Murano's little genius

Chapter 122 The Truth About the Chemical Plant

Chapter 122 The Truth About the Chemical Plant
The next morning, Zhang Xiaofan woke up as soon as the sky turned pale.

He wanted to continue to sleep, but he couldn't sleep.

But in this season, the days are long and the nights are short. Looking at the time, it is very early.

Even my grandfather didn't get up.

So, after a simple wash, Zhang Xiaofan took Xiao Hei and walked into the mountains.

Because, he remembered something that he didn't fully understand yesterday.

With Xiao Hei by his side, it feels like there is one more person.

Because it is very spiritual.

It understands everything Zhang Xiaofan says.

All the way up the mountain, I don't feel lonely.

Xiao Hei has a super sense of smell, Zhang Xiaofan let him search along the pipe buried in the ground.

"Wang Wang!"

Followed by Xiao Hei's dog barking, it was as expected by Zhang Xiaofan.

The place where the toxic sewage is discharged is Zhao Tiezhu's chemical plant.

During the search with Xiao Hei just now, Zhang Xiaofan discovered their method of discharging the poisonous sewage.

They have a main pipe for discharging toxic sewage, and then the main pipe is divided into several smaller water pipes, and then the divided water pipes are further divided into several water pipes.

The purpose is not to discharge toxic sewage in the same place.

There are many mountains near Stone Village, and they are also very large.

There are many small mountain streams in it, and the places where they flow are different.

In this way, the discharged toxic sewage is discharged to different places by small water pipes. In this way, the amount of toxic sewage discharged from the same place is relatively small, and after being diluted with water, although it is also poisonous, it is difficult to find.

It can be seen that Zhao Tiezhu and the others have spent a lot of money and effort on this point.

Zhang Xiaofan thought of Zhang Quandan's cornfield.

He guessed that there should be a pipe for discharging toxic sewage buried under the cornfield of Zhang Quandan's house.

The heavy rain that night should have been washed away by muddy water, which exposed the pipe, and then the pipe broke for unknown reasons. The sewage polluted the cornfield in an instant.

If these toxic sewage are directly absorbed by crops, it will definitely end up with rotten roots.

And those villagers who often drink mountain water in the mountains will definitely have physical problems over time.

Zhang Xiaofan thought of a terrible problem, if Zhao Tiezhu discharged the poisonous sewage into the Shiwan Reservoir, then the entire Stone Village villagers would probably be covered with toxins.

Because the villagers of Shitou Village have been using the water from the Shiwan Reservoir under the government's water conservancy project for many years.

However, since Zhao Tiezhu had spent such a large project on detoxifying the toxic polluted water, he must know that it is the first thing to be cautious about this matter.

There is only one entrance in the entire chemical plant, and there are several security guards at the entrance.

It is said that they are security guards, but they are actually Zhao Tiezhu's subordinates.

Except for the employees inside, ordinary people cannot enter.

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan saw a large truck coming out of the chemical plant.

A truck full of goods was transported, but Zhang Xiaofan wasn't sure what it was.

Because it's all covered.

Although the water discharged from Zhao Tiezhu's chemical factory did not pollute the water source used by the villagers of Shitou Village.

But it pollutes the mountain spring water and the place where the mountain water flows, that is huge.

It does great harm to animals and humans.

Zhang Xiaofan guessed that although the water was not discharged to Shiwan Reservoir, what if it was diverted to other reservoirs?

After all, this Shiwan reservoir is just one of the reservoirs in this mountain.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan realized the seriousness of the matter.

Zhao Tiezhu's chemical plant must be shut down!
Now Zhang Xiaofan has come into contact with four people who have been poisoned by drinking mountain spring water, one is Li Guangsheng who has been seriously poisoned, and the other three are villagers from Shitou Village who have been slightly poisoned.

Based on this guess, Zhang Xiaofan thinks that there may still be many villagers drinking mountain spring water occasionally.

Therefore, at this time, those villagers who had the habit of drinking mountain spring water when they went up the mountain must not drink any more.

