Murano's little genius

Chapter 119 This is different

Chapter 119 It's Different

"Xiaofan, children's business"

After a few glasses of wine, while Sun Qian was leaving, Zhao Tieniu finally brought up this question.

It can be seen that the matter of the child is his heart after all.

"I can do it anytime."

Zhang Xiaofan also knew that what he promised, he couldn't avoid it.

What's more, this is what must be done to deal with Sun Qian's previous "threat", otherwise
"Okay, then I'll go tell your sister Qian."

After speaking, Zhao Tieniu went to discuss with Sun Qian.

Zhang Xiaofan, who was sitting, was still nervous when this matter was about to happen.

Palms are sweaty.

"Xiaofan, go in, your sister Qian is in the room."

"Wait at the door outside my door."

When he said this, Zhao Tieniu's heart was pierced like a knife, but what can he do?

He lit a cigarette and walked out.

From Zhao Tieniu's back, Zhang Xiaofan could not understand the helplessness in his heart.

He really wanted to persuade, but this matter could not be solved in a few words.

Unless it can restore Zhao Tieniu's ability to make Sun Qian pregnant.

But now, although Zhang Xiaofan's medical skills are amazing, Zhao Tieniu's situation is special, it's not a simple lack of ability, but the nerve necrosis in that aspect.

If you want to revive the necrotic nerves, you have to use black iron and silver needles.

In fact, Zhang Xiaofan also thought about using medicinal materials that absorb "spiritual fluid" for treatment.

Because the medicinal materials that absorb the "spiritual liquid" can enhance the efficacy of the medicine and shorten the treatment time, it has a "miraculous effect" that the same kind of common medicinal materials do not have.

However, medicine and acupuncture should complement each other, and medicine and acupuncture are indispensable.

Therefore, in order to cure Zhao Tieniu's disease, he still needs the black iron needle that the old man said.

This time, Zhang Xiaofan didn't hesitate, just pushed the door open and walked in.

After entering, Sun Qian sat on the bed like last time.

Without waiting for Sun Qian to call, Zhang Xiaofan walked over.

It seemed so active and bold.

Zhang Xiaofan also sat by the bed.

Sun Qian changed into a flat-knee suspender dress, put on light lipstick, and light makeup.

But that's it, it looks so charming.

The conditions of natural beauty are really revealed at this moment.

Looking at Sun Qian, Zhang Xiaofan didn't look away.

Today he knew that no matter what, he couldn't escape.

Since you can't avoid it, take the initiative and be bold.

It's also good to give yourself a good explanation for the first time.

Sun Qian sensed Zhang Xiaofan's demanding gaze.

It seems that she is naked in front of Zhang Xiaofan at this moment.

"Sister Qian, you come or I come."

Zhang Xiaofan said proactively.


Sun Qian understood what Zhang Xiaofan meant.

She never thought that it was Zhang Xiaofan who said this on his own initiative.

"Xiaofan, I'm sorry!"

"I take back what I said last time."

Sun Qian bit her lip and said, then lowered her head.

Zhang Xiaofan almost didn't react.

"After this is done, I won't pester you anymore."

While speaking, Sun Qian pulled down one of the suspenders.

"Sister Qian, what's wrong with you?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked suspiciously.

Sun Qian suddenly laughed again, and then said: "It's nothing, anyway, just pretend that what I said before didn't happen.

"Come on, I'm ready."

After finishing speaking, Sun Qian was about to pull down the sling on the other side.

Hearing Sun Qian say that, Zhang Xiaofan was very happy.

However, he didn't understand why Sun Qian suddenly became like this.

"Sister Qian, did something happen?"

Zhang Xiaofan stopped Sun Qian's movements.

Sun Qian's delicate eyes flickered slightly.

"After my brother's gambling, I understand that I can't disregard the feelings of my family in order to satisfy my own selfish desires."

"If I hurt them because of myself, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life."

"Actually, last time I said that there is a boss in town who likes me, I lied to you."

"There's no such thing at all, it's all a lie to stimulate you."

"Ah! This"

Zhang Xiaofan never expected that Sun Qian actually told such a lie last time in order to force himself to agree.

"Sister Qian, it's okay, I understand."

As the saying goes, long live understanding, not to mention, Zhang Xiaofan doesn't know what to say in this situation.

Zhang Xiaofan is very pleased that Sun Qian can consider her family.

"So, here, Sister Qian apologizes to you."

"After we finish borrowing the seeds, I won't do that to you again."

"I want to be worthy of my family and Tieniu."

"A person's life is not only about doing that thing, I also have my family, and there are people who love me all the time."

Zhang Xiaofan admired Sun Qian's words.

After not seeing each other for a few days, Sun Qian seemed to be a different person.

Her thoughts seemed to have been sublimated.

Therefore, people have to experience something before they can really change a person's thinking.

The previous Sun Qian, perhaps because of impulsiveness, or because of the novelty, suddenly had that inexplicable impulse towards Zhang Xiaofan.

Even seduce, even coercion.

But because of her younger brother Sun Bo's gambling debts, her mother almost committed suicide by taking medicine.

Let Sun Qian understand that she threatened Zhang Xiaofan to become a "lover" with her.

It was a big mistake.

What if Zhao Tieniu knew, what if her parents knew?
The consequences are really unimaginable.

In life, what is far more important than selfish desires is your family, the people who love you.

Really, Zhang Xiaofan was inexplicably moved when he heard Sun Qian say this.

"Xiaofan, come on."

Sun Qian continued to pull down his skirt.

However, Zhang Xiaofan stopped him again.

"Sister Qian, since you can have the idea just now, don't you have to borrow a child to have a child?"

"Is this really what you and brother Tie Niu want?"

"Brother Tieniu wants to have a child, the first reason is because he is afraid that you will be too lonely, and he will not be able to give you that kind of happiness. You may not be able to bear the loneliness and what will happen to other men."

"The second is because of Brother Tieniu's parents and reputation."

"Brother Tie Niu and you didn't say anything, but I actually know that if you have this child who doesn't belong to Brother Tie Niu, you will have a gap in your life, and Brother Tie Niu will never be able to get the happiness you deserve in your life."

"Also, if your parents know that this child is not Brother Tieniu's, how serious the consequences will be, you should also know."

"In that case, why don't you have a good chat with your parents?"

"This matter will not solve the problem at all, but will complicate and expand the problem."

Seizing this opportunity, Zhang Xiaofan made a big push.

Now that Sun Qian has undergone a qualitative change in her thinking, why not persuade her?
If he could convince her, then Zhao Tieniu would be fine.

Then he himself would not have to do such absurd things.

"Xiaofan, this is different."

Sun Qian said.

(End of this chapter)

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