girl is very pretty, Zhang Xiaofan has to admit it.

He was wearing a pair of light blue ultra-short jeans underneath, and a white shirt with off-the-shoulder upper body.

Through the white clothes, you can vaguely see the pink underwear inside.

Wearing a pair of small white shoes on her feet, those slender white thighs are so eye-catching.

She was carrying a small cross-body bag, which accidentally exposed her proud bust.

The messy mid-length hair was dyed pale yellow, giving it a fashionable and beautiful look.

There was no smile on that pretty face, and there was even a little coldness in those delicate eyes.

Looking at it this way, Zhang Xiaofan felt that the girl was suddenly near and far away.

You can say that she is a cold beauty, that is also appropriate, you can say that she is an easy-to-get close beauty, that is also fine.

Seriously, this girl is really beautiful.

"You are Zhang Xiaofan?"

The pretty girl nodded slightly and asked.

"Yes, who are you?"

Zhang Xiaofan signaled Wang Fang to let go.

"You don't need to know who I am, I just came to see you today."

The beautiful girl said with a sudden smile.

"You are so strange. When people ask you, you don't say who you are."

Wang Fang said without a smile.

The beautiful girl looked at Wang Fang with her eyes fixed on her: "Zhang Xiaofan, is this your girlfriend?"


"What is it, what is it not, what does it matter to you?"

Before Zhang Xiaofan could explain, Wang Fang puffed up her chest and said angrily.

There seemed to be a strong smell of gunpowder in those words.

Fighting openly and secretly between women is no less than that of men.

Wang Fang is that kind of possessive woman.

Seeing such a beautiful woman came to Zhang Xiaofan, and Zhang Xiaofan didn't know her.

That will definitely not give a good face.

Maybe she is not a good woman.

"Seeing that you were holding his hand just now, it should be."

The beautiful girl said lightly.

"Don't get me wrong, she is my sister."

Zhang Xiaofan explained.

"If I remember correctly, I should have never met you. How do you know my name and know that I live here?"

Zhang Xiaofan took a look at the beautiful girl.

"Uncle Zhang, I'm hungry and want to stay here for lunch, do you think it's okay?"

The pretty girl ignored Zhang Xiaofan's words, but turned around and asked Zhang Dalei.

This made Zhang Xiaofan more suspicious.

This girl is too strange.

"Hehe, of course, the visitor is a guest, let alone Xiaofan's friend."

Zhang Dalei smiled happily.

"Brother Xiaofan, I want to eat here too."

Wang Fang looked at Zhang Xiaofan and said.

"Next time, your mother is still waiting for you at home."

Zhang Xiaofan touched Wang Fang's beautiful hair.

Looking at that beautiful girl, Wang Fangdun was not happy.

It's not that I think I'm not as good as her.

It's just purely unhappy, especially now at brother Xiaofan's house.

But after hearing Zhang Xiaofan's words, she regained her senses.

Her mother has something to do today, so she has to go back and take care of her father.

Wang Fang softly asked Zhang Xiaofan's ear: "Brother Xiaofan, do you really not know her?"

"do not know."

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head.

"Be wary of her. The sixth sense tells me that her purpose for coming here is not pure."

After speaking, Wang Fang left "reluctantly".

Zhang Xiaofan somewhat agrees with Wang Fang's words, the purpose of this woman's coming here should not be pure.

At this time, Zhao Tieniu walked towards Zhang Xiaofan, and then pulled him aside.

"You can do it, boy! You can make a lot of money with such a beautiful girl, and you can tell at a glance that she is the daughter of a rich family."

Zhao Tieniu lightly thumped Zhang Xiaofan's chest and spoke with a grin.

"Brother Tieniu, stop joking, I don't know her at all."

Zhang Xiaofan smiled wryly.

"Xiaofan, everyone is a man, not to mention my relationship with you, don't lie to me."

"They even know your name, and they also know that you live in Shitou Village. When you didn't come, she also said that she is your friend."

Zhao Tieniu looked at Zhang Xiaofan with a strange smile.


"Xiaofan, what's the matter with you, come and sit with the girl!"

Zhang Dalei said slightly angrily.

Helpless, what Grandpa said made Zhang Xiaofan want to explain but he didn't know how to explain it.

I can only walk over obediently.

Zhao Tieniu didn't want to be a "light bulb" here, so he found a reason and left first.

And Zhang Xiaofan knew that the situation had been misunderstood by Zhao Tieniu, so he could only explain in detail later.

Zhang Xiaofan doesn't blame Zhao Tieniu for misunderstanding this matter, after all, the situation of the scene is indeed "unfavourable" for him.

Girls are the "weak" side.

Imagine a pretty girl who comes to your house and knows your name and says she's your friend.

It's really nonsense for you to tell others that you don't know her.

"Xiaofan, spend some time chatting with the girls, and I'll cook."

"Girl, what do you want to eat? Although I am old, I can still cook."

"Xiaofan has liked my cooking since he was a child."

"Uncle Zhang, I will eat whatever Xiaofan likes."

"Oh, I understand."

Zhang Xiaofan understood why his grandfather had such an attitude towards girls.

So, as long as he's happy.

Anyway, it's good to explain afterwards.

After speaking, Zhang Dalei went into the kitchen and got busy.

"There is no one now, can you tell me who you are?"

Zhang Xiaofan stared and said.

"I've said it all, you don't need to know who I am, as long as I know who you are."

The pretty girl smiled.

That smile is really not too pretty.

Her beauty is tinged with aloofness and elegance.

But without losing tenderness.

"I have worked so hard to come to you, would you like to invite me into your room to sit?"

The pretty girl continued.

Just don't answer Zhang Xiaofan's question.

This made Zhang Xiaofan feel uncomfortable.

"Just sit here, I'll pour you a glass of water."

Zhang Xiaofan rejected the pretty girl's request.

The girl is beautiful, but I don't even know her name, so I let her into my room like this.

This is somewhat over.

However, Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help but lament the girl's daring, unexpectedly she took the initiative to enter a strange man's room.

Zhang Xiaofan brought the water and put it in front of the beautiful girl.

"I want to drink beer."

The pretty girl is a little bit mysterious.

"I only have farm rice wine here."

Zhang Xiaofan was not surprised, this girl looked like a rich owner.

Various behaviors and hobbies are different from most girls.

And it doesn't seem strange that she likes to drink.


The beautiful girl blinked her sexy eyelashes and nodded slightly.

However, Zhang Xiaofan was slightly taken aback, as the saying goes, girls who can drink rice wine are not easy to mess with!
This girl's origin is unknown, I really don't know what she is up to.

just in case
(End of this chapter)

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