Murano's little genius

Chapter 121 It's just today's one, it's not up to standard

Chapter 121 It's just today's one, it's not up to standard
"Zhang Xiaofan, I know you are very capable, but you also have to be reasonable."

"You hit someone now, I have to find someone to judge."

"Come here! Zhang Xiaofan hit someone!"


Zhang Xiaofan went up and slapped Wang Quanyou directly.

The voice was loud and crisp.

"Are you reasoning with me? You brought two bastards here to mess with Aunt Lihe and Fangfang. Just now you kicked Aunt Lihe."

"Even if I break your leg, you don't care!"

"Two days ago, I respected you as an elder to reason with you, but if you do this today, you really don't know how to repent."

"It's a shame that Uncle Quan De has a brother like you."

"I'm here today for money, right? I'm sorry, but your plan has failed."

Zhang Xiaofan was not forgiving, he pointed at Wang Quanyou and cursed angrily.

Wang Quanyou's abacus, Zhang Xiaofan knew it right away.

Did he really want to follow the customs?It was just a disguised form to force Liu Lihe to spend money to "resolve the matter".

Wang Quanyou's head buzzed from this slap.

He ran out like a headless chicken.

"Boy, dare to hit us, you are finished!"

"Do you know who Brother Crow is in town? You're done."

The two lying on the ground barely stood up.

Looking at Zhang Xiaofan unwillingly.

Speaking special words.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't speak, just raised his fist, and the two staggered and ran out.

Come out to hang out, how can there be no big brother on the head, presumably this crow should be their big brother.

But it doesn't matter to Zhang Xiaofan now.

The village tyrant Zhao Tiezhu was afraid of him for various reasons.

Could it be that the Brother Crow they are talking about is really the Brother Crow in the movie?
After Wang Quanyou and the two bastards were beaten away by Zhang Xiaofan.

Liu Lihe was crying to thank Zhang Xiaofan.

And Wang Fang aroused the hearts of the protected girls.

Zhang Xiaofan just now is really a superhero in Wang Fang's heart.

When it was most needed, Zhang Xiaofan just rushed over, just like on TV, beating people away.

Liu Lihe talked to Zhang Xiaofan, now Wang Quande is willing to talk.

Ask him if he would like to go out for a day and do things according to the custom.

Wang Quande refused.

He said that he worked hard for most of his life to get such an ending.

Proof that God doesn't open his eyes.

Since you don't open your eyes, why bother to abide by this shit custom.

When Zhang Xiaofan heard this, his heart was a little touched.

People who are originally superstitious become more superstitious as they encounter things.

But Wang Quande, on the contrary, became less superstitious the more he encountered things, and instead resisted superstition.

This was unexpected.

And since Wang Quande refused, then Liu Lihe must respect his choice.

Zhang Xiaofan walked into the room and greeted Wang Quande, and Wang Quande's mental state improved a lot.

This proves that his worries are gone.

When Zhang Xiaofan asked about it, Wang Quande explained that in the first few days, he really had thoughts of not wanting to live.

But after returning home, although his eldest brother Wang Quanyou came to make trouble, he was very sad.

But my wife and daughter encouraged me and brought me meticulous care.

Let him regain confidence, must continue to face life.

Live for yourself and your family.

This is the power of family.

Zhang Xiaofan suggested that Liu Lihe buy a wheelchair for Wang Quande, it would be more convenient.

"Brother Xiaofan, thank you, I'm going to work at the village committee tomorrow."

Wang Fang happily said to Zhang Xiaofan.

"Well, do it well, maybe you can be transferred to the town in the future."

Zhang Xiaofan said.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't lie about this point, if he does well and has some personnel, it is indeed possible to be transferred to the town to work.

And Liu Lihe and Wang Quande were so happy when they heard this.

Working in the government of the town, to put it a bit exaggerated, for them, that means glorifying their ancestors.

Even though Wang Fang is a girl, she is still a child of the Wang family.

But they also understand that this is not an easy task.

"Uncle Quande, I heard from Fangfang that you planned to marry her off after you came back. Why?"

Remembering what Wang Fang said, Zhang Xiaofan asked.

After all, this incident was one of the reasons why Wang Fang dropped out of school.


Wang Quande sighed deeply.

A face full of self-blame.

Then explained.

It turned out that they all heard other people's "instigation" outside.

It is useless to read so many books if you say that women are not admitted to college.

In addition, there is no son, so I quickly find someone in the village or nearby to marry off my daughter. If there is a son-in-law, he can be regarded as half a son.

Otherwise, I really wait until my daughter graduates from many studies, work outside, and then find a husband from outside the city.

At that time, I cried without tears.

The two elders are lonely and will not know when they are sick.

Married close, at least there is still a feeling of not being married.

If you marry far away, you will give birth to a daughter in vain.

At that time, when Wang Quande heard it, it was "suddenly enlightened", so he had the determination to marry Wang Fang after he passed.

At this moment, he also regretted that Fangfang dropped out of school because of his selfishness, and almost became those gangsters on the street.

Although it is unfortunate that this happened, it can make Wang Quande have such a "wake up".

That was some consolation.

Stayed at Wang Fang's house until evening.

But he didn't have dinner at Wang Fang's house.

Instead, he went home to accompany his grandfather.

After all, it's a busy day.

I really have very little time to spend with my grandfather.

while eating.

"Xiaofan, that girl is not bad today, she is good-looking, can talk, and looks quite educated."

"It's good to be a daughter-in-law."

"However, her family should be from the city, right?"

"Hey! It's a pity, grandpa can't help you with anything."

"Although grandpa is old, I have heard that people in the city now require a car, a house and a stable job when looking for a son-in-law."

"And you just came back now, you have nothing, and you haven't paid off the money owed by your studies and family, this"

Zhang Dalei blamed himself on his wrinkled face.

"Grandpa, you are always optimistic, why are you so pessimistic today?"

"I said, give me some time, I have the ability and confidence to make a lot of money."

"What's more, your grandson and I have a vision of marrying a daughter-in-law, just like today, it's not up to standard."

Zhang Xiaofan patted his chest and said.

"What? You don't like this today?"

"It's over, grandpa will never see his granddaughter-in-law in this life."

Zhang Dalei said while shaking his head.

Zhang Xiaofan knew that his grandfather had started to be mischievous again.

Grandpa Sun, they were talking and laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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