Chapter 110

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help shivering.

"Didn't you come here by car?

You can't drink and drive. "

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Just right! I'll stay with you for one night."

The beautiful girl's eyes flashed.

"That's not right, I don't even know who you are."

After all, Zhang Xiaofan was still shocked by the beautiful girl's words.

If he hadn't heard it with his own ears, Zhang Xiaofan really wouldn't dare to imagine that those words just came from such a beautiful girl.

"It's nothing! Your grandpa said that the visitor is a guest. Don't tell me you won't let me stay here for a night when I'm drunk."

The beautiful girl said with a smile.

"That's what you say, yes"

"Don't be so, are you afraid that I'll drink too much and put you to sleep?"

The beautiful girl's words became more and more bold.

The words she said were more and more inconsistent with her appearance.

Seriously though, if such a beautiful girl was lying in her own bed drunk.

That is really the temptation of "Chi Luoluo"!
It's like a delicious dish is placed in front of you, and you don't want to eat it for nothing.

"I'm thirsty, hurry up!"

The girl said impatiently.

Helpless, Zhang Xiaofan had no choice but to go back to the room and take out the wine.

Then I poured a small glass for the pretty girl.

As soon as the wine was poured, the girl drank it all in one gulp.

This action, this booze, doesn't look like it was done by a beautiful and well-dressed girl.

It's a bit like wearing a suit and tie and working as a cement worker.

By the time Zhang Dalei brought out a dish, the pretty girl had already drank three small cups.

The wine glass is not very big, half a glass at most.

Counting these three cups, that's one or two halves.

Thirty degrees of rice wine, drink one or two half, for girls.

That's a lot.

Let alone such a young and beautiful girl.

Basically it just falls over.

But at this moment, the girl didn't show any abnormality, and her face didn't turn red.

It's like you haven't had a drink.

Zhang Xiaofan couldn't stop the pretty girl from continuing.

Afterwards, she could only "helplessly" watch her chatting and drinking with her grandfather.

This picture is really puzzling.

Even Zhang Dalei, who had been drinking wine for decades, was amazed. He had never seen such a young girl drink so much farm rice wine.

The girl blushed and was a little confused when speaking.

Then, lay down on the table.

Probably, maybe drunk.

Zhang Xiaofan did some calculations, the girl probably drank about a catty of farm rice wine with over [-]% alcohol.

What is this concept?
Men who drink know it.

Not to mention women, many men who don't drink much, drinking so much is probably the result of "crying".

In the middle, Zhang Xiaofan watched the girl drinking cup after cup and really wanted to stop it.

However, the girl did not give him a chance to speak at all.

She and her grandfather have been chatting about things from their childhood.

Zhang Xiaofan suspected that this woman was sent by someone to inquire about him.

Otherwise, why did she ask so many questions?

Looking at the beautiful girl lying on the table.

Baili's face was blushing, and she really fell in love at this moment.

Can't wait to go up and kiss.

"Xiaofan, help her into your room to sleep for a while."

Zhang Dalei said with a smile.

"Grandpa, I told you that I don't know her."

"If you hadn't insisted on keeping her, I would have told her to leave long ago."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Your grandfather is not a three-year-old child. Although I can't keep up with the thinking of you young people, I do understand a little bit."

"You tell grandpa, how can she know your name, and that you live in Stone Village, and she also has your phone number."

Holding a glass of wine in his hand, Zhang Dalei said slowly.

"I...maybe someone told her that."

Zhang Xiaofan is also hard to explain.

Because it's really hard to explain.

He himself didn't know what was going on.

He even has his own cell phone number.

This gets even more bizarre.

"A girl came to our small village in the mountains specially to find you. No matter the reason, it is enough to show her heart."

"You can be wary, but you can't ignore others."

In fact, Zhang Dalei knew it very well.

He believed what Zhang Xiaofan said.

But he also understood that since a girl dared to come here alone, she shouldn't have any evil intentions.

Then adapt.

"Then I understand Grandpa."

Zhang Xiaofan understood Zhang Dalei's words.

It turned out that my grandfather's heart was brighter than his own.

Zhang Xiaofan made a phone call to Zhao Tieniu.

Out of consideration, Zhang Xiaofan finally decided to bring the beautiful girl to the clinic.

There is a small bed in the clinic, just put her there to sleep.

The third seat of the three-bounce motorcycle is just right for a beautiful girl who is already a little drunk.

Although the beautiful girl was drunk, she still had some consciousness.

When Zhang Xiaofan helped her, she also glanced at Zhang Xiaofan.

"Xiao Fan, a good man like you is really extinct now."

"Such a beautiful girl came to her door and got herself drunk on purpose."

"And you actually don't do anything, but send the girl outside."

"Oh! I feel sorry for the girl."

"If she gets up and sees her clothes intact, she will be happy or sad."

Zhao Tieniu shook his head and said.

"Whole eggs."

Zhang Xiaofan explained to Zhao Tieniu.

"Xiaofan, I really believe in you, but how do you explain the current situation?"

"Could it be that this woman is a fairy who descended to earth, or who?"

After listening to Zhang Xiaofan's explanation, Zhao Tieniu didn't believe it, but he didn't know how to believe it.

"Don't worry, after she sobers up, I will let her tell the truth."

Of course Zhang Xiaofan doesn't think that Zhao Tieniu just believes that he has nothing to do with this beautiful girl.

After all, it is almost iron-clad evidence, and it cannot be changed just because of your one or two sentences.

It's like a girl with no clothes on in bed with you for a night, and you explain to someone that nothing happened between you and her.

Even if others want to believe you, they don't know how to believe it!
Come to the clinic.

Zhang Xiaofan helped the beautiful girl into the clinic.

Just put the person in the crib.


The beautiful girl twisted her body, her jade hands had been put on the collar at some point, and she was about to pull it down.

"That Xiaofan, I'm going out first."

"That iron bull."


Before he could say this, Zhao Tieniu walked out and closed the door by the way.

For Zhao Tieniu, such a good opportunity for Zhang Xiaofan cannot be disturbed.

Destroying other people's good deeds is tantamount to committing a crime!

Zhang Xiaofan originally wanted to open the door, after all, it's broad daylight, it doesn't look like it.

But before he could leave, the woman grabbed his hand.

Being pulled by the pretty girl, Zhang Xiaofan looked back, the pretty girl's clothes have been pulled to the right position, a certain place is about to come out!
(End of this chapter)

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