Chapter 113

Things fade and the scenery is pleasant.

But Ye Tongtong is a woman after all, she will be shy.

"Since you are looking for a doctor, you should know that there is no gender in front of the doctor."

"You block it with your hands like this, how can I check?"

It turned out that after taking off the cover, Ye Tongtong still instinctively put his hands in front to block things.


Ye Tongtong closed his eyes and said.

That face was already redder than a peach.

Even got hot.

"You lie down."

Zhang Xiaofan motioned Ye Tongtong to lie on the small bed.

This way Zhang Xiaofan can check easily.

There is no way, since Zhang Xiaofan is looking for treatment, we must cooperate.

No matter how embarrassing, no matter how shy, you have to go on.

After all, it was her mouth.

After getting into the small bed, Ye Tongtong lay down slowly.

He still didn't dare to move his hand away easily.

"Relax, if you don't check me, how can I treat it?"

No way, Zhang Xiaofan gently moved Ye Tongtong's hand away.

Checking is still necessary.

Zhang Xiaofan is now approaching Ye Tongtong as a doctor, so he still has some strength.

Although the pride is all in front of his eyes, Zhang Xiaofan didn't take his eyes off.

Because he wanted to check, not only did he not look away, but he also stepped forward to check.

"I'm going to check now, it's inevitable that there will be contact, is that okay?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked again in a gentlemanly manner.


Ye Tongtong nodded slightly.

Looking at it this way, it's still quite obvious.

However, it can't be seen wearing a hood, because it can be squeezed.

But when the tide recedes, the true colors will be revealed.

This situation is indeed very ugly.

No wonder Ye Tongtong is so unhappy when it comes to this.

It seems that he should also have experienced the moment of being disgusted.

Zhang Xiaofan continued to ask: "Do you usually feel any discomfort?"

Ye Tongtong replied: "Usually I don't feel any discomfort, and I have always been fine, but the size is different.

I had a boyfriend before, and when I was about to hand over my first marriage to him, he took off my clothes and saw a big and a small in front of me, so he was scared and ran away.

After that incident, it hit me hard, and I vowed to cure it.

Moreover, sometimes people laughed at me, saying that I was deformed and that I was a monster.

I'm just a girl, and I also love beauty. I must feel uncomfortable when I hear people say that.

"Haven't you seen it?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

"I've seen it, I went to the hospital to take a film, and I also showed it to the best doctor.

But they all said it was fine, that it was natural.

Hearing this, I couldn't be reconciled, I continued to seek a doctor, but the doctor told me later that if I wanted to have the same thing, I had no choice but to grow up.

However, I don't like plastic surgery, I like natural.

What if the man I like in the future doesn't like the woman I've been with?
In the end, I also found many old Chinese doctors and took a lot of medicine, but nothing happened.

Even, my mother went to worship some gods and asked someone to go home to do it.

That is of no use.

I almost gave up.

Hearing Tingting said that your medical skills are quite good, I thought of coming over to show you and test you casually. "

Ye Tongtong accidentally revealed her purpose.

After all, it was to test Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan smiled.

I also understand that Ye Tongtong, a doctor in a big hospital, and a famous Chinese medicine doctor can't solve the problem.

Of course, she didn't think that she could be so good as a rural wild doctor.

If it weren't for Li Tingting's family, they might not have come to this kind of place.

Ye Tongtong put her hands on her chest again, blocking the exposed area.

Then he asked Zhang Xiaofan: "Is there any way to treat my situation?"

Zhang Xiaofan frowned, put his hand on his chin and thought: "There is a way.

But I don't know if it is useful, after all, you are indeed born with this. "

Hearing that there is a solution, Ye Tongtong suddenly became excited, and quickly grabbed Zhang Xiaofan's hand: "Is there any solution?"

Ye Tongtong didn't realize that she hadn't put on her own clothes yet, and with this excitement, the things in front of her swayed.

Very vivid.

How many doctors she has seen, how much energy she has spent, and how many times she has been disappointed.

Although she doesn't have any hope for Zhang Xiaofan, there is always a glimmer of hope, isn't it?
"I found a healing method in an ancient book. I have never used it. I don't know if it will work."

"If you want to try, I can help you, but I can only tell you, whether it can be cured or not, I'm not sure."

Zhang Xiaofan said truthfully.


Ye Tongtong asked urgently.

