Murano's little genius

Chapter 123 If Necessary, You Should Take the Shot

Chapter 123 If Necessary, You Should Take the Shot
"Xiaofan, you."

Zhou Degui looked at Zhang Xiaofan with fearful eyes.

He and Zhao Tiezhu have beneficial contacts, which are well known in the village.

But everyone also understands that when the village head who is greedy for small things meets the village tyrant Zhao Tiezhu, it is like a mouse meeting a cat, and he can't run away even if he wants to.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan said something that no villager dared to say.


Zhou Degui sat down and sighed.

"Xiaofan, since you know it, you should have thought about it. Although I am the village head, I am also an ordinary person. What can I do?"

"I don't think about myself, I also want to think about my wife and children!"

"You don't need me to tell you what kind of revenge I will get for offending Zhao Tiezhu."

Zhang Xiaofan also sat down: "The current situation is no longer a question of innocence, the harm caused by his chemical plant has seriously endangered the property and life safety of the villagers in our stone village."

"Also, we don't know how harmful it is potentially harmful."

Zhou Degui smoked violently: "Ever since you told me that the villagers were poisoned by drinking mountain spring water, I already guessed that it has something to do with Zhao Tiezhu's factory."

"However, Zhao Tiezhu never told me about the poisonous sewage discharged from the chemical plant."

"I don't even dare to inquire."

"My interest relationship with him is nothing more than my promise that he will not report the construction of the chemical plant, nor disclose any information about the chemical plant to the higher-ups."

"Also, I can't interfere with what he does in the village."

"If I do this, he will give me a sum of money every month."

"And if I can't, the consequences"

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaofan took a deep breath on his cigarette.

The face is full of complex colors.

"Village Chief, I know your difficulties. I don't ask you to do anything now. You just need to tell me what you know."

"As for the chemical plant and Zhao Tiezhu, you can leave it to me."

Zhang Xiaofan didn't force Zhou Degui to "confront" Zhao Tiezhu head-on, but what he had to do was to tell himself everything he knew.

"No! Xiaofan, this is not acceptable."

Zhou Degui shook his head violently.

"Why not?"

Zhang Xiaofan was a little angry.

"Xiaofan, I'm doing this for your own good!"

"You can't afford Zhao Tiezhu and the others, really you can't."

The cigarette in Zhou Degui's hand smoked quickly.

"Village Chief, I'm not the Zhang Xiaofan you knew when you were young. Although I just came back, if I use all my strength to deal with Zhao Tiezhu, I'm sure."

"Otherwise, why should I know some people with backgrounds when I come back?"

Zhang Xiaofan shrugged and said calmly.

The purpose is for Zhou Degui to dispel his worries.

He didn't want to have any confrontation with Zhao Tiezhu before, it was unnecessary for the time being, and he just came back, and he also wanted to work hard to make money first.

But now, the situation is different. Zhao Tiezhu's chemical plant has been involved in endangering the property and life safety of villagers.

Knowing that an illegal chemical plant emits toxic pollutants that endanger the environment and human life.

Can Zhang Xiaofan ignore things?
The old man said that the most powerful medical skills can bring the dead back to life.

But it can't save people's hearts.

If necessary, the shot must be shot.

Now is the time to make a move.

Of course, Zhang Xiaofan will not act recklessly, and has his own plan.

"Xiaofan, if it's just Zhao Tiezhu's problem, I believe that with your current background and strength, you can definitely deal with it."

"However, the person involved in the chemical plant, Zhao Tiezhu is just a factory watcher."

Finally, Zhou Degui said what he had never dared to tell anyone.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan frowned slightly, as expected.

"Even the black and white crows in the town are related, they have to obediently listen to the people behind them."

Zhou Degui continued.

"The crow? Who is he?"

This is the second time Zhang Xiaofan heard this title.

"Crow is the boss of the most famous "grey industry" in Shiwu Town."

"When Zhao Tiezhu sees him, he has to call him Brother Crow."

"On the Tao, it can be regarded as well-known."

Don't say I don't know, what Zhou Degui said made Zhang Xiaofan understand.

Although these years are peaceful, there are still many people who wander in gray areas.

It seems that the Brother Crow that those two gangsters were talking about yesterday is indeed the "Underworld Boss" in the movie.

"So Xiaofan, you have a great future in the future, and the villagers in Shitou Village will rely on you to make a fortune in the future. Zhao Tiezhu's chemical plant is really untouchable."

Zhou Degui said again.

The corners of Zhang Xiaofan's mouth drew a nice curve, and then he took the chimney handed over by Zhou Degui: "Village chief, if the chemical plant can't be stopped, do you think Stone Village has a future? I'm planning to plant medicinal materials vigorously now. If the chemical plant becomes polluted What about Stone Village? Zhang Quandan’s [-] acres of corn is the best example.”

"Also, how can the health of thousands of people in the village be guaranteed?"

"If it hadn't been discovered in time, Li Guangsheng might have been hopeless long ago, and he might be dead now."

"Now, maybe the toxic sewage discharged from Zhao Tiezhu's chemical plant has already polluted the water sources of other villages."

"What's the difference between these and homicide crimes?"

Zhang Xiaofan's words made sense, Zhou Degui couldn't answer.

Because he admitted, he was selfish.

For the sake of himself and his family, he dared not offend Zhao Tiezhu, let alone go to the chemical plant.

Half an hour later, the villagers who received the notification knew that they would occasionally drink mountain spring water when they went into the mountains, so they came to the clinic in fear.

In this way, there was a long queue at Zhang Xiaofan's clinic.

There are hundreds of people.

However, most people basically drink it once or twice.

It won't cause anything, but Zhang Xiaofan still gave them the prepared medicine.

"Xiaofan, why do you think these mountain springs are poisonous!"

"Could it be that our Stone Village is cursed?"

"Yes! How could this happen!"

Suddenly, there was a lot of discussion in the crowd.

Some people think it is cursed, some people think it is a problem with Feng Shui, some people think it is poisoned.

These were all denied by Zhang Xiaofan.

He told the villagers that tomorrow he will find out the reason with the free doctor who came to the village to give everyone a reassurance.

This is what Zhou Degui just told him, and the doctor for the free clinic is sure to come to Stone Village tomorrow morning.

Zhang Xiaofan really wants to tell everyone the truth, but now is not the time.

He had to talk to Zhao Tiezhu first to see the result before deciding whether to announce the result.

If the "peace negotiations" can't solve it, there is no other way but to make it public.

In fact, Zhang Xiaofan doesn't have any hope for "peace negotiation", but, no matter how small the hope is, try it, what if it succeeds?
How much trouble this would save!
"Zhang Xiaofan, this isn't a trick you and the village chief teamed up to deceive us, right?"

"A cup of liquid medicine costs ten yuan, and you have earned more than 100 yuan with more than 1000 people."

Suddenly, such words sounded from the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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