Chapter 118 Sun Qian Comes Back

The police car escorting Du Feng drove away slowly.

Zhang Xiaofan looked at the "little basket" carved out of peach pits in his hand, and there was also a word "Feng" engraved on it.

The words are very small, if you don't read carefully, you really can't find it.

Just as Zhang Xiaofan was looking at the "little basket" of peach pits in his hand, Director Gao came over.

"It can be heard that he trusted you in a short period of time, which is incredible."

Director Gao did have some respect for Zhang Xiaofan.

This young man is really not simple.

There is that feeling of being a master of the world.

"Maybe, it's because he has no friends around now."

Zhang Xiaofan put the things into his trouser pocket.

"I'm curious, are you really just a doctor in the village?"

Director Gao suddenly asked suspiciously.

Zhang Xiaofan looked down at himself, then said with a smile: "Director Gao, don't I look like a doctor?"

Director Gao quickly explained: "That's not true, it's just that you give me the feeling that you are not just a doctor, but a doctor in a village clinic.

Your abilities shouldn't just stay here.

Well, I have to rush back, and I will treat you to dinner later. "

Director Gao looked at his watch.

"take me Out to eat?"

"You'll know after the fact."

"You go back first."

After saying a few words, Director Gao got into the car.

After watching Director Gao leave, one of the police cars took Zhang Xiaofan back to the village.

Head of Stone Village.

There were many people standing at the entrance of the village, and Zhao Tieniu was also there, probably attracted by the big commotion.

However, Ye Tongtong was nowhere to be seen.

Zhang Xiaofan asked about the two policemen who hadn't left yet.

The police told Zhang Xiaofan that Ye Tongtong was taken to the hospital.

But Zhang Xiaofan knew that Ye Tongtong was fine, just fainted from fright.

The medical staff sent it to the hospital, just in case.

After the policemen left, Zhao Tieniu rushed up first.

And other villagers who had just arrived also surrounded them.

They all asked Zhang Xiaofan what happened.

So many people asked, Zhang Xiaofan didn't have so much to answer.

He could only explain casually, saying that he was also called to the scene as a doctor, and the murderer had already been caught.

Everyone knew that after the murderer was caught, the expression on his face was visibly relaxed.

After the wanted criminal notice was posted, the villagers were all on tenterhooks.

Now he was caught not long after, and the villagers all praised the police for their high efficiency in handling cases.

After more than a dozen villagers dispersed, Zhao Tieniu bumped Zhang Xiaofan's shoulder.

Then he said with a strange expression: "Xiao Fan, you must have not told the truth just now."

Zhang Xiaofan smiled awkwardly, he could only tell Zhao Tieniu some key points about what happened just now.

When I heard that Zhang Xiaofan became a murderer's hostage.

Zhao Tieniu's hair stood on end, full of fear.

You know, Zhao Tieniu is also a man who has been a soldier for several years.

However, it was because Zhao Tieniu had served as a soldier for several years that he understood the danger better.

"Brother Tie Niu, don't let my grandpa know about this."

Zhang Xiaofan instructed.

"Xiaofan, don't worry, I understand."

"But Xiaofan, you are in danger this time."

Suddenly, Zhao Tieniu laughed inexplicably.

"What danger?"

"The relationship between you and that beautiful girl is not simple. Now if she knows that you have become a murderer's hostage because of her, she will marry you in tears."

Zhao Tieniu said happily.

"Brother Tieniu, you can't talk nonsense, I don't know her well, and I become a hostage, that's the murderer's request."

Zhang Xiaofan tried his best to explain.

"Xiao Fan, explaining is just covering up. After I left in the clinic just now, you should be doing well, right?"

Looking at Zhao Tieniu's wretched expression, Zhang Xiaofan knew he was powerless to explain, so he turned his head and left.

But Zhao Tieniu hurriedly chased after him, he knew that Zhang Xiaofan was angry, so he quickly explained that it was a joke.

Of course Zhang Xiaofan knew that Zhao Tieniu was joking, he wasn't really angry either.

After the movie-like incident just now, Zhang Xiaofan wanted to go back for a rest, after all, he was really tired.

But Zhao Tieniu insisted on going to his house. It turned out that it was Sun Qian who came back.

Hearing Sun Qian's return, Zhang Xiaofan's heart skipped a beat, a little dazed.

It seems that what should come is still coming.

Is he really going to see Sun Qian now?

In daydream, Zhao Tieniu directly took Zhang Xiaofan's hand and walked towards his house.

Muttering in his mouth: "Your sister Qian has already cooked delicious food, but I couldn't get through to you just now. I came here specially to find you."

Zhang Xiaofan wanted to refuse, but it was already too late.

For the sake of multiple companions, Zhang Xiaofan called Zhang Quandan.

However, Zhang Quandan is discussing marriage at Cuihua's house.

There is no other way, Zhang Xiaofan gritted his teeth and did as before.

Walking into Zhao Tieniu's house, he saw Fengsheng was a table of meals.

Zhang Xiaofan also saw Sun Qian who hadn't seen him for a few days.

I accidentally glanced at Sun Qian twice, and found that she was a little haggard.

Maybe it's because of his brother.

After Sun Qian cleaned up, she also sat down.

She glanced at Zhang Xiaofan, that look became a bit more complicated.

This made Zhang Xiaofan unable to see through.

"Xiaofan, thank you for making money with my Tieniu."

"This glass of wine, sister Qian respects you."

"Sister Qian"

Without waiting for Zhang Xiaofan to speak, Sun Qian directly poured a glass of wine, picked it up with both hands and drank it down.

From the words and expression, Zhang Xiaofan indeed saw the feeling of gratitude.

And Zhao Tieniu also said the same thing, and drank a glass of two taels of wine in one go.

Zhang Xiaofan felt, why did it become a thank you banquet?
"Xiaofan, if you hadn't earned 3 yuan by bringing Tieniu to grow medicinal materials, my mother would have..."

After finishing speaking, Sun Qian turned her head and gently wiped her tears with her hands.

Seeing Sun Qian like this, Zhao Tieniu said the next words for her.

It turned out that because of Sun Qian's younger brother Sun Bo's gambling debts, the family was poor and poor.

Sun Qian's mother almost committed suicide by drinking pesticide because she couldn't think about it. If Sun Qian didn't find out and stop it in time, I'm afraid the yin and yang would really be separated.

If Sun Qian's mother is gone, Sun Qian's father will follow her too.

This result, for Sun Qian, is probably a grief that she will never let go of in her life.

At this time, Zhao Tieniu received 3 yuan for planting medicinal materials.

The 3 yuan Tieniu didn't say anything, and directly handed it over to his daughter-in-law Sun Qian.

And the reason why Sun Qian's mother wanted to die was because Sun Bo gambled and made the family poor and poor.

Of course, it was also because of Sun Bo, the prodigal son.

Although 3 yuan can't make my younger brother become competitive, it can make my parents no longer worry about it.

Because of the money, I saw hope again.

It's that simple, but not that simple.

(End of this chapter)

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