Murano's little genius

Chapter 114 Murderer, Du Feng

Chapter 114 Murderer, Du Feng

Zhang Xiaofan took a look.

I saw a man in tattered clothes with a dark face hugging Ye Tongtong's neck, holding a sharp knife in the other hand, pointing the tip of the knife at Ye Tongtong's temple.

Ye Tongtong was so frightened by the sudden situation that her face paled.

She wanted to scream, but she was so frightened that she couldn't scream and had no strength, so she could only struggle reluctantly.

The man cursed loudly: "Be quiet for me, don't move around, or you will die first."

He could have escaped in Ye Tongtong's car, but
"You too, stop! Or I'll kill her!"

The man looked at Zhang Xiaofan and cursed loudly.

Several police officers who were tens of meters away found out and ran over quickly.

Zhang Xiaofan recognized the man through his tattered clothes, messy hair, and dark face.

That is the A-level wanted criminal that the police are now vigorously hunting down!
Why did Zhang Xiaofan recognize this situation?

Because there is a brand on his face.

The man's facial features are good, he has a good face, and there is no ferocious or vicious face.

These horrible names are not at all close to the A-level wanted criminals.

Whoever said that a murderer must have a bad face, this is just what is needed to make a movie. In reality, it is very normal for a bad person to have a good face and an honest face.

"Well, brother, don't be impulsive, it's fine to hurt someone."

Out of worry and fear, Zhang Xiaofan said.

What he was afraid of was not the man, but the fear that Ye Tongtong would be hurt by the man.

After all, the sharp point of the knife was placed less than one centimeter from Ye Tongtong's temple.

If you're not careful, you may get stuck in it at any time.

"Shut up, you bastard, and walk backwards! If you go one meter forward, I'll give her a knife!"

The man's words are cold.

Zhang Xiaofan was afraid, so he had no choice but to back away.

"Du Feng! Hurry up and put down the weapons and hostages in your hands!"

After the police ran over, he quickly made a gesture of drawing his gun.

"If you want me to let go, let me go first! Otherwise, you can imagine the consequences. I have already killed three people, and I don't mind killing one more, anyway, they will all die!"

Du Feng roared loudly.

These words made the policemen running over look at each other in blank dismay, and fell into a moment when they didn't know how to deal with it.

There are three of them, two are auxiliary police officers, and the other is a real policeman, and he is still very young. This is the first time he has been a police officer.

And the real policeman just now told the other colleagues who were searching for the situation here.

It's coming at full speed right now.

The sun was shining and the weather was muggy.

Coupled with the extremely critical situation at this moment, Du Feng's head was covered with sweat.

His hands seemed to be shaking.

And Ye Tongtong saw Du Feng's shaking hands, and finally screamed in fear.

She was terrified.

"Don't bark! Believe it or not, I'll give you a knife right away."

Du Feng put the knife directly in front of Ye Tongtong's eyes.

It could be fear, or it could be downright horrified by the situation.

Ye Tongtong suddenly passed out.

But Du Feng's strong arms prevented her from falling down.

"Brother, will you replace me as a hostage?"

Zhang Xiaofan said flatly.


"Who are you? Just leave it to our police here, and you leave quickly."

The young policeman said seriously.

"she is my friend."

"And I am a doctor in the village. She is not in good health, and she came to see me today."

"The fainting now must be due to an attack of the disease, and timely treatment is needed, otherwise life may be in danger."

Zhang Xiaofan deliberately raised the volume, just to let the wanted criminal Du Feng hear.

When Du Feng heard the words that Ye Tongtong's life was in danger, the corners of Du Feng's mouth twitched.

And at this moment, more than [-] uniformed policemen (there are also auxiliary policemen) rushed over here.

"Fuck! Don't come here, stay away from here!"

Du Feng roared loudly, waving the knife in his hand.

Seeing this situation, everyone stopped.

"Du Feng, calm down and don't mess around."

One of the middle-aged men in police uniform stretched out his hand and said cautiously.

Zhang Xiaofan knew this person, he was Director Gao of the town's police station.

"You let the hostages go, and we will report to the court

"Fuck the court, don't talk about those official words, I am killing people, not stealing things, as long as I am caught by you or go back with you, it will be a death."

Du Feng interrupted Director Gao's words with disdain on his face.

"You should know that during the days when you fled, you couldn't eat well or sleep well, and you were even more frightened. But you also know that it will be a matter of time before we catch you."

"How many days do you want to live like this?"

"Wouldn't it be better if you put down the hostages and go back with us?"

Director Gao's words captured the point very well.

Du Feng laughed and scolded: "I'm a murderer, you tell me this, are you coaxing a three-year-old?"

Director Gao continued: "Your situation."

"Don't keep on talking, get all your people out of here quickly, and prepare a car for me. The car is full of food and drink, otherwise"

Du Feng was obviously impatient, and the knife in his hand seemed to have touched Ye Tongtong's neck.

The situation is very critical.

Director Gao's face was heavy and he fell into deep thought.

"Okay, then give me a few minutes, and I will report to my superiors."

"Let me tell you, don't procrastinate on purpose, my patience is limited!"

The wanted criminal is right in front of him, Director Gao must not let him escape.

But he has a hostage.
This situation is very tricky.

They are ordinary police officers from the town's police station, and the conditions for rescuing the hostages are very limited.

It's not like those snipers on TV.

At this time, if you don't agree to Du Feng's conditions, there is really nothing you can do.

But if he agrees, he may escape, which is also difficult to explain to the above.