In addition, let those villagers who have drank mountain spring water but have no physical problems temporarily take medicine to relieve the toxins accumulated in their bodies.

The discharge of toxic polluted water threatens the health of villagers.

And unknown hazards have not yet been revealed.

Once it breaks out, the consequences will be disastrous.

As a doctor, Zhang Xiaofan would not allow such a thing to happen.

But what Zhang Xiaofan has to do now is to go back and inform the village committee in the name of a doctor.

He found poisonous substances in the mountain spring water near Stone Village.

From today, all villagers are no longer allowed to drink the spring water from the nearby mountains.

Then, the villagers who have drank mountain spring water in the nearby mountains in the past six months will gather at the village committee.

Zhang Xiaofan will drink a cup of detoxification liquid for each villager who has no symptoms or very mild symptoms of poisoning.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan hurried down the mountain.

No wonder Zhao Tiezhu has made so much money these years.

It turns out that the chemical plant behind it has such tricks.

Although Zhang Xiaofan doesn't know much about opening chemical factories, he knows that a chemical factory that discharges such poisonous sewage must be illegal.

In other words, Zhao Tiezhu's chemical plant must be operating illegally.

It is conceivable that a chemical plant operates illegally and the profits are huge.

Zhang Xiaofan originally wanted to directly report Zhao Tiezhu's chemical plant to the relevant department.

But thinking about it carefully, when Zhao Tiezhu came back from prison, he had nothing.

He has the money to build a chemical plant?Although the scale of the chemical plant is average, it can't be done without a million.

And looking at Zhao Tiezhu's state, I heard that he seldom goes out. It seems that he is only responsible for managing the chemical plant.

Therefore, there may be someone behind him, and it should be the rich and powerful one.

Maybe a phone call to report, people will receive wind in the next second, and there will be a solution to the problem.

In order not to startle the snake, Zhang Xiaofan felt that he had to "start" with Zhao Tiezhu.

There are some things that you should be more direct, so be direct.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan decided to "talk" to Zhao Tiezhu.

How to talk about it, you have your own way.

Before returning to the village, Zhang Xiaofan called Zhou Degui directly.

Said to let the cadres of the village committee gather at the village committee, and he had important news to inform.

Zhou Degui dare not neglect what Zhang Xiaofan said.

Immediately summon all village cadres to the village committee.

In front of all the village cadres in Shitou Village, Zhang Xiaofan revealed his discovery.

Of course, it didn't say that it was Zhao Tiezhu's chemical factory.

"Village chief, it shouldn't be difficult to inform every villager about this, right?"

Zhang Xiaofan deliberately asked about Zhou Degui.

"Of course it's fine."

Zhou Degui replied without any hesitation.

Immediately, Zhou Degui distributed tasks to every village cadre.

That is to tell the news to every household.

Those who have a phone call, and those who don't have a phone call to notify.

In short, no one should be missed.

"Xiaofan, how did you find this?"

Zhou Degui cautiously asked about Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't play charades, saying that the villagers who were poisoned all had one thing in common, they all drank the spring water from the nearby mountains.

Then I went to check, and it turned out that there was a problem with the check.

Zhang Xiaofan remembered that when he mentioned this two days ago, Zhou Degui avoided talking about it.

And now speaking of this, he is also a little bit wrong.

From the moment he heard the news, he was a little absent-minded.

Could it be that he already knew?

"Village chief, to tell you the truth, I have confirmed that it was caused by the poisonous polluted water discharged from Zhao Tiezhu's chemical plant."

Zhang Xiaofan unexpectedly said this to Zhou Degui.

Zhou Degui immediately stared at Zhang Xiaofan with wide eyes, it seemed that there was no accident, but more worry and fear.

"Village Chief, I know that you have been "threatened" by Zhao Tiezhu, the village tyrant, for the past few years. I understand that you are afraid of him."

"I don't care what interests you had with him in the past, but the current situation has involved the lives of the villagers, so you have to take care of it!"

Zhang Xiaofan ruthlessly exposed it with words.

(End of this chapter)

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