Murano's little genius

Chapter 120 Get Out of Stone Village!

Chapter 120 Get Out of Stone Village!
Sun Qian said a lot.

Zhang Xiaofan heard ten thousand animals running past in his heart.

Borrowing things can't be escaped after all.

I thought that Sun Qian would understand the "threat" to herself, and regretted it.

It should also be clear that borrowing seeds is not a good idea.

But she actually said that she borrowed the seed to repay him.

Because Sun Qian understood that if Zhang Xiaofan hadn't brought Zhao Tieniu to plant medicinal materials, there wouldn't have been the 3 yuan.

If it wasn't for the 3 yuan, then her natal parents, she really couldn't imagine whether they would commit suicide.

The moment Zhang Xiaofan was a little dazed, Sun Qian had already taken off her skirt, only wearing underwear.

Another beautiful scenery.

I have done what I should do.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't care anymore.

He took the initiative to hug Sun Qian.

His hands turned into a giant dragon, climbing hard.

"Jingle Bell!"

However, the phone rang again.

Zhang Xiaofan's heart is fucked.

Why did you call again at a critical moment.

So without even looking at it, he hung up the phone.

However, she just hung up in less than three seconds.

The phone continued to ring.

Zhang Xiaofan hung up again.

Then it rang again.

"Xiaofan, why don't you answer the phone first, maybe there is something urgent for you."

Sun Qian said with a blushing face.

Helpless, Zhang Xiaofan answered the phone.

It was Wang Fang calling.

"Wait for me, I'll go there right away!"

Not long after answering the call, Zhang Xiaofan suddenly sat up from the bed.

"Sister Qian, I have something urgent to do, so let's go first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Xiaofan ran out directly.


Sun Qian wanted to ask something, but she had already run out of the house.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan running out.

"Xiaofan, are you done?"

Zhao Tieniu dropped the cigarette in his hand and asked.

"Brother Tieniu, the key to the motorcycle."

Zhang Xiaofan didn't reply, just sat on the three bungee.

Zhao Tieniu was a little confused, but he still took out the key.

Zhang Xiaofan took it directly.

Then step on three jumpers and twist the accelerator.

leave quickly.

This made Zhao Tieniu puzzled.

"Is this... finished?"

Zhao Tieniu touched his head.

Wang Fang called and said that Wang Quanyou had come to her house to make trouble again.

She was calling while crying.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan must rush there immediately.

There is also the situation that there was something that could not be done first.

Originally Zhang Xiaofan thought that if it was not urgent, he had to finish the borrowing, otherwise he would torture people every day and feel uncomfortable.

Unexpectedly, it was a matter of urgency.

Sanbengzi galloped on the road in the village and arrived at Wang Fang's house in no time.

"You bitch, you really don't take what I say seriously, you already gave Zhang Xiaofan face last time, it's useless for anyone to come today."

"If you don't abide by the customs, you can't blame anyone. Wang Quande must go out to do religious services for a day, otherwise, there is absolutely no way to enter here."

"Wang Quanyou, you will die badly. Quande is already like this and you still want to bully him."

"Bitch, don't hold my hand!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Quanyou kicked Liu Lihe directly on the shoulder.

But Liu Lihe still did not let go.

"Fuck! Pull her away from me!"

Two other strange men came with Wang Quanyou.

Hearing what Wang Quanyou said, the other two went up together.

He directly grabbed Liu Lihe's hand.

"Don't touch my mother."

And Wang Fang beat the two strange men hard with her powder fist.

But, what's the use, the two men are not good at first glance.

"Wang Quanyou, your niece looks good, why don't you"


One of the fat-faced men just wanted to reach out and touch Wang Fang's face.

Suddenly Zhang Xiaofan punched him hard in the face by Zhang Xiaofan who ran over quickly.

He twisted his face directly and fell out.


Zhang Xiaofan stared angrily, and cursed coldly.

"Boy, dare to do it! See if I won't give up one of your hands."

Another man with dyed yellow hair saw this situation and swung his fist directly towards Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan dodged, and then directly punched the yellow-haired man in the face.


The whole person fell to the ground in pain.

Wang Quande on the side was frightened by the situation in front of him, he didn't expect that Zhang Xiaofan, who looked like a gentleman, knocked down two gangsters in the town with two punches.

After going back that day, he was still unwilling to think about it.

Because, he played sideways and lost some money.

Now not only do I have no money, but I also owe more than 1 yuan.

Today I know that Wang Quande did not go out to do things according to the custom.

So there is a plan.

Through a friend's introduction, Wang Quanyou invited two gangsters in the town.

The purpose is Wang Quande's 10 yuan.

"Zhang Xiaofan, what are you doing!"

Wang Quanyou shouted.

"Wang Quanyou, don't be too extreme in doing things! Can you really survive with such a conscience?"

Zhang Xiaofan said unhappily.

While speaking, he helped Liu Lihe up.

Wang Fang at the side ran to Zhang Xiaofan's side because of fear, and held his hand tightly.

"It's okay, Brother Xiaofan is here."

Zhang Xiaofan patted Wang Fang's head and comforted him.

"Zhang Xiaofan, what does this have to do with you? I already gave in that day, and they agreed to it. If we don't follow the custom now, then I will do it for them!"

Wang Quanyou's momentum did not drop at all.

"With me here, you don't have to think about it."

"If you don't leave, I'll beat you too."

Said, Zhang Xiaofan waved his fist.

Wang Quanyou instinctively took two steps back.

He didn't expect Zhang Xiaofan to have such a skill, maybe he had practiced a little.


Wang Quanyou gritted his teeth, there was nothing he could do about Zhang Xiaofan.

There is no way, Zhang Xiaofan doesn't want to be rough.

However, sometimes you are conniving if you don't act rough.

"Damn it, I'll kill you!"

The yellow-haired man stood up suddenly, covering his nose and cursing angrily.

He raised his fist and swung it towards Zhang Xiaofan.

The result can be imagined, Zhang Xiaofan kicked him in the abdomen.

Fly directly out one or two meters.

It was so painful that I cried my father and mother.

Zhang Xiaofan today is extremely angry.

Normally, he would try his best to solve it with words without doing anything.

In peaceful times, if there is less violence, there is less violence.

The blame can only be blamed on Wang Quanyou.

These two gangsters thought they could easily earn a thousand dollars.

As a result, medical expenses are not enough now.

"Wang Quanyou, did you call these two from outside?"

"Hurry up and tell them to get out of Stone Village, or I'll beat them until they don't even know their mother."

Zhang Xiaofan could tell at a glance that the two lying on the ground were not from Stone Village.

The gangsters in Stone Village are basically related to Zhao Tiezhu.

And Zhao Tiezhu had already spoken, without his words, Zhang Xiaofan could not be offended or troubled.

Therefore, these two gangsters can only be people from outside Shitou Village.

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan changed his usual reasonable appearance.

Sentences tend to be violent.

(End of this chapter)

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