Murano's little genius

Chapter 117 Negotiation Expert?

Chapter 117 Negotiation Expert?

The police arrived one after another.

Du Feng was handcuffed and taken to a police car.

The policeman helped Zhang Xiaofan untie the rope on his body.

Director Gao walked towards Zhang Xiaofan.

"You didn't get any physical damage, did you?"

Director Gao came over and patted Zhang Xiaofan on the shoulder, then looked him up from bottom to top.

Zhang Xiaofan patted his clothes, said with a smile: "If I get hurt, Director Gao may go to the hospital to visit me."

"What happened just now? Why was Du Feng captured without a fight? Also, I think he looks like he has lost his soul."

Director Gao turned his head to look at Du Feng in the car.

Zhang Xiaofan explained: "Actually, I was also curious, I chatted with him for a while, and then the car blew out, and he became like this."

"Chat? He is an A-level wanted murderer, what can you talk about?" Director Gao was a little surprised.

"Du Feng is actually not a murderous maniac by nature, but his wife's cheating made him unacceptable and he acted mindlessly."

"Killing his own son by mistake, his life would be worse than death."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

The purpose of saying this, Zhang Xiaofan is not to defend Du Feng.

After all, no matter what the reason, he killed someone, he killed someone, and he didn't deserve sympathy.

The reason why I say this is actually to say that the murderer is also a human being, and he can also chat with him.

"But he killed three people after all, he is a criminal."

Director Gao said.

Zhang Xiaofan also turned his head to look at Du Feng in the car.

"Maybe, but I know that during his escape days, life is worse than death, and it is the same at this moment."

Director Gao's originally serious expression suddenly relaxed.

"It seems that you talked a lot with him."

"At that time, he insisted on exchanging you as a hostage. I was actually very worried. My palms were sweaty. I was afraid that you might say something wrong or do something wrong."

"Fortunately, the situation is good now."

"You are fine, Du Feng has also been arrested."

"However, I think the reason why Du Feng was arrested obediently must be due to your credit."

Zhang Xiaofan spread his hands with a smile: "I just said a few words, he is a murderer, he can't be good after I say a few words, right?"

Director Gao laughed, and then said seriously: "Xiaofan, I have been a policeman for more than [-] years, and I have come into contact with so many prisoners that I can't even remember. A murderer, if it weren't for the influence of outsiders, he would Will it suddenly become like this?"

Zhang Xiaofan fell silent.

He thought about it, the reason why Du Feng was like this, what he said really played a big role.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan's silence, Director Gao continued: "Actually, it's normal to use words to make a prisoner regret or punish him, but that's for negotiators."

"Of course, I don't know what you talked about with Du Feng just now, but since you can talk about making him like this, it proves that you are very good and have a high level. You may be able to compete with those negotiators."

Zhang Xiaofan patted his head and said with a smile: "I'm just an ordinary person, but I don't have the ability of a negotiator."

"Du Feng is not a murderous maniac by nature, he just kills people out of anger, and then flees not for escape, but because after killing people, especially his own son by mistake, he is a little insane, Embarked on the path of "revenge."

"Look, we don't know about this situation. You and I chatted for a while and it became clear. This is your ability."

Director Gao smiled.


Zhang Xiaofan was speechless.

Indeed, only Zhang Xiaofan knows these things.

Because after killing people, Du Feng fled.

If he doesn't say it, no one will know about it.

"Report to the director, the criminal Du Feng asked to have a few words with him."

At this time, a policeman ran over and pointed at Zhang Xiaofan.

"It won't work here, let's talk about it when we go back!"

Director Gao refused.

"Director, he said that if you disagree, he will bite his tongue."

Hearing this, Director Gao looked displeased and frowned.

After all, Du Feng is a murderer. What he said made Director Gao think twice.

Seeing director Gao thinking, Zhang Xiaofan said: "Director Gao, let me go, maybe Du Feng really has something to say to me."

Hearing this, Director Gao pondered for a moment: "All right."

Director Gao was not worried about anything. After all, everyone was caught, handcuffed, and anklets were put on.

There are two policemen on the left and right, and they can't do anything.

Instead, he felt that he couldn't catch Du Feng now and be "threatened" by him. What is the majesty of this policeman!

In the car.

Du Feng's mood returned to normal.

"If they didn't tell me, I really think you look like a policeman."

Just as Zhang Xiaofan sat down, Du Feng smiled at Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan couldn't think of this situation.

"Hehe, I thought about writing essays when I was a child, but now that I'm a doctor, it seems to be the same."

"It's all for the country and the people."

Zhang Xiaofan also answered with a smile.

Chatting like this, at least the atmosphere will not be so ruthless.

Very relaxed and ordinary.

"Thank you, your words made me feel relieved."

"I have never realized my own fault. It is my own eyes that only make money and ignore the feelings of my family."

"Without you, I must have gone further and further down the wrong road."

"If I kill his wife and children, I'm sure I'll go to hell and never be reborn."

When Du Feng spoke, his tone was very approachable.

He should be like this usually.

"Actually, I didn't say anything. If you had said this to the police earlier, they would have spoken to you like I did."

From Zhang Xiaofan's point of view, after the murder, Du Feng has been on the run, and no one has ever spoken to him properly.

Therefore, he couldn't express what was in his heart.

And there was no one to help him relax.

Language is a bridge of communication and a channel for people to release their hearts.

"You are not a murderous maniac by nature, but your mind is a little messed up. If you have someone to talk to you properly, if you have a good chat, everything will become clear."

Zhang Xiaofan shrugged his shoulders easily.

Hearing this, Du Feng laughed.

"You're really different, at least, I've never seen anyone like you."

"In the eyes of others, I am a murderer, a murderous madman, who will have a good chat with me?"

Zhang Xiaofan said: "Actually."

But before Zhang Xiaofan could say anything, Du Feng went on to say: "If I'm arrested now, I won't have a chance to live."

"Of course, I have no idea of ​​living."

"For me, family is everything."

"I grew up in an orphanage since I was a child. I have no father or mother. For me, home is more important than life."

"Now that this home is destroyed in my hands, I really can't die a hundred times."

"When I think about taking a ten-year-old child, my heart..."

Speaking of this, Du Feng burst into tears.

Presumably, only when he died would there be no pain in this matter.

If you kill someone, you must accept the punishment you deserve.

Zhang Xiaofan has no sympathy for this point.

It's just that I feel a little sad when I think of a good family becoming a "broken family".

"Actually, I have a younger sister."

"Both grew up in orphanages, but then he was adopted and we never met again."

"It's fate that I die now, and I deserve it. However, I have always had a wish, that is, to meet her again one day. It's a pity."

"Can I ask you one thing?"

Du Feng looked at Zhang Xiaofan with a pleading look.

"You said."

Of course Zhang Xiaofan didn't immediately agree.

"I have a peach pit hanging around my neck, and my sister has one too."

"If one day you see someone wearing the same one as me, then she should be my sister, and she has a mole on her back and shoulder."

"When you see her, I hope you can bring me a word."

Speaking of this, Du Feng moved closer to Zhang Xiaofan's ear.

"If there is a day when I see her, I will convey it to you."

Zhang Xiaofan said after listening.

In fact, Du Feng knew in his heart that this was just his fantasy.

He hasn't found it after more than ten years of searching, maybe his sister is long gone.

The reason why he asked Zhang Xiaofan to help him do this is nothing more than a "last wish".

Zhang Xiaofan also understands that the chance of meeting his sister is like finding a needle in a haystack.

However, since people are begging for help, agreeing to it can be regarded as fulfilling their "last wish".

(End of this chapter)

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