Murano's little genius

Position conversion

Position conversion
Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help feeling a little hot.

However, Zhang Xiaofan is still awake.


The beautiful girl continued to twist her body.

She pulled Zhang Xiaofan's hand hard.

The other hand accidentally exposed her proud bust.


Finally, Zhang Xiaofan's eyes were a little dazed, and his brain was shocked.

Flushing and pretty face, that visible good-looking figure.

From a man's point of view, Zhang Xiaofan can't wait to pounce on him.

Damn it, if you don't eat something delicious, that's a crime.

However, if you have a clear mind, you will know, are you sure there is no "poison" in it?
The beautiful girl's hand held Zhang Xiaofan's tightly.

Zhang Xiaofan wanted to break free, but it would not work at all.

Unless "violence" is used, Zhang Xiaofan can't do it with violence.

Suddenly, the beautiful girl got up and rushed towards Zhang Xiaofan, Zhang Xiaofan instinctively raised his hand, and was thrown to the ground by the girl.

The posture at this time is absolutely ambiguous.

It's really like this, as long as Zhang Xiaofan looks up, he can definitely see it.
At this moment, the body is close to the body, even though it is separated by clothes, it feels real.

The footage is real.

The momentary desire almost filled Zhang Xiaofan's head.

The people don't know each other, and the background doesn't understand.

If there is a relationship like this, the consequences can be minor or non-existent, or serious, they may be jailed or even killed.

That's how it's played on TV anyway.

Impulse is destined to be the devil.

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head, letting himself fully wake up.

"I am like this, and he is indifferent?"

"My appearance and figure are at the school girl level anyway, so many boys chased me, but he didn't even touch me!"

Yes, the girl wasn't drunk, she did it on purpose.

She got drunk on purpose to test Zhang Xiaofan.

"No, I'm going to try again."

Thinking of this, the beautiful girl launched a general attack.

She stood up directly and hugged Zhang Xiaofan's neck.

Then she put her mouth next to his ear, and gently blew on the aroma.

Feeling the tenderness and fragrance, Zhang Xiaofan's body froze.

The blood burns at one point.

Unfortunately, these are of no use to Zhang Xiaofan.

Faced with such a temptation of beauty, Zhang Xiaofan admits that most men should be unable to control themselves and will jump on them.

But he is that small part.

It’s okay to appreciate it, but it’s not okay to really do it.

This woman's sudden initiative just now made Zhang Xiaofan feel abnormal.

Maybe, she wasn't drunk.

This is reality, not TV.

No one would throw himself on others when he was drunk.

And it also has the meaning of seduction.

It's weird.

"Stop pretending, get up."

Zhang Xiaofan said ruthlessly.

The pretty girl didn't expect Zhang Xiaofan to discover her acting so well.

She opened her eyes and tidied up her somewhat messy clothes.

Then he smiled slightly and said: "I am such a beautiful woman who is drunk and rushes to you, but you are indifferent, it seems that I still underestimate you.

Indeed, from this point of view, you are very unusual and different.

At least it's different from some rich second generations who hug women from left to right all day long. "

"Your words are deliberately exalting me and belittling others."

Zhang Xiaofan admits that he is different from others, but if he says that others are embarrassing, that's not right.

Especially the rich second generation, in fact, most of them are quite good.

"Tell me, why do you, a girl with a beautiful appearance and an extraordinary background, take the risk to do this thing? I'm just an ordinary person. What are you doing?"

Now that the situation is so clear, I can only say one thing, and say what I have to say.

The pretty girl looked at Zhang Xiaofan seriously: "As I said, I just came to see you, and I want to check your basic character by the way."


Zhang Xiaofan frowned: "What do you mean by that?"

"I heard that you are very smart, you should be able to guess." The beautiful girl said.

Zhang Xiaofan found out that this girl played tricks and played tricks.

"You talk nonsense, how would I know?"

Zhang Xiaofan shrugged and said.

"You'll know."

The beautiful girl continued to play charades.

"What if I want to know now?"

Zhang Xiaofan took the initiative to approach the beautiful girl, his face seemed to harbor malicious intentions.

"What do you want to do?"

The beautiful girl took two steps back, with a panic on her face.

After all, Zhang Xiaofan pressed on every step.

"I didn't do anything, I just wanted to know what I should know."

Zhang Xiaofan still pressed on every step, and then sneered.

"Don't mess around, you're breaking the law."

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan's smiling face, the pretty girl felt scared.

Because, she felt the danger from men.

"Didn't you take the initiative just now? Why are you scared now?"

Zhang Xiaofan continued.

She was acting just now, she knew enough was enough, and she also had protective measures.

Now, it was Zhang Xiaofan who took the initiative to push forward step by step, the situation was "dangerous", the reaction must be different.

At this moment, the beautiful girl took out a bottle of something from the bag.

Then quickly spray it on Zhang Xiaofan's face.

Zhang Xiaofan predicted danger.

Easily dodged the spray.

Immediately, a harsh, pungent spicy smell filled the air.

Obviously, the pretty girl is holding pepper spray.

If Zhang Xiaofan hadn't been able to hide quickly, she would have sprayed her eyes with pepper spray.

It is conceivable how tragic the result was.

But Zhang Xiaofan also knew, no wonder this girl dared to approach him in such a way, it turned out she was prepared.

If you encounter a special situation, just spray a few anti-wolf sprays, and 90.00% of the men will be "successful".

If I hadn't used a reaction different from ordinary people to dodge just now, I would have been hit.

Being sprayed in the eyes by anti-wolf spray is almost "disabled" on the spot.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan dodge, the pretty girl panicked.

I want to spray some more quickly.

However, Zhang Xiaofan didn't give her a chance.

He quickly grabbed the beautiful girl's hand, and then snatched the anti-wolf spray.

This operation caught the beautiful girl off guard.

"It's a good thing, but it can't be used on me."

Zhang Xiaofan looked at the anti-wolf spray in his hand and said.

"Zhang Xiaofan, I thought you weren't that kind of person just now, you were just pretending, now your true colors have been revealed!"

"I tell you, I want to tell Tingting your true face!"

The beautiful girl said with some fear.

The only protective equipment is gone, and I must be scared.

In case Zhang Xiaofan is really overlord, then
(End of this chapter)

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