Maybe, his position as director
"Director, this is the doctor in the village. She said that the hostage is her friend. He came to see a doctor today. Now he fainted because of the attack of his illness. If he is not treated in time, he will be afraid."

Just when Director Gao was lost in thought, the young policeman spoke.

"Zhang Xiaofan?"

Before the young policeman finished speaking, Director Gao recognized Zhang Xiaofan.

"Hello, Director Gao."

Zhang Xiaofan nodded in greeting.

Then, Zhang Xiaofan didn't want to waste time, he told Director Gao some of his thoughts.

"Xiao Fan, we are the police, and arresting criminals is what our police should do."

"I disagree with what you just said."

Director Gao replied with a serious expression.

From the perspective of planning, the plan Zhang Xiaofan just mentioned is very good.

But Zhang Xiaofan is not a policeman, the wanted criminal in front of him belongs to A-level wanted criminal, he has killed someone.

Extremely dangerous!

Never let Zhang Xiaofan get involved, this is the principle.

"Xiaofan, I understand your desire to help, but the person in front of you is a murderer, even I rarely see such a dangerous level."

"Okay, you leave here first, and leave the rest to our police."

Director Gao patted Zhang Xiaofan on the shoulder and said.

Zhang Xiaofan understood what Director Gao said, but he was still a little disappointed when he heard him say that.

After all, he really wanted to help because he had that strength.

"By the way, I want to change the hostage!"

"Just change that."

Suddenly, Du Feng pointed at Zhang Xiaofan.

Everyone looked at Zhang Xiaofan in surprise.

Although Du Feng was flustered and scared, he wanted to run away.

Then it is necessary to ensure that there will be no accidents in the hostages.

He just heard Zhang Xiaofan say that the hostage has physical problems, the reason for his passing out is the physical reason, and if it drags on for a long time, his life may be in danger.

And if there is a problem with the hostage's life, it means that he has no hostage.

He has no capital to threaten, so he waits for the end of being caught.

Du Feng thought of this and decided to change the hostage.

Just in case, this is the safe way.

And the scene is full of policemen, except Zhang Xiaofan.

Du Feng is tall and burly, with a strong body. Although Zhang Xiaofan is also tall, he doesn't seem to be the thin type.

But there is still a gap compared with Du Feng.

Therefore, in Du Feng's view, changing Zhang Xiaofan as a hostage has no danger factor.

"Du Feng, it's okay to change the hostage, but it can't be him."

Director Gao said.

"Don't talk to me about the conditions, I said it would be him if he changed."

"Come here, or I'll kill your girlfriend!"

Du Feng said coldly, the knife in his hand was still waving.

Hearing what Du Feng said, Director Gao was also embarrassed.

Du Feng has already entered the point of madness, he can't listen to the words at all.

Sure enough, as expected by Zhang Xiaofan, his words still worked.

"I am not."

Zhang Xiaofan was a little panicked, his face was full of fear.

This is what he deliberately played for Du Feng.

It is really unrealistic to not respond flatly.

"Damn it! Come here!"

Du Feng roared, and the knife was placed on Ye Tongtong's neck again.

"Du Feng! Calm down! We promise you."

The situation is critical, and Director Gao is also in a dilemma.

But the situation couldn't allow him to be embarrassed.

The safety of the hostages should be given top priority.

If Du Fengyi gets too excited and accidentally hurts the hostage, the consequences are not what everyone wants to see.

Director Gao said a few words to Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan could only go up obediently according to Du Feng's request.

According to Du Feng's request, all the policemen had to step back ten meters.

Therefore, it is impossible to tamper with when exchanging hostages.

Du Feng can be regarded as a meticulous murderer.

All the policemen with guns at the scene pointed at Du Feng.

Although they all knew in their hearts that with their marksmanship, there were still hostages at a distance of more than 20 meters.

Don't even dare to pull the trigger casually.

However, Du Feng, the murderer, must be given enough pressure on the scene.

And, if there is an accident, it is guaranteed to kill the prisoner in the first place.

Director Gao, who has been a police officer for more than 20 years, has encountered all kinds of prisoners.

But the last time the murderer was caught and chased was ten years ago.

In peaceful times, it doesn't mean that there are no murderers, but relatively few.

Not to mention the murderer who killed three people.

Don't look at Director Gao's serious face and sharp eyes.

But in his heart, he was more worried than anyone else.

When the superior said that the A-level wanted murderer might have escaped to Shi'ao Town, Director Gao felt a little uneasy.

He was not afraid, but worried. After all, the police force in the Shi'ao Town Police Station was limited, and most of them were young people.

In Shi'ao Town, it has been a long time since there have been criminals like murderers.

Not to mention the A-level wanted criminal who killed three people.

Although all of them are well-trained police officers, Director Gao knows that there is still a difference between training and the real situation.

A-level wanted criminal, that is a criminal with a very high risk factor.

When confronted by experienced policemen, they should be very careful.

Not to mention young policemen with little experience.

The Du Feng in front of him had once escaped from the nose of the police.

And he escaped for several days, which shows that he is not an ordinary murderer, he is not only physically strong, but also has an unusual IQ.

Du Feng was very smart, he asked the police to tie Zhang Xiaofan's hands, and walked over slowly.

In this way, it is ensured that there will be no surprises.

In this way, Du Feng successfully replaced the hostage with Zhang Xiaofan.

The medical staff who had been waiting by the side immediately stepped forward and carried Ye Tongtong back who had fainted.

Avoid what goes wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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