"Three days of treatment, acupuncture plus massage, plus medicine."

"Medication is the mainstay, supplemented by acupuncture and massage, but both are indispensable."

"The other cells of yours should have fallen asleep, causing them not to grow, so half of them are not developing properly."

"The medicine is to activate the cells, the acupuncture is to stimulate the growth of the cells, and the massage is to speed up the growth of the cells."

It only takes three days of treatment, and if possible, it will be effective on the fourth day.

Then it slowly returns to its proper volume.

"You are amazing, let's start now!"

Ye Tongtong was happy to hear that, as if it could really be cured.

"There's no rush, I need to get the medicine ready before I can start."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Okay, if you cure my problem, I will promise you whatever you want."

Ye Tongtong became more and more excited.

With this excitement, he almost rushed towards Zhang Xiaofan.

Fortunately, she realized that she herself was not wearing clothes.

"You get dressed first."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Just letting Ye Tongtong jump like this is not good.

"Go back and wait for my call first. I'll let you know when things are ready."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

"Okay, I didn't expect that there would be a surprise today."

"If you can cure my problem, even if Tingting doesn't want to marry you, I will ask her to marry you."

Ye Tongtong smiled happily.

This question is related to her future life.

Zhang Xiaofan found that this Ye Tongtong was still young after all, too easy to get carried away by happiness.

"Then you go back first and wait for my notice."

Zhang Xiaofan went to open the door.

Ye Tongtong smiled sweetly: "Okay, that's it for today, I'll wait for your good news.

By the way, here is my phone number and my address.

When you are ready, you can call me on this number or find me here.

Tingting, let me say something nice for you first.

Zhang Xiaofan couldn't speak at all, so Li Tingting walked outside.

"Hey, you're drunk and can't drive."

Zhang Xiaofan reminded.

"Ouch! I forgot about that, I didn't expect you to really care about people so much."

Ye Tongtong patted his head lightly in joy.

"Then you send me back."

Ye Tongtong said.

"Sorry, I don't know how to drive a small car, I don't have a license."

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head.

"However, I have a good secret recipe, which can quickly speed up the excretion of alcohol after drinking."

After speaking, Zhang Xiaofan made up the prescription.

In fact, Zhang Xiaofan didn't want to take the initiative to help Ye Tongtong.

First, she can't just watch someone drink and drive. After all, this is a big safety hazard and it is easy to cause major accidents.

Second, Ye Tongtong is too open, leaving her here is prone to "accidents".

Two 10 minutes later.

Zhang Xiaofan brought a bowl of medicine to Ye Tongtong.

Before Zhang Xiaofan could speak, Ye Tongtong took a small sip to drink.

Looking at it this way, even drinking water is still so elegant.

Ye Tongtong belongs to that kind of silent time, which is the most attractive time.

Within 10 minutes of drinking it, Ye Tongtong went to the toilet twice.

Sweat also appeared on the surface of the skin.

Suddenly, she really felt that her mind was much clearer.

Ye Tongtong parked the car at the entrance of the village.

After Zhang Xiaofan sent her to the entrance of the village, he found several police cars parked here.

There were also police officers standing around the police car.

After seeing Zhang Xiaofan, the police came over.

Said that the fugitive might be near Shitou Village, and signaled Zhang Xiaofan not to go out if he had nothing to do.

No wonder, when I came here just now, there was no one in sight.

Then he told Ye Tongtong that it is best not to go out for the time being, even driving.

But Ye Tongtong ignored it.

Still started the car.

Seeing Ye Tongtong's actions, the police had nothing to do, after all, it was just a suggestion.

Her personal freedom cannot be restricted at all.

Just started the car and drove for two or three meters.

The car stopped again, and Ye Tongtong opened the door and got out of the car.

Then I went to the front wheel and squatted down to have a look.

"Hey! It's bad luck, the tire is flat."

Zhang Xiaofan walked over and saw that the tires were all flat, it must have been pierced by something.

This is quite normal, the road to Stone Village itself is bad, and it is not surprising that the tire accidentally got stuck on something sharp.

"Xiaofan, can you help me?"

"How to help?"

"Help me change the spare tire."

So Ye Tongtong walked over to the trunk and opened it.


As soon as the trunk was opened, Ye Tongtong was startled and shouted.

Then a person sprang out from the trunk.

(End of this chapter)